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04x09 - The Berry Best Biscuit

Posted: 03/15/24 13:18
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit filled fun ♪

♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪

♪ Just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ Strawberry Short... ♪

♪ She may be small but... ♪

♪ no task is too tall ♪

♪ for Strawberry ♪

♪ Shortcake ♪♪

So exciting! What a great idea, Apple, to expand our dessert line to our...

...own dog biscuit business!

Ok, Apple. Ready to be part of our "Berry Best Biscuit" assembly line?

After I decorate the bisscuits with doggie-friendly icing,

you wait for the icing to set, say, couple minutes, then wrap each

biscuit in a piece of the pink cellophane and tie on a ribbon.

These are already set...


I'm on the it!

(Oven ding)

Great! Cuz here we go! Another batch is done!

If you find any that are broken or messy, just toss 'em in the discard box.

These'll be for the pups of Berry Bitty City. Won't they be pleased?

This one's going all the way to Berry Far Flung Township. They ordered six boxes!

Ya know... these...

...don't really look like dog biscuits?

They don't?

No, they really look more like cookies.

(Giggles) I see. Yeah they do look pretty delicious, don't they?

Like iced-sugar cookies.

Well there isn't any reason we couldn't eat them, they're made from all natural,

people-friendly ingredients, but they just look sweet,

they are really more savory flavored that's what dogs like.

Savory? Yummmm.

Strawberry means, like the pretty icing doesn't have any sugar in it;

it's sweet potato flavored dog-friendly, of course.

Sweet potato flavored? Yummmmm.



Mmmm. Yummmm!

Yah-HAH! (Cackle)

Ew, gross. I saw what you did.


She ate a dog biscuit! Apple ate a dog biscuit!

Apple ate a dog biscut!.

Sweet and I taste-tested them, why don't you try one?

Ewww! No way! I'm not a four-legged creature

who eats off the floor and wags its tail.

(Panting) (bark)

Like some people we know, haha!

These are ready to go to the post office, Sour.

I think you went too far with your teasing. Why not apologize to Apple?

(Sigh)Oh, Senorita Sensitive.

Sorry Apple. I was just kidding....


Did you really think...

...Madame Key Lime could have done it?

I wouldn't cross Madame Key Lime off your list of suspects, if I were you, girls.


Hi, guys! Strawberry's homemade tripleberry muffins! And spiced hot cider!

Yum! That's so sweet of Strawberry to send those over

and for you to bring them, Apple.

How's the book?




Can I pour you some nice hot...

(Snuffles & panting)

(Growls, pants and barks)

Sour? Are you turning into a werewolf?

(Panting) Didn't you guys know Apple eats dog biscuits? Haha

Yep, I saw her this very morning... chowing down on,

yeah. Dog food. Hahaha

She only tried one of our sweet potato doggie biscuits.

(Laughing) Told ya!

Sour, be nice or you can be excused from book club.

Politeness is another one of our rules you seem to have forgotten.

Oh, come on! I was only fooling around! You guys are so... stern. (Sigh)

Sorry, Apple...

(Playing french horn)

That's coming along nicely, Apple. Once more, please.

(Playing french horn)

(Wrong note)

That's okay, try and relax...

Hi, Sour. Can we help you?

(Doggie barks and yips) (Giggles)

Sour! Stop your teasing. Can't you see we're having a lesson?

Sorry! Just kidding!

(Hugh!)That's the last pineapple.

You mean the last straw?

Uh, yeah, sorry. On Berry Bountiful Island, they say "last pineapple."

Straw, pineapple, whatever.

It's on now.

Apple, where are you going? You were doing so well with your arpeggios!

you're required to defend your honor.

Uh, I'm not sure what is required in Berry Bitty City, but I don't think it's that!


Lemon? I really like the new shampoo you're using. Smells great.

New? This is the same shampoo I've been using for weeks.

(Sniff) Hmm. That doesn't make sense. Smells like...

(sniff) sandalwood?

It's supposed to be lavender.



That sandalwood smells familiar.

(Sniff, sniff)

(uh!)Hey, how did dog shampoo get into this bottle?

This is definitely my sandalwood-scented dog shampoo!



Didn't you all know? Sour likes to have her hair washed

with dog shampoo... followed by a good dusting of



(Horrified scream)


(Evil chuckle)


Hi, Apple! SweetMornin' Apple.

I'll have my usual, please.

Oh, it's over there at that table.

Sour already got it prepared for you at a special table.

Wasn't that nice?



Sour(Hysterical laughter)

Huh..? Whats wrong?


(Gasp) My tablecloth!

...muh, muh, table!




(Shrieks and screams!)

Uh-oh. On no. Whoa-no...


Your Majesty, Queen of Berryvania, and your Royal Highness, Princess Berrykin...

...Thank you for your testimony.

Ladies of the jury. You've heard the witnesses' testimony:

...How at our annual croquet tournament,

our visiting royalty was soaked from head to toe with sparkleberry goop...

...And you've seen the damaged property...

...from the cafe.

All this caused by the feud between Sour and Apple.

Have you reached a decision?

to spend the weekend camping at Berry Beautiful Meadow.




Ok, we're off. You're on your own. We'll see you back in town Sunday night,

no earlier than sunset.

Try and get along? ...Please?


(Slurp) (Mmmmm!)

(Air pump)



(Stomach growl)



(Grass rustling)



Look what you made me do!

That looks...

looked good. I'm sorry.

Never mind. I can always make another one.


(Happily humming)

What if... (exhale)


What if... oh never mind.

If you are going to keep bothering me by speaking,

you might as well say something useful.

(Exhale) If you make me one of those, I'll set up your tent.

And my air mattress?

Mmmm... ok I'll blow up your air mattress. make me dessert.

Ehh. Oh, all right. ...Deal.


Mmmm. This is... (swallows) pretty good.

The campfire is not bad. Um... thanks,

for um... making it, heh.

You're welcome.

This is... better. Thanks.

Dinner was, um... really good.

As good as the oatmeal I made you? (Snicker) I have to admit,

I really had you. You looked pretty goofy.

Yeah, yeah, but my sprinkler thingie was worse.

It's really all my fault. I started the whole thing with all my "dog" teasing.

I'm sorry.

Do you think they'll ever forgive us?

I hope.

Let's make it up to them.


By you and me... not playing any more pranks.



Did you hear... giggling?

Bouncin' boysenberries. Look at them!

Well that worked better than I thought!



Hi Girls.


Sorry I wasn't around to help with the biscuits this weekend.

And I'm sorry I caused so much trouble.

Sounds like you and Sour worked things out... I'm glad.

Sour is pretty cool. I hope she likes me...

but I don't even cook,

(sigh) I wish I was more like her.

How about you help us by making your own biscuit recipe?

My own? Really?

Sure. We'll get you started and you can make up your own

flavorings you know, stuff doggies will like.

Tea Time!

I have something for you.

It's turtle-shaped! I made it for you... my own recipe.

It's carrot flavored!

Ok. One for Scouty, one for Marmalade, one for Chiffon...

Huh! Where are you going?


(Sniffling) Doesn't like my biscuits! I must be a terrible cook. What'll I do?

I can't give the other pups the biscuits I made them.

They won't like 'em either!

What if.. I gave you a crash course in cooking?

Really? Would you, Sour!?

But you have to be serious. And pay attention. And follow orders.

I promise!

First, a cup of flour.

Then, a teaspoon of salt.

Cup of flour...teaspoon of salt.

(Sigh) Oh great. Just great.

Cup of oil. Teaspoon of paprika.

Tablespoon of lemon juice.

(Sigh) Oh great! Just great.


I knew it! I'm brilliant!


I knew it! I'm brilliant!

Mmmmmm. You are! You're a natural chef, Apple!

Really, Sour?

But I taught you everything you know. Ha ha.

Oh, no. I mean, how could sweet Pat Primrose be so, so fiendish?

People always have a dark side, Sweet.

Sweet doesn't have a dark side.

(Door chime)

Hi Apple.

Glad to see you.


Brought the cider. So who done it?

Who knows, we're only on chapter four.

Some people don't like to skip to the end.

stead of finishing the book at home.

(Laughing) Ouch. That was pretty good.

Have a popover... I made 'em myself.

Sour helped me. She taught me everything I know.

Psych!!! (wild laughter) No, here. Just kidding.

They're.. really good, Apple.

I knew it! I'm brilliant!

Catch ya later. Gotta go visit with my real friends.


See you.

Not if I see you first!


You were right about the dark side.

What did you do to her?

Just gave her a cooking lesson! And she's a natural.

There was nothing "natural" about that. Nothing naturally... Apple.

She's acting like... like you!

Oh no. She's a...

...sour Apple!

Ya know, last time, Lemon, my polish chipped in one day.

Maybe a free make-over is in order?

Well, I did warn you to wait til it dried, but you rushed out of here.

I don't have time for slow-drying polish.

(Sigh) It's normal-drying, but...

Hey, Beauty Betty! Are you paying attention to what you're doing?

Whuh--did you say?

You got polish on my finger tip. Do you think you can keep it on the nail,

or do we need to get you connect the dots?



Apple? What's gotten into you?

What's gotten into me?! Hmmn.... I think I learned to cook in one day,

but Lemon needs to go back to beauty school for like...forever.



I've had it with this chop shop. Good luck, good riddance and goood-bye!

(Nervous, guilty cringe)

(Phone ring)


Oh. It's you.

You what?

LemonI want to give you a free "make-over" to correct what happened this morning.

Uh-huh. Well... I guess so.

Now that's more like it.

Hello, Apple.

Oh, no, no, no, you're first in line they've been waiting for you.

Oh. Well, that's better.

Sit here by me.

We just want to tell you what we think of the new Apple.

...New Apple?

You see, we really miss the old Apple.

You used to be so sweet.

And now you say mean things that hurt our feelings.

But...I thought you'd like me more.

I'm glad you and I are friends. And I'm flattered you like me,

but I don't want you to act like me.

You don't?

Oh, I guess so.

I miss the old Apple, too.

You mean, you already liked me the way I was?


And maybe the old Apple could give me a crash course...

In what?


Hey! That's what Tea Time did with my biscuit. He didn't like it.

Oh no. They're saving them for later.

To a pup, that's the highest compliment.

You mean...?

Yup. Tea Time loves your cooking, just the way it was.

Even before I taught you everything you know.
