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04x09 - Hang Wire

Posted: 09/12/13 13:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on Covert Affairs...

You're the worse mistake my mother ever made.

What happened to her haunts me every day.

I recognize this flash drive from the water damage.

What should I bet that it's the same one that's involved in the FBI investigation into Seth Newman's death?

Missiles were never here.

Henry probably has them halfway across the world by now.

I joined the A.L.C. because I want to know what happened to my mother.

I'm gonna put a b*llet in Henry Wilcox's head.

I pulled together everything I thought you might need.

Okay. Calder swept my apartment.

Has anyone talked to Auggie?

Not yet.

I sent someone over to his place to check on him but he wasn't there.

I think Calder did something to him.

It's okay. I'll handle it.

Where am I headed?


Henry's attending an energy convention there with the Solstar people.


I better get started, 'cause Teo has a big head start.

Annie, I need you to know something.

The bombing that Henry was behind in Turbaco that k*lled Teo's mom, this is the first I'm hearing any of it.

I understand.

I need Teo to understand that.

I was working under Henry when it happened.

I don't want him thinking I was involved.

Why don't you tell him yourself when I bring him home?

She'll be able to stop him. And if she does?

It just gives Henry more time to plot his next move.

We've got to find a way to stop this cycle.



Excuse me.

I'm surprised they let you back in Denmark after what happened last time.

[Both chuckle]

Do you know these gentlemen?

Ken Ruiz, Luis Ianez.

Scott Winnick, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Let us proceed, shall we?

Your name, sir?

Guillermo Sanchez.


All right, Mr. Sanchez, have a nice day.

Thank you.

Any word from Bogota on recovering those missiles?


How about Calder Michaels?

I haven't been able to reach him yet, and I've left multiple messages.

Should I try him again?



[Door slams shut]

Sunflower seeds?

They're good for you. Lots of Vitamin E. got me locked up in some kind of dungeon?

Did I give you the impression that you're locked up?

So you're saying I'm free to leave?

At any time.

All right.

But let me tell you what happens if you do.

I'd be forced to call the FBI, the NSA, and the DNI's office.

That's what I'm supposed to do when I discover a drive containing stolen classified intel in the safe of one of my operatives.

If I was following protocol, there'd already be a mark on your record so permanent, even if you were absolved of any wrong-doing, you'd be lucky to get a job at the DMV.

I'm trying to keep your breach inside the family, and this dungeon is your opportunity to explain yourself before I'm forced to put you in the kind of custody that there's no way out of.

So you're here as a friend.

You don't realize how much trouble you're in, do you?

I was there when Annie abetted Teo Braga's escape from CIA custody.

I have video of her meeting with him again in Vienna, right before a known g*n runner shows up dead and five Stingers go missing.

Then the one A.L.C. member we have in custody that can implicate Braga conveniently dies during a prison transfer with Annie Walker literally behind the wheel.

Auggie, a picture is starting to form, and it ain't pretty.

Well...If you know so much, what am I doing here?

Where is Annie Walker?

What is Teo planning to do with those missiles?

What is on that flash drive?

♪ Covert Affairs 04x09 ♪
Hang Wire
Original Air Date on September 10, 2013

[Message beep]

Auggie, you're still not answering.

I'm officially worried about you now, so call me back.

There you go.

Thank you.

Hi, I wonder if you can help me.

I am doing a piece on the conference for Offshore magazine, and I'm supposed to interview Ken Ruiz from Solstar Oil.

Unfortunately, my flight was delayed and I don't have his cell phone number.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Well, the whole Solstar team is actually at the Tivoli Gardens presently, scheduled for a photo op.

Okay, and Henry Wilcox?

He offered to chime in as well.

He's there too.


You look like you've done that before.

Once or twice.

I don't usually have an audience this time of morning.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I got a bad habit of sneaking up on people.

My name is Arthur Campbell.

I know who you are.

I need a lawyer, Ms. Manning. You've been recommended.

You realize I have a phone.

This is urgent.

And I couldn't reach anyone at your office this morning.

Maybe that's because it's not even 6:00 yet.

That would explain it. Anyway, it's pretty well established that you come here every Wednesday so I thought, why not present myself and my dilemma in person?

You're coming on awfully strong, Arthur.

What are you trying to wriggle out of?

I'm not trying to wriggle out of anything.

Not even that affair you resigned over?

Never happened.

You fabricated the whole thing?

I'm assuming there's something pretty expl*sive behind that.

It's costing too many people too much to keep my secrets.

So I want to confess my sins, not cover up anything.

I should take him in for his morning feed.

Meet me at my office in 45 minutes.

You can call me Bianca.

[People screaming]

[Indistinct chatter]


Just one.


[Speaking in a foreign language]

[Men chattering]


[People screaming]


[Police siren in the distance]

We need to stop meeting like this, you know?

We don't have time for this, Teo.

You have to come with me now.

I don't think so, but thank you very much.

I haven't seen all the sights of the city yet.

Are you crazy?

After what just happened, Copenhagen is dead to us.

Because you created the chaos.

If you want to sneak away, so be it.

If you want to stop me, you should be prepared to take better aim with that g*n this time.

I won't let you k*ll Henry.

It's the only way to stop him. You realize that, don't you?

Find another way.

There's no other way.

This is it. This is my destiny.

It was set the day that b*mb k*lled my mother.

This is not gonna bring your mother back, but you have a father who cares about you, and doesn't want to lose you.

It's too late for us.

What about me?

What about you?

I don't want to lose you.

We keep getting pushed together for a reason.

I think we have something to learn from one another, don't you?

It would have been nice to have met you... at a different time.


Stop! Vend dig om!

[Yells in Danish]

Ned på knæ!

[Yells in Danish]


I know how things look. I'm not naive.

But I still feel if we lay it all out in the right venue, in front of the right people, my actions will be understood.

Maybe not forgiven, but understood.

What do you think?

That's a hell of a whole lot to walk back.

Do you understand the charges you're facing?

Money laundering, aiding and abetting, a possible treason charge. I know what I'm facing, and I accept sole responsibility.

Tell me more about Teo.

Over the years you were supporting him, what kind of t*rror1st activities was he involved in?

Teo is not a t*rror1st.

He was a high-up in a group that proclaims itself a t*rror1st organization.

He was working undercover at my behest.

Off-book, unsanctioned.

He is a foreign asset who's been providing us with valuable intel for over seven years, who also happens to be my son.

Okay, let me ask you this.

Has he ever taken the life of a U.S. citizen?

Because that is going to determine whether you are tried for treason or not.

No. He's never done that.

Never ever, or as far as you know never?


Good. I'm glad you came to me now.

It's lucky that b*mb didn't go off at the Solstar meeting.

That would have been tough to dig out from under.

Luck had nothing to do with it.

Teo stopped it from happening.

Even better.

We should be able to shield the rest of this under some sort of covert action immunity.

If we can guarantee immunity for everyone else, I don't care what happens to me. Do me a favor.

Don't mention that out loud to anyone else.

So I assume 'cause you're still here, you're ready to talk.

You know what was almost as interesting as what I found in your place?

What I didn't find.

There was no sign of Annie whatsoever.

No toiletries, no toothbrush, no shoes.

So I'm thinking you two aren't spending as much time together as you used to.

Maybe it has something to do with what it took to secure that flash drive.

I warned you about a handler sleeping with his operative.

You should have taken my advice.

I'm gonna give you some advice.

You should take a better acting class.

[Shoves chair away]

You say you're holding me in here to keep things in the family.

I call bullshit.

You're holding me here 'cause you're afraid to call in the FBI.

You don't want them to know what's on that drive.

In fact, unless you're gonna k*ll me, I'm willing to bet you're gonna let me walk by the end of the day for lack of evidence.

Lack of evidence?

Oh, come on, Calder.

No one's ever going to see that drive again.

You're gonna figure out a way to make it magically disappear, just like your boss wanted all along.

My boss?

I don't know what assumption you're operating under, but the only agenda I have here is the truth.


Prove it.

Harry, where's the drive?

We haven't got too far with the file yet.

We're still chipping away at the edges.

Yeah, yeah, just show me the drive.

You're looking at it. Those ones and zeros, that's what we're trying to decrypt.

Am I speaking a foreign language?

I don't understand.

He's looking for the actual USB storage jump, Harry, if you know where it is.

Yeah, sure. I believe it's over here.

I haven't seen it since we uploaded the file though.

And here we go.

Got it.

You gonna help him decrypt this?

What algorithm are you running?

Rijndael, 128-bit.

Try hex 7.

[Typing clacks]


It worked.

Who here's cleared for SCI-13 intel?

Beat it, Harry.

Can you make anything out?

Not yet.

[Single typing clack]

Why is Henry Wilcox meeting with an A.L.C. t*rror1st?

What's a freelance journalist doing with a firearm?

You understand g*ns are banned in this country, don't you?

I'd like to call the U.S. embassy.

The registrar from the conference said you were looking for an executive working for Solstar Oil. Was he the target?

[Knocking at the door]

You are free to go.

Hop in.

I think we're going in the same direction.

It's okay, I'll walk.

You lost five Stinger missiles in Lyon.

Don't you want to know where they're headed?

I suspect you have some questions.

If you want the answers, ride with me.

You think I would get in a car with you after all we've been through?

You don't trust me?

Not even a little.

I hate having to resort to flexing muscle.

It seems beneath us.

But if you won't play along--

Where are we going?

I do enjoy the way your mind works.

Most people would have asked, "where are you taking me?"

A subconscious reaction to their lost power.

But you haven't ceded that yet.

I really didn't think about it that much.

No, you didn't.

Get in the car.

You believe in free will, Annie?

Oh, come on, there's no right or wrong answer.

I won't be judging your response.

I'm not even sure where I stand. Let me reframe the question: How do you think you arrived at this point?

Your men practically forced me here.

No, I'm talking about what you're doing in Copenhagen.

It's apparent from what happened in the gardens that you came to stop Teo from k*lling me.

Did you ever imagine that you'd spend this much energy trying to save my life?

Paradox of free will. You make choice after choice and suddenly, you reach this strange dead end where you're working actively against your own interests.


Failure to dispassionately see the whole chessboard.

That's your fatal flaw as an operative.

You lead with your heart instead of your head.

You're right, I've made some decisions I regret, and in fact, to show you how much I respect your counsel, I'm going to change my mind and let Teo k*ll you.

Oh, no, it's too late for that, Annie.

You don't always get second chances.

You're going to have to deal with the consequences of that choice soon enough.

[Elevator bell dings]

What do you mean you don't know where she's being detained?

That's unacceptable.

I want an answer and a strategy on getting her out of custody by the top of the hour.

[Knocking at the door]

They're outside.

Send them in.

Care to explain where you've been for the last 15 hours?

Eating sunflower seeds in Calder's dungeon.

I think I'd like to hear this from Calder.

On the heels of what happened to Eduardo Vargas, I ordered a sweep of both Officer Walker and Officer Anderson's apartments, a sweep that uncovered classified intel removed illegally from Langley on this.

I sequestered Officer Anderson in the Mclean off-site until I could determine exactly what was on that file.

I decrypted it for him.

I referenced the server that image was originally downloaded from and the entire file's been erased.

I want to know who did that, and I want to know why Seth Newman was in possession of it.

You want answers?

I do.

Well, you're gonna be lucky not to get drummed out of here on your ass.

Sequestering a fellow operative?

He was given the opportunity to walk out at any time.

You can expect a response extremely punitive in nature.

I will get the truth.

You are dismissed.

Are his actions making any sense to you?

His actions have never made sense to me.

If he's working for Henry, why's he driving so hard to get that photo into play?

We've all been under the assumption that Calder was in league with Henry.

What if we're wrong?

Still doesn't mean we can trust him.
[Knocking at the door]

Bogota is on two.


What's that supposed to mean?

Then keep looking.

The Stingers?

They found a crate in the hold of a cargo ship.

Same serial numbers as the ones Stavros was peddling in Vienna.

Then what are they still looking for?

There's only four in that crate.

There's still one m*ssile unaccounted for.

Where's Annie?

[Elevator bell dings]

I have to give you credit.

You put up a good fight, forced me to dig deep.

I thought I almost lost the opportunity to play my hand.

I mean, telling the world Arthur's got a bastard son is no fun if it's only good for gossip.

Ah, ha ha. On time.

Yes. There's a deep water rig out in the North Sea.

They're shuttling people out for aerial tours.

Here, take a look.

If you look closely enough, you can see the group that's boarding for the next flight.

Perhaps you recognize some of them.



Kenny and Luis and the rest of the guys.

I'm supposed to be on board as well, but I gave my spot up to Scott Winnick.

You see the one wearing the red tie?

He's a nice man.

Oh, and he's also the U.S. Under Secretary of Energy.

Some of these people were targeted by the A.L.C.

Last month in the bombing attempt in Medellin.

If they were aware that Teo Braga was here, they'd probably be canceling this junket altogether, but who could ever imagine the Puma exporting his brand of terrorism to Denmark?

The D.E.A. wanted more boots on the ground to combat the cartels.

We planted the bombs at Turbaco-- the one that k*lled Teo's mother-- to force the Colombian government's hand.

Who'd have figured it would pay off all these years later?

I wouldn't have been able to draw him to Copenhagen any other way.

Revenge is such a powerful motivator.

I know that from personal experience.

Nah, ah ah ah.

Whatever you're plotting, it's not gonna work.

We know about your involvement with Eduardo Vargas.


It's too bad he can't tell anyone else about it.

We have a photo as well.

You mean the one from Seth's drive?

I think I'll be able to walk that back.

You're not gonna win this, Henry.

Did you think we were playing a game?

If you sabotage that helicopter, you will fry for it.

I'm not gonna sabotage anything.

Teo's going to do that, and Arthur's gonna be the one frying.

Let her go.

[People yelling]

[Car horns honking]

[Sirens wailing]

[Sirens wailing]



Wake up.


Come on.


[Sirens wailing]

We gotta go.


Please. Run.

[Car alarm sounding]

[Alarm chirps off]

[Tires screeching]


Let's go. Let's go!

Let's go!

[Glass shattering]

[Tires screeching]

How's your head? Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

We gotta ditch this car.

I parked a clean one just a few blocks from here.

Just go straight, and we make a left up there.


Just go straight.


[Phone ringing]

[Recording] The person you are trying to reach is curr--

[hangs up phone, redials]

[Phone ringing tones]

The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.


[Hangs up phone, redials]

[Phone ringing tones]

[Recording] The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.



Damn it.

Hey, Auggie.

Hey, what's going on?

A helicopter just got taken out in Copenhagen by a Stinger m*ssile.

Six reported dead.

Just park here.

Here, to the right.



Okay, I can't walk.


You got the keys?


Come on.

That's the car.


[Car alarm chirps]

[Grunts loudly]


The assistant A.G. we're going to talk to has been a good friend of mine since undergrad.

His parents both worked in the intelligence community, so he'll be sympathetic to the challenges you face.

Sounds good.

I want you to be open with him, okay?

Just like you told it to me.

I will shut down any line of questioning that veers off course.

Otherwise, answer everything truthfully, especially with regards to Teo.

[Door opening]

[Phone ringing]

Oh. I'll turn this off.


Peter, thanks for carving out the time so quickly.


I'm gonna have to reschedule.

Are you serious?

I thought you said this couldn't wait.

This is not the way to make a first impression.

I'm sorry.

[Door closing]

How is he?

Not good.


He took a b*llet to the upper thigh, and he's lost a lot of blood.

I applied a tourniquet and some field dressing, but it's definitely temporary.

And where are you now?

Outside Ringsted.

We should really get to the closest hospital.

No, not a chance.

Teo, you're not thinking clearly. I'm not Teo, at least not for the people looking for me.

I'm the Puma, a fugitive.

If you take me to a Danish hospital, I'll never leave as a free man.

And I'd rather die on the run than just living like some kind of caged animal.

He's stubborn.

Just like his father.

How long do you think he can make it with the wounds he has?

12 hours, if the stitches hold.

Do you think you can make it across the border to Germany?


There's an army base in Schweinfurt, about nine, ten hours from where you are.

Getting there is like making it onto U.S. soil.

I'll have a lot more control on how you two are treated.


Let's go.


Let's go.

Joan, the guy who fired the Stinger m*ssile for Henry is the same guy who ran us off the road in West Virginia.

Okay, I'll get into it. Good luck, Annie.

Buckle up.


It's gonna be a long ride.

Let me know if you get tired.

I'll be happy to drive.


Hey, you're supposed to be keeping me company, remember?

What? Yeah.

What do you want to talk about?

Tell me about your father.

What do you want to know?

What's your earliest memory of him?

I must have been around four or five when he came down to Colombia, and I remember that we were at the beach, the three of us with my mom.

And he tell me about all the places he flew, and all the places he wanted to show me.

I remember how he used to look at my mother.

He adores her.

At the same time, there was gravity to him.

Like if he was carrying a great weight.

At that time, I thought it was because he was just another stiff American, but no.

Now, I know, because...

I see it in my own eyes when I look at the mirror.

Once you decide to do what we do, it's impossible ever again to be free of care.

I miss that feeling. Don't you?

I'm sorry, Teo.

About what?

I shouldn't have tried to stop you from k*lling Henry, I made a mistake.

I'm the one who should be sorry.

Beautiful woman tells you that she doesn't want to lose you, and you still jump off a rooftop?

I must be completely crazy.

I'm not sure what you know or not, but it doesn't look good for your girl out there.

That Stinger was in Stavros's possession when he was k*lled, and Annie's fingerprints are figuratively all over it.

Okay, is there a point to this?

'Cause if not, I have to get back to work.

There's no work for you to get back to, Auggie.

They're placing you and Annie under review.

Well, until I hear that from Joan, I'm gonna have to assume you're full of shit.

I just heard it from the D.C.I., two minutes ago.

And you came down here to what, gloat?

Whose side are you on?

You should know me well enough by now.

I don't play sides.


[Typing clacks]

My name is Annie Walker.

The Director of Clandestine Services should have-- thank you.

Right here! Right here!

Joan called me. I took the first flight over.

Get your arm over my shoulder, buddy.

That's it. It's good to see you.

You're gonna be fine.

I'm Arthur Campbell, former D.C.S of the CIA and a career Navy man. We require immediate assistance.

What happened?

Shot in the leg.

Shattered femur.

He's lost a lot of blood.


Start a bag of saline.

Prep room three for surgery, stat.

Who's the patient?

This is my son, Teo Campbell.

I messed up pretty good, huh?

No, it's okay, these are good doctors.

I think my days being undercover might be behind me.

Don't worry about that now. You just get better.

You think you can find something for me in D.C.?





All right. All right.

Annie, I can't thank you enough for bringing my boy back.


Why did you leave the base?

Joan was arranging to bring you in.

I don't know who I can trust there.

Henry has too many allies that we can't account for.

Well, he may not have as many as we thought.

Turns out Calder's not working for Henry after all.

You sure about that?


Do you think Calder would believe us?

I don't know.

Come in and tell your story, Annie.

It'll be your word against Henry's.

The truth will prevail.

Do you know that Henry laid over in Frankfurt for 36 hours on his way to Copenhagen?


So, why would he do that?

There's a flight every hour.

He must be meeting someone. I'm gonna find out who.

Annie, your cover's been I.D.'d by Interpol.

You are a wanted criminal.

It's all right. I know what to do.

How will I be able to reach you?

As soon as I get a new burner cell, I'll call you.


Hey, Auggie...

It's good to hear your voice.

Good to hear yours too.

Listen, I've been thinking, when this all blows over...

[Police radio chatter]

Maybe we could take some time off, go somewhere.

Go somewhere?

What do you think about the Galapagos?

Someplace no one could find us.

Hell, no one's even looking anywhere near there, unless Milstar 6 or TacSat-3, but they've both been repurposed to collect data on coastal erosions.

Annie, you still there?


Still there?

I was supposed to be on that helicopter myself.

Those are my friends and colleagues.

I can only offer my condolences to the family of those who lost their lives today.

I know how hard it is not to want to lash out in anger.

I've often found solace myself in the good book.

I'm sorry.

Romans 12:19.

"Avenge not yourself, dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written... Vengeance is mine."