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01x01 - Fish Out Of Water

Posted: 03/15/24 11:14
by bunniefuu
♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪

♪ She's a berry bitty girl ♪ ♪ with berry big possibilities ♪

♪ And fruit-filled fun ♪ ♪ is the secret to her recipe ♪

♪ She may be small ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ She'll be your best bud ♪ ♪ just give her a call ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ she's a berry bitty girl ♪

♪ Strawberry ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ with big possibilities ♪

♪ Strawberry shortcake ♪ ♪ she may be small but ♪

♪ No task is too tall ♪

♪ For strawberry shortcake ♪

(Birds chirping)


We should do this tomorrow with the rest of the girls.


So peaceful, so quiet, so--


Oh gross!

Orange! What's wrong?

S-something touched my foot!

An eel! A sea monster!

Maybe just a water plant, huh?


(Gasps) ooooh look!

What is it?

A little fish!

He is kinda cute.


Aren't those the cutest, fattest,

Most adorable cheeks you've ever seen?

Aw, hey little guy, hey sweetie.

Hi there.

Don't be scared. Are you all by yourself?

You're too little to be all alone.

Orange: aww, poor lil guy.

Oh, I'm sure he's fine and--


Uh, what are you doing?

I'm taking him home.


Someone's got to take care of him.

Poor little guy. All alone in the big world.

Come here, little fella.

Strawberry: orange, wait. We--

C'mon little...

What? You can trust me. Yeah. I won't hurt you!



Orange, listen for a sec, okay?

I'm listening! I'm listening!

But he's going to get away!


That tickles!

I just ask that you consider something.

He might be cute and little now,

But he's going to grow,

And then he might be harder to take care of.

You are most likely right, strawberry.

But you always say, even though we're bitty

We're capable of big things!


I mean, someone's got to take care of him,


Hey, where is he?


Look! You see?

He wants to come home with me.

I think I'll name you...



He looks like a butch.

He looks like trouble, cute as he is.

But it's up to you, orange.

Aw c'mon, strawberry, don't you trust me?

Of course, but--

Well I'm gonna prove it to you.

I'm going to take better care of this fish than

Any fish has ever been taken care of before!

I'm going to feed you, and read to you every night.

(Excited gasp)

I can't wait to read you my favorite stories!

Orange: and I'll give you a beautiful home

Where you'll be safe and warm!

Oh, I mean cool.

Just wait til you see. You're gonna love it there!

What's his name?


Isn't that the cutest name you ever heard for a fish?


(Door chime rings)

Raspberry: where is he, orange?!

Oh look! He's super-cute!

Hi, lemon.

Hello, plum. Hi, raspberry.

Hi, lemon.

Oooooh. What a doll.

(Door opens)

Where's your fish?

You can name him "pish"!

Or "mish"!

Or "swish"!

His name is tod.

I thought it was stewart!

(Chuckles) catchy and cute!

And dignified to boot!

And look what I taught him to do!



(Orange grunting)



My goodness, tod.

You've outgrown five tanks in two days.

Here you go, boy!


That's a good boy.

(Birds chirping)

Blueberry: if that one doesn't work for you, strawberry,

I have one with pictures.

Oh, I love the ones with pictures.

Orange(panicked) blueberry?

Oh, hi strawberry. Uh, seen blueberry?

I'm right here.

Emergency. Tod's sick!

I need books on fish care, fish diseases,

Fish cures, fish medicine--

Oh no, what's wrong with him?

List the symptoms please.

Well...he has...


Blech. Ewww.

Orange: (sniffles)

Oh tod. I'm so sorry! Where did I go wrong?

I've tried to give him everything a fish needs.

I know you have.

Everything a fish could want.

Everything a fish--

I know you did.

Everything a fish--

Blueberry: he's not a fish.

He's a tadpole.

A tadpole? What's that?

A baby...frog.

(Gasps) tod is a fish!

He's a frog!

Tod's a frog?

Well, he will be, soon.

He'll grow arms and legs and lose his tail.

"This process is called metamorphosis."

So, at least he's not sick.

Strawberry: but, might be best to take him

Back to the stream, huh?

What?! I can't do that!

I promised to take care of him!

But that's when you thought he was a fish.

It's just that...

Well, isn't a frog more than you bargained for?

I'm not going to turn my back on him,

Just because he switched species!

He, "tad", can't help it if he's a frog.

Raspberry: okay, ready?

And lift!

Whoo whoo! Whew!

There! That's the front panel.

Front panel of what, raspberry?

Oh! I didn't show you.

You didn't see?

Well, here, c'mere, come over here.

Raspberry: this is great!


I know, I know.

You don't have the words!

Um, fabulous, maybe? Inspired? Tremendous?


See, um, orange appointed me fashion designer.

I'm designing all the outfits for her and tad.

See, next week, she'll ride him in a dressage

And jumping show with both of them

Sporting raspberry's frog-forward fashions.


Orange says it'll be great publicity.

You know, I'll probably, most likely, well, hopefully,

Well maybe, you know, have uh,

Have my own pet apparel line in stores by next fall!



Lemon: please hold still.

I can't tie the bow if you--

Huh?! Huh?!

Lemon: behave!

No, we do not drink the shampoo!

Oh! Now, please!


Lemon: quick, close the door! He'll get loose!

Orange thinks I'll do great business

If I branch out into pet grooming.

Huh?! Huh?!

And now some cologne!

He's kind of stinky.

Alright, wait a minute.




Oh, no! Catch him!

(Girls panting)


Orange: tad!

I'm sorry, orange. He looked perfectly adorable,

Then something scared him!

Maybe he doesn't like berrylicious lavender.

Maybe the bow's too girlie for him.

Maybe he doesn't like the color.

Or maybe frogs don't wear bows.

Huh?! Huh?!

Orange, it's just that... (Sighs)

I don't think frogs are supposed to be washed.

Or dressed up.

Maybe it would be best to let him go in the wild?

Out there? All alone?

Ohh, no-no-no-no-no,

He's much better off with me.

Come on tad!


Uh, thanks, lemon!

I'll bring him back tomorrow, okay?

I'll have a talk with him.

He'll be better behaved, I promise.

Can't wait.

(Crickets chirping)

(Loud croaking)


Lemon: what is that?


I promise it's not my stomach.

We believe you.

I have a feeling I know just what it might be.


Oh no.

Tad doing his night croaking.

How can we do our night sleeping?

Maybe the croaking is just a stage

And he'll grow out of it!

That will probably be the only thing

He doesn't grow out of.

Where's orange?

She turned in early.

She was tired from chasing tad around.

C'mon, girls.

Let's think of a way to get him to go to sleep. milk? No. Not that.

Uh, a blanket? No, never mind.

Hmm. A lullaby? Uh, no--

Wait, what was that?

Uh, a lullaby?

Sing a lullaby to a frog. I like it!

(Agreeing excitedly)

♪ Close your eyes ♪

♪ Little frog ♪

♪ Time to please stop ♪

♪ Your croaking ♪

♪ Pleasant dreams ♪

♪ Little frog ♪

♪ Won't you finally ♪ ♪ go to sleep? ♪

(Snoring quietly)


Hah? Who? What? Is he...?

Shh. Let's go.


(Loud croaking)

"Back in minutes"?

It's been more like hours.

I wonder where she could be.

(Sighs) I need to get some light bulbs

For my reading lamps.

Lemon: still closed, huh?

She was closed yesterday, too.

I want to paint this beautiful tulip in the meadow,

But I'm out of brushes!

Well, I guess I'll just have to make a sculpture

Of the tulip instead!

I wish you could sculpt me a light bulb.

(Scooter purring)

Orange: make sure this end stays

Shallow enough for tad to get out.

I wouldn't want him to hurt himself

Having to hop too much.

Strawberry: orange!

What are you doing?

Building a swimming pool for tad!

Isn't it great?

Orange, um...

Promised to let me use it

To teach water ballet classes if I helped dig.




Well, I gotta admit, orange,

You're sure giving him the best.

Everything he needs.


Strawberry: and then when mrs. Drewbury came home

And discovered the kittens had unraveled her yarn--

(Phone ringing)

Excuse me.

Strawberry's café,

Hope your having a berry nice day!

Strawberry speaking.

Princess berrykin: (chattering)

Oh my.

Yes right away, princess berrykin.

(Meows) (barks)

Berrykins: (panicked chattering)

I just turned around, and see what I found?!

Princess berrykin: our berry juice ruined!

And look!



I'm very sorry, princess. I'll talk to orange.

Thank you, strawberry.

Plum: and a graceful lift with the left arm.


Plum: please everyone, this is water ballet,

Not wood chopping.


And now everyone, with grace and style,

I'd like you to-- (gasps)

(Screaming) look out!

(Huge splash)


Strawberry: goodness! Is everyone alright?

Alright over here!

Uh, yeah, I think.


Oh strawberry!

Orange promised to let me use this pool,

But every class gets interrupted by tad.


I'll talk to her. I promise.


Oh strawberry! It's the very worst,

I mean I can't tell you, it's, it's...

What is it, raspberry? What's happened?

I'm upset!

I can see that you are. What upset you?

It's all my work! My sewing and stitching and--

Your frog-forward fashions?

Let me guess. Tad didn't like them?

No! He loved them so much he ate them!

My goodness!

And all orange said was,

"He's just a frog, he didn't know what he was doing."

That doesn't sound like the orange we know.

No, it sounds like the orange who's got a pet

That's become more important to her than...

Than manners!

I'll talk to her.

(Scooter purring)

(Scooter purring)


Orange! What's the matter?

It's tad! He's, he's...


Gone! (Sobbing)

Strawberry: now don't worry, everyone's out looking.

I'm sure the berrykins will find him any minute now.

He couldn't have gone very far.

I did everything I could for him!

I kept him cool when he was hot,

Warm when he was cold,

Bathed him, sheltered him, read to--

No frog has ever been so loved,

And, and, and now he ran away!



Orange! I found your pet!


Look, there he is!


What are you doing up there?

You come down here this instant!


Now he sleeps.

I'll wake him up!


(Berrykins grunting)


Um, I don't think that's such a good idea.


Wake up froggie.


Oh gee.

Tad, no!

(Berrykin screaming)

(Berrykin screaming)

Strawberry: after that frog!


(Berrykin yelps)


(Delirious muttering)


(Rope snaps)


Berrykins: (shouting excitedly)

I think we should talk.

Orange, everyone knows you

To be so kind and considerate,

But I think maybe you've been

Trying to be so kind and considerate to tad,

That you've forgotten about everyone else.

But you guys are my friends!

My berry best friends! I could never forget you.

What I mean is,

Tad has caused a bit of trouble, and--

But he doesn't know any better.


I think being responsible for a pet

Means taking responsibility for any trouble he causes.

Because the pet really doesn't know any better.

I know.

I need to do a better job of being responsible for tad.

I'm doing everything I can think of!

I don't know what else to do.

Well, maybe the best way to care for tad is

To not care for tad.

What do you mean?

Orange, I just don't know if tad belongs here.

Oh, strawberry,

Please give him, I mean me , another chance!

I promise he'll never be any trouble

To anyone in berry bitty city again.

But how?

You'll see! I'll, I'll train him!

You said even though we're bitty,

We're capable of big things,

And I know I can do this.

I won't turn my back on my responsibility to tad.


Wow! I've never seen it

So neat and tidy in here before.

I wanted to do something nice

To make it up to you for tad eating the fashions.

Thank you, orange.

Really? It's all mine?

I promise tad will never bother your classes again.

Thank you, orange!

I'm hoping the berrykins will accept some frog rides

To make up for all the trouble we caused.

Oh! Well...

(Berrykins cheering)

Not having much fun, huh big guy?


Oh, hi strawberry!

Hi orange.

I came to tell you everyone is so pleased

About how you apologized for tad's "troubles".

Everything is back to normal in berry bitty city.

Oh, that's good.

I know it's been difficult,

But I know if it meant doing the right thing for tad,

You could do something even more difficult.

Of course! I'd do anything for tad!

What is it that's more difficult

Than all the things I've done so far?

I mean, those were big things!

What's bigger than that?

Letting him go.

Oh, strawberry.

Sometimes the berry biggest things we have to do,

Are the things we can't even see.

Strawberry: there it is.

Orange: do you think he's going to think I don't love him?

Oh, I'm worried he'll never get over it.

Oh, tad.

I know this is difficult. Try to be strong.




He didn't even say goodbye.

But did you see how happy he was?

Yeah, you're right!

He wasn't just happy.

He was the happiest I've ever seen him!

Oh, and that makes me happy, too.

How about a picnic?

I think that is a berry good idea.

Strawberry and orange: (giggling)