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02x04 - Practice Makes Perfect

Posted: 03/15/24 12:55
by bunniefuu
♪ She's a berry-bitty girl with berry-big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ is the secret to her recipe

♪ She may be small

♪ No task is too tall

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ just give her a call

- ♪ Strawberry - ♪ she's a berry-bitty girl

- ♪ Strawberry - ♪ with big possibilities

- ♪ Strawberry shortcake - ♪ she may be small but

♪ No task is too tall

♪ For strawberry...

♪ Shortcake

(Girls cheering and laughing)

Strawberry: that's it, lemon! Way to go, orange.

Do you have any eights?


Reach for it, plum!

Oof! Whoa!

(Girls clapping)

Good one plum!

Yeah, way to go!

(Giggling) um... Go fish.

Cherry jam(s this is the best.

The absolute berry best.

Did you have a nice nap, cherry?

(Happy sigh)

I don't know when I've ever felt so relaxed.

Your phone finally stopped ringing.

I'll tell you my secret, blueberry.

That's because... I turned it off!


Wow. What will your manager say?

And my promoter, my agent,

My stylist and my trainer, and my publicist,

My tour manager and my assistant

And everyone in berry big city!


Lemon, this sunscreen is berry wonderfully fragrant!

So... Lemony!

Glad you like it, cherry.

What about your tour?

Girls, I'd like to ask you a favor.

Sure, cherry!

Of course!

I'm going to turn on my phone, call my manager

And tell her iikikike to postpone planning my tour and...

Girls: stay here longer?



Cherry, that's wonderful!

You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like.

Thank you so much, strawberry.

I could use a vacation and I can't think of

A better place than berry bitty city.

(Excited cheering)


So what's on your vacation schedule for today, cherry?

I thought I'd sit down by the lake.

Blueberry loaned me a new patty persimmon book,

"Mystery of the missing mozzarella."

Sounds like a nice, relaxing way to spend the day.

I made you a special cherry turnover for your picnic.

Thank you so much, strawberry.

I... I wish I had something for you.

You being here is enough. Have fun

I... I wish I had something fi will!

(Sigh) see ya!

Hmm. I suspected it was the sous-chef all along.

(Birds chirping)

(Bassoon plays very loudly)

What was that?!

One and two and kick ball change, kick ball change.

Other side. And kick ball change.

Berry nicely done!

(Bassoon plays loudly)

Hi, cherry jam!

Hi, plum! What is that awful noise?

Berrykin bloom is learning to play the bassoon.

He likes to practice in the gazebo.

(Blowing loudly)

Ah-- now that is music.

(Playing out of tune)

Oh my. I'll let you get back to class.

See you later!

And...kick ball change, kick ball change.

(Giggling quietly)

So cute!

(Knocking on door)

Lemon: come in!


Hello there, cherry.

Lemon? Is that you?

Oh, sorry.

I need to wear these when I do the princess' toes.

(Bassoon plays loudly)

Berrykin bloom and his bassooning!

But, it is his new passion.

Aah! (Bassoon plays)

So! Do you need a pedicure?

Oh, no thank you.

I'll stop by a little later. Just saying hi.

Bye! See ya later.

Yum. Souffles!

Strawberry, you're such a talented cook...

Thank you, cherry.

Something special to snack on at the book club tonight.

That's very thoughtful of you.

(Bassoon playingdldldly)

(Yelling) say, how was the mystery book?

Berry thrilling! I finished it!

Wow! Ready to start another one?


(Bassoon stops)

Actually, I kinda think I've had enough vacation.

Oh, really?

You aren't going back to berry big city so soon, are you?

Oh, no! I love it here!

It's just... Well...

Everyone makes a contribution in berry bitty city.

I mean, raspberry makes beautiful fashions,

Orange makes sure everyone can get what they need at her store,

Plum teaches dancing.

I wish...

(Bassoon plays loudly)

I wish there was something I could do, too, strawberry!

(Bassoon plays very loud)





(Sigh) you know what we need?


A music teacher.

That's something you could contribute.

Wow. That I can do!

(Bassoon playing loudly)

(Shouting) when can I start?

(Laughs) now!

(Bassoon plays)


Cherry: excellent, berrykin bloom! Keep up the practice.

Thank you, miss cherry!

Sounding good, berrykin bloom.

(Playing in tune)

Yeah! Berry good!


Thank you for letting us use your studio, plum.

I'm wondering if you could use it a little more?


We all want to learn to make music, cherry jam.


(Drums playing)

Really good. You're coming along great, plum.

Thank you! This is great.

Now I can keep the beat for my dance students.

Well, that's all for today.

Tomorrow we'll learn paradiddles.


Sure. Here, I'll show you.

(Drumming fast)

Whoa... Can't wait!

At the rate you're learning,

You'll be doing that with your eyes closed

When we hold a recital at the end of the week.


Oh. Can't...wait.

Cherry, wait!

What is it, plum?

Well, do we really need to have a recital?

Well, sure! It's customary!

Is "customary"... Necessary?

"A recital is a good learning milestone...

Something to work for."

Well, that's what my music teacher used to say.

Part of the fun of making music

Is performing for others!

Well... See you tomorrow!

Uh-huh... See ya.

I better keep practicing!


(Drumming slowly)


(Eerie music)

And now, miss plum pudding will perform...

The paradiddle symphony.


But...i didn't learn paradiddles yet!




Faster! The audience is falling asleep!

(Berrykins snoring)

(Drumming faster)

Oh, no!

(Drumsticks clattering)

(Audience boos)

Tsk-tsk-tsk. Not very good, were we?

(Cherry's voice echoes)


I'm sorry! I did as good as I could!

I... I...


(Sigh) what a nightmare!

(Tapping) and two and one and two and box step,

And crazy legs, crazy legs box step and crazy legs

Then shi shi shimmy, that's it!

Shimmy and fall off the log. Fall off the log.

Fish tails-fish tails. That's it!

You're swimming, you're swimming.

And shish ka boom bah. , , , ,

Shish ka boom bah, , , , , and , , , .



(Berrykins yelping)

Oops. Sorry about that... Again.

Berrykin: here, plum.

Oh, thank you.


(Wrist cracking)

Plum: let's end class a little early today.

Good work, everyone.

(Berrykins all say goodbye)

- Bye! - Thanks, plum!

(Playing slowly)

(Clarinet and violin playing)

Yes? Am I done?

What? Nodidididn't...

Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

Oh, sorry, I think that was my bow.

Oh, no worries.

Back under, please.


F... No, no, g.

Fa la la, na na--

Ouch! Careful with that thing, orange.

That thing is called a bow.

Oh, sorry.

Um, lemon, could you?

Oh, of course.

(Plucking notes)

(Plays sour note)


Yikes. Pardon me.

I think this hand is done soaking.

(Clarinet playing)


(Clarinet bubbling)


What happened?


(Popping bubbles)

Lemon: girls, do you think it mige e e possible,

Pretty please, to do your practicing elsewhere?

This is salon time.

But we have to practice for the recital!

Every moment counts.

(Giggles) we're sorry, lemon.

You are absolutely right.

Girls, we're being rude to lemon.

We all need the talent that lemon has to offer,

So we should show respect for her work

And not get in the way.


There you are! Hi, cherry!

Girls, I'm moving the recital to next tuesday.


But we'll be ready.

We've been practicing.

No, it's plum. She sprained her wrist,

And needs a couple more days to recuperate.

Oh no!

Poor plum!

That's terrible!

Well, that gives us more time to practice.

I guess I'll need another salon appointment for the day before.

Me too.

Me three!

Can you put me down, too, lemon?

Got it!


Raspberry, that's great!

You're ready for tuesday's recital right now!

Oh! Thanks, cherry.

I wanted to ask though,

Or request, I mean... Ask a favor.


Plum told me she needs a new dress for the recital,

And I don't have time to finish one by tuesday.

I feel so bad for her... She's really... Upset!

She wanted me to ask you.

Aw, you really care about her, don't you?

I just know how much difference a new dress can make.

No problem. Will another day be enough?

Sure! Thanks, cherry!

I'll tell the other students. Wednesday it is.

Plum: okay, here I come!

Ooh! I can't wait.

It's going to look smash... Uh, terrif--

Smasherific on her.



Beautiful dress, raspberry!

It looks exquisite!



She'll look great at the recital!


(All gasp)

(Plum yells)


Are you okay?

Oh, plum!

Raspberry: poor thing!

Let us help you up.

Ouch. I don't think I can sit!

Oh, I'm so sorry. Poor plum.

Um... In fact, i...

I don't think I'll be able to sit at my drum set at all.

At least for a couple days, until it's...better.

Well...i guess we could put off the recital again.

Another day or two?

Oh... Sure.

No problem. That's okay.

Sure. We can wait.

Oh, thanks, guys. I really appreciate it.

'Cause I really wanna be part of the recital.

(Worried laugh)

(Birds chirping)


Hi, plum.(Yawns)

What time is it?

The recital isn't until tonight.

Uh, that's just the thing, cherry.

You see...i can't find my drumsticks.

You can't find your drumsticks?

No problem, I'll help you look.

Oh, I'm sure I can find them. All I need is just... more day? To look for them, I mean.

Another day?

But I just baked these for the recital.

I know, but poor plum, she's having so many troubles.

Strawberry? Is it true?

We're postponing the recital again?

I'm afraid so.

I was so excited to perform,

But now I've built it up too much, and I'm losing my nerve.

I can't do everyone's hair and nails every day anymore

And practice my bass! I just can't do it!

But poor plum... She can't find her drumsticks.

Hmm...i think I know where they might be.

Let's wait a bit before postponing the recital...

I'm gonna go help plum find what she needs.

(Upbeat theme music)

Both: ouch!


You're sure you had your drumsticks

When you were picking flowers?

Sure! Um...yeah!

Well...i think so.

Oh strawberry, I'm so sorry

About delaying the recital and all.

I know. I am too. And everyone else.

But I thought everyone would be happy to have more time.

Well at first, maybe. But now they've built up

So much anticipation, they're all getting nervous.

I know it isn't your fault, but...

If everyone didn't wanna wait, then why did they?

Because we care about you, plum.


Oh, strawberry, I didn't realize!

Everyone's been so kind and patient, and...

I've been making up excuses to put off the recital!

But why? You love to perform.

You dance for us all the time.

But I'm good at dancing. This is different.

I've never performed all by myself at something

I make lots of mistakes at.

In front of people... All looking at me.

Hmm. You have a point there.

Let's see how many mistakes we're talking about.

Just you and me.

Oh. Okay. If it's just you.

(Giggles) oh! You found them.


Wonder how they got in there.


Whoa, neat!

When did you learn that beat?

These are called paradiddles.

And every time I try 'em...

That happens.

Try again, but hold on a little tighter.


Oh, lemon's gotta see this! Can I call her?

Oh. Well, I guess that'd be okay.

If it's just you and lemon.


Hi! Lemon?

(Fast drumming)



(Clapping and giggles)

Keep going! Don't break your flow.

Thank you, milady.


Blueberry's gotta see this!


Oh, and look what else cherry taught me for the recital!

(Drum finale)

Wow, plum! That's great!

I think you really are ready for the recital!)

Oh? Well...

I have an idea.

It's not fair that everyone else hasn't warmed up.

Why don't we all do a number together to start?

Oh, that would be great, cherry.

So, can we let the rest of the audience in?

Sure. I'm ready.

Thank you, everyone.

That's it?

The rest of the students are already here.

(Laughs) oh!

I insisted on being invited. As a prospective student.

(Clears throat) I'm thinking of taking up the bassoon.

That's great!


You'll be so good!

Princess, we can play a duet!

As you wish, berrykin bloom. As you wish.


(All playing together)