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01x20 - A Circle of Friends

Posted: 03/15/24 11:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪

Alright, folks, this is where it happens, right here!

The whole town's going to show up right here

For the glimmerberry gathering!

So we want this place spotless!

(Everyone agreeing)

Everybody look lively, look lively!

Come on, let's move it, move it, move it, folks!

(Berrykin struggling)

I'll get it! Don't need any help! I can do it!

We're working on this together, all of us!

We are gonna need some extra hands on this one!

Allrighty now, folks! On the count of three.


Berrykins: three!

(Berrykins cheering)

That's it, that's the last of 'em!

Good job, berrykins, good job!


(Wind blowing)

(Berrykins screaming)

No, no, nooooo!

Oh, well. Not bad, not bad!

(Wind blowing)

What do you think? They're to celebrate first frost.

(Barking) (meowing)

Oh, this has to be my most favorite season of the year.

Okay now, let's make this whole place sparkle!




(Wind gusting)

Oh! Looks like we have some berry cold weather moving in.

Here, let me help. We'll get it done faster if we work together.


Looks like...some sort of old box.

Wonder what's in this. (Blowing)

(Pupcake and custard sneeze)

Strawberry: (giggling) sorry.

There's a book in here!

The one we used to read for first frost.

(Laughing) yes, here it is!

It tells all about the first winter in berry bitty city.

I bet everybody would love to hear it again.

I'll read it here in the cafe and invite everyone

In berry bitty city! Come on, you two can help!

Strawberry(shouting) raspberry! Raspberry!

You in here? Raspberry!

Raspberry: just a minute, strawberry.

Ah ha, found it!

What's all this?

Well, I'm finishing up my winter fashions.

It's berry beautiful. So original! So one-of-a-kind!

Well, thanks. I've been putting my whole heart

Into this entire collection.

(Giggling) you out-do yourself every year, raspberry.

I just feel what's the point of doing something

Unless it's the best? So I'm not stopping

Till I get it totally, completely, absolutely right!

Like you said, I really want to make something original,

One of a kind, never-been-seen before!

Well, come on, custard and pupcake,

We better let raspberry work.

Oh, I'm having a reading tonight at the cafe.

I'd really like it if you could come!

Huh? Oh! Oh, yes! Of course.

I'll be there!


(Strawberry giggles)


(Gasp) here they come!

(Glow-bugs buzzing)

(Everyone saying hello to strawberry)

Strawberry: glad you could make it. Oh thanks for coming!

Come on in. Take a seat anywhere you like.

Oh, I'm so looking forward to this, strawberry.

In the old days, this was my favorite part of first frost!

This is a berry fun time of year with celebrations,

And the glimmerberry ball and glimmerberry gathering,

But, sometimes, maybe we forget how important it is.

That's why we always used to read this book,

"The great glimmerberry gathering".

It tells the story of the very first first frost.

Strawberry(reading) long ago, when berry bitty city was a berry bitty place,"],…}

Everyone worked hard to help the new town grow.

Together, they planted the seeds that would become

The beautiful, bountiful berry grove.

But the first winter of that first year was not easy.

The weather turned quite cold.

Some of the townsfolk were trapped in their houses

By snowdrifts, and others had to dig them out.

Some townsfolk ran low on food they stored for winters,

And others shared what they had.

As the days went by, it only grew colder,

And colder and colder still!

It looked like the young berry plants might die.

That's when the first glimmerberry was carved

And made into a beautiful, glowing lantern.

Because it was important to--

Plumwow! They've been carving glimmerberries that long?

That's right. For many years.

Blueberry: I had no idea!

And so today, when we take the carved berries to--

I never knew there was a- a real reason for it.

I thought we did it because it's fun!

It is fun, but it's also important because--

Raspberry: this year, I'm going to carve the most beautiful berry ever!

Of course we have to remember why we carve the berries.

See, in the story, it says--

Oh-oh, I'm going to start work on my daring design right now!

Oh! Me too, me too!

But don't you want to hear the rest of it?

Oh, yeah, but I really want to get working on some designs.

Why wait till the last minute?

I am going to absolutely out-do myself this year!

- Great idea! - Gotta get busy!

Oh, this is gonna be so much fun!


(Sad sigh)

I guess they didn't think the story was so important.

I'm sorry, princess berrykin.

Maybe the time wasn't right.

But someday, strawberry, you'll help them see

The real reason for the gathering. I know you will.


Hmm. Good, but not good enough.

Not original, one-of-a-kind, never-been-seen-before enough!

Hmm. I'm going to put my whole heart into this one!

It's got to be the greatest, most beau--

Hmm. No, that's not it.

Aha! Yes! Oh yes! I think I'm onto something!

A little bit more here, a little bit less there.

That's it!

I bet no one has ever seen a design like this before!


(Gasping) what?!

Is that your glimmerberry design?

No! I mean, maybe. I mean, I don't know.

I mean...why?

I was just asking. I didn't see it.

Not even for half a second?

Well, maybe half a half-second, but that's not why I stopped by.

(Giggling) I just want it to be a surprise.

I understand. I want my design to be a surprise, too.

I just wanted to ask if I could borrow some drawing paper.

So I could make my glimmerberry design. I have it in my head,

But if I don't draw it soon, it might disappear.

(Giggling) of course. That's how my idea came to me.

It just seemed to magically pop into my head! (Giggle)

Here you are.

Blueberry: ooh! This one seems pretty good.

Nice shape, right size.

I think I'll go for it.

How about you, strawberry? Any luck?

I'm leaning toward this one. What do you think?

It's a beauty, alright.

Hey, raspberry! Have you picked a glimmerberry

To carve for the gathering?

Oh, uh, yes I have.

And I better hurry home to carve it right now!

What was that all about?

She wants her berry to be a big surprise.

(Girls excited chatter)

Hey! Where's everybody going?

Over to strawberry's.

We're going to show each other our glimmerberry designs.

Are you coming, raspberry?

(Chuckles) okay!

(Quietly) but I'm certainly sure not going to show

Anybody my design until my berry is carved.

(Girls chattering)

Plum: can I go first, can i, please?

Sure, plum. Go ahead!

It took a while to get it just the way I wanted it,

But what do you think?

(Gasp) it's almost exactly like mine!

That's fantastic, plum.

Check this out. I did one sorta like it.

Hey, I did, too!

What do you know, me too! Wonder how that happened?!

(Door opens and shuts)

It happened because orange copied my drawing!

But-but raspberry, I haven't even seen your drawing.

Well, of course not!

Strawberry: then how could she have copied it?

Well, she saw blueberry's and blueberry saw plum's

And plum saw lemon's and lemon saw mine!

You're just, uh, joking, right, raspberry?

(Sobbing) I do not think this is a joke.

Now, let's stay calm and figure this out.

I worked very hard on that design.

I wanted to make something special and totally original

For the glimmerberry gathering! I put my whole heart into it.

I'm sure there's a berry simple explanation.

Of course there is. Everybody copied me.

Raspberry: you can count me out.

I'm not going to carve a glimmerberry this year.

But, raspberry, we need you!

We can't have the glimmerberry gathering unless...

Everybody's there.

Blueberryyou know, I don't like to say this

But, maybe raspberry's right.

Maybe orange did copy my sketch.

I didn't want to say anything either,

But I was thinking lemon might've been copying, too.

I hate to even think it but, I have a feeling maybe

Plum did copy my sketch.

Plum: uh, strawberry, we have a little problem.

I'm starting to think there has been some copying going on.

Oh, plum--

Really. Blueberry was hanging around my place that day and--

I heard that! Am I being accused of copying?

Look, I'm just saying...

But it was orange who copied me!

I didn't copy anybody!

Are you sure it wasn't you who copied me?

Now, come on, everybody. Let's not get carried away.

Carried away with what?

Orange: we're talking about copying!

(Girls arguing)


(Girls arguing)

And one accused the other and on and on it went,

And now, no one wants to carve berries.

And without everyone cooperating together,

Well, the gathering just cannot be.

(Sigh) I'm afraid we'll have to cancel the celebration.



Thanks, custard.

Aw, pupcake. I know you want to help but,

There's nothing we can do.

Won't be needing this anymore.

Hey, hold on a minute.

Oh. Oh! Oh! Now it all makes sense!

Now I know exactly what to do.

(Barking and meowing)

Strawberry(shouting) meeting! Meeting time!

Meeting at the cafe!

Blueberry! Raspberry! Orange! Lemon, everybody!

Come on over, as soon as you can!

Tell everybody, anybody!

Everybody! Important meeting! Right now!

(Everyone chattering)

What's this all about, strawberry?

Yeah, what's so important we had to run over here?

I wanted you to hear the rest of the "glimmerberry gathering."

We never got to finish.

But why?

There's not going to be a gathering this year.

Please. Everybody. Just stay and listen.

When I'm done, I think you'll understand.

Custard, the lights!


(Reading) when that coldest of cold winters hit berry bitty city,

The whole community worked hard to save the newly-planted grove.

But the weather kept growing harsher

And they knew the young plants weren't going to make it.

Then, the littlest berrykin had an idea.

"We can carve out the frozen berries we do have," he said.

"And we can put glow-bugs in them."

"Why would we do that?" The others asked.

"If we took them to the groves," he explained,

"They might keep the plants warm."

At first, they only laughed at the little berrykin.

But then, they understood. It was their only hope.

If the plants didn't make it, they'd have no food to eat

And no power to run the little city.

So they worked together,

And took the glowing berries into the field.

(Laughs) and it worked! The plants were saved.

But only because every single person in berry bitty city

Brought a lantern to help warm the berry plants.

The people of berry bitty city saw that they had

To depend upon each other, the way they depend

On the glimmerberries. And so we celebrate

The glimmerberry gathering every winter.

Every person in berry bitty city carves a frozen berry lantern,

The whole town comes together

And lights their lanterns in a circle.

It is a promise everyone makes

That the community will come together

And help each other in the hard winter days to come.

Friends helping friends.

And that is what the gathering is really all about.

Oh! Oh my. I've really been acting so berry silly.

Now, there's one more thing I want to show you.

Do you see this? Here.

Raspberry: wait! That's, that's, that's my design!

Strawberry: that's right!

And I drew one just like it!

Hey, me too!

So did i!

We all did!

I think you all saw it when I opened the box,

But you didn't realize you'd seen it.

That's how you came up with the same design.

We all did.

Oh, then, then... (Gasp)

I accused you all of copying me when you didn't.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I hope you can kinda, sorta forgive me?

Well, sure, raspberry. If you can forgive me.

Lemon: me too. And me.

I think we all overreacted.

Oh, look, everybody!

It's getting really frosty outside!

I bet the berries are berry frozen and perfect for carving!

You had better hurry, if you're going to get

The glimmerberries carved in time!

- Let's do it! - Come on everybody!


Plum: how's this looking?

Orange: awesome, how 'bout this one?

Lookin' good, orange. You missed a little spot there.

Is everybody just about done?

(Girls agreeing)

Give me another second.

I'll let 'em know it's time.

Could you please tell the glow-bugs we're ready?

Thank you!

♪ When things ♪ ♪ aren't lookin' up ♪

♪ And it seems ♪ ♪ you're outta luck ♪

♪ Just think ♪ ♪ behind the clouds ♪

♪ Could be ♪ ♪ a beautiful rainbow! ♪

♪ When it all ♪ ♪ just falls apart ♪

♪ You over baked ♪ ♪ your berry tart ♪

♪ That's when you'll find ♪ ♪ a four leaf clover! ♪

♪ Life is sweet ♪ ♪ life is good ♪

♪ Life is anything you want ♪ ♪ and you know that you should ♪

♪ Just believe ♪ ♪ what I say ♪

♪ Look around and you'll see ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪

♪ It's good ♪ ♪ it's all good ♪

♪ It's good ♪ ♪ it's all good ♪

♪ Hum a tune ♪ ♪ take a walk ♪

♪ Whistle while you ♪ ♪ think happy thoughts ♪

♪ Don't let anybody ♪ ♪ take away your sunshine ♪

♪ Fly a kite and run around ♪ ♪ turn a frown upside down ♪

♪ Find your sparkle ♪ ♪ shine your light ♪

♪ Come on, sing it loud ♪

♪ Life is sweet ♪ ♪ life is good ♪

♪ Life is anything you want ♪ ♪ and you know that you should ♪

♪ Just believe ♪ ♪ what I say ♪

♪ Look around and you'll see ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪

♪ It's all good ♪