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02x06 - A Star is Fashioned

Posted: 03/15/24 12:56
by bunniefuu
♪ She's a berry-bitty girl with berry-big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ is the secret to her recipe

♪ She may be small

♪ No task is too tall

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ just give her a call

- ♪ Strawberry - ♪ she's a berry-bitty girl

- ♪ Strawberry - ♪ with big possibilities

- ♪ Strawberry shortcake - ♪ she may be small but

♪ No task is too tall

♪ For strawberry...

♪ Shortcake

(Drilling and pumping)

Special delivery for berrykin bruce!

He's on a break. We'll take it.


(Relieved) great, thanks. Oh, my shoulders!

Wow, it's from berry big city motor parts!

Oh bouncin' berries.

This is what the boss has been waitin' for!

The new hydraulic juicerinser for cherry jam's tour bus!

That's great. Finally here!

Let's get to work.

We'll have cherry jam on her way home before you can say...



I didn't realize how much we're gonna miss her.

(Berrykin bruce whistling)


(Berrykin bruce whistling)

(Gasp) it's the boss!

Ooh!ooh! Ah!

Excuse me!

I'm sorry!


Oh you!

Wish I'd never laid eyes on ya.


I got it!

That gadget we got? We just... "Didn't get it!"

Get it?

Both: got it!





What was that?

Uh, what was what?



Ha ha, just berrykin byron,

Installing a new set of lugnuts.


Very large lugnuts.


Raspberry, watch out!


Oh! (Giggling)

I lost again!

You've lost three games in a row.

We've heard of being a good sport, but this is extreme.

Raspberry, is there something else

You might be so giggly about?

Okay, okay,

I'm sorry, it's just...


So, last night, right after the talent show,

Something berry unbeliev...

Just great happened.

Excuse me, miss raspberry torte?

Here's my card, darling.

Give me a call when this hoopla dies down.

I'd like to talk about your absolutely fabulous fashions.


Yep. (Giggles) here's her card.

Raspberry, that's great!



What'd she say when you called her

Uh. Well. I haven't called her. Wow!


Why not?

Because I'm so scared.



I because... What if it's,

If it's not... What if she says,

(Imitating woman's voice) who? Razzzzberry?

The dog trainer? Oh, dress designer.

Ahh, yes, it's all coming back to me now,

The glitter gown.

Well, dahling, are you sitting down?

Because, congratulations!

We're hiring you to make dresses

For the annual berry big city firefly convention!

(Tired) the wheels on the bus go round n' round...

(Trailing off)

I mean, who needs that?

You don't know that's what would happen.

And you won't know till you call.

Yeah, well maybe later.

I can wait.

Well, we can't!

But our game...

The game can wait.

She might make you a fashion star!

Think of the fame!

The fortune!

The fans!


Oh, uh, hello? Yes.

This is raspberry torte and i...

You have?


Oh, you do?


Yes-uhhh, well, I guess...


Well? Tell us!

Wha? Oh.

She-- uh, they...

Want me to come to berry big city immediat-

Right away, and talk about...

Yes? Yes?

...starting a new line of raspberry glitter...

You know, glitter gowns.

(All cheering)

Cherry! You havehehehelp me!

Tell me what to wear.

What do I say? How do I act?

And, ohh... Berry big city!

You don't need any help from me, raspberry.

Just be yourself.

Come on, we've gotta get you packed!

(Berrykins playing kazoos)

Wonderful! Now let's--

Uh, miss jam?

Oh, hello, berrykin bruce.

Came to give my apologies.

I'm afraid your part still hasn't arrived.

Part? What part?

Uh, the hydraulic juicerinser? For your tour bus?

Oh, oh yeah.

Of course. No problem!

Thank you for being so understanding.

I know how anxious you must be to get home to berry big city

And get your tour under way.

Tour... Oh, yeah.

Uh, don't worry. I'm in no hurry.


"Don't worry. I'm in no hurry."

She's so nice! I'll get to the bottom of this.

Yes? Hello?

Berry big city motor parts?

I'd like to speak with the manager, please...


Oh, strawberry?

Which one's dressy enough for berry big city?

Uhhh, we should ask cherry. She'd know.

Oh, that's okay,

Don't wanna bother her.

Hmm... What's wrong?

Strawberry, do you think cherry doesn't want me to go?

Did she say that to you?

No, but she doesn't seem so... Excited for me.

I just don't know.

You're right, you don't know,

And you won't know until you ask her.


Okay, pretty pink or berry merry magenta?


(Giggles) both! Better to be prepared.

Good luck!

You'll wow 'em, raspberry!

I made you some hair scents for the trip.

Good luck, raspberry.

Oh, thank you, lemon!

Did you talk to cherry?

Uh, I will.

Good. Good luck!

Cherry: have a great time, raspberry.

Oh, thanks, cherry.

I just, um...

I wanted to ask you,

Do you know, which hair scent you think's best

For berry big city?

You're the fashion expert!

Goodbye everybody! See you in a few days!

Goodbye raspberry!

(All yelling goodbye)

Blueberry: gotcha!

Aw, muffincrumbs.

Nice shot, blueberry!

Plum's turn.

(Fabric ripping!)

Bumbling boysenberries! I ripped my dress!


Raspberry will sew that up in...

Oh, that's right. She's not here.

(Computer chimes)

It's an email from raspberry!

Listen to this!

"I can't believe what's happening,

They're giving me... My own design studio,

(Gasp) my own staff?"

(Squeals of glee)

"I'm coming back tomorrow to pack up the boutique,

They want me to move here."

(Gasp) move there?

(Fake laugh) wow.

I didn't think... She'd be moving away.

Well, it's probably just for a while.

I know, let's bake some treats

For a surprise celebration for her.

You mean, a send off?

Strawberry's right. Let's not show how much we'll miss her,

Just how happy we are for her. Let's get started!



(Berrykin band playing)

(All gasp)

(Music stops)

Helloooo, girls! I mean...


Step aside, make way for the future fashion star

Of berry big city.

The fabulous raar raar raspberry!


She eats up the fashion scene!



Ew, dear! I think we got off at the wrong stop.

No...this is it.

My home sweet home.

You mean your old home.

Girls! Girls! Look! It's mavis maraschino!

From the fashion further forward show!

She's doing a segment on me and my fashions!

Oh, wonderful, raspberry!

Welcome to berry bitty city, mavis.

That's miss maraschino to you, deary.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought you'd remember me from that time you interviewed me.

I'm cherry jam.

(Gasp) plaid scarlet cummerbunds!

Oh cherry! What have they done to you?

Honey, I can get you a limousine straight to salon-davon.

(Chuckles) no, no, no.

I'm just taking a little vacation here with my friends.

They're holding you prisoner, aren't they?

Did they take your clothes?

Ms. Maraschino...

Mavis, doll, mavis, please!


I'm quite happy here and I am choosing to be here.

Well... You just say the word,

And my people are at your service.

I've been dying to get you on my show.

Now, where's my little protege?

To your best hotel!

Excuse me, girls. Gotta "raar" go.


Ummmm... What was that?

If you find out, don't tell me.

I don't think I wanna know.

Mavis: pinched pleated paisley! You poor dear!

However did you survive in such primitive working conditions?


Do yourself a favor, my cashmere kitten,

Leave it all behind, especially that!

But...but this is my very first sewing machine,

It's always been with me.

A dinosaur, my soon-to-be superstar.

Let it go.

Fashion forward means forward, not backwards.

Mavis feels need for major manicure.

There wouldn't be such a thing as a beauty salon

In this outpost, would there?

Why, yes. There would.

We'll be right over for an appointment.

Now shoo-shoo-shoo!

Raar raar raspberry is on a busy schedule.

Raspberry, we're having a little party at the cafe tonight.

Oh. I mean, raar! Okay.

Yeah. I'll be there.

Mavis: oh, no-no-no, miss merengue,

That's so last century.

Oh, no, no, dear.

You're thinking too small.

Rar rar raspberry is not just a designer of fashions,

She's a monument to fashions!

No, no, no. She's a winter, not an autumn.

I want her studio painted winterberry rose,

Not fallmauve .

They want to speak to you, dear.

Oh, hello?


Whatever she said.

Don't muss your nails.

From head to foot, everything about her has to raaar!

Y y y shape, every color, must roar fashion!


And what do you call this?

Blackberry-seed facial mask.

We wanted blackberry seed and guava!

I am out of guava!

Both: no guava?

Berry big city's salons are never without it!

And never without the snootiest stylists.

But cherry dear!

They're the most famous, most highly sought-after!

Maybe that's why they never make friends with you.

Like lemon does.

This will never do. Don't worry dear, mavis is here.

We'll have it redone when you get home to berry big city!

Strawberry! Cherry keeps saying

What she doesn't like about berry big city.

That's just what stars do. She's afraid of competition,

So she's trying to convince you not to go.

You mean, she's jealous of me?

Uh raspberry, maybe you should

Ask cherry?

(Guitar music)

♪ This is a bittersweet goodbye ♪

♪ Tears and smiles at the same time ♪

♪ We know you gotta go and live your dream ♪

♪ We've been together for so long ♪

♪ You not here will feel so wrong ♪

♪ But time goes on and we have our memories ♪

♪ Without you the sun won't shine as bright ♪

♪ Without you things won't seem just right ♪

♪ We'll be so blue when you've moved away ♪

♪ Without you nothing will be the same ♪

♪♪ Without you we won't feel complete ♪

♪ Without you there's a missing piece ♪

♪ It's so true no matter where you are ♪

♪ You're in our minds and you're in our hearts ♪

♪ Let's all hold hands and sing this song ♪

♪ And though we're sad we must be strong ♪

♪ Remember all the good times we have shared ♪

♪ Please come back and visit soon ♪

♪ Just for a day or an afternoon ♪

♪ Let's keep in touch and stay the best of friends ♪

♪ Without you the sun won't shine as bright ♪

♪ Without you things won't seem just right ♪

♪ We'll be so blue when you've moved away ♪

♪ Without you nothing will be the same ♪

♪ Without you we won't feel complete ♪

♪ Without you there's a missing piece ♪

♪ It's so true no matter where you are, ♪

♪ You're in our minds and you're in our hearts. ♪

Nice! I think raspberry's going to love it.

She isn't gonna hear it.

Raar-raar raspberry isn't coming.

Mavis said she's needs her beauty sleep.

She forgot us?

The raspberry I know would never accept

An invitation and not show up.

(Crying) and I miss the raspberry I know.

Cherry, is there any reason

You wouldn't be happy for raspberry?

Yes, there is.

I mean, we're all going to miss her, but...

This is her chance to be a star.

When you're a star, sometimes it's hard to be yourself.

Raspberry isn't acting like herself.

And the raspberry we knew was happier.

So you're not jealous of raspberry.

Oh, no!

I'm worried for her.

You know, the stars shine much brighter here ,

Than in berry big city.

Oh, not this café again!

However did you survive with just one restaurant?

Oh, I guess strawberry's just such an

Incredibly inventive cook, we just never got bored.

What's going on?

Excuse me?

Hi, raspberry!

Dododo you know where strawberry is?

Boat race! That's where we're goin'.

(Gasp) the berry bitty city boat race!

I can't believe they didn't remind me!

Come on, mavis. I can't miss it. It's my berry favorite event!

Boats? Wait! If it's boats you want,

I'll sign you up at the berry big city yacht club.

Look, raspberry's here!

She does care about us.

Let's go back and restart the race!

Hi, raspberry. Glad you're here.

Hi, cherry? Why aren't you racing?

It didn't feel right taking your boat out without you.

Oh. I wasn't sure if you wanted me here.

After last night's party,

We weren't sure if you wanted to come.

The party! Oh, i...

Oh no!

Oh don't worry yourself, kitten.

Who wants to go to a dismal hoe-down anyway?

Well, I would...

Oh, it's so not you, button.

Actually, it was a surprise going away party,

For you.


Jump in. Can we be a team?


Hey, come on, mavis. We can catch up!

Bitter button hooks, you're not serious!

Us? In that?

She's my champion boat!

Come on, get in! It'll be so fun!

I am not getting in that bucket.

This is not you!

Mavis! Watch out!



Look at me!


Mavis? I think that look isyou .

(Stifled giggles)



Mavis: how could you do this to mavis maraschino?

I have nothing prepared for my next show!

Goodbye! So long!

That was kind of you to lend mavis your tour bus, cherry.

It was kind of you to throw her this going away party.

It's not a going away party for mavis,

It's a staying-home party, for both of you.

Are you sure you wanna give up everything in berry big city?

Nothing there can make me feel like a star

The way my berry best friends do.

The way you do, cherry.

I'm sorry I thought you were jealous of me.

I wasn't being kind. Wasn't being me.

I'm glad the real me is back.

Welcome home.