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01x05 - Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

Posted: 03/15/24 11:23
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪

Orange: do you guys like this on me?

Raspberry: love it!

Blueberry: did you try that new berry shake at the cafe?

Yeah, it's so good.

Raspberry: hey, by the way, where is strawberry?

Hi, everybody!

Hi, strawberry!

Oh! Am I early?

Right on time. I'm just running a bit behind.

Let's see...

Sorry blueberry, can I put you over here?

Let me put you over here.


Thank you.

And let's get those pinkies soaking.

How much time do we have?

Lemon: we're running out of time.

I wish there was a way to do hair and nails faster!

I don't want to be late for the special event.

Lemon, you're not just the fastest, you're the best.

Girls: yeah! Totally!

Thank you, thank you, just doing my job.

And a berry excellent job!

Thanks to you, we're all going to look gorgeous

For the opening day

Of mr. Longface's croquet country club.

I've never played croquet.

Well, it's kind of like golf

But with wire hoops instead of holes. It's fun!

(Hair dryer blowing wildly)

(Girls shrieking and laughing)

(Machines run wildly)

(Girls shrieking and laughing)



This could be a new look for us.

(Girls laughing)

Oh, I am so sorry!

(Girls laughing)

Here, let me!

I got it, I got it!

Oh, dear, look at that.


Okay, hold still! There, got it.

(Giggles) no, it's great!

Raspberry: looks great!

Never looked better!

Orange: I love it!

Sure does.


(Sighs) perfect.

Ooh, thanks!

Strawberry: huh?

Oh, I think it's stuck.

It isn't stuck. It's locked.

Oh goodness!

I made us late and now mr. Longface has locked us out.

I don't think he'd do that to us just for being late.


Plum, raspberry,

Could you please give me a leg up?

Sure thing!

Here you go!

Mr. Longface: (muttering)

Oh no! This won't do at all.

A little longer there.

Oh, that's wrong!

Well, he's in there.

What's he doing?

Um, excuse me?

Mr. Longface!


Okay. Down, please.

(Plum and raspberry grunting)

I have to apologize, mr. Longface.

It's my fault we were late to your opening.

Oh, the apology is mine, miss meringue.

The opening of my croquet country club is in fact...

Well, not opening.

Not opening?


Oh, it has been postponed,

Due, I am ashamed to say,

To an unsatisfactorily trimmed lawn.


Perfectly shameful, isn't it?

Strawberry: looks berry nice to me.

Girls: yeah! I think so! Seems nice!

Uh, how do you play?

This looks like fun!

Blueberry: can I be blue?

How do we start?

We each take turns hitting our balls

Through those wires called "wickets".

But it's not level.

Why, if one was to send a ball rolling across something

As rough as that... (Sputters)

There's no telling where it would end up!

I'm sorry, my friends, but I'm ashamed to say

That I won't be ready to open until later.

We'd be happy to help you trim the grass.

Yeah, I'm pretty good with a pair of scissors.

(Girls agreeing)

Oh, thank you, everyone,

But help is on the way.

Mr. Longface: (gasps)

Oh hello, friend berrykins!

And thank you for coming to my rescue.

Berrykins: no problem! At your service!

Let's get to work!

Well, lemon, we weren't late after all.

Only because the opening is postponed.

Blueberry: nah.

Orange: it would've been okay.

Plum: yeah it's okay, lemon.

Hey! How about we all go for a picnic at the pond?

(Excited chatter)

(Girls laughing)


Thanks, strawberry, but...

I think I have some work to do at my salon.

(Giggles) but all your customers are going on a picnic.

There isn't anyone who needs a make-over.

My salon needs a makeover. I want to fix it up

So that everything runs a little smoother

So I can do everyone's hair faster.

Okay. I'll save a sandwich for you.

Thanks, strawberry.

(Mop swishing)


(Reading) "the new salon-o-matic.

Manicures like magic, pedicures perfectly,

Styles hair faster than you've ever seen before.

Your customers will love you!"

But what kind of "surprise"?

I don't know, raspberry.

Lemon just called and said to bring everyone over

For a "re-opening" of her beauty salon.

"Re-opening"? What does she mean?


Welcome to lemon's new salon where you're in and out

Faster than you can say hi 'n' goodbye!

Wow! Um...what is it?

This is the all new salon-o-matic!

Manicures like magic, pedicures perfectly,

Styles hair faster than you've ever seen before!

So, who'll be first?

Well, I guess, uh, sure, I'll give it a try.

Okay. Just...

That's right, sit down here.

Uh, what do I do?

Not a thing.

The salon-o-matic does it all.

(Salon-o-matic whirring)



Welcome to the salon-o-matic!

In just a few short seconds, a new do for a new you!

(Bubbling and whirring)



Lemon, that's incredible!

Exactly the way you do it!

Thank you.

Oh, this new invention thing is great!

Where'd you get it?

I just called this number.

Who's next?

(Girls shouting)



(Giggles) incredible.

Even the syrup drips are the same!


They're all identical!

All thanks to the wonder waffler.

"The cook's fastest friend."

Wow! Where'd you get it?

Same place lemon got her salon-o-matic.

Guess what I'm doing right now?

Girls: hi, blueberry!

What are you doing right now?


Spending quality time with your talented and charming friends?

Mmm, having a waffle?

Thank you.

Yes, I'm doing all those things, as well as...

I'm cleaning my bookstore.

Oh, like this afternoon?

No. Right now.

(Hums and beeps)

My new a*t*matic clean-o-matic does it while I'm away.

Keeps my bookstore nice and shiny.

I don't have to do a thing.

Which gives me time to catch up on

Writing all my book reviews.

Ooh, when can I borrow it?

Any time.

(Phone ringing)

Excuse me, girls.

Hello? Hi, lemon.

Oh, we're all over here at blueberry's

Watching her new clean-o-matic.

Hey, does anybody need a... You know, trim? Manicure?


Trim? Uh, manicure?

Girls: hi lemon! No, we're good!

Nope, we're good.


(Girls yelping)


Well, then, bye, I guess.

(Door opens)

Hi strawberry! What can I do for you?

New hairstyle? Manicure?

(Giggles) oh no, I just wanted to see

How you are enjoying your time off.

Well, it's nice, but...

Actually, I feel like there isn't a lot to do here,

And I'd like to be useful.

Is there anything I could do at the cafe to help you?

Of course!

Orange: guess what I'm doing right now?

Uh...drinking a smoothie?



Raspberry: don't tell me.

I'm cleaning my store.

(Girls giggling)

Can I borrow the clean-o-matic next?

Of course.

Well, how are the smoothies?

Mmm! (Smacks lips)


What do you think?

Yum! Mmm-hmm!

Alive with fruit flavor.

(Chuckles) lemon's a natural.

Lemon: (slurping)

Uh, I think I like the way

You make them better, strawberry.

Well, with practice I'm sure

You'll make them the same way I do in no time.

That's really sweet, but I don't want to make you spend time

Teaching me to do something you can do yourself.

I'm not sure café work is for me.

Lemon: the bitty city bop is all about...

Your feet?

(Whispering) the beat!

Oh yeah. The...the beat!

And step to the left and forward,

And three steps, oh, I mean to the right!


Oh, I meant left!

(Dizzy moans)

You were great, lemon.

Uh, let's take five?

(Tired groans)

I'm sorry plum.

You're so nice to hire me to teach,

But honestly, you do this better than anyone.

And we don't really need two dance teachers.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

(Hums and beeps)

Fun, huh?

Uh, sure.

But I don't think you really need my help.

What do you mean?

Well, orange. I mean,

How many times can we re-alphabetize these cans?

Uh, but--

I just want to make a special contribution, like I used to.

Doing something that I have fun at

The way I did with hair styling.


Well, you've had so many great ideas

About how to reorganize my store, I was thinking...


Why not come up with an idea for a fun, new business?

Start a new business? I can't do that.

Sure you can.

(Hums and beeps)

Lemon: lemon meringue's ferry boat is open for business!


Step right aboard. There you go!

Oh, watch your step please.

(Paddles splashing)

All ashore!

There you go! Oh! Watch your step please.

Berrykins and girls: (shouting thanks and goodbye)

Wow! Another picnic?

Sure! We've decided to have picnics

Across the lake every day.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Great! But, three days in a row?

Well, sure! Why not?

You're all doing this just for me, aren't you?

Us? We? Uh...oh.

We wanted to support your new ferry.

It's such a great idea, uh, such a great service.


Thank you, but not a very much needed service.

Berrykins and strawberry: hi lemon!

(Paddles whirring)

Now remember, it's not a picnic, it's bird watching today.

Got it!

Blueberry: "closed for the season"?

Oh no.

Orange: but lemon, we all want you here.

We need you here.

What's big bitty city got that we don't have?

Something for me to do

Where I can have fun and be useful.


Thanks for caring.

Don't look so sad!

I'll come back and visit. A lot! Promise.

Come on. I have an idea.

Blueberry: you want us to put honey...

In our hair?

But how's that gonna keep lemon from leaving?


(Girls shrieking)

Orange: lemon, you can't leave!

Why not?

Orange: look what the salon-o-matic did to us!

Oh, no! Quick, back to the salon.

I'm not sure what strawberry will think of this plan.



Now it won't even do anything!

What a bust.

Boy! It sure is a good thing we caught you in time.

Can you help us?

At your service!

Strawberry: but are you sure you can't join us?

Just for lunch?

Everyone misses you berry, berry much!

Thank you, miss shortcake,

But every hour I'm not preparing the lawn,

Is another hour my grand opening is delayed.


Ks wonderful!

Orange: what would we have done without you?

Thank you, lemon!

You're our hero!


Lemon: oh, how did these get here? did what get where?

(Screws twirling)

(Salon-o-matic chugging and humming)

Orange: we just wanted you to stay.


But it's important the lawn is level.

Isn't the important thing that we all have fun together

And enjoy each other's company?

A nice boat ride.

Oh, a nice picnic lunch.

Strawberry: I'm sure it would mean a lot to lemon.

Well, i...i didn't think of it that way.

I wouldn't want to let miss meringue down.

But my lawn!

Mr. Longface. We want you back!

You are so much more important to berry bitty city

Than this lawn.

Am i?

Of course. Don't you know that?

Oh! Can you excuse me?

There is something I need to tell someone.

Hmm. I'm more important to berry bitty city than you.

Lemon: (sighs)

I know, and I appreciate what you're trying to do.

Please girls. I'm going to miss the bus!

Strawberry: what's happening? Good!

Raspberry: strawberry!

Plum: she's moving!

Please stop her!

Don't let her leave!

Lemon! You're leaving?

Oh strawberry, I just feel

There's no need for me to stay in berry bitty city.

Not unless I can do something useful.

Something that everyone needs.

I'll tell you what we need.

Someone to take care of the complaints about this machine!

What complaints?

Oh! Where do I begin?

One, the machine is lousy at conversation,

And boy is it useless at giving advice!

Two, it doesn't tell you how nice you look

Or offer any fashion hints.

Three, it won't laugh at any of our jokes.

Four, it doesn't fit in a sleeping bag for sleep-overs,

And it won't even respond

When you send it an invitation! How rude.

Five, it doesn't have a shoulder to cry on.

And six, and this is by far the worst.

It never hugs.

Girls: yeah! That's right!

We love you for who you are as a person and friend lemon.

And that machine can never be any of those things.

I sent back my wonder waffler.

Too perfect.

There just wasn't the individual touch of the cook.

Does this mean I have to send back my clean-o-matic?

It hasn't cleaned the dance studio yet.

We don't have to send the clean-o-matic back.

What I'm to trying to say is,

Oh lemon. Will you please stay with us?

(Cheering and laughing)

Ah, miss shortcake, you're right.

I've been neglecting you all.

Miss meringue?

I'm sorry I never visited your ferry.

How can I make it up to you?

Well, could you help us push the salon-o-matic

Over to the post office?

I'm sending it back.

At your service!

Oh, no!

Oh my.


(Berrykins screaming)


(Snips and buzzes)

(Snipping and buzzing)

(Powers down)

Oh! I'm so sorry, mr. Longface.

Not at all, miss meringue.

Your machine has trimmed the grass to perfection!

(Chuckles) I hereby declare

Mr. Longface's croquet club open for business!


Miss meringue, would it be too much to ask?

It's all yours, mr. Longface.

Splendid! Would you do the honor

Of hitting the first official ball?

My pleasure.


(Girls scream)
