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03x04 - Snowberry and the Seven Berrykins

Posted: 03/15/24 13:04
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl with berry-big possibilities ♪

♪ and fruit-filled fun is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small, no task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud, just give her a call ♪

♪ She's a berry-bitty girl, with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry Shortcake ♪

♪ She may be small, but no task is too tall ♪

♪ for Strawberry Shortcake ♪♪

(Blueberry) Once upon a time,

a long time ago,

a Princess named Coconut Cupcake was taking a stroll,

and she came upon a troll!


The troll guarded a bridge,

a troll who let no one pass without paying the toll.

Princess Coconut Cupcake ordered the troll who takes the toll

to lower the bridge, so she might cross.

"But you must pay the toll,"

insisted the troll who takes the toll.

"Hah! Says you! I am Princess Coconut Cupcake,

and you must do as I say," said Princess Coconut Cupcake,

in an ever so high and mighty manner,

that was not really good manners at all!


Heel, heel.



[sigh] So much for heel.

(Blueberry) ...still refused to pay the toll to the troll.

She said, I will find my own way!

Well, and what do you--

Hi Stwabewwy!

I thought it sounded like story time.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

It's actually a good place to stop.

Read us more, more! Pweeease!

We're just at the end of the chapter.

We'll find out what the Littlest Berrykin

told the Princess, next time.

[cheering] Yay!

Thank you, Bye Bye!

Bye, kids!

Wow, they really love that story.

Every time I read it to them, it's like their first.

Plum has been asking for ideas for a play to direct,

and I'm wondering if she could do a berryfairytale as a play.

You know, put on a show for the kids?

That's a great idea!

I'll loan her my Big Book of Berrykin BerryFairyTales!


This is great! What a super idea!

You don't know how long I've been trying

to decide which play to do.

And how special to do something for the Berrykin kids.

It'll be like a cozy little Story Time on stage.

Perfect. Thanks, girls!



Nice one, Plum!

Thank you, Orange!



Well, hello there, Plum.


Oh, Cherry, I'm so sorry.

Oh, no! I kinda squashed your

Berry Big Glitz n' Glamour magazine! I'm really--

"Snow Berry and the Seven Berrykins,

colossal smash stage play at Berry Big City Theater?"

Oh, yeah, it's huge,

biggest thing to hit Berry Big Broadway in years.

It's packin' in the audiences.

Snow Berry and the Seven Berrykins?

That's a big production.

Wow. You know,

I could do something sensational with that play.

I would direct it... bigger. Better.

I could make it a bigger hit than it is in Berry Big City.

I thought you were putting something together for the kids?

You know, a cozy little, "story-time-on-stage?"

Huh? Oh, sure, sure.

But this... This!

This will be bigger. And better.

And when the final curtain falls

and the applause of the audience is ringing in the rafters,

no one will say that Plum can't direct a smash hit.

I don't think anyone's saying that...

And they won't! I'll direct a play

that will make Berry Bitty City the talk of the theater world!


[vocal warmups, reciting lines]

[Lemon and Cherry both rehearsing]

"Mirror, mirror, at my command,

tell me who is berry fairest in all the land?"

I've been to a lot of auditions in my time,

and I've never had to wait this long!

How long have we been here?

Oh, since before lunch.


[vocal exercises from Berrykins]

Okay, that's it. I'm gonna find out what's going on.

Why are you dressed like that?

We thought we might have a better chance

if we dressed for the part.

I'm guessing you're all trying out for Snow Berry?

Well, uh, yeah, of course! I mean, well yes!

And may the best gown, I mean girl, win!


Inspired, Berrykin Bonnie, simply inspired. Now!

You. Are. A tree. In a forest.

What kind of tree? You know, am I a maple?

An oak? Spruce? Birch? Fir? Mulberry?

Hemlock-Chestnut-Pecan-Silver Fir-Walnut-White Fir-Aspen-

Jeffrey Pine-Lodgepole Pine-Lobblolly Pine?

Give me a moment!

Okay. Here it is... you are...a REDWOOD!

SO! As a REDWOOD, how would you,

from deep within your redwood heart,

from the very depths of your redwood soul,

sing this note.

[low note]


Hmm...good start, but I'm not believing it yet...

(Strawberry) Plum?

Oh! Hi, Strawberry!

Um, I believe there are others in line ahead of you.



It's dark outside and there are a lot of folks waiting.

Do you think we might move

the rest of the auditions to the morning?

Oh, goodness. Time just flies when I'm in my zone!

Good idea, Strawberry. But I've got a big show to cast,

so we better start early.

People? People? All right, that's a wrap for tonight.

Auditions continue first thing in the morning!

(Berrykin Bonnie) How's this, huh? LAAAAA!

[high pitch] LAAAAA!

[glass cracking]

(Raspberry) Maybe it should be somewhat sweeter?

Sweeter? Uh well, how did Plum say she wanted it for the play?

[door opens]

There they are! Our stars!

Hey, congrats!!


Thanks, very much!

I'm so excited she picked me to play Snow Berry!

I can't believe I actually got the role, the part!

But I'm a little, kind of, nervous.

Well, Raspberry, you're gonna be fabulous. I just know it.

And I'm so excited to be the Berrymeanqueen!

But I'm nervous, too. I hope I can do it the way Plum wants.

It is I, the Berrymeanqueen.

It's just supposed to be a fun show for the Berrykin kids.

They'll love it no matter what.

I don't know. Plum's putting a lot of pressure on us.

The Berrymeanqueen is who I am.

It is I who am the Berrymeanqueen.

That's me, Berrymeanqueen.

I guess Plum really does want this show

to be as grand as Berry Big City Theater's!

But, how will she do that? We're Berry Bitty City.

All we have is a bitty stage.

Big! Think big!

Curtain goes up in one week, people!

No one should be reading their lines

off their scripts anymore!

"Hello, Snow Berry! We're the Seven Berrykins!"

(Strawberry) Plum? You're design crew is here...

At last.

You seven, take five. And memorize those lines!

So! Let's talk about the big tidal wave effect in Act Two.

Uh, I don't remember a tidal wave

in Snow Berry and the Seven Berrykins.

I don't think Berry Big City Theater had a tidal wave.

Exactly! But we will.

That's why our Snow Berry play will be bigger and better

than Berry Big City's production!

Uh, I'm just wondering,

why does our play have to be better--

And bigger!

That too... than Berry Big City's?

Do you want us to be the laughingstock of the theater world?

And I'm the director, so I'll be the laughingest of the stock!

I could see the headlines now...

"Berry Bitty City Makes Berry Big Boo-Boo!"

"People Pull Plug on Plum!"

[upbeat music]

[sour notes]

Guys, work with me, please?

I said the Seven Berrykins need to fly

stage right to stage left, not left to right!

Those launch platforms need to be built on the other side!

Flying berrykins?

I guess another thing only our Snow Berry play will have?

(Black Cherry) Listen, I'm all for dreaming big,

but I'm worried Plum is dreaming too big this time.

Kinda going a little, overboard?

(Lemon) Somewhere she'll never find her way back from.

Here comes Lemon now.

Speaking of going overboard.

[Lemon cackling]

Very overboard.


I order you, Royal Huntsman, to leave Snow Berry...

Hi! Come try some coconut swirl I just made.

What would the queen of the kingdom want with that?

Fetch me a shortstack and make it snappy,

or to the dungeon you'll go.

Why don't you join us, Lemon?

Aw, guys, don't call me Lemon, I gotta stay in character!

Join you indeed. What do you take me for?

I only dine with royalty.

And in the whole kingdom, 'tis no one as royal than I,

which means I dine alone.

Lonely at the top, huh?

Forsooth, yea and verily.

Wrap those pancakes up, kind peasant.

To go, I'll take them, I will!

Can you not see that I, the Berrymeanqueen, am in a hurry?

I'm expected at a rehearsal forthwith,

or the director shall have my crown!

Thank you, kind peasant.

Make way!

Overboard is right.

Do you think she'll turn back into Lemon after the play?

Or will we be stuck with Berrymeanqueen forever?

[imitating Lemon's cackle]

Okay. Try it again?


We're doing it till we get it right.

Mirror, Mirror, at my command,

tell me who is berry fairest in all the land?

Uh, is it Princess Berrykin?

(Plum) Berrykin Bloom?

Oh, wait! Don't tell me!

Is it Jadeybug at the post office?

No, Berrykin Bloom, we're not in Berry Bitty City right now.

We're in the play "Snow Berry and the Seven Berrykins,"

and all you have to do is say your lines.

Do you remember your lines?

Oh! Oh, yes. The script. Um...

[sigh] Give him the next line, Berrymeanqueen.

Snow Berry? [gasp!]

That's impossible!

Is it?

The mirror...never...

Oh, yes, Miss Plum. I remember now.

The mirror never sighs!


Lies. The mirror never lies.

Oh that's it. The mirror never lies!

Yes! You got it.

Let's do it again. From the top!

Mirror, Mirror, at my command,

tell me who is berry fairest in all the land?

Snow Berry!

Snow Berry? [gasp!] That's impossible!

The mirror never cries!

[both sigh]

Oh dearie me, goodness gracious!

I am lost in the woods,

the terrible, werrible woods, alone and frightened.

It is a dark night.

I am so berry, berry scared

of the fearsome animals and wild crea-tures.

Come on, girl, you can do it. It's your big scene!

[puppy growling]


Oh, fearsome crea-tures? Oh, wild animals?

Are you there? Somewhere?

Oh! Well, I can't see any wild animals, at the moment,

but I sure know they're here, 'cause,

I can just feel they are near.

I can kind of, you know, sense them?

Oh, I must hide from the wild ani-mules!

Gasp! Why, here is one now!





Oh no! An opossum? I mean a wolf!

I mean... what are you supposed to be?

Cut! Raspberry, it's a ferocious tiger.

Oh, right, well I forgot... without the tiger costume,

I guess, you know, I couldn't tell.

And the line before that, that's not in the script.

Well, it just didn't feel real to my character to say

there were wild animals when there wasn't,

I couldn't see them.

I understand.

Huh? Ta-da!

(Ed) We finished painting the cottage backdrop you wanted, Plum.

(Plum) Great. Let's see it.

What am I looking at?

(both berrykins) The seven berrykin's cottage!

Well it looks like two different buildings stuck together.

Well, I was thinking they would live in this kinda house.

And I really feel this is the sort of home that I, I uh,

I mean, they would prefer...

So we, uh...

(both) Split the difference.


Plum? May I please speak with you about my lines

in the scene with the Berrymeanqueen?

I don't think they are genuine, or you know organic,

or, I mean... really true to my character.

[puppies growling]

This is not... how a cast...behaves...

[giggles] Sorry, Plum

That's puppies for ya....



Uh, Plum? I'm...

I'm not sure it's a good idea to sit right--



[thunder crashing]

Ah, yes. So pleased to make your acquaintance.

I am...the Berrymeanqueen, berry fairest in all the land.

What? What's that you say?

I am not the berry fairest in all the land?

Who? Whom do you speak of?

Snow Berry?! Curses!

[knocking at door]

Who goes there? Who dares?

(Strawberry) Uh, it's Strawberry and Cherry.

We were wondering if you're coming to book club?


[berrykins chattering, hammering]

Aren't you excited, Plum? It's your dress rehearsal!

No, I'm nervous.

Raspberry didn't sew the costumes 'cause she was learning her lines,

the tidal wave isn't big enough, the puppies aren't scary enough.

Oh bitterberries, they're ready. Here we go.

Once upon a time...there was a queen with a magic mirror...

Mirror, mirror, at my command,

tell me who is berry fairest in all the land.

Great effects, Plum.

My queen, you are the berry...uh, uh, oh!

The berry fairest in all the land.

Ah... The mirror never lies.

And all was well for the queen, until one day...

Mirror, Mirror, at my command,

tell me who is berry fairest in all the land.

Well, the gist of it is, there's this new kid named

Snow Berry who is looking pretty fair these days.


Well, uh, did you really expect to be

berry fairest of the land forever?

SO! Are you saying this Snow Berry is fairer than I?


That's impossible.

Uh, the mirror never...


[relieved sigh]

Ooo! Mmmm! Ehhh! ARRRGH!

The very idea! Show me this Snow Berry!

Well, okay, if you insist.

Ugh. Remove her, please.

No, I mean. I need her removed...from the planet!

Well, I'm just a mirror. Don't you need something,

like, some evil huntsman or something for a job like that?


Huntsman and poison apples couldn't do the job,

so I'll have to do it myself.

Oh my! Oh dear! I am done for!

(Ed) No you're not, Snow Berry!

The Seven Berrykins to the rescue!!

Curses! It's the Seven Berrykins!

[berrykins yelling]


No, no! The tidal wave is two scenes later!


That's for the Berrymeanqueen, not for me!


[all shouting] Hey! What's the idea?

Well? How'd we do?



Oh, Plum.


Say hello to the director of

"Snow Berry and the Seven Hundred Mishaps."

Aww, you'll pull it together.

It just got a little bit big. And a little less fun.

It got a lot big, and a no fun.

A little play for the Baby Berrykins was a fun idea,

but I kind of went overboard. I bet everyone is mad at me.

Oh, they aren't mad at you.

They're all on stage...waiting for their next directions.


Maybe you could do a different play.

Something on a smaller scale,

so you could have fun directing it?

You think they'd give me a second chance?

Everyone loves you, Plum. Of course.


Everyone, I have an announcement.

If you're willing to help me with another play...

I promise we'll do something simple and fun.

Something the little berrykins will love...

[berrykins cheering]

When's the auditions?

[laughs] Oh, well, I uh...

I found a story that sounds like fun, and--

When can we start?

How 'bout... tomorrow morning?

[all cheering]