01x17 - It's in the Cards: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x17 - It's in the Cards: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


Fortunoyour fate has been sealed.

It is useless to try to write what was already written

By the stars many years ago.

You believed that you would achieve greatness

But you're nothing more than a pawn in a game

Beyond your comprehension.

And now you will give me that which I seek.

Manthis, isn't over yet!

Number shock master!


Hey, who are you?

Tell me!

You need not worry your hapless self about who I am, but who I

Have sworn allegiance to.

And who's that?

I serve at the pleasure of my great master, kite!

It is for him that I take not only your number card,

But your very being!

Your bidding has been done, my master - another number

Card has been obtained.


♪ As life is a game they say

♪ I can't win, I'll never amount to nothing ♪

♪ Down and down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire, my dreams from dieing ♪

♪ I hi-five the skys

♪ Spread my wings say got this time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe...

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future is still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance to chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪


♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breathe my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance

♪ I'm taking a chance today

Yumalook out, world, ' cause here comes yuma!

That's right!

Someone powered up his deck!


How do you feel today, my awesome little darlings?

Feel like getting out there and takin' some fools down!?

Why do you look so blue?

Astrali suppose it is just my pigmentation.

Or perhaps, something to do with light refraction.

Uh, whaddya talking about?

I mean, why do you look sad?

Torihey, yuma!


What's up, guys!

Something is going down.

That's what's up.

Come on, we need to have a serious chat!

This doesn't sound good


What happened to these people!?

Bronknobody knows much!

Caswellthey all went missing at one point and ever since they

Were found, they seemed to have aged or something and they just

Stare off into space and-


They're like zombies!

Yuma, these people only have one thing in common

They're duelists.

And before they went missing, every single one of them had

Found a number card!



In the end yuma, since you possess a number card,

It stands to reason that you are in danger.


I'm sure it's just a big co-eenk-ee-dink!

Anyone do the math homework?

You're hiding something!

What do you know, yuma!?

Are number cards, like, you know, dangerous?

I dunno.

Why would they be?

Don't play dumb!

I, uh, I gotta go to the bathroom!

Wait up!

What's he hiding?


Why are you keeping the truth from your friends?

I dunno, I guess, I guess I don't want them to get involved

With all the kite stuff, the less they know, the better.

I see.

Perhaps you are right

I guess all those people in the news were people

That kite hunted down.

Well, maybe we should hunt him down so that we can go ahead and

Put him in his place!

And how do you propose we, "put him in his place?"

Are you telling me you're still scared of that jerk?


If you wanna get your memories back, then sooner or later,

We're gonna have to defeat kite and get those number cards!

And what happens if we lose?

Kite gets to add your soul to his growing collection and I

Vanish away to who knows where!

That's why we won't lose, astral!

Cathyuh, hello yuma.

Oh man!

You scared me.

What are you doing up here, cat?

You remembered my name

Um, who were you talking to?

You know what, I've gotta go to the bathroom.

See ya later.

Bye-bye, cat!

Okay, well that was weird.

Master kite, I present to you my latest conquest,

Number shock master.

Now let us find out what fate holds next.

I bring forth my fortuneteller's deck

The deck is showing me the signs, stray lambs

In the dark.

Their shepherd will come looking for them, he will

Bring us another number

See ya later!

Hang on, yuma!

I gotta do some shopping for grandma!


Argh, escaped again!

Me and caswell got a little idea, tori.

"The super secret number card investigation club?"

That's right!

Although, now that I hear you say it, I guess

It's kind of a mouthful

The point remains - if yuma isn't going to talk about number

Cards, then we'll have to uncover the mystery!

Flipdid someone say mystery!

I love a good mystery!

I am requesting membership in your club!

Sure, flip!

Hey, in fact - you had a number card at one point, right?

I did!

And I would be more than happy to tell you what I

Remember about my experience!

So tell us!

What I remember is absolutely nothing!

That's a big help!



I would like to join your investigation club, as well.

Uh, okay,

Earlier, I saw yuma talking with himself.

Oh, yeah, he does that.

What was he talking about?

Numbers and, and flying kites.

Flyin' kites?

What's that about?

Maybe number card people use kites to signal each other


Let's split up and track down some leads!

Sounds good!

We can do this!

We're the super secret number card investigation club!


Let's go!

They say dogs are the best animals for tracking things down

Let's prove them wrong!

There is certainly a lot of mystery surrounding these number

Cards, but - in the end,

Everything has a logical explanation.

A mystery is just a puzzle.

A puzzle has pieces.

Pieces fit together, but how?

And what if you don't have all the pieces?

Or the box that tells you what the puzzle is even

Supposed to even look like

Very curious

Excuse me, uh

Sharkwhy are you running around and asking people

About number cards?

Oh, hey shark .do you know anything about number cards?

I know that they're bad news, and that you shouldn't be asking

Random strangers about them.

Whaddya mean?

Why not?

This isn't a game that you wanna be playing, tori,

Leave it alone.

Go home.


Anyone else have any luck?

Not me.

Not me, either.

Yeah, I got nothin'.

In the end, this mystery may remain a mystery.

Have no fear!

Flip is here!

Sometimes you've just gotta look in unlikely places, which is

Exactly what I did!


What is this place, flip?

I was told that this mansion belongs to a world-renowned

Fortune teller!

A what?

A fortune teller is somebody who is magical and all-knowing!

And what have we here, stray little lambs looking for

Answers and guidance?

I have been expecting you, follow me and I will lead you

Towards the enlightenment you all are seeking.

I got a bad feeling about this.

Probably the burrito you had for lunch.

This place is like a museum.

Yeah, a haunted museum.


Where's he taking us?

Uh, nice place.

I know why you're here.

You seek to gain knowledge about something that is troubling you.

How did you know!?

I see everything!

What you're looking for is

Let's see

I'm seeing a rectangle, something thin, I'm seeing

A card!

Not just a normal card, a powerful card, it's, no, not one

Specific card, a type of card,

Yeah, we're looking for!


I'm seeing visions of, numbers!

How does he know that? We never mentioned anything

About no numbers!

It's got to be some kind of trickery.

Show some respect!

There's no trickery in fortune-telling!

So, what else do you see?

Do you see anything more about these numbers?

These numbers contain a great evil


They seek to possess those who hold them, they invade their

Hearts and corrupt their spirits

So yuma he, he could end up like those people we saw!

Tell me.

Who is this yuma?

Our friend, he

He's got one of the number cards.

We've been worried

Because he won't tell us what he knows about it even though, we

Can tell, he knows something that he's not telling us.


My vision ends here.

Your vision ends here

You have given me what the stars said you would, my dear little

Lamb, my master is going to be most grateful.

Hey, tori, let's go.

Actually, I was hoping that you could stick around a little.

Cat, go get help!

Yes, go get help.

Stop all the sighing!

It's really bumming me out.

That does it.

We're totally starting up a quarter jar policy!



You have to do something!

What exactly do you need me to do?

It's tori and the others, they!

They what?

Spit it out!


Cat cannot hear you right now.


What's going on with your voice?

My name is fortuno.

I am a seer of all things and I bring to you a message on behalf

Of my master, kite.


Oh dear.

We have your friends, yuma, if you want to see them again,

You must come to my mansion and duel me.

If you refuse my request, then your friends will be

Will be what?

They'll be

What happened?

I must have blacked out, or something.

Where is this mansion?

You have to take me.

Yeah, follow me.


I do not like this.

We cannot simply go running headfirst into what is

Clearly some sort of ambush.

Oh, well what do you wanna do then, smart guy?

Stay here and do nothing?

Astral, my friends are in trouble!

You cannot save them if you cannot defeat kite.

Kite is skilled beyond anyone I have ever encountered.

He is cunning and clever in ways that elude me.

There is no guarantee that we can defeat him, yuma.

So you think I should only duel people when I have a hundred

Percent chance of victory?!

That is correct.

My very existence is on the line when you duel, yuma.

Why would I encourage you to duel someone when I know

You will lose to them?

Because we!

If you run into kite's ambush right now, you will lose

And you will have failed to save your friends and then I will be

You don't know that I'll lose!


Forget it.

It's obvious that you don't wanna help me.


I don't need you!

Nobody breath, nobody sneeze, nobody panic, nobody move!

Somebody save me!

Calm down, flip!





Check it out!

Hey, guys!

You ok!?

Why can't we hear them?

Welcome, yuma!

So glad that you could make it.

Are you fortuno?

You need to let me friends go, right now!

I will gladly release them if you can defeat me in a duel,

And I hope you don't mind, but

My master kite will be spectating


Astral, I thought you weren't coming

Hey, astral?

Master kite!

I, your humble servant, will defeat this boy

And seize his number!

You think so!?

Soon, your soul will belong to my master!

I don't think so pal!

Soon, you're gonna be lying on the floor without

Any life points.

And I'll be leaving with my friends.

Duel disk go!

Duel gazer let's roll!

Computer voiceaugmented reality vision link established.

Let's duel!

I'll take the first move.

Prepare yourself, I draw!

I summon orange shaman in attack mode, ha!

A monster with no attack points

And with that, I place one card facedown and end my turn!

Get set to get decked, pal!

I draw!

I summon gogogo golem!

Aw, yeah!

Right now, he can deal a lotta damage in a single strike!

I activate orange shaman's special ability!

Since you summoned gogogo golem, orange shaman can usher another

Shaman to my field!

Appear before me, red shaman!

Zero attack points again you must not attack him!

What are you, nuts?

This is my moment.

Openings don't get any better than this!

Gogogo golem attack!

I reveal the trap dance of the guardian!

This allows me to choose one card in your hand, and if it

Just happens to be a monster card, then your

Attack will be nullified!

And I already know what you're holding!

No you don't, it's not like you're some kinda

Psychic or something!

Yuma, he is!

You have five cards in your hand!

There's only one monster card among them.

That would be the second card from the right.

Whoa, how did you?

At this moment dance of the guardian sends the card I

Selected to your graveyard and I am able to draw from my deck!

No, gagaga magician!


I guess you are a psychic!

Nothing that I have learned about the human mind would lead

Me to believe that a man is capable of this power.

Does kite also have this ability?

If so, stopping him maybe impossible.

I mean, seriously

How is that fair?

Now, yuma - defend.

You must fortify with that trap in your hand!

That's all I can do for now.

I place one card facedown and end my turn.

It is my turn, then!

I activate the spell shaman call!

When I have two spellcasters with zero attack points, shaman

Call grants me the power to summon another

Shaman from my deck!

I summon green shaman to the field!


This is why he consecutively summoned two monsters that had

No attack points.

Witness the power of those who see beyond time!

Watch in wonder as I overlay orange shaman,

Red shaman and green shaman!

With these three monsters, I build the overlay network!

I xyz summon, number sixteenshock master!

That thing is freaky looking!

Behold shock master's special ability!

Once a turn, I can use one overlay unit to negate the

Effect of a card type of my choosing!

Any type?

That's correct, my boy, and the card type I choose can't

Be used for two turns!

I can see it right now!

The exact type of your facedown card

He knows.

My vision grows clear, your facedown card is a trap!

No way!

I declare that trap cards cannot be activated!

I do hope that you weren't planning on using that

Card to stop my att*cks

Shock master take out gogogo golem!


Did I forget to mention?

Your friends' safety depends on you.

The more life points you lose

The more the rock on which they stand will crumble!

Not cool!

Are you prepared to bow before my power and

Before my master, kite!?

And now your soul and number cards

Will be mine!

Galaxy-eyes photon dragon!

Prepare to attack!

Is this it?!

I am afraid so


This feeling I have this trembling in my spirit

I think I now understand what it means to be afraid
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