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01x22 - Nice as Nails

Posted: 03/15/24 11:34
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪


I did it! I did it!

I did it! I did it!

Berrykin: oh no!


(Dazed sighs)

Plum! Come on! You have to see!

I did it!

Lemon: orange! Hurry! You have to see what I made!

Blueberry! Blueberry! Come on!

Raspberry! You've got to come see!

You've just gotta!

Strawberry! Come see!

See what?

(Oohing and ahhing)

Raspberry: that's the most incredible manicure ever!

But there's more!

(Light chime music playing)

They're musical!

- Wow! - Ooh!

I call them glamicures!

They're the greatest!

The berry best!

Most creative salon beautification!

Ooh, thank you!

Great, thanks!

Ah, thank you!

♪ (Light chime music)

Thank you berry, berry much!

This is the greatest thing since raspberry lip gloss!

I'm so glad you like them.

(Happy sigh)

Oh my goodness! This is the greatest thing ever!

It is the greatest thing I've ever seen!

And here you go, lemon.

And thank you for the wonderful glamicure!

(Happy sigh) this is the greatest beautification success

I've ever had!

(Clarinet music playing)


♪ (Light chime music)

(Chime music playing over clarinet)

All: ooohh!!

(Berrykins laughing)


Oh! Uh...i'm sorry mr. Longface.

(Clarinet playing)

(Pupcake barks)


(Chime music playing over clarinet)


Oh, I'm so sorry, everyone.

Um, I'd better go do something...

(Embarrassed giggle) somewhere else.

One, two, three, four,

Five, six, seven and eight.

Nine, ten, eleven and twelve...

Oh...what am I doing?

(Sigh) I'm not sure how this is gonna work out.

Maybe a little quiet will help me think of an answer.



(Sigh) hi, plum!

Oh! Hi there. Just having a little swim.

The weather's so nice!

(Thunder rumbling)

Plum(giggles nervously) oh well.

Uh, was... Nice weather.

So, do you like your glamicure?

Oh, it's just, um, uh...wonderful!

Yeah, wonderful.

And waterproof.

(Gasp) waterproof?!

Oh, that so?

Yeah. Won't wash off. No matter how hard you scrub.

(Awkward chuckle) how lucky for us.

(Awkward chuckle)

Together: I can't stand 'em anymore!

(Sigh) music is nice here and there, but all day and all night?

I can't think straight!

Try dancing to two tunes at the same time.

The one you're supposed to dance to,

And the one coming from your glamicure.

I think people aren't coming to the store as much

Because they're getting tired of the glamicure music.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know. (Gasp)

Maybe raspberry and blueberry can think of something!

(Rumbling thunder)

Good idea! In the meantime, let's get out of here!

Plum(yelling over music) so what do we do now?!

Orange(yelling) I don't know! What can we do?!

(Yelling) you say you want a pan of stew?

Orange(yelling) no, I said, what can we do?

Well, the first thing we can do is get rid of these earmuffs.

They're almost as bad as the glamicures.

So, what do we do?

Okay, everybody hold your hands very still.

(Music stops)

Girls: (relieved sighs)

Look, we have to tell lemon

That these things just aren't working out.

But how could we do that? She's so proud of them.

I know. I've never seen her so thrilled about something.

It would hurt her feelings to learn the truth.

I'm not gonna be the one to tell her.

If she found out that we don't like her glamicures,

Well, she...she...

(Gasp) she might stop giving manicures all together!

Why, she might even stop giving hair stylings!

And she might not speak to us ever again!

She might close the salon and move away!

And it'd be our fault for being so cruel.

You're right. Strawberry would never do something like that.

She's too considerate.

(Everyone agreeing)

I take back what I said about telling lemon.

I would go to the ends of the earth

Rather than hurt her feelings.

I would go beyond the ends of the earth!

Well, I would... Uh, I would...

I would put up with my glamicure forever!

Girls: us, too!

Then it's decided.

We'll never tell lemon her glamicures are driving us crazy.

Girls: right!

Plum: it's a really simple step, orange.

Just do exactly what I do.


(Glamicure music playing over dance music) one, two, three, one, two, three."],…}

(Glamicure music playing over dance music) one, two three, one, two, three,"],…}

(Glamicure music playing over dance music) four, three, one, two, three, four,"],…}

(Glamicure music playing over dance music) one, three, two, seven, eight, nine!"],…}

(Girls yell in shock)

Both: oh!

(Big yawn)

If that isn't the signal for nap-time, nothing is.

Huh?! Wha?


(Frustrated groan)

Where could they be?

Who are you looking for, lemon?

Raspberry and orange.

They were supposed to meet me for a picnic,

But they haven't shown.

That's odd. I wonder what happened.

Lemonit seems as if blueberry and plum have been avoiding me, too.

I wonder if they're mad at me.

Mad at you?

Maybe I did something wrong

Or maybe they just don't like me anymore?

I don't see how anyone couldn't like you.

I know, how about if I do my pruning later

And I'll picnic with you!

Oh strawberry, thank you.

And then when we're done,

You could go by the other girls' places

And ask them if everything's okay.

Ask them? Oh, oh my no! I couldn't do that.

I know it's scary sometimes to ask difficult questions,

But wouldn't you rather know the truth than imagine bad things?

Oh, but what if the truth is something just terrible?

Could it be more terrible than what you're already afraid of?

"Maybe they don't like me anymore?"

Well, ah...i guess you have a point.

What if you ask them for me?

Uh...i think it's better coming from you.

More direct, you know.

But I'll be happy to go with you, if you'd like.

I'll think about it.

After our picnic.

Sounds good.

Raspberrylook, strawberry had the same idea.

(Giggles) gardening gloves, that's good.

But isn't she afraid lemon will catch on?

Looks like she's taking them off.

Oh, poor strawberry. Such a kind soul to picnic with lemon

And endure

Orange: oh, I feel so bad avoiding lemon's invitation for a picnic.

Uh, me too. But I just couldn't bear to listen to my glamicure.

Be strong. We made a vow to live with our glamicures

And not tell lemon.

No matter how tired we are,

No matter how many picnics we have to miss. Deal?

Raspberry: deal.

You're right, strawberry. I have to talk to my friends.

And now's as good a time as any.

But you'll come along, right?


Whoops! Oops! Oh no!

Got it!

Oh, ah, thanks lemon!

Oh, hi strawberry!


I, um, just dropped by to see if everything' know, okay?

Okay? Well...sure!

What wouldn't be okay? Everything's just great!

Oh sorry about the picnic. Just got so busy in the store.

Oh, I see. That's fine. Strawberry joined me.

Um, so is your glamicure working okay?

Okay? Well, sure!

Lights nice and bright?

So bright you almost need sunglasses! (Forced chuckle)

Oh, good! Plenty of music?

Oh morning, noon n' night! (Forced chuckle)

Well, thanks. I just wanted to see if everything was okay.

Orangeas okay as an "o" and a "k" can be.


(Music stops)


Blueberry: fiction.


Cook book.

Oh! Ah...hi!

Um, is this a bad time?

Is everything okay, blueberry?

Okay? Ah...couldn't be better.

Why, I was just sorting books to the tune of my glamicure.


Oh, good. I was just... Well, I haven't seen you

In a couple of days.

I just wanted to make sure I didn't do anything to...

Well, you know, bother you?

Bother me? Why, no! No!

Okay. That's good. Well, I'll see you around then.

Nice to see you lemon, strawberry...

(Relieved sigh) that was close.



(Frustrated) oh dear, oh my!

Lemonhi, raspberry! What are you sewing?

(Started yelp)

Everything okay raspberry? What are you making?

Oh, just stuff. You know, stuff.

Just, uh, trying my new

Over-under-through-and-back stitch. (Nervous giggle)

Hey, did I mention how much I love my glamicure?

Thanks, plum!

See you later!

You were right. Everything is fine. I think.

You think?

Well, everyone said so, but I had a teeny-tiny feeling

That maybe something wasn't right.

Oh, well. It must have just been me...i guess.

I'm just glad that you spoke to everyone.

That took courage, lemon.

Thanks. Yeah, I do feel better...i guess.


(Glamicure music in distance)


Hmm...poor things.

I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you here.

I need your help with something.

(Girls gasping)



Where'd they go?

What happened to your glamicure?!

Oh, it wasn't working out for me.

It was a little too bright and distracting.

(Gasp) I know!

I can't dance with it!

I can't stack my shelves!

I can't...sleep!

And it clashes with everything I wear!

How did you get rid of it?

We tried everything!

Soap and water, ketchup and peanut butter.

Girls: how'd you do it?!

I just told lemon how I felt, and she removed it.

You told her?


Is she all right?

Did it break her heart?

Oh strawberry, how could you?

I just figured that part of being a good friend

Is having the courage to give constructive criticism.

You know, telling them the truth about something

So they can do better the next time.

And the other part is taking that criticism

In a friendly way.

Which lemon did. She's fine.

Oh, it was driving me crazy!

I couldn't think straight!

I wanted to hide my head under a pillow!

I tried that. It didn't work.

But we've been putting up with it because...

Well, so we wouldn't have to tell lemon.

We kind of...

Avoided it.


We even kind of avoided lemon.

I know. She told me.

She was worried you might be upset with her.

Oh no! That's just awful!

Poor lemon!

And she even dropped by today to make sure

Everything was okay between us and I didn't tell her the truth.

Well, there's only one thing to do.

You'll just have to tell her.

Could we?

We won't make her feel bad?

You can't make her feel worse than you did by hiding from her.

I guess.

Yes, we should.

We'd definitely better.

I agree. We really ought to.

Girls: tell lemon the truth!

(Giggles) so, what are you waiting for?

Plum: you go.

Blueberry: no, you go.

After you.

Raspberry: no, you.

Hi! Wow! Do you all need appointments right now?

Come on. It's what friends do.

It's the, uh... The glamicures.

We kind of think...

They sort of...

Aren't right for us.

Not right?

(Chime music overlapping)

Stop it! Stop it! Stop!

(Music stops)


You're laughing?

But why?

(Laughing) I never...i never realized how bothersome

These glamicures could be.

Whew! We didn't hurt your feelings?

Well, I'm disappointed they didn't work out,

But I really wish you'd told me sooner.

I mean, you're my friends.

I'd rather you were honest with me.

I'm sorry we weren't.

I've got a great idea! New and improved super glamicures!

- Super glamicures? - Huh?

- Really? - I don't know...

Don't worry. I'll listen to any suggestions you have.

Ooh, ooh! Controllable colors!

And a way to change the tune!

Oh! A way to change the beat!

A way to turn them off!

Girls: yeah!

All great ideas!

Girls: yeah!

Especially the "off" switch.

(Excited cheering)