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03x05 - Berryella and Prince Charming

Posted: 03/15/24 13:04
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl with berry-big possibilities ♪

♪ and fruit-filled fun is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small, no task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud, just give her a call ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl, with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She may be small, but no task is too tall ♪

♪ for Strawberry Shortcake ♪♪

(Plum) And one, and two, and three, and four.

Where do you want it, Orange?

Oh, um, right over there please.

And one and two, and regal!

and two, you're a princess!

Could the "princess" please hold still

so the costume designer can measure her?

And one, and two, and three, and four...

Oh, no, my dear sister,

I am going to have the first dance

with Prince Berry Charming!

Ha-ha! I am the older sister, I shall decide

who has the first dance with the Prance.


Well, it says "Prance" here...

What? Oh, another typo. Sorry, my fault...

(Plum) Excuse me, people?

Everyone? A moment for your director?

I know I've been working you hard,

but I wanted to take a moment before

our dress rehearsal tonight, to thank you

for the marvelous job everyone is doing.

I know our production of "Berryella and Prince Berry Charming,"

is gonna be a delightful surprise for our Baby Berrykins!

Strawberry, you are doing a berry fine job as Berryella...


Howd stiw pwease...

Oh, sorry Berry Fairy Fashionmother!

Raspberry, you are also doing a wonderful job.

Thank you, Plum!

Lemon, our makeup artist/ hair stylist,

and our writer Blueberry,

as Berryella's mean and jealous stepsister.


Our stage manager, Orange....


...and our fabulous music director, Cherry Jam!

[piano scale]

Hi! Thanks.

Oh, and where is our Prince Berry Charming?


Hi. Berrykin Tim?

You what?

Oh did? You didn't!

Well, that's terrible.

You get some rest and don't worry about a thing.

That was Berrykin Tim.

Prince Berry Charming, is now Prince Berry limping.

He broke his toe playing Kick the Apricot Pit.

He's going to be on crutches for three weeks.

(all) Oh no!

Great, and I just finished his costume.

There aren't any other Berrykins in town

as tall as "Too-Tall Timmy."

Ohhh, now, I wouldn't say that...

(Bearrykin Ed) Whoah! Hold on!

[piano waltz]



Hey hey wait, hold on! Help!

[piano waltz]


I told ya to let her lead!

Guys! You were absolutely marvelous!

How fast can you do a rewrite?

Berryella and Prince Berry on a long trip,

won't be back till next Fall?

Instead of a rewrite, how about a re...cast?

Huck? Hi, it's Blueberry!

Hey, Blueberry!

How's everything in Berry Bitty City?

Splendid, splendid, we're putting on a play!

Wow! Great! Give me call when it opens,

I'd love to come down and see it!

Well, I was wondering... if you'd like to be in it?

Me? Huh, you want me to be in your play?

Uh, I've never done any acting. I don't know.

What would I have to do?

Well you'd be one of the stars!

But what would I have to do?

It's a terrific role.

He's handsome, suave, debonair...

But what do I have to do?

Oh, well you know, memorize some lines, and say them.

It's really fun.


(all) Yeah, PLEEEEEEASE?

Oh, hi, everybody! I, uh, whoa...

You're all there! Strawberry?

She's at the cafe.

Making lunch for the rehearsal.

Every member of the cast and crew

gets catered lunch n' dinner!


So, what do you think?

Well...ah, if you really want me to--


[all cheering]

Thank You, Huck! I'll e-mail a script.

See you as soon as you can get here!



[all giggling]

(Strawberry) But...but, everyone in the land is invited to

the first ball of the season.

Why-why can't I go?

(Lemon) Why, you have nothing fitting to wear.

Ohh, but couldn't I borrow something of yours?

Ah! The idea!

Sister! Do you hear her?

Our vile stepsister has the nerve

to demand one of my frocks!

[evil laughter]

Oh, now I shall never dance with Prince Berry Charming.

I-- Oh, muffincrumbs...

...that's not in the script.

No, I spilled.

Speak not such nonsensical buffoonery!


Oh, hi, Huck! No, I didn't mean you.

We're rehearsing the play.

Great! I'll tell them!

No, we're at the cafe, getting dinner for the cast and crew.

We'll be at the theater in...

...two, no three minutes.

Excellent, see you there!

Oh and thanks again Huck,

I can't tell you what this means to us.

You're a real prince! [giggles]

He's ten minutes from town.

Oh, It's so great he wanted to do it.

Oh, he couldn't wait!

'Course, the idea of having your lunches and dinners

is what sealed the deal.

[all giggling]

I think that's everything.

Shall we get this show on the road?

[girls all snoring]

Huh...? [yawns]

If Prince Berry Charming doesn't show up soon,

this whole production's gonna turn into a pumpkin.

I've saved dinner for Huck... whenever he gets here.

Didn't he say he was--

Yeah, said he was ten minutes away.

That was hours ago!

There he is!

[laughs] Finally!

Our Prince Berry Charming!

May I present our very own... Prince Berry Charming!

Oh, that's...haha... no, really, I...

Thanks, but, I'm so sorry, I was almost here and realized

I left the script you emailed me at home,

had to turn all the way around,

to go all the way back and... well,

I thought you'd all be asleep by now!

We were, and dreaming of our Prince Berry Charming.

Hey, well...charming, that's me, I guess!


The play's great! Nice writing, Blueberry!

Thank you, Huck, coming from a great writer like you,

I'm... well, thank you.

And I've been practicing my lines.

I...uh... Hi Raspberry, what...

Tah-knk yr mezzr-mds...

Taking your measurements.

For your costume?

Me? That's me?

It's going to be you, when I get done with--

When the costume is finished.

A little makeup, a little work on the hair, and presto!

Even you won't know you!


[laughs] Well...charming, that's me!

So! How 'bout we rehearse the scene where

Berryella meets Prince Berry Charming for the first time!

I know that one.

The scene where I say, "Good evening,

"and may a humble prince ask who is this enchanting lady?"



You memorized your lines already?

Well, pretty much, yeah.

Excellent. Okay. Huck? Right here.

Berryella? You'll be entering, you see the Prince...

The Prince will see're a prince.


Regal. Charming, but not snooty.


Aristocratic but not arrogant. Yep.

You are going to impress her. Got it.


[piano waltz]

And... you're on.

Hmm, Good eeeeeevening.

And! May a hummmmmmble prince...ask...

Just whooo's this! enchanting...lady?


How's that?



I'd even say... unique!

I think we want to... relax into the character.

Oh, yes.

It's just an everyday ball. Sure.

You go to balls all the time. Yes.

No big deal for a prince like you. Got it.

(Huck) Hiiiii!

So...good evening! And may, a hummmble pah-rince

ask who is this, en-chaaanting...laaaaady?!


Interesting! Huh...

Got an idea.

[Southern accent] Evenin', ma'am.

Another idea.

[British accent] Good Eeeev- whoa!

Good evening.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my fault....

Good evening!

This is your humble prince asking the question...


Who Is This Enchanting Lady!

It's gonna be a lonng night.

[piano waltz]

Oh, Prince Berry Charming,

I can't begin to tell you...eek!

how delightfully happy... eek!

I am to finally-- eek! you-- eek! this-- eek! ...royal-- eek!

(Plum) Cut the music...


It's okay, it's alright.

I'm kind of thinking that "eek!" isn't what Berryella

would feel for the Prince at this moment.

No, it's what I was feeling for my feet.

I was stepping on them.


See, I don't, uh...heh.

I don't know how to dance.

Oh. Well... no problem,

our choreographer will have you waltzing in no time!

Who's that?



That's good, you're-- eek! ...getting it, just-- gah!

...maybe not so-- eek! If you could just-- gah!


I see what you mean.

Another idea.

[piano waltz]

Well he's getting better, isn't he?

Yeah, yeah... I've had worse students.

Not many, but some.

[Huck yells]


Don't worry, I'll learn it, I'll learn it.

Ya know, it's late, how about we break?

Everything will go better after a good night's sleep.

You're right, Strawberry.

Everyone's been working really hard, let's call it a night.

I'll practice my dancing in the morning.

Thanks... g'night.

Goodnight, Huck!

Blueberry, did you say he really wanted to do this?

Oh, yeah! He couldn't wait!

I mean, I was excited, I'm pretty sure he was, too...


It's just...he doesn't seem to be having a good time.

I mean, this is supposed to be fun.

Well? Whaddya think? Will it do?

I guess it'll have to.


I think it'll make a great Berryella coach.

Are ya sure you looked everywhere?

I'm telling you, Ed, there isn't a pumpkin to be had.

It's just not pumpkin season, you see.

Well, okay.

What? What is it?

How do we get it to the stage?


[dog panting]

[piano waltz]




Uh... Oh.


Oh... hi, Strawberry.

'Morning, Huck! How's the practicing going?

Really great! A little more practice

and your feet'll be safe at the dress rehearsal tonight.

[both chuckling]

No, you'll be fine. We'll have fun.

Are you having fun?

Oh! Well, sure!

Wouldn't want to let you all down, would I?

It's really good of you to do this for us,

but we wouldn't want you to do it if it didn't feel

comfortable for you...and fun! You know?

Oh! Sure! Of course! [chuckles]

[piano waltz begins]

Well, don't wear out your feet before dress rehearsal tonight!

[piano waltz continues]

[puppies panting]


Think that'll do it.

Come on, fellas. Leeet's...move this melon!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.

Here take this bag of dog biscuits and run that way.

Uh, sure. Yeah, okay.

I'll direct from outside!

Hey, wait! Hold on.

And you're off!

Uh, can you try to veer to your left a little?

What's that? I can't! Help!

Woooo-hoooo! Yahooo!!!!

Woooo! Woooo! Yipppeeeee! Yahoooo!

Earl! Hold on, Buddy!

Oh, what have I done?! Oh...


Yahoo! Yee-haw!



Oh, Ed. That was the best ride I've ever had.

Did we make it to the stage?

[piano waltz]



Eek! Eek!

Gah! Guh...


Huck, that was much better.

You only stepped on my feet seven times.

Pretty good. Last rehearsal it was .

Tell you what, let's take a break from dancing.


Cherry can run through your song with you!


(Berrykin Ed) Yahoooo! WHOAHHHHH!!!

Whoa, whoa!


Well, Plum? How do you like Berryella's pumpkin coach?

I love it!


Except it looks like a watermelon.

It is a watermelon. Pumpkins are out of season. But no problem.

One pumpkin, comin' up...

we'll have 'er finished before the curtain rises

and Ed says "giddiyup!"


A watermelon? What else can go wrong?



There's something I should tell you.

Did you hear? The prince is searching...

The entire...

...searching the entire land

for the girl who left the ball at midnight last night.

[gasp] Does he know who she is?


...oh, hi Plum. Just bringing lunch over now.

Huh? You're kidding.

Okay, I'll tell them.

The Prince Charming Song is out.

Huck can't sing.

[loud talking and commotion]

You both look great! If I do say so myself.

Now don't worry, you know what they say,

"Bad dress rehearsal, great show."

...or is it "Bad dress rehearsal, bad show?"

Just remember, no matter what happens, the show must go on.

We'll be fine. Just have fun!


At least there's nobody here to see me if I mess up.

Oh, no, that's not till tomorrow night. The place'll be packed.

It will?

Sure, we're giving this show for all the Berrykin kids.

You m-mean, there's going to be an-an...audience?

Of course. That's the whole point.

Okay, you ready, Huck?


Huck? Oh, no!

Curtain's going up in-- What's with him?

Worst case of stage fright I've ever seen. He can't move!

What'll we do?

"The show must go on!"

Oh, Prince Berry Charming.

I can't begin to tell you how delightfully happy I am

to finally meet you at this royal ball.

Here at this ROYAL BALL.

(Berrykin Ed) Why, thank you, Berry-ella!

And may I say, that you dance divane, div, dih... dihhh...


You dance divine-lee.


I bet you say that to all the girls in the land.

(Berrykin Ed) You know what we say at the castle,

"If the hat fits, wear it."

Let me try it on first!

No, me first!


Now, now, patience, please.

Tsk...tsk...tsk. I am sorry.

It seems that you are not the one I danced with

at last night's ball.

Whaddya think? Is it working?

Working is... isn't...well,

it isn't the word I would've chosen.


(Blueberry) So! What does everybody want to hear for tonight's Story Time?

I know...

Because tomorrow night you're all having a special surprise,

how about I read you, "Berryella and Prince Berry Charming!"

AWWWWW! We've heard it a million times!

Oh my goodness! Excuse me, I've gotta make a phone call.

(Plum) Don't worry, Huck.

Maybe performing just isn't your best thing.

You know, like... writing isn't my best thing.


[phone ringing]

'Scuse me, Huck.


Hi, Blueberry...



Don't be sorry. It's actually...

not such bad news as you might think.

Thank you, Blueberry. I'll call you later.

Listen, Huck. We have a problem

I think you can help us with.

Does it involve acting, dancing or singing?


I just found out "Berryella and Berry Prince Charming"

isn't the Berrykin Kids' favorite story.

Do you think you and Blueberry could write

a different play for us?

Now, that'd be something I'd like to co-star in!


That'll do it! One pumpkin coach at your service!

Uh...can you make sure you put

a pumpkin coach in the new play?
