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03x10 - The Berry Lucky Day

Posted: 03/15/24 13:08
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl with berry-big possibilities ♪

♪ and fruit-filled fun is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small, no task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud, just give her a call ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl, with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She may be small, but no task is too tall ♪

♪ for Strawberry Shortcake ♪♪


Well-well-well, what have we here?

A four-leaf clover, ha-ha, lucky me.

[high voice] ♪ La-la-la-la-laaaaa... ♪

What is that beautiful sound?

[in a deep voice] ♪ La-la-la-la-laaaaa... ♪

[hitting high note] ♪ La-la-la-la-laaaaaAAA... ♪

[gasp] There's a note you don't hear every day!

[out of tune] ♪ La-la-laaAAaAAaAA! ♪


[singing warm up scales] ♪ La-la-la-la-laaaaa... ♪

♪ La-la- la-la-laaaaa... ♪

♪ La-la-la-la laaaaa... ♪

What's up CinnaPup?


You wanna go play with your friends?


Well go on! Have fun!

♪ La-la- la-la-laaaaa... ♪

[pups barking]



[Berrykin Bloom yells]


Oh, oh, dear!


Oh, my, my!

Those creatures are a menace to the safety of the public.

And to plants! [whimpers]

[pups barking]


Come on, guys, cut it out!




Hey! No!

Look out! Whoa!



Those little guys have a lot of energy...

I think we'd better go get them,

before they get into any more trouble.


Cut it out! These are grocery bags, not chew toys!

[barking and growling]

Pupcake, come here, boy, heel!

Chiffon, heel, girl, heel!



(Blueberry) Scouty, come on, settle down!

(Lemon) Here, Henna, come here!

(Plum) This is not a game, PitterPatch!

(Raspberry) Chiffon!




They do have a lot of energy.

[sigh] If only they had a place to burn off some of it...

Like where?

Like...a place where they can play.

A place all their own. Like a park, or a...

Hey! That's it! A Dog Park!

That's a great idea, Strawberry!

We could ask Huck to help. I think his Hotel

for Homeless Pets in Berry Big City has a dog park.

I bet he'd have lots of great ideas!

I'm calling him.


Hello, Huck? Strawberry.

(Huck) Hi Strawberry, how are you?

Oh, fine, fine.

I'm here with Lemon, Plum, Blueberry and Raspberry.

Say hi.

Huck says hi.

Hi, Huck! [giggling]

[giggling] We were wondering if you had time to come down here.

Well, sure. Why?

Well, we could use your advice on a little problem.

Or rather, seven little problems.

What kind of problems?

What kind of problems? This kind.


See what I mean?

Sure do. I'll be by in the morning.

Oh, That'll be great! Thanks!

See you... bye.

He'll be here in the morning.

I hope we can hold out that long!

Come here you!


[singing warm up scales] ♪ La-la-la-la-laaaaa... ♪

♪ La-la- la-la-laaaaa... ♪

'Morning, Strawberry!

Please, don't stop. I love listening to you sing.

It's berry beautiful.

[giggles] They enjoy it, too!


♪ La-la-la-la- la-la-laaaaa... ♪

[hitting high note] ♪ La-la-la-la-la-la- laaaaaAAAA! ♪

How in the world do you sing like that?

Well, I practice a lot...

But I couldn't hit that high note without this.

My good luck charm.

I think your singing is more than luck, Cherry.

It comes from all the practicing you do.

I found it one day when I was taking a walk in the country.

The next day, I recorded my first hit record.

I could never hit the high notes before I had it.

Now I keep it with me whenever I sing.

♪ La-la-la-LAAha-- ♪

[sour note] laaAAAaaRRRRGGGHHHH!

[barking and howling]

Uh oh. Here we go again.

Easy, guys! No! No! Oh, come back here!

[deep breath]

Pupcake, heel! Settle, Chiffon!

Here, Henna! Oh PitterPatch, please!

Look, Strawberry! I didn't have the charm.

Must've dropped it when I was putting it in my pocket.

That's why I couldn't hit the high note.

Cherry, I really don't-- come here, Marmalade!

I don't think your charm had-- Scouty!

...had anything to do with-- oh, PitterPatch!

[horn honking]

Oh, It's Huck! Just in time!


Looks like you have your hands full.

You can say that again!

No, cut it out!

Give me your hand!

Here you go.


Now you see why we thought a Dog Park might help these guys

burn off some energy!

A dog park's a great idea.

I already made some sketches.

I thought you could put a puppy-playground here...

A fountain for drinking over there,

some places to cool off in the shade...

(Strawberry) Huck, this is wonderful! It's exactly what we need.

How long do you think it'll take you to build it?

Me? Oh. I didn't know you wanted me to--

We can have a Grand Opening next week.

It could be done by then, right?

A big gala, food, music, entertainment...oh I could sing.

The Berrykins will help, of course.

We'll need decorations, flyers, invitations--

Think you could help us, Huck?

Uh, sure. Why not.

Great! When can you start?

Well. I guess I could

Great! Wonderful!

(both) This is our lucky day!

[hammering and banging]

Berrykins are on the job!

On the job!

We are gonna give this project

the highest degree of craftsmanship!


Nothing less than perfection!


(both) It is the Berrykin Way!

[nervous sigh]

(Strawberry) Hi, Huck! How's it going?

Moving right along.

These guys... really know what they're doing!

(Ed) Yo, Mr. Huckleberry! Boss!

Did you want these blivit support corners -by-s or -by-s?

Oh... [gulp]

Well, we want it to be safe, of course.

Wouldn't want it to, you know...fall down.

You got it, Boss!

See? Earl! Told ya he'd want the -s!

Sorry, boss. I'll never doubt you again.

Huck, is everything okay?

Hey. No problem. I've got it covered.

[loud siren]

(Ed) Mr. Huckleberry? You better have a look at this!

Sounds like they, heh, you know, need me.


Sure it is!

Couldn't be!

I can see it, I tell ya!

And I tell ya, I can't!

So, what's the problem?

Not good.

(Earl) Not good at all.

(Ed) Wall's crooked. We're reading . off straight-and-level.

What do ya think, Boss?

Oh. Well. Boy. Hmm.

Looks more like ., wouldn't ya say, Boss?


Well! Uh... looks like a "three" to me!


Okay, people! Gonna have to tear this out and start over.

Let's get some shovels on this thing.

Put some muscle in it! It is...

The Berrykin Way!

Berrykin Way...

I can't let them find out, TomTom.

They'll think I'm a total fraud.

Which I am. [sigh]

Everything I build, falls apart.

That doghouse I built...

And the fence I built...

And the treehouse I built...

What am I gonna do when they find out?


Psst! TomTom. Come on.

Hmm...maybe if I practice, without anybody knowing,

maybe I'll get the hang of it...

I mean, how hard can it be?

There, check that out, TomTom!


I built the whole thing, and it didn't fall down.

That's one fine wall! If I do say so myself.

[bricks falling]

[gasp] Ahhhh....


What was that, Pupcake?

Huck, what's going on, what's wrong?

What? Wrong? Oh, you know...

[sigh] I'm a klutz, that's all.

Everybody thinks I'm a great builder, but...

I can't build anything.

I thought maybe... if I practiced...

[sigh] But you see how it turned out.

Look, Huck. Not everybody's good at everything.

Learning to build things is like anything else.

It takes patience, practice and confidence.

I read somewhere that a good building

is like a good friendship.

It needs a strong, solid foundation.

When you build from a good base,

you get something that lasts forever.

Yeah. Thanks, Strawberry.

[owl hooting]

You know TomTom, maybe Strawberry's right.

I need to have patience. I need to practice.

I need a good foundation.

And some plain old luck wouldn't hurt.

Well, there's a lucky find.

Nice! Wonder where it came from?

Any minute now.

Hey! What's wrong with this thing?


Somethin' berry strange here....


[grunting] incredible.

Well TomTom, I guess my luck has finally changed.


And it changed... when I found this.

I never saw anything like it!

[slowly] .!

Absolutely...perfectly... completely...straight!

The Berrykin Way!

[happy sigh]




(all) WHOA!

Huck, that's another match for you.

I never knew you were such a badminton ace.

Neither did I.


Great shot. Wow!

Huck, you are so good at horseshoes.

Oh, just lucky.


(berrykins) Oooh! Ahhh!

[sigh] What a beautiful day!


Wait. Better make sure.

Did I forget it?

My charm is gone! I have to find it!

I have to find it!


See? We have the wall finished.

The Berrykins are finishing installing the sprinklers now.

The playground's already done.

Will it be ready for the Grand Opening?

Oh, yeah, we're ahead of schedule.

All that's left is the big entry and it'll be--

[Cherry crying]

Cherry, what's the matter?

My good luck...charm.

I c-can't find it... anywhere!

What's it look like, Cherry?

This big, on a chain, crystal, beautiful, all sparkly...

and I can't sing at all without it!

(Strawberry) Cherry, you know you can sing.

You don't need luck for that.

But I do, Strawberry. I can't hit the high notes without it.

Come on, CinnaPup, look for it, girl, find it!


Remember, Cherry, we make our own luck, with practice.

Right, Huck?


Oh, TomTom, I know it's hers.

But it's lucky for me, too. If I give it back...

I'll be a klutz forever.

(Cherry) It's gone, CinnaPup. It's gone...

Cherry. Hold on.

Hi, Huck. What's up?

I just... I wanted to tell you...

Wanna get some lunch?

I don't really feel like it. Thanks.

Are you still upset about losing that...thing?

Mm-hmm. My lucky charm.

Maybe Strawberry was right. Maybe you... don't need it...?

I tried to hit that high note without it. I couldn't.

Cherry? Cherry, listen, I...

need to tell you something. About that--

(Ed) Yo, Mr. Huckleberry! Sir! Big news!

(Earl) Berry big news!


The Berrykin Builders Guild has decided to make you an

Honorary Member of the Society of Extraordinary Engineers.

Congratulations, Boss! A rare honor, indeed!

Richly deserved by such a talented builder.

That's fantastic, Huck.

Don't know what to say, but...

I don't deserve this. Really, I don't.

No one deserves it more.


This is it, TomTom. The keystone.

The last, most important piece.

[panting, barking]

As soon it's done, I'll give Cherry her lucky charm back.


[quiet sobbing in distance]



Oh, I didn't know anyone was here.

Are you alright?

I'm okay. I'm just sorry I can't sing at the party,

after all the work you've done.

The place looks wonderful, Huck. I don't know how you did it.

Yeah. About that...

I think this is yours. I found it.

[gasp] Huck! This is incredible!

Thank you! You don't know how much this means. Now I can--

La-la-la... ahem.

[high note] ♪ LaAAaaAAaaaaa! ♪

I can do it! I can hit the high notes again!

That thing's amazing. I was a total klutz till I found it.

Then I was the best builder ever.

I don't understand it myself.

But it really works, doesn't it?

[hitting high note] ♪ La-la-la-la- laa-LAAAAAAA! ♪

Tomorrow, I'll tell the Berrykins I'm no engineer.

It was all luck.


I've got a hole in my pocket?!

Hold on... I hit the high note, but...

I didn't have the charm.

Maybe what Strawberry said was--

Let's try something, Huck! Let's test it.

What do you mean?

Here goes.

Patience, practice and confidence is the key.

[hitting high note] ♪ La-la-la-la- laa-LAAAAAAA! ♪

Now, your turn!


You're doing it, Huck.

Yeah, but now the real test.

I have to take out the supports.

Look at it, as steady as a rock!

[happy sigh]

[laughing] You did it!

We did it!

[both laughing]


What's going on out here?

You were right, Strawberry.

I never needed that charm. Neither of us did.

Hard work works better than luck.

Is it finished, is it done?

Yep, it's all ready!

[girls laughing]

Hey, Huck. I have an idea.

A souvenir we can share.

Thanks, Cherry. This really was my lucky day.

