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01x11 - Berry Best BerryFest Princess

Posted: 03/15/24 11:27
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪

(Berrykins chattering)

Mr. Longface: begin...the countdown!

Ten! Nine! Eight!

Seven! Six! Five! Four!

Three! Two! One!!

(Everyone cheering)

(Clears throat)

Don't worry... You can do it.

Princess berrykin is always the one to plant

The zippy gro geranium seed

When the last snowberrykin has melted.

I know. Of all the times to be called away

By the bitty berry growers' association to berry big city.

But I'm sure it must have been berry urgent.

There's no way around it. It's up to you, berrykin bloom,

To plant the first flower of spring.

(Big nervous gulp)

(Crowd ooh's and aah's)


(Crowd cheers)

But where's berrykin bloom?

There he is!

(Crowd cheers)

Time for the berryfest spring festival!

(Everyone cheering)

Whoa! Woohoo!

(Girls cheering)

Blueberry: wait!

According to my "history and mystery of berry bitty city",

First edition,

There has to be a berryfest princess.

And princess berrykin has been berryfest princess

Since the beginning of the book.

So who's gonna do it now?

(Everyone gasps)

The berryfest princess has great responsibilities.

She must organize and manage and lead the festival.

Berrykin: and she must...

...plan the events, judge all the flowers,

Smell all the flowers, know all about spring.

Not to mention the wanderberry.

And of course...

She must ride in the front of the parade

In a beautiful carriage.

Together: that's for me!

How will we ever choose?

Uh, draw straws?

A quick game of musical chairs?

Find someone with a name that rhymes with "drum?"

It was just a thought...

Postmaster bumblebee: well, there's only one way to be fair.

Berry bitty city must do something

It's never done before... Have an election!

(Crowd chattering)

(Talking over one another) vote for me! Vote for me! Vote for me!

You know, when I choose someone to work at the post office,

They have to show me they can do the job first.

Oh, a splendid idea, indeed! Let's put the potential

Candidates through a few tests eh,

To see if they have what it takes to be berryfest princess.

(Everyone agreeing)

Mr. Longface: the first challenge: the berryfest princess

Judges the flower contest at the festival.

Let's see who knows their flowers!

You may proceed.


Ah, that's easy! A rose by any other name

Would still smell as rosy.

(Chuckling) that is correct!

(Everyone cheers)



(Sneezy voice) uh...sorry. I think I have a double-begonia.

Don't you mean double-pneumonia, kadiebug?

No, no, no! Kadiebug was right the first time. It is a begonia!

(Everyone cheering)

The flower is a daisy...


And you had...three slices of cantaloupe at lunch? are right! On both counts.

What do you call a flower that grows in-between

Your nose and your chin?

Tulips. Get it? (Laughs) two... Lips?

Oh, good answer...and uh, lackluster joke.

Lackluster? What does that mean?

He means, not so good.

Hmph! I thought it was a fabulous joke!

Well, everyone has different tastes, I guess.

(Munching sound)

Oh, I'm sorry... You ate your flower,

And you are disqualified.

I couldn't help it, I was hungry.

(Sniffing) I think she ate a honeysuckle.

That is correct!

(Girls laughing)


That is a zinnia, a genus of species of annual

And perennial plants of family asteraceae.

Hmm...i suppose you are correct.

It's a zinnia at least.


Oh boy! I just don't know.

Oh, terribly sorry. It was a daffodil.

Oh shucks! No wonder I missed it.

Daffodils aren't in fashion this season!

With two down, we now move to our final contest.

The berryfest princess must know her way around

The berry grove so that she can catch the wanderberry.

She must show enough athletic ability and stamina

To lead the parade,

And she must show an appreciation for growing things.

The final contestants must climb a strawberry plant,

Pick a strawberry, climb down,

Plant the strawberry,

And water the strawberry. First two to finish, win!

(Berrykins cheering)

On your marks, get set...plant!

Oh, now which one should I climb?

That one looks good, but rather high. What if I fall?

Oh, that one's nice... But the berry is so big,

I might drop it.

Let me see. Oh, here it is,

One hundred ways to gather strawberries.

One, use a basket. Two, use a bigger basket.

Three, don't use a basket, but use a chair to climb up

And then use a basket.

(Grunting) good climbing orange! You're fast.

You're doing great, too!

Thank you!

Here...use this.

(Giggles) thanks!

(Chuckling) this works great!

(Plum grunting)

Come on! You stubborn strawberry!

Get off your vine!

I know! I'll dig the hole first,

Water it, and then get the strawberry!

Nice strawberry you picked, strawberry!

I like yours, too!

Thank you!





Kadiebughey! Who turned out the lights? Let me out!

(Kadiebug crying)


Oh look, I grew a kadieberry!

Together: we did it!

Just...fall! Fall!

We have our two candidates!




(Crowd cheering)

Ah-ha! Here it is, number .

Take a basket in your left hand, and one in your right--

Oh! We're done already?

Sure are!

But I'm going to ride in that parade carriage no matter what.

Me, too.

Strawberry: there. Done.

Only one hundred and ninety-nine more to go!

Oh, uh, pardon me, sadiebug, after you.

Sorry. Um, lemon. No, you first.

Lemon: hey, strawberry!

Lemon and sadiebug: I've come to be your campaign manager.

Uh, well--

Together: hey! I was gonna say that!

Well, why don't you both be my campaign managers and team up?

Oh, I would be berry glad to have your help.

Together: hmm...

I only need one hundred ninety-nine more signs made.

Dig in.


Orange: come again soon and vote for orange!

Come again soon and vote for orange!

Come again soon and vote for orange.

Come again soon and vote for orange.

Oh! What are you doing?

Um, I'm handing out "vote for orange buttons"

(Laughs) no-no-no-no-no!





Uh...give me that!


As your official campaign manager,

These bitty buttons don't tell a big enough message!


Here you go. And you. And you, too.

Berrykins: wheeeeeeeee!

(Pins rattling and rolling)

Um, kadiebug, I'm not sure I need a campaign manager,

But I really could use a speech writer. Know any?

Don't you worry, soon-to-be-berryfest princess!

I shall take charge and get you the berry best!

Oh, that's what I'm afraid of...

There. All done.

That looks great, lemon. Thanks.

Sadiebug: oh! How about my side?

Um... (Laughing)

Aren't I the one who's running for berryfest princess?

Oops...i thought she looked kind of familiar!

I'll just redraw all of them.

You know, sadiebug,

What I could use more than posters is a speech writer.

And since blueberry is so good at writing,

Maybe you could see if she might help.

Got it, berryfest princess-to-be!

I don't know how to say this, but...

I'm not sure sadiebug and I are in

Agreement on the best way to help you win.

Oh...i'm not sure I'm in agreement about any of this.

(Keys clicking)

In unison: hey, blueberry!

In unison: what are you doing here?

I asked you first.

No, I did.

Let's call it a tie. Now, what can I do for you two?

In unison: you have to write a speech for my candidate!

It would be odd to write a speech for both candidates,

And, well I'm not sure I've decided

Who I'm going to vote for yet.

My candidate's the best!

No, mine is!








In unison: you've decided?

Well no, not yet, but--

My candidate will let you ride with her in the parade!

So will mine! Right up in the front!

Don't worry, I'll let you know when I decide.

Right in the very front!

Like! You couldn't ride in a better place!


What am I gonna do about this?


What's the matter, blueberry?

Who do I write a speech for, strawberry? You? Orange?

I love you both. I don't want to hurt either of your feelings.

This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me!

Oh no. Worst thing that ever happened to her?

I wonder if anyone else feels like that...

I'm so sorry strawberry, but you're just going to have to

Find your election fashions somewhere else.


It's too upsetting for me to make dresses

For both you and orange.

But why? You love making dresses!

Well, I tried, but every time I added

A great-looking detail to one dress,

I felt, to be fair, that I had to go back to the other one

And add it to the other to be sure both dresses

Were equally fantastic.

'Cause I love you both. It's making me crazy!

But, raspberry, any dress you make for me

I'm sure will be terrific.

I won't compare it with orange's,

And I'm sure orange won't either.

We'll both just be so happy you made our dresses.

I don't know what to do!



Oh, strawberry! I don't know what to do!

You too? What is it, plum?

I don't know who to vote for!

You, orange, orange, you.

It's tearing me apart.

It's fine, plum. Vote for either orange or me.

Both are good choices.

I think orange would make a great berryfest princess.

I know... So would you.

I don't even know if I want to vote!

Oh, my... This is berry, berry bad.

(Pencil scratching)

Oh! That's not what I want to say.

Or that. (Sigh)

Strawberry: no, I can do better than that.

Hello, strawberry.

Having trouble writing your election speech?

(Sigh) not my speech, my resignation letter.

Resignation? You're dropping out of the election?

Yes. I don't want to run for berryfest princess anymore.

But why not? It's a great honor, you know.

And we really need a berryfest princess.

I know, but the election is causing too much trouble.

Everyone has to make a choice between orange and me,

And it doesn't seem right.

We've always been about friends and togetherness.

But now everyone in town is forced to pick one or the other,

And some don't know who to vote for and are unhappy. So...

So, I think it's best if I drop out of the race.

I'm not sure you're seeing why

People should have a choice of who to vote for.

You think it's "if you vote for me, you like me,"

And "if you vote for her, you like her."

But it's not really about that.

It sure feels that way.

Voting shouldn't be about who anyone likes,

But the choice they're offering.

And it's good to have different choices in things.

A choice in what you want to eat for lunch,

Or what to wear, or anything.

And you know that just because the people

Of berry bitty city might not agree on who to vote for,

They can still get along.

You and your friends have different opinions,

Yet you all get along. Isn't that right?

We do... (Chuckles) well most of the time.

Too bad my own campaign managers don't.


(Crickets chirping)

How does this look?

Great! How about mine?


In unison: hi, strawberry!

I see you two are... Getting along?

Mm-hmm, we realized we weren't getting anything done

Not working together--

--So we made a plan of how to work together.

I do the posters my way.

And I do the buttons my way.

And then we both help each other hand out

The buttons and hang up the posters!

And most of all, we are both nice no matter what.

That's the berry best thing I've heard all day!


So good, that it makes me want to write a speech about it.


So, like I said, I believe in less planning and mo doing.

Hmm. More doing. Sounds good to me.

Sometimes you just have to jump right in

To get things done here in berry bitty city.

And if you vote for me for berryfest princess,

You'll be voting for yourself.

Well...actually, not yourself, but me.

But you know what I mean.

I think it would be fun to be berryfest princess,

So vote for me!

(Crowd claps and cheers)

Thank you, orange blossom,

For that wonderful election speech.

And now, to hear from our second candidate, strawberry shortcake.

(Crowd claps and cheers)

(Laughs) I agree that being berryfest princess will be fun,

But it will also be hard work, and I'm ready for that.

And I believe in more planning before doing.

More planning. Sounds good.

So, I guess I don't agree with orange on everything.

But that doesn't mean that we don't get along.

I was very confused by this election.

I wanted to be berryfest princess...

But I also wanted my friend orange to be, too.

So running against orange made me confused.

And I think it may be confusing a lot of you, too.

Crowd: oh!

Then I realized that there are good reasons

To vote for both of us. Different reasons.

And so everyone in berry bitty city has a chance to choose.

And choosing isn't bad.

Even though we have different opinions, we all get along.

Just remember, no matter who you choose,

We'll always, always, always be friends...

No matter what.

(Loud cheers and clapping)

Mr. Longface: now that we've heard the candidates' speeches,

It's time to vote!

(Crowd cheering)

Now remember, orange for orange and red for strawberry!

Now that we've voted, it's time to count the votes!

(Crowd cheering)

One for orange!

One for strawberry!

Two for strawberry!

Two for orange!

Mr. Longface: and the last vote is for...


(Crowd cheers loudly)

(Muttering to himself) seventy five plus three, carry the two and...


We have a tie!

Crowd: a tie? (Chattering)

Oh no, no, no... It definitely can't be a tie.

As near as I can figure, somebody didn't vote!

Orange: oops! Sorry about that.

In all the excitement, it must have slipped my mind.

Can I vote now?

I think you must, or we won't have a berryfest princess.

I'm gonna be in the front of the parade!


The winner of the election,

And the berryfest princess for this year is:


Strawberry shortcake!

(Crowd cheering)


But...but... You voted for me?

I know it would be fun to win, but well, I thought it over,

And my opinion is, you would make

The best berryfest princess.

(Crowd cheering loudly)

Who's riding in the front of the parade?


Actually, orange and I decided

That since both of you were,

Good campaign managers, that you should both get to ride

At the front of the parade.

In unison: both of us?

Well, I get to ride in the front of the carriage.

Uh-uh! Huh-uh!

Oh, well I tried...

(Laughing) you sure did.

(Everyone cheering and clapping)