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03x08 - The Berry Best Treasure

Posted: 03/15/24 13:07
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl with berry-big possibilities ♪

♪ and fruit-filled fun is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small, no task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud, just give her a call ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl, with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She may be small, but no task is too tall ♪

♪ for Strawberry Shortcake ♪♪

(Cherry) ♪ La la la la-- ♪

[loud drilling]

♪ La la la la ♪

[loud drilling]

[sigh] Mangled mulberries! I can't concentrate!

They said they would be finished yesterday!

I mean, how much banging and shoveling

and trenching can a person take?

The berrykins are working on the juiceberry pipes under my cafe.



[drilling stops]

[sigh] Now, what were you saying?

[sigh] Pretty much what you said. I have to finish

writing this song for the Wailing Willows Band,

but how can I concentrate with all this noise?

Didn't the Berrykins say they'd be finished yesterday?

Well. They were being hopeful, I guess.

And you know how these things go.

It's hard to predict how--



[clanging and banging]

Let's get out of here.


Hiya, Strawberry! Hiya, Miss Cherry!

Top of the morning to you.

[laughs] And good morning to you!

Hi guys! How are all the repairs going under the cafe?

Uh...well, you see, Miss Strawberry, uh we, uh,

we were trying to tackle this sparkleberry power outage

problem that's affecting the entire town and...

we, uh, we kinda crossed some cables under your cafe.

Gotta, you know. Uncross em.

How long will that take?

Well, we are estimating...


Guaranteeing... Hoping.

Planning... Speculating, skeptically speaking.

Calculating... Crossing our fingers...

Do you mind?

No doubt we will have this all fixed up by end of day.

I see. So, probably best if the girls and I

clear out of town for the day?

Say! That way, we wouldn't get in each other's way.


We'll see you at the end of the day then, Earl and Ed.

I am losing a whole day of work.

I can't finish this song out in the countryside.

I am very... stressed.

Cherry, we're all going to lose a day of work,

but I don't see any way around it.

Let's make the best of the situation.

A banana chip picnic?

They look so good-- like gold treasure.


No, no. No snuffling the treasure, CinnaPup.

I know! Let's do something different.

Oh no! I had the whole day set aside

to organize the home improvement section...

What's that?

Ooh. That could be really fun. I'll get some paper...

But, Strawberry. Could you um...

come by and help me with a... predicament?

Blueberry has a predicament she needs help with.

What's a predicament?

Um. A pickle?

A pickle?

A jam?

Like a music jam session?

[giggles] Um, No.

More like a difficulty. A problem.

Ooh. That really is a predicament.


Don't worry, Blueberry,

we'll have you out of there in a minute.


[all gasp]

Lemon! What happened?

The sparkleberry power keeps coming and going in my salon,

and my hair dryer went crazy again!

How am I gonna get my hair untangled?

It's definitely... a predicament.

[hair dryer blowing]


Okay. So each team has a pen and paper for writing clues?

And you all have your secret treasures?


So how this treasure hunt works is,

each team will write three clues.

The first clue will lead to the location of the second

and so on, at each location, you will find a secret treasure.

Whichever team finds the secret treasures first, will win...

the jackpot! Which is back in town, waiting.

Just so we don't get in each other's way,

why doesn't my team go this way,

and Blueberry, your team could go that way.

Good idea, Strawberry.

Okay. We will have one hour to hide clues and treasure,

and we'll gather back here afterwards.

And then we can begin the treasure hunt!

(all) YAY!!!!

Well, that should do it.

Alrighty, Earl let's get everything cleaned up.

Oops! Think I left my skittlejinx

by the cable Q joint.



What was that?





Yiiyyeeee! Ed!

(Earl) Come here ya gotta see this! Everything's going crazy,

I don't believe it! Ya gotta see this!

(Ed) Okay! Okay! Stop shovin', would ya?

What are you talking about?

Were you eating toast?

Nuh, no! It att*cked me.

Oh! You were att*cked... by a piece of toast.

Well, Ed, I'm only telling you what happened.

I don't know how she can stand it.

Who can stand what?

Strawberry can stand working in a cafe that's, ya know...


Haunted? Haunted! There's no such thing Earl.

Yeesh. You and your fancy imagination.

Well, Ed, I'm only telling you what--

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We got work to do. Come on.

Hmph! Ya made me leave my skittlejinx behind again.

Well, Ed, I didn't mean to...

W-wait for me.

You stay up there!



Oh, boobooberries.

Okay. Let the treasure hunt begin!

(all) Yay!!

The first clue is...

"I'm open in the morning. Closed at night.

I am blue all the time. Isn't it glorious?"

Blue... hmm...

[gasp] I know! Could it be Blueberry's bookstore?

Her store is open in the morning, and closed at night...

What do you think, Cherry Jam?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm distracted about that song I'm supposed to be working on.

Come on, Cherry. Get in the spirit.

We need your help to win the treasure hunt!

[sigh] You're right, Orange.

Okay. Let's see. Blueberry's bookstore?

Well, it's not closed all the time at night.

It's open sometimes at night...

for book club and Berrykins' story time.

And Berry Bitty City is off limits for the treasure hunt,

so I don't think they would have

hidden the next treasure there...

"Blue all the time? Isn't it glorious?"

Why would it be glorious to be blue all the time?

You know, blue as in sad?

'Cause you're Blueberry?

I don't know.

If it's not Blueberry, who is blue all the time?

I know! Glorious! Glory.

A morning glory flower! And I know where they grow!




Excuse me, pardon me, beg your pardon...

Morning glories!

You're right, Orange.

They are open in the sunlight and they close at night.


[giggles] Sorry, Mr. Bumblebee!

[buzzes melody]


Our first treasure! A sailing cap? Hmm.

What's the next clue?

"Once I was only broken sticks, but I was put together,

"then someone gave me shells that will break

"and give me feathers. Someday I'll lose my feathers,

"and when comes wind and rain I'll break apart

"and be just broken sticks again."

I was only broken sticks...

Girls? Have you seen the pups?





Oh, you sillies! [giggles]

Where have you been playing?

[all whine]

[all laughing]

Remember, ladies, keep your eyes peeled for a...

"peel in a pine cone in a parsley patch."

Wait...doesn't Berrykin Bloom grow parsley by the meadow?

Oh, yeah!



"Once I was only broken sticks, but I was put together,

"then someone gave me shells that will break

"and give me feathers.

"Someday I'll lose my feathers, and when comes wind and rain,

"I'll break apart and be just broken sticks again."

[all gasp]

(Strawberry) A bird's nest!

Well, hello there. Sorry to disturb you.


Thank you! Bye, now.



Another sailing cap! What does the next clue say?

"Your heads hold the next clue."

What? I don't get it.

You're both holding sailing caps on your heads!

Maybe we're supposed to find a boat?

What do you think, Cherry?

Oh, yeah. Sorry.

Worrying about your song?

[sigh] I'm sorry, girls.

Come on, let's go check the dock.


Oh, how beautiful!

I think she's wishing us good luck.


A peel on a pinecone in a parsley patch!

Our first treasure is a strawberry!

(all) Ohhh.


Where are the pups? PitterPatch!

Where have you guys been?

[all whine]

"You can find me at the bottom of the lake,

"and sometimes in your shoes!

"You don't like it when you find me on your picnic blanket.

"But if you want to find your next clue, come find me.

"I am a castle, but if I get wet, I'll be a lump."

Castle. In my shoes.

Bottom of lake. Picnic blanket.

[gasp] I think I've got it!

You do?

Sand! We have to find a sand castle!

The lake!

Hey, Earl. Would ya mind grabbing me some more nails?

I think I left 'em over by the fridge.


Well? How about today?

Oh, uh, I think the floor is fine.

Couple loose boards won't hurt anyone. You know,

we can just tell 'em to walk carefully around this spot.

I'll just th-throw a rug over it,

and nobody will know the difference.

What?! We of the Official Order of Berrykin

Construction Workers, Trench Diggers and Carpenters

do NOT do sloppy work.

You want anything done right, guess you gotta do it yourself.

Earl, are you asleep?

There it is! A sand castle!

Careful! Don't knock it over.

Look, Raspberry, what do you make of this?

It's just a patch of fabric.

"It's nice to each have treasure,

"but put your things together. Share, and you'll get there.

"Start at points north, south, east and west,

"then put yourselves together."

Put our things together? A strawberry?

Patch. A strawberry patch!

Put ourselves together?

I don't under... well, I don't...

I don't get it.

Let's go to the strawberry patch first, then go from there.

I don't see anything in the boats.


[Strawberry giggles]

Look! Now I have a hat, too!

Well, first we have to get it.

You guys wait here. We'll be right back.


If we four split up and each go to the north, east, south

and west points of this strawberry patch,

and put ourselves together...

...we should end up in the center of the Berry Patch!

Right, Plum.

Okay, Team. See you in the middle.

Come on, Scouty. You can help.


Okay, hurry! We have our treasure!

Let's be first back to the gazebo!

Where did the pups go?


I told them to wait right here on the dock.


Marmalade! Come here, girl!


Should we go to the gazebo and then look for them?

I think we better look for them now. Pupcake!

[yelling for dogs]



We made it!

Where's the treasure?

We are in the center of the berry patch, or thereabouts.



Look. There's something buried here!

...buried treasure?


Good job, boy! Good job, everybody.

(all) Ahhhh!!


Let's head back to the gazebo so we can be first.

Those berry bitty banana chips sound pretty good right now!

[all whining]

Come on, Scouty. Show us the way.


Maybe the pups got lost.

I think we may be lost. I don't recognize anything around here.

This started out so fun, but now we are really...

In a predicament. Oh no, I'll never get back,

and I'll never be able to turn in that song

I promised the Wailing Willows.

My work reputation will be ruined....

[giggles] Now, let's not get carried away.


I have an idea. Let's play a game to help cheer ourselves up.

How about the game "think up a song for Cherry?"

[giggles] How about "I spy?"

Ooh, I like that game. Okay. You start.


I spy something that starts with an "F."

A...a fern?


I know! A flower!

You got it! Okay, your turn.

Hmm. Okay, I spy something that starts with a "B."


Uh... A bird?

You're too good at this. [giggles]

[playing melody]

That's so pretty, Cherry.

It's the bird's song.

[playing melody]

Wait. I have an idea.

I could write my song about all the beautiful things

we've seen in nature today.

That's a great idea!

I love it!

Something like...

[playing gently]

♪ Let's take a walk and look around ♪

♪ listen to the pretty sounds ♪

♪ the great outdoors, let's go explore ♪

♪ The world is your playground ♪

♪ There's something new round every bend ♪

♪ on a treasure hunt with my friends ♪

♪ When the sun comes up a new day begins ♪

♪ the fun never ends! ♪

♪ It's a beautiful, lovely, wonderful day ♪

♪ come and enjoy the view ♪

♪ It's a beautiful, lovely, wonderful day ♪

♪ there's nothing I'd rather do than be with you ♪

♪ La la la la, ♪

♪ La la la la, ♪

♪ Yay ya-ay ♪

♪ La la la la, ♪

♪ La la la la, ♪

♪ I wanna be with you ♪♪

Wow Cherry, that's a beautiful song.

I'm so berry happy! This is great!

I never would've had this idea without this fun treasure hunt!


What was that?


There you are!

You found us!

My Marmalade! [laughs]

Come on, CinnaPup. Show us the way home!

[dogs barking]

Scouty! I feel like this is where we started.

Are you leading us in circles?



What's that?

It's the other pups!


We found you!

We were lost too!


[Scouty whines]

Huh? Scouty?


What's wrong with you guys?

We better head back. Let's call it a tie

and we can all share the berry bitty banana chips.

Yay! I'm starving!


What's wrong with the pups?

[all sighing sadly]

So that's where they were sneaking off to the whole time.


Our treasure is gone!

[all sigh]

Oh no it's not. It's right here.

[all laughing]

Let's go back to the cafe,

and I'll make a fresh batch of berry bitty banana chips.

(all) Yay!!

Well, that should do it.

Everything back to working order.

Uh, what was that?

I didn't hear anything.


[screaming] Ya-hoo-ya-hoohoo!


See? See? I told ya!


(Ed) Yipes!

(Earl) Run for your life!

(Ed) Help!


[clanging and banging]

Well, it looks like we're gonna have to think up

something else to do out in the countryside.

[sarcastic] Oh...that's... too bad.

[sarcastic] Aw, shucks.

[sarcastic] Uh, yeah. Too bad.

[all laughing]