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04x11 - Dead

Posted: 10/18/13 21:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on Covert Affairs...

The most pressing matter for all of us is operative Annie Walker.

She's off the grid, and European authorities want her arrested.

And you'll be relieved of your duties until an inquest can be conducted.

Can you get Annie Walker back on American soil?

Their exfil team point man has been found sh*t dead.

We've changed operative Walker's classification.

She's a rogue operative.

Henry visited a restaurant and met briefly with a woman.

That is Jai's mom.

I'm gonna turn her and use her as leverage against Henry.

If you go near his ex-wife, he'll k*ll you.

I'm gonna take myself off the game board.

Operative Walker is dead.

So is this really the end of Annie Walker?




Hey, Michael, this is Auggie Anderson.

I'm calling for Danielle.

Hey, Danielle.

It's about Annie.

[Water running]

[Metal squeaks]

[Steam hissing]

[Siren wailing]

[Speaking French]

Permis de conduire, s'il vous plait.

I don't speak French.


You come across from Germany?


Your name.

Jessica Matthews.

The autoroute is not the autobahn.

40 kilometers over the speed limit.

Let's not have any more trouble while you're in Switzerland.

I'll try.

[Background chatter]

[Camera shutter clicks]

[Shutter clicks]

[Speaking French]

[Background chatter]

[Tattoo needle buzzing]

[Background chatter]

One of you guys Reese?

Who wants to know?

That apartment still for rent?


150 a week, in advance.

How much for the month?


Nobody stays a month.

Fine. We'll do it on a weekly.

You're serious.

I'm new in town and money's tight and I don't like roommates.


No, thanks.

You a party girl?

Forget it, man.

Wait. Just checking.

Come on. It's down the block.

[Speaks French]

Don't bleed him out. Out the back way.

I'm just next door.

I collect the rent and fix broken toilets for the landlord, so he gives me a break.

304 skipped out on the rent last week.

I can let you have it for 600 a month.

I'll take it for 500.

That's 500 more than it's making now.

Welcome to the ungodly neighborhood.

No one will bother you, 'cause nobody wants to be bothered.

Sounds perfect.

Have you got a name?

Jessica Matthews.

I dunno, if you ever want to grab a pint, there's a pub on the corner.

Greasy fish and chips if you're hungry, too.

Sleep first. But thanks.

I'll call you when my toilet breaks.

A sudden loss can make you question everything about yourself and change you in ways you don't even realize.

But talking about it is the first step.

Tell us why you're here.

My name's Jessica, and I lost my brother.

Would you like to tell us about it?

I think it would be helpful if I heard other people's stories first.


I'm George.

I lost my wife of 24 years.


I lost my mother.

I'm Sana.

I lost my son, Jai.

Does that help you, Jessica?

The more you understand others, the closer you are to healing yourself.

That's exactly why I came.

♪ Covert Affairs 04x11 ♪
Original Air Date on October 17, 2013

I don't know if this is for me?

It's better once you start to open up, tell your own story.

Your son sounds like a good guy.

He was.

Your husband, he doesn't go in for this therapy stuff?

My husband?

Jai's dad. He doesn't come with you?

We're no longer married.

Excuse me.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Shouldn't you be resting?

The doctor says I'm fine.

It was an event, not a condition.

If something had happened to you...

I've obtained your release.

As long as you agree to house arrest throughout the legal proceedings, you can be home with Joan.

Is Joan safe?

Joan was just following orders as far as the D.O.J. is concerned.

You're the only one with direct ties to Teo and the A.L.C.

Arthur, the Agency has offered to keep me on with lower clearance but full health care.

I hate the idea of you being in that building with Braithwaite and Henry running the show.

I know, but I've got some leverage.

The Agency doesn't want me out there selling the story to Vanity Fair.

Well, the world needs to know what Henry's done.

Teo and Annie are dead because of him.

And that's exactly why I need to stay in that building.

Braithwaite will marginalize me. Henry will vilify me.

But I can use whatever resources I can to out Henry and get our lives back.

Our main goal now is to defend Arthur against these charges, not counterpunch recklessly.

I'll get your paperwork going.

We've held our vows to the Agency above our vows to each other.

I'm not doing that anymore.

There is nothing more important to me than you and our baby.

Henry did this.

Henry's going to pay.

Barber, when I get back, I need those geospatial maps the N.R.O. sent over.


That ribbon, it's for Annie?

I know the D.C.S. declared no ribbons, but she was a friend.

She was a rogue operative at the time of her death.

With all due respect, she was still a friend.

I'm not taking it off.

Just have those maps on my desk.

Yes, sir.

[Phones ringing]

You wanted to see me?

Have a seat.

I saw your after action report from Frankfurt.

It's a miracle you didn't get sh*t yourself.

I like to think of it as good training, sir.

In any event, I don't need to tell you what kind of sh*t storm I've been dealing with since Copenhagen.

But there are gonna be a lot of changes around here, starting with internal security-- continuous background checks, random polygraphs, enhanced cyber-measures.

Spying on ourselves.

We can never have anyone in the Agency abuse its resources for personal reasons the way the Campbells have.

Yes, sir.

[Door creaks]

Henry, thank you for coming.

I serve when I'm called, just like Mr. Michaels.

Pleasure to meet you in person.


Hell of a thing you had to do.

She left me no choice.

I'd like the two of you to have a closer working relationship now that Lexington Global will be a major contractor here in the building.

You can learn a lot from a man like Henry Wilcox.

I certainly hope so.

The D.C.I. is expecting us.

Well, let's not keep him waiting.

I need a quick moment with Mr. Michaels.


I'd just like to clarify one thing.

What did operative Walker say before she d*ed?

You heard it all through the phone, Mr. Wilcox.

Nothing else?

No final whispers?

She pointed her g*n at me.

I sh*t to k*ll.

No final whispers.

Like I said, a hell of a thing.

Director Campbell, it's an honor to have you in crateology.

How much do you know about crates?

Well, I've seen my share of shipments in the field.

And I'm actually not a director anymore.


Well, you'll pick it up quick.

As we say here, if it's shaped like a rocket, it's probably a rocket.

We'll get you your first stack of photos to analyze by mid-morning.


Here's your office.

Sorry. If it means anything, you're giving the department so much cred by being here.

Every department matters.

This is gonna be just fine.

[Indistinct chatter in background]

You're here to discuss the particulars of a classified flash drive that was found in your apartment.

Did Annie Walker give it to you?

I blame her, and I walk out of here?

If that's what the truth is, yes.

Let's not kid ourselves.

You don't really care about the truth.

Once again, the flash drive.

How did you get it?

Did former operative Walker give it to you?

Good you cooperated, Anderson.

Getting a fuller picture on Walker and the flash drive is important.

Don't even talk to me.

I'm not the enemy here.


I think you are.

Annie Walker d*ed because she went rogue.

She was not a traitor.

You sh*t her in cold blood before she could explain herself.

That's enough, Anderson.

You did this, Calder, all of it.

You want to know why I didn't save her.

Why the hell didn't you?


You make a very convincing assh*le.

You convinced Braithwaite.

Did he tell you where he's gonna put me?

Australia desk.

Get him to put me in I.T.

I can monitor the entire broadband spectrum from there.

We're not tracking Annie.

Well, you did set up a communications protocol, didn't you?

I tried. She refused.

You let her do this without any way to check in?

You need to separate how you feel about her from this mission.

I had to call her sister and tell her Annie's dead.

That's the toughest call I've ever had to make.

I procured a dead female in Frankfurt and I.D.'d her as a CIA operative.

I supervised an Air Force crew as they loaded that same Jane Doe onto a C-17 in a metal transfer case, and I approved the death certificate as they draped an American flag over the casket.

How many years do you think that'll get me?

We can share a cell.

Annie just better come up with something on this ex-wife goose chase.

Henry met with his ex-wife in Frankfurt the night before he blew up that chopper.

That is a solid lead.

And we need to keep moving forward in case it's not.

You're right.

That's why you're about to become Henry's new best friend.

As far as he's concerned, you k*lled Annie.

I can't think of a better entree.

It's already in motion.

Braithwaite wants me working closer with him.

Congratulations, you're about to become a double.

Yeah, and I'll get you into I.T.

After three weeks, I was hoping that Jessica would be comfortable enough to open today's session.

I think it would be very helpful for all of us to hear her story.

Are you ready for that, Jessica?

I don't know.

Why don't you start by telling us your brother's name?

Only if you're ready.


His name's Theo.

What do you remember about him most?

His courage.

What were the circumstances of his death?

He was framed for a terrible crime, and he was sh*t while trying to get away.

Closure in premature loss is important.

Was the person responsible for his death caught?

Not yet.

How do you feel about that?

How the hell do you think I feel?

You're angry.

I I tried to do something, but I couldn't--

[choked up]

I couldn't help him.

You feel responsible.

Of course.

Someone else k*lled your brother, but you feel it is your fault.

I let myself get manipulated, and my brother had to pay for it.

But this anger that you feel, is it toward yourself?

You know what, I don't think I can, um--

I don't want to do this anymore.

My son was 33.

Jai was 33.

How old was your brother?


Uh, 32.

We have a complicated relationship.

Everyone's parents are complicated.

Losing a child can be very hard on a marriage.

Is that what happened with you and Jai's dad?

Why do you keep asking me about him?

Like I said, my boyfriend and me--

I'm just trying to figure things out.

It doesn't sound like you guys did.

Henry and I divorced when Jai was only 11.

He worked in a world that I didn't want my son exposed to.

In the end, I couldn't stop it.

Do you guys still talk? I mean, are you friendly?

I cut off ties for years.

But then a few weeks ago, he was in Europe, and he said wanted to see me.

It was--



Has the university accepted your transfer?

They said next semester.

Well, you're gonna need a work permit if you want to stay here till then.

Yeah, except I can't find a job.

Let me talk to my fiance, David.

I'm sure there's something you could do for us at the office.

Oh, no, no, no. No, I couldn't--

No, please, let me.

I didn't start over on my own, you know.

And it makes me happy to feel a little bit like a mother again.

But we're going to have to find you something different to wear.

[Vehicles passing]

[Horn blares]

[Knock at door]

Hello, Jessica.

[Knocking continues]


Did you hear that?

Hear what?

It's the pub. It's calling your name.

It's probably tired of calling yours.


Good one.

Hey. That's a fancy scarf.

A friend took me shopping.

Sugar daddy?

She's trying to help me get a job.

So no--no boyfriend then?


Then you can invite me in.

You've spent every night alone for over a month.

A human can't stay human very long like that.

Hell is other people.

Sartre, right?


You're too smart for your own good.

So I've been told.

My medical background got me my first consulting job several years ago.

I met David at a seminar. He hired me.

And now I'm just a romantic cliche, marrying the boss.

Ah, bonjour, cherie.

This is Jessica. I told you about her last night.

No, no, no. The Norwegians are waiting.

Then I have the eco-investors.

Just let her impress you.

Bon, d'accord.

Walk with me, Jessica.

My future wife seems to have taken you under her wing.

She's very kind.

Yes, she is.

I'm about to walk into a roomful of Norwegians who want me to invest in their oil tankers.

Yes or no?

The ice caps are melting.

Are you looking for a donation?

I'm talking about shipping lanes.

China will have their own through the North Pole within five years.

They've already spoken with Iceland and Canada about it.

The Norwegians will be on the outside, looking in.

So you say no.

You asked for my opinion.

I'm so used to yes-men.

You caught me by surprise.

A risky business, being honest.

I'm not afraid of taking risks.

My analysis as well, by the way.

There's another deal I'd like your opinion on, an American real estate development.

Have Sana give you the file.

Does that mean--

I'll expect your thoughts by Monday.

Bonjour, tout le monde. Please, have a seat.

Sorry I'm late.

Hey, Michael, double espresso, extra-hot.

On me.

It's an honor, sir.


It's a cup of coffee.

You know, I was hoping to pick your brain about cyber-security.

I've been asked to beef up our D.P.D. firewalls, especially from the inside.

Who watches the watchers?

Always a conundrum.

I know our new D.C.S. wants us to have a closer working relationship.

I'm sure there are state-of-the-art systems at Lexington Global.

Oh, better than state-of-the-art.

I'm not strangled by government purse strings in the private sector.

Okay, why don't you show me what you've got and see if I can use it here?

How about we get to know each other a little better first?

Lunch at the Metropolitan Club.

I find it takes years of business meetings to learn the kinds of things that a few martinis can bring about in one meal.

We can talk about cyber-security, or whatever else might really be on your mind.

I'll have my office set it up.

You know, I thought I could handle this.

But seeing the two of them together, it takes everything I have not to scream right now.

Let's walk it off.

They say when you're pregnant, the hormones change the way you feel, but I think it's simpler than that.

I think they help you understand what's important and what isn't.

I hope she knew how I felt about her.

She did.

She deserves a star on this wall.

And Arthur deserves to be home to raise his son.

I need three bound and collated copies for the meeting, please.

What are you doing in here?

Last minute figures for the real estate development.

My computer doesn't have access.

Not to worry, we have the horse's mouth in the conference room.

Walk with me.

Allez, allez.

My American liaison arrived unexpectedly with a time clock.

I want you in the meeting, a friendly American face.

Oh, what's the clock?

48 hours before he opens it up to the other funds, because he owes me for a tip that went bad, a Colombian oil company that was making a lot of money before that Copenhagen incident.

He put you on to Solstar?


Ah, Andrew Goodman, bienvenue. Welcome.

Oh, merci.

Now, Mr. Goodman, please enlighten us on how much money Nags Head Estates is going to make for us.

Over 600 prime waterfront acres with the most breathtaking Atlantic views on the Outer Banks, one of America's most exclusive destinations.

I've prepared a deck so that you can see for yourself just how lucky we are to have acquired this location.

Let's lower the lights. Jessica, do you mind?

I'm sorry. I didn't catch your full name.

Jessica Matthews, our new American analyst.

She isn't afraid to take risks.


You don't say.

I'm here to make sure Mr. Dupres doesn't take any unnecessary ones.

Maybe you could answer a question for all of us, regarding the backer of your investment.

I've gone through all the paperwork.

And there are no names, only an L.L.C.

Who are you representing, Mr. Goodman?

Why doesn't your backer want us to know who he is?

I can't imagine Mr. Goodman would have a problem telling us that, now would you, Mr. Goodman?

Not at all.

I'd be happy to contact my boss right away.

I'm sure he'd be very interested to know that you have such a knowledgeable analyst on your staff.

But I'd like to make that call in private.

I believe you have spooked him.

I'll go smooth things over.

Why don't we all take a break?




I'm meeting Henry at his club.


Tell me about his relationship with Braithwaite.

Is Henry calling the sh*ts?

From what I've seen, Henry's treating the office of the D.C.S. as if it's his own.

Braithwaite won't make a move without his say-so.

Good, maybe there's room.

For what?

A wedge.

It's Henry's favorite tool.

The best way to knock your opponent off-kilter is to make him uncertain about the people he trusts most.

He tried to put one between Annie and me.

And you think we should put one between Braithwaite and Henry. Damn straight.

It's too quick.

Let me get closer to him, figure out his next move.

No, we need to att*ck.

I think it's about time Eric Braithwaite asked you to open a blue file into Henry Wilcox.

Braithwaite is not gonna approve an inquiry into Henry's dealings.

Doesn't have to.

Henry just has to believe he did.


[Car chirps]

Who are you?

I guarantee you, this guy was sent here to hurt you.

His name is not Andrew Goodman.

He works for Henry Wilcox.

So do you.

If that's true, why am I bleeding?

And why is he in the trunk?

Is he dead?


But we have to get out of here unless you want David to find out.


Then sh**t me or get in the car.

You have that g*n because you're afraid of Henry.

I have the g*ns so I can ask the questions.

Who are you?

You don't need to know who I am, just that we're on the same side.

I knew you were in the game the minute you mentioned Henry that first night after therapy.

Henry destroyed my life and the people I care about.

So if you don't want to be next, you're gonna start trusting me right now.

I don't have to trust anything or anyone from the CIA.

The CIA doesn't know I'm here.

Neither does Henry.

I don't believe you.

You know too much about me, about Jai.

You trafficked in my loss, pretending to have a brother.

That loss was real.

An operative I was close with d*ed because of Henry.

So if you think this isn't personal, then think again.

Now I need you to tell me what Henry said to you at that dinner in Frankfurt.

The day after he met you, he had the guy in the trunk sh**t down that chopper in Copenhagen.

And you think I'm involved?

No, but I think you are smart enough to help me take Henry down.

[Tires screech]

Sana, Jai was my friend.

We worked together for two years.

I lost him, too.

He was always torn between wanting to please his father and hating his methods.

But you and I, we're not torn.

Help me.

Tell me what Henry said to you in Frankfurt.

He said he'd always loved me, and that after Jai d*ed, he had no one.

So he wanted to win me back, convince me he was a good man and that David wasn't.

He made up this ridiculous story that David had financial ties to nefarious groups.

David would never do that.

So you told him you didn't believe him, and that you and David were engaged.

He got angry.

And then when you showed up, I figured he'd sent you.

And you became my new best friend.

Friends close, enemies closer.

Isn't that the rule?

I learned a lot about his methods in eleven years.

[Grunting and banging in trunk]

I think Henry wants to set David up to get him out of the picture and win you back.

If you want to help him, you need to stop treating me like the enemy, because the enemy is waking up in the trunk.


Close the gate.



This should knock him out for about half an hour.

You might want to have that g*n ready.

[Car alarm chirps]

[Muffled yelling]

And that's really how we got Noriega to the states.


You really have seen it all.

You'll see it, too.

Well, I only can hope my career is half as illustrious as yours.

I'd skip the federal prison part if I were you.

Hey, no more for me.

You're allowed to let loose once in a while, especially with friends.

I've learned enough about you today to count you as one.

That means a lot.

So...why don't you stop kissing my ass now and tell me what you really want to know.

You lobbied for me to get my job.

Let's talk about that.

I recommended you at the highest levels.

Why? We had never even met.

Your reputation preceded you.

I thought Langley needed fresh blood.

I could see that you fit the bill, even from a distance.

But there's something else.

Whatever we say stays between us.

The D.C.S. asked me to start a file on you, a blue file.

Braithwaite is investigating me.

He asked me to do it.

Yeah, so I wouldn't find out it was him.

This will stay between us.

Yes, sir.

Are you in?


What the hell is going on?

Everything's fine. I just need to get him inside.

Who is he?

He's my ex-boyfriend.

He found me.

Is he what you're running away from?

He got drunk, and there was a fight.

He just needs to sleep it off.

Did he hurt you?

The mother--

No, no.

No, no, I've watched my mother take too many blows from my step-dad before--

You're only gonna make things worse.

I promise, I can handle him.

And I know you don't need the trouble.

All right.

I'll be at the parlor if you need me, all right?


We have to tie him up to something.

Maybe this chair.

Your neighbor, he saw me.

We need to tie him to the chair.

Then what?

What are you going to do to him?

He can connect Henry to the crimes.

So I'm going to make him talk.

What if he doesn't cooperate?

That's not gonna be an option.

We can't just keep him here like this.

We'll figure something out.

You're going to k*ll him.

No. I need him alive.

But you're going to hurt him.

If you want someone to blame for this, blame Henry.

But right now I need you in the bedroom so I can do what I have to do.

If this man sees you with me, you and David are dead.

Do you understand?

[Water running]

[Faucet turns off]


Who are you?

My name is Andrew Goodman.

No, it's not.

Why did Henry Wilcox send you here?

Who's Henry Wilcox?


You know, if you were any good at this, one of my fingers would already be gone.

Too much blood.

This only ends one way.

You've got to push me to the brink before you're even close to breaking me.

Then we'll push each other to our limits.

Then one of us will make a mistake.

If it's me, you'll have to k*ll me.

If it's you--[Groans]

I'm already dead.


How did your date go?

We are moving on to the next phase of our relationship.

He buy the blue file story?

Completely. Now it's your turn.

It's the CIA. Propaganda is what we do.

The whisper campaign starts tomorrow.

I hope you have as many friends as you think you do, or I'm the first one to go down in flames.

I've banked a lot of capital with people in Langley.

They trust me.

Now you have to trust me.

What are you doing in Geneva?

That's too general.

Pain-induced questioning should be very specific.

Henry ordered that helicopter sh*t down.

And you were the one that fired the m*ssile.

That's not even a question.

No, no, no.


What are you planning on doing to David Dupres?

You really have not thought this through, have you?



You know, I am such a good resource.

It is a shame that you are squandering this opportunity.

In order to b*at him you have to become him.

And that's not you, is it, Miss Walker?

I'm no longer Miss Walker, remember?

[Electricity crackles]

Here's where you're thinking, "how much current is too much current?"

You're thinking, "will I get shocked if I don't let go in time?"

Here's where you're thinking, "where is this gonna to hurt the most?

And why am I sacrificing myself for Henry Wilcox?"

Even if I scream out what you want to hear just before I die, you still won't be able to stop him.

Stop him from doing what?

What is he gonna do to David Dupres?

Whatever he wants.

Why are you still holding the cord?

Why haven't you put it in the water?

Because you're weak!

Just like David Dupres is weak!

Tell her. Tell her what he's going to do to David.

Sana. Sana!

I'll k*ll you myself.

Sana, don't.


You're bleeding.

It's not my blood.

We have to get out of here.

Sana, we have to wipe this place down and get out of here.