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01x03 - Vanishing Violets

Posted: 03/15/24 11:16
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪






Strawberry: well, I'm off to the garden!

Here you go, mr. Longface,

Pomegranate tea and apple slices.

Oh, thank you, miss shortcake.

You're berry welcome.

And thank you for watching the cafe for me!

My pleasure. And how is your garden growing?

Oh, I'm hoping my flowers will be at their best

In time for the flower festival.

C'mon, pupcake!

Ahh, yes, the flower festival.

The event of the year!

Girls: hi, strawberry! How are you?

Hi, everyone!

Hi, berrykin bloom!

Well! Your roses look very lovely this year!

(Giggles) as usual.

You just might win again, as usual.

Thank you, lemon meringue, strawberry shortcake.

Here, strawberry,

Your flowers might want some water.

Before the day gets any hotter?

Why, thank you!

Those are beautiful, lemon.

I think that this year,

Your flowers are going to be the ones to beat.

(Giggling) oh no, you can't mean my violets

Stand a chance against your award winning roses.

Oh, I'm tellin' no lies. You could win the first prize!

You're so kind to say so.

(Sighs) first prize.

(Excited chattering then shushing)

And now,

To the individual who has toiled from sunrise to sunset

Growing the most perfect flowers,

I award first prize to...

Princess berrykin: lemon meringue!


Strawberry: lemon!

Huh? Wh-what?

It's getting late. Are you coming in?

We were worried about you. You've been out here for hours.

I'll be right there.

Soon as I tuck them in for the night.

Good night. See you in the morning!

(Humming happily)


My violets!




We're so sorry, lemon.

My poor violets!

What could have happened?

It's certainly a mystery.

We'll find out how it happened.

But, who would do such a thing?


You think someone took your violets?

A flower thief!

Berrykin bloom: (humming)

Oh, good morning, miss meringue!

You're here early today.

So are you.

Girls: good morning mr. Bloom! How are you?





Oh, my, oh me. Is that sadness I see?


(Sighs) oh.

Lemon's had a misfortune, mr. Bloom.

One of her violets went missing.

Oh, no! But...but how?

We don't know.

Oh, that's so sad for you! Now I feel bad, too.

I'm sure you do.

C'mon lemon. I'll make you a pancake breakfast

And wake-me-up fruit juice surprise at the cafe.

Lemon, you don't really think that nice mr. Bloom

Would do a thing like that, do you?

Of course not, but...

Well, didn't you see?

See what?

His garden is right next to mine!

That's true.


It's also true that we've known berrykin bloom a long time.

Lemon, you've gotta be careful of accusing people.

You could really hurt someone's feelings.

Uh, I'd never want that to happen.

(Sighs) you're right, strawberry.

Berrykin bloom would never do a thing like that.

Lemon: (gasps)

Berrykin bloom: what is it, miss meringue?

Muh, muh, muh, muh...

More of my violets are missing!


Oh, goodness me. I didn't see.

I was here the whole time, but I witnessed no crime!

Well, we're actually not really sure there's been a crime.

If berrykin bloom didn't see anything,

There must be another explanation.

I can kind of see lemon's point, though, strawberry.

No one else was around all day except berrykin bloom.

And, he told me I'm his biggest competition!

Maybe he's only complimenting you.

He is nice that way.

Why do you think he would steal your violets anyway?

Because his roses win the flower show every year,

And he wants to make sure he wins this year, too!


(Giggles) oh you!

You come back here, you little troublemaker.

(Girls giggling)





(Girls laughing)

Oh, lemon, I'm so sorry about your violets.

I know how much you care about them,

And how awful it feels to lose something so special.

Thanks, strawberry.

But it would feel pretty bad

If someone accused you of stealing when you didn't.

I know. But... Why is he there all the time,

When no one else is?

Maybe... (Sighs)

He's there all the time working on his roses,

Because he cares about them so much.

Just like you care about your violets.

(Sighs) that's true.

Just don't make up your mind about what happened

Until we can figure it out for sure, okay?

Okay, strawberry. I'll try.

And in the meantime,

Hope that whatever happened to your flowers,

Doesn't happen again.

Girls: (panicked shouting)

Mine are gone!

Mine are gone too!

(Gasps) how could it?

Who did this?!

Just like lemon's!

Everyone has flowers missing!

Not everyone.

Strawberry: berrykin bloom?

Did you lose any?

Thank goodness, all my roses are here.

I'm so sorry for your flowers, my dear.

Who else could it be?

It's gotta be him!

(Gasps) it's like lemon said!

This is serious, strawberry.

Very serious!

Berrykin bloom: (wails)

(Sobs) my garden is like yours.

It's just as I feared! My very best roses, they...

(Sobs) they've disappeared!



Oh, berrykin bloom. I'm so, so, so sorry.

You don't know how sorry.

What will we do?

Flower festival is two days away.

We are going to get to the bottom of this, princess.

Okay, girls. What did everyone find?

Well, with all the flowers missing,

Whoever carried them off--

If someone carried them off.

Okay, if someone carried them off,

They are either really big, or there is a lot of them.

But we didn't find any tracks.

Yeah, no tracks except ours!

Now, that's spooky.

(Gasps) maybe the thief flew in?

Could be. At this point, anything's possible.

(Accusatorily) where were you on the night

When this terrible tragedy occurred?!

Oh, asleep?

Me too.

Lemon: oh, asleep, huh?

That seems mighty suspicious.

Uh, lemon? They always sleep at night.


Uh, I'm sorry.


Lemon: ah-ha!

(Shocked gasp)

Violet petal salad, huh?

Why, hello there, miss meringue.

Yes, my favorite!

My precious violets...lunch!

Mr. Longface, how could you?!

Oh, but they're not your violets.

(Sobbing) I weeded and watered

And worked for weeks growing my--

They're not?

Mr. Longface: oh, no, I grew them myself!

I'm afraid they are not fine enough

To enter into the festival, but good enough to eat!


(Sheepish chuckle) I'm sorry, mr. Longface.

Strawberry, it's just I can't get over

This bad feeling I have

From hurting mr. Longface's feelings.

And after you warned me, too.

I know. Sometimes it's hard not to jump to conclusions.

I won't do it again. I want to get all the facts.

That's what we're going to get.

Orange: yep. Ready for a catch-a-thief camp-out!

This is going to be so scary!

I can't wait!

(Owl hooting)

(Stem snapping)



Lemon: get him!

(Girls screaming)

Did we get him? Did we get him?

We got him.


Pupcake's the thief?

(Sighs) it's always the cute ones.


He's too small to be the thief.

Not to mention too nice.

So let's, you know, check the pictures?


Strawberry: oh, nice!

Blueberry: there's a great one!

Raspberry(laughs) ew. Look at me!

Plum: you?! Look at me!

Hey lemon, this shot of your violets came out great!

Orange: nice one, strawberry.


Hey, everybody, c'mere!

Look at this!

(Girls gasping)

What is that?!

I don't know.

But whatever it was, from the angle of the photo,

It was right over...


Come on, lemon.

You want to check it out, don't you?

Uh, uh-huh.


Strawberry: oh, ssshh! Sssssshh! Be very quiet.

Walk very quietly.

Ssshhh. Careful.


(Girls gasping)

Raspberry: d-do you see it?

Orange: yeah! There it is!

Oh, oh, maybe we better run!

N-now don't be scared. There's one of it, six of us.

Yeah, but f-f-five of us are f-f-frozen in fear!

I told princess berrykin we'd get to the bottom of this.

And we're going to do it,!

(Girls gasping)


Just shadows.

Blueberry: I should've guessed.

Like when we think we see animals in the clouds.

So, um, now what do we do?

I know what I'm going to do.

You're coming home with me where you'll be safe.

(Scooter purring)


Hand over that violet!


Wha? Oh, what's happening?!

Oh my.




(Crickets chirping)

Well, at least it wasn't another flower heist.

Next year, let's have a ceramics festival instead.

Guys, I'm telling you, it's like something was under the ground!

Things were going up and going down

And sideways and forwards and shaking

And it was like the end of the world!

The end of the world?!

Not the end of the world.

Plum: close to the end of the world?


The day before the end of the world,

When it's getting into the part

Where all life as we know it ceases to--




(Girls gasping)

Calm, calm everyone, please.

Strawberry: it is something under the ground!


Strawberry: (gasps)

It's over there!

That's where the garden is!


Lemon: look! More of berrykin bloom's roses are missing.

Oh, he'll be so upset.

I've calculated that three of mine are gone.

Two left here.

Good thing I moved my best violet inside.

There's only four violet plants left out here!

I could be wrong,

But I'm thinking the missing flowers

And the ground shaking have something to do with each other.


(Shocked yelp)

Whoa. Did you see that?

How could? H-how did--


Blueberry: I'm coming to the conclusion that

The flowers are not being picked up.

Yeah. They're being pulled down!



Grab it!

(Girls grunting)


(Disappointed whine)


Lemon: wow.

Uh, girls.

I just wanted to say, I'm sorry I got us into this,

And um, maybe we don't need to know

What's taking the flowers

And uh, and ending the world, after all.

Don't you want to figure this out?

Orange: c'mon. We're all here with you.

Yeah. What could happen when you have your friends with you?

Uh, how about...a lot?


It's about time we shine some light on this mystery.

Okay, strawberry, if you say so.



A muh, a mmmmuh... A muhhhh...



(Groans) why did you have to say that?


Y-you think it's got one head, o-or two?

Sounds like three or four!


Oh. My. Goodness!

Is it horrifying?

Or really horrifying?

Or really really horrifying?

It's really, really...

Cute! (Giggles)


(Gopher chattering)


Hey you, little one.

Are you afraid of us? We won't hurt you.

(Stomach growling)

Strawberry: awwww, are you hungry?


Let's help him!

Let's, um, like... Build a pyramid!

Yeah, that's good!

(Orange and raspberry gasping)

Lemon: watch your foot!

Give me your hand!

There we go!

We did it!


(Girls screaming)

(Gopher chattering)

(Sighs) I think we found our thief.

(Giggles) I think you're right.


Well, lemon, your violets are sure first prize with somebody!

(Giggles) just my luck it's a gopher.

Wait. It's cute and all,

But what will we tell princess berrykin?

Lemon: with this critter around,

We won't have any more flower festivals.

Or flowers, for that matter.

I think I have an idea!

(Scooter purring)


(Scooter purring)


(Scooter purring)

(Tires screeching)


(Excited chattering)


Lemon, you're the best.

But I feel bad that you don't have any flowers

To enter in the festival.

(Sighs) so do i.

(Excited chattering)

Can I help you with that, mr. Bloom?

Hello lemon! Thank you!

Mr. Bloom, I wanted to say I'm sorry about...

Well, you see,

I thought maybe you took my violets

Because you wanted to win.

Oh, lemon.

Lemon: in my heart,

Oh, I knew you'd never do something like that.

But somehow, I let myself think it

Before I'd found out the truth.

Will you forgive me?

Of course, lemon. You know, I do want to win.

But what fun would it be if I was the only one in the contest?

I heard how you gave up the flowers you loved best.

By doing that, you saved mine. And all of the rest.


And good luck! I hope you win.

Thank you, lemon.

And second prize goes to...

Berrykin bloom for his lovely roses!

Second prize? He didn't win first prize?

I can't believe it! I think his roses are the nicest.

And now, the first prize

For the most beautiful flowers in berry bitty city,

The first prize goes to...

Lemon meringue!


Congratulations, lemon!

Congratulations, lemon!

Your violets really were first prize!

But I didn't even enter a flower!

Strawberry entered it for you!

Oh, thank you, strawberry!

You're berry welcome, lemon.

But it was berrykin bloom's idea.

♪ Home sweet home ♪

♪ A place you can always ♪ ♪ call your own ♪