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01x06 - Safe Harbours

Posted: 03/15/24 10:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Allegiance...

[SABRINA] Stop the car.

[ISHAAN] Have you heard of a
Far Right group called "IOH"?

Is that who vandalized
your dad's office?

Yeah. "Eye of the Hurricane".

My dad's innocent.

He'll be cleared.

[OFFICER] If you cross the fence line,

it triggers an alarm.

Tamper with it,

it triggers an alarm.

Runs out of juice, same.

[ISHAAN] Hey! I need
to show you something.

The Truthbolt Media
gremlins found some old clip.

They've been playing it on repeat.

Our nation has supported illegal wars,

we have spied on our own citizens,

we have illegally detained them.

Our nation has committed genocide.

I am ashamed to be Canadian.

♪ Chiney never play ♪

♪ Cut your loss you big dummy ♪

♪ Shorty with a boss to her name ♪

♪ The likkle dunny ♪

♪ Boast the highest costs in the game ♪

♪ "Lei ho" envy ♪

♪ Get angry ♪

♪ Haters twist and knot they panties ♪

♪ Instagram selfie so
sweet they call me candy ♪

♪ Bambie, you stuck ♪

♪ When I roll up in the cut ♪

♪ When we light up in their huts ♪

♪ When we split another dutch... ♪

- ... a nation of peacekeepers...
- Sabrina!

- [SABRINA] Yeah?
- Yo, check this out.

... I think we need to take

a cold, hard look in the mirror.

Our nation has supported illegal wars,

we have spied on our own citizens,

we have illegally detained them,

our nation has committed genocide,

so unless we are willing to say

"I am ashamed to be Canadian",

then I think we need to find the courage

- and the humility to face these truths...
- No way.

- ... to learn from our past...
- I know.

I told him I remember that visit.

Where did you find the original?

Uh, university archives
online, class of '95.

Anyone could access it?

... access it, edit it, degrade it,

and, hey look, it comes out like this...

Our nation has committed genocide.

I am ashamed to be Canadian.


Portrait of a future traitor.

[AJEET] I never said I was ashamed.

I said "unless we are
willing to say... "

[PARVEEN] Context is everything.

The echo chambers are already saying

that you've been pardoned and sent home.

Full-on festival of confirmation bias.

There's been an increase in threats

at the constituency office

since you've been moved to house arrest.

So we fight back.

We release the original video,

and people will see there's
nothing controversial here, guys.

We could,

it just won't catch
fire like the first one.

There's five million views and counting.

The damage is done, Pappa.

I'll have the Comms team
work on a press release.

We'll make it clear
that this is the original video...


Down! Down!

[ISHAAN] What was that?

[AJEET] Everyone okay?

Yeah, just stay down.



It's a brick.


Sabrina, stay away from the window!

Do you see anyone?


[ISHAAN] Holy shit.

- Everyone okay?
- Yeah.

- What happened?
- A brick came through the window.

He probably jumped the fence.

You can still catch him.

I'm not authorized to leave my post.

[ISHAAN] Right, because
we staged the whole thing,

so Dad could what, make
a break for it? Huh?

With his ankle bracelet?

- Ishaan!
- I can come in and take a look.

We're fine. Thank you, Officer.

Thank you.

[PARVEEN] In broad daylight,
with an officer sitting right out front?

Yeah, a lot of good that did.

We need to up our security.

Cameras, new locks,
alarms on the windows...




We have to get ahead of this.

We don't even know what this is.

Whoever set up his arrest,

they just threw a
match into the kindling,

and now they're just standing
back to watch it burn?

Along with Dad's Asylum Bill.

Yeah, you want to make
sure the progressive guy

is out of the running as a potential PM?

You tap into the best available cliché,

and let prejudice do the rest.

Hey, what about that,
um, online chat group?

- Eye of the Hurricane?
- Yeah.

What are you thinking?

Did you track down who
first shared that intel?

Yeah, some Hitler-happy guy
calling himself "Ricochet88".

You been working him?

[ISHAAN] Working him hard.

Long chats into the night.

He thinks he's besties with a
like-minded white-pride ex-soldier

called "WLMayhem".

He asked me to meet up.

Okay, good.

Can you do it today?

I... don't think that he'd...

like this face.

You know whose face might work...

I'll ask him.



I got something special for you.

They're vegan coconut energy balls.

Mm! Mm...

Helena made these for you,

now you're pawning them off on me?

They're too calorie dense for me.

What about that?


Code 10-22.

The Olympiad Inn off 176.

Possible theft in progress.

Copy. 6103 responding.



[MAN, STERNLY] I need it now.

Mr. McMillan, is it possible
that you misplaced your phone?

No, I put it on the desk,

then one of them cleaned the room,

and it was gone.


I'm sure we can work this out.

I can compensate you with
a complimentary stay...

What I need is my phone.

I have a deal that's
closing in ten minutes...

Perhaps we could talk in my office?

We can talk all you want

as soon as I get my g*dd*mn phone.

Now, excuse me. Hey...

Hey! Which one of you stole my phone?


You need to calm down.

I'm out of time. If I lose
this deal, I swear to God...

Sir, you talk to us, not them.

I have ten minutes.

Who cleaned Mr. McMillan's room?


Not me.

[JENAB] Anisa was cleaning his room,

and she put the phone in the cart,

but forgot to put it back.

Mm-hmm. Honest mistake.

You're going to charge her, right?

Don't you have a meeting to get to?

Well, thank you for taking
care of this, Officers.

Thank you.

[SABRINA] You're welcome.

I need to verify, uh, Anisa's I.D.

She doesn't have it here.

Uh, can we see your employment records?

Oh, the agency takes
care of all of that.

Oh, yeah?

Uh, which agency?

The Hospitality and Health Agency.

And you don't have any
records for these...

I think... I think we're done here.

Thank you, Ms. Zachos.

[MS. ZACHOS] You're welcome.

[VINCE] Ladies...


Thank you.


No I.D.s, no employment records?

It's classic signs of a
labour-trafficking operation...

I don't know, I don't think so.

Did you see how scared those women were?

They're not fans of the uniform...

No, it was more than just that.

Look, once you get
Border Services involved,

you cannot unring that bell,

and it almost always
ends in deportation.

Come on, you want to help them?

Let them work, let them
keep sending money home.

You didn't see the way that...

Uh, what's her name? Jenab?

The way that she spoke to Anisa?

She just grabbed her arm...

Maybe the motel uses her

to keep the other workers in line.

Okay, but if this is trafficking,

then maybe she's more
than just a motel worker.

Maybe she's the reason why
they're here in the country.

What, she recruited them?

Yeah, she speaks their
language, they trust her,

maybe she lured them with big promises,

and then they get here, and...

"Surprise, I'm your jailer."

Okay, let's dig a little
deeper with the owner.

Like I said, the agency
handles everything.

Background checks,
work permits, payroll.

So no staff records at all?

I pay for a service.

They take care of everything.

It's all above board.

Cash deal?

It's called "legal tender" for a reason.

Look, we signed with the
agency a few years ago.

It was a difficult time.

It was Covid?

We were struggling,

and the agency offered us a
price that we could manage.

Okay, so who do you
deal with at the agency?

We set everything up through email,

but the point person on site is Jenab.

She's also one of our cleaners.

The other women, they
seem intimidated by her.

Oh, no, not at all.

She... she does the schedule,
she manages the shifts,

makes sure everyone
gets their pay packets

at the end of the week.

I'd say they're grateful.

I know I am.

And was Jenab, was she vetted

for a background in human resources,

or hospitality management?

She's reliable.

She's always available to help,

and her English is excellent.

Uh, we'll need the contact
information for the agency.

Yeah, you bet.

Everything's on their website.

- We'll follow up on this.

In the meantime, we're here,

we'd like to speak to Jenab.

[MS. ZACHOS] Of course.


Here is the footage you requested.

How long has Jenab worked for you?

Uh, seven or eight months.

You never asked where she was living?

How things were going for her,

or any of the other women she managed?

Their private lives
are none of my business.

I mean, your staff's
health and safety is.

You might consider taking an interest.

If you learn about her whereabouts...

that's my cell number.

I'm sure you want to be
as helpful as possible,

if it turns out that your
staff is undocumented.

You know, I think that
any future conversations

are going to have to
happen through my lawyer.

That's your choice.

I assume Ms. Zachos was
full of helpful information.

Well, she was surprised that an employee

would vandalize a cop car,

but suggested that we take it up with...

- The agency?
- ... the agency.

It's amazing how
people don't want to see

what's right in front of them.

Well, the whole thing's set up

to give her plausible deniability.

Has Serious Crimes been updated?

Yeah, they authorized
alerts at the airports,

and bus stations,
train stations, border crossings...


Looks like end of shift.

Well, if we had four
wheels, we could follow them.

Call it in,

see if there's a unit close by

that can do it for us.

Hey, Dispatch, this is 6103.

We're at the Olympiad Inn.

We need a backup to follow a shuttle.

[DISPATCH] Copy, 6103. Description?

Yeah, side of it says,
uh, Western Coach Shuttles.

Yeah, license plate's coming in.



So I was hoping for a
real person on the phone

from the Agency,

but of course they
don't have phone numbers

on their website,

just an "info at" email address.

Can you trace that?

No, which is a big red flag.

They're using a
hyper-encrypted email service.

How many legit small
businesses pay for that?

Can you pull up the website registry?

Thank you for asking
a smart tech question.

The website is one of ten
identical employment agencies

registered to a numbered
company in Curacao,

which itself is a subsidiary
of a Malaysian shell company.

So, bogus?

Definitely well-insulated.

They do not want you
to know who they are.

- Copy that.
- [VINCE] Hey, Sarge.

- [GABBY] Hey.
- Luke's inside.

So let me see if I
can get this straight.

Six motels, seven days a week.

You pick them here at 5:00 a.m.,

and you drop them off end of shift.

That sound right to you?

I want you to take the lead.

Let's try not to overwhelm them.






over here.

[LUKE SIGHING] I don't know...

You need to see a doctor for this.

You need a doctor, okay?

This looks bad.


Is it your foot?

[FEARFULLY] No! No, please...

It's okay.

We're not Immigration.

We're here to help.

[LUKE] It's okay.


Uh, can I...

Can I see it?




It's... it's toxic.

The flesh is eating itself.

Wh... what is her name?



you need to go to a hospital.



You need help.


This is 3064, I need
an EMT to my location.

[VINCE] Do you speak English?

[LUKE] Don't be afraid,
we're here to help.

[VINCE] Do you speak English?


No, no, stop, stop, stop.

We met you at the motel.

It's not about the phone.

Jenab, where did she go?


it is very important
that we talk to Jenab.

Do you know where we can find her?

She sleeps there.

Right here?

Thank you.

Thank you.


It's not the Four Seasons,

but it beats sleeping
with 20 other people.

Well, you keep 'em in
line, you get perks.

Oh, God.

How many people do
they cycle through here?

Wait, wait, wait, there's
something under there.


Could be money in, money out.

[VINCE] We'll get an interpreter.


- Mark.
- Hey.

We need someone to translate this.

[LUKE] Just let me know.


[SABRINA] Any news? How's Marisol?

Uh, she's been taken to Surrey Memorial.

- They'll take a look at her.
- Okay, good.

And the rest of them have
been... relocated as well.

What do you mean?

They're in custody of
Federal Border Services now.

You didn't have to do that.

It doesn't have to go
through immigration.

This is a labour issue...

Hey, Tucker...

Places to be, let's go.

I'm sorry.

I feel like I've betrayed them.

No. No, the traffickers who
brought them here did that.

Yeah, the conditions are awful,

but the detention centre
is not much better.

Do you think I want Border
Services to take this over?


but Marisol would have
died if we walked away.

So let's keep going.

Let's find Jenab fast,

before we lose our shot

at nailing the people who
put them in this situation.


Come on.


Is this really the face of white terror?

Let's don't even.

Blind date with "Ricochet".

This could be a story we tell our kids.

Kids... plural.

Is this another proposal?

If you're lucky.



Kyle, thanks for doing this.

Just want to help your dad.

Did you get the U.C. gak?


It's fitted with a bone-conduction mic,

so no wires, nothing in your ears,

- bluetooth...
- That's it?

Yeah, Ish can hear
everything within range,

and he'll coach you,
so this guy will think

that he's talking to "WLMayhem".

I'll be your Cyrano de Bergerac.

[SABRINA] This guy had knowledge
of a highly-classified arrest,

so he's either someone with
clearance in law enforcement,

or trusted by someone who is.

Watch yourselves, make sure
you stay in sight of one another...

- Hang on.

- What's up?
- Hey, we got a ping on Jenab.

CCTV shows she got on a bus
southbound at King George.

She's headed for the transit centre.

Okay, we'll intercept.


If this things goes sideways,

if you get a bad feeling...

We've got a code word,
I'll cause a distraction...

... And I'll make an exit
while maintaining cover.



I gotta go.

Like when we snuck off-base in Baghdad.

No worries, just hold off a second.


Jenab, we know that you are connected

to a human-trafficking operation...

- You don't understand! No, let me go! No!
- This will be easier for you if you do not resist.

We're placing you on
arrest for mischief.

No... No! No, no!

Please just give it back to me!

- Heading to the airport?
- No, there's nothing there!

Please, no! You don't understand!

Don't take that!


No ticket, no passport.

You have the right to
retain and instruct counsel

in private, without delay.

You have the right to
any lawyer you wish.

Anybody look promising?

[KYLE] I'm gonna go out
on a limb and say no.

[ISHAAN] Okay, I'll just
keep hanging out here,

inside your head, till he shows.

When are you not in my head?

Hang on...


Okay, remember,

it's not about hate, it's about love.

For the country the way it should be.


What's up?

What's goin' on?

Give him the military cred.

I should warn you,

I'm a little deaf in one ear.

IED on my last day in
Baghdad, just my shit luck.

You never said you saw action.

I signed up to kick !sis's ass...

ISHAAN] ... !sis's ass...

but the military went woke.

Instead, the military went woke

and made us train
their ragged-ass army.

Here's an idea,

let 'em k*ll each other,
so they don't come k*ll us.

Let's go where we can talk.

[KYLE] Wow...

What's in there? Talk to me.

Is that an SS honour dagger?


That's a nice collection.
These originals?

Yeah, some of them.

Right, come on.

There was a flight coming
in from Kuala Lumpur today.

Is that why you were on
your way to the airport?

Were you going to pick
up some other people?

New workers for the motel?

You recruit other women like you?



Inspector Degas,

sorry to interrupt.

Something to show you.

[DEGAS] I'll be right back.

[SABRINA] We just went
through the translation

of Jenab's journal.

I think you need to see it.

It's worse than we thought.

[KYLE] Our militia is spread
out across the country.

Mostly ex-military, but
we've got some cops, too.

We have access to some
property up north, we do drills,

keep our skills sharp.

Our crews could be a good match.

crews would be a good match.

Well, we're mostly online right now,

but we get out for direct action, too.

Like last night,

at the w*r memorial here?


Tagged that shit with I.O.H.

See here?

Spray-painted out all the Chans,

and Hurwitzs, and Singhs.

That's some teen shit.

Easy... Easy, Kyle.


Hey, I'm out there doing
my patriotic duty...

[ISHAAN] Bring him back,
keep him on our side.

- ... spreading awareness, what the...
- I'm just saying,

you get busted, you get on a list,

you blow our whole op before we strike.

We need discipline,
discretion, strategy...

strategy, discretion.

Who the hell ever won
a w*r with discretion?

- We're losing our country, man!
- Tell him he's right.

- We're running out of time...
- You're right.

You're doing important
work, like October 2nd.

Like October 2nd?

The intel you got

on the arrest of that dirtbag Sohal?

That's next level.


Yeah, I know some people.

You gotta be hella-connected
for that kind of access, though.

Your source, uh, contact...

is he CSIS?

National Security?


That's dope, bro.

We need more heroes with
training and access.

No, he's not a hero.

[ISHAAN] Federal...

But he has federal access, though...

No, he's just Surrey.

He's just... he's just
a dickhead with a badge.

[ISHAAN] How does he know him?

So you two go way back, or...



Okay, yeah, you know what?

Screw this.

Screw this, I'm done.

You're not here to crew up,

you're just here to poach my source.

- Now, get out.
- Get out. "Sulu. Sulu."

- Get out!
- Come on, man...

How do you not get
where we're at right now?

This is history happening.

Our country's at the tipping point,

and some PC cuck-tard,

this Liberal Sohal,

wants to open up the floodgates

to all the human waste of the world,

and people like you...

you just want to sit
back and watch it happen.

Hey, man, I'm not sitting back...

Get the f*ck out!

Man, we need strength in numbers...


Hey. Hey.

It's a personal account book.

Expenses, earnings, interest.

She's paying down a debt.

It's also a diary.

Uh... "Wednesday, food was rotten.

I complained to the Agency,
but they didn't listen.

Women wanted to eat it
because they were hungry."

It goes on...

And you've read it all?

Well, let's, uh...

let's use this to get her talking

before her bosses go to ground.

Let's go.


[DEGAS] No, we believe you, Jenab.

We know you are not a recruiter.

You were just doing what
you needed to, to survive.

And this...

this can save you.

You wrote down all the
details about your life here.

It's evidence.

[SABRINA] Not against you,

but against the people who recruited you

and the other women.

Just tell us who they are,

who you're working for, so we can...

I mean, we can help
stop the deportation.

He's right, you won't be
deported while you're helping us.

You think I'm stupid, huh?



This... Is this Mina?

You were counting down
the days in your journal

till you could meet her
at the airport today.


Would you like to call her?

So you can arrest her, too?

That's, uh...

a photo of my brother and his boyfriend.

It's not easy for them,

but they're free to
be together in Canada.

And you wanted to build a
better life with your partner,

didn't you?

It's a...

It's a crime in my country.

They whip you.

They put you in jail.

Mina and me,

we were always... hiding.


Then someone told the police.

We had to get out.

Before they find us.

Why didn't Mina come with you?

We only had enough money for one person.

I told her to go,

but my English is better.

We paid a man for a visa and ticket,

and after that, he asked
for a fee for landing,

but we had no more money.

He said, sure, sure,
we can borrow from him,

but when I get here,

he took my passport and phone,

and none of us can call home,

and we only work and
sleep, and nothing else.

Mina and me, we just want to be free,

to walk together,

hold hands without feeling scared.

Yeah, I get that.

Home is where you should feel safe.

[VINCE] Help us.

We'll make sure that you never
have to work for them again.

Have you met your boss in person?


[DEGAS] And does he take your money?

Felix takes our hotel wage in cash

to pay for our room and food,

I only save $40 each month,

and Mina is hiding in
villages since I came here,

but how long can she hide?

And as a manager, you
could make money faster.

Get Mina here faster.

Jenab, do you want to call Mina?

Just to make sure that she's okay.





[MAN'S VOICE] Why weren't you there?

You talk to the police?

[JENAB] No... I run.

[MAN] They came to the
house and took my workers.

- What did you tell them?
- Nothing.

Please, I need to talk to Mina...

Keep your mouth shut, or
you'll never see her again.


No, no...


Who was that? Was that Felix?

[JENAB] If you don't do
what he says, you disappear.

Disappear where?

I don't know. Nobody knows.

They're just gone!

Okay, just tell us
everything you remember

about the day you arrived,

where they took you.

[JENAB] Where they took me...

I don't know, I don't
know where I was...

We're going to figure it out together,

okay, Jenab?

Let's find Mina.

[JENAB] Mina wasn't here alone.

She was coming with six women.

On the same flight from Kuala Lumpur?

[JENAB] Yes.

[GILLIAN] The flight from Kuala
Lumpur got in 90 minutes ago.

All the passengers cleared customs.

It's a long shot, but
call Border Services,

see if they've got local
addresses for the non-residents.

[SABRINA] And when you came here,

did he take you straight to the motel,

or to the workers' residence?

[JENAB] Neither.

We went to a different house.

Can you describe it?

It was, um, big, beautiful.

A big driveway.

Okay, good, good.

Now, do you remember anything else?

A black gate in the front.

I thought that's where
we are going to live,

but he took away our passports...

You know, that house could
be his base of operations.

[SABRINA] Can you
describe the house itself?

What colour was it?

I don't know.

[SABRINA] How many floors?

I don't know!

You're doing really well, Jenab.

Let's go back to the beginning, okay?

[SABRINA] Okay, um,

when you first arrived at the airport,

can you describe who picked you up?

A man with a sign,

and he took us to a van outside.

What colour was the van?

A dark-blue passenger van.

[BOLTON] We're looking for
a dark blue passenger van,

a 15-seater.

Driver is Southeast Asian,

approximately 5'6".

[DEGAS] Okay, so you got in the van.

Now, what do you remember
seeing out the windows?

The mountains.

We drove towards them, past the farms.

[GILLIAN] That's heading east. Good.

Do you remember if you
went, um, through a tunnel,

or over a bridge?


It's gotta the Alex Fraser.

[SABRINA] And then,

did you drive in a big circle,

and then along the river?

[JENAB] Yes!

The river was on the left.

pull up North Delta, Surrey.

[DEGAS] Okay, and then, did
you go over another bridge,

one with big white cables?


[GILLIAN] The Golden Ears.

That puts them in Maple Ridge.

Or Pitt Meadows.

[SABRINA] Okay, um, did
you get off the highway,

like, right away?

I think we turned.

The river was on the right.

And that takes us to Maple Ridge.

[JENAB] The house was close by.

[SABRINA] Okay, um, Jenab,
is there anything else?

Near the house, there
was a small roundabout,

a dead end,

and a...

in the back, there is a big patio...

Big patio.

... and a pool, and a...

and a thing for shade...

[GILLIAN] Pergola. Got it.

- [VINCE] Is this the place?
- This is it.

You stay right there, Jenab, okay?

Let's go.

Tell me how many bodies
have we have inside?

Seven people upstairs.

Multiple bodies on the main floor.

We got movement.

[DEGAS] Go! Go! Go! Go!

Lock down all the exits. Let's go!

Suspect fleeing on the north side!

Go through the front. Careful.

I'll take the back.

- Police!



Hey! We've got civilians.

It's okay, we're here to help.

It's going to be okay.

Hey! Don't move!

Drop your w*apon!

I said drop your w*apon!


Step back!

Male suspect, armed.

- Get back!
- He has a hostage.

Exiting at the rear.

[OUT OF BREATH] Copy. Copy.

Down on the floor!

Ah! Oh!



Hands behind your back.

Male suspect in custody.

[DEGAS] Gabinski.

[GABBY] We found letterhead
for a bunch of colleges

and a couple of legal seals
for fake student visas.

[LUKE] And a whole crate
of confiscated cell phones.

Could be the head office
for the whole operation.


Come on, Mina.




You said Mina came with six others.

- Yes.
- I count seven.

Would you ask her to see

if she recognizes all of these women?

[JENAB] It's her.

She works with Felix.


You are under arrest
for human trafficking.

Let's go.



Thank you.

Good luck.

This officer will take you down, okay?


What are her chances for
staying in the country?

[NATE] Well, maybe 50-50,

but I did reach out to an NGO,

and they are willing to work
with the Ministry of Labour

to help support their refugee claims,

so they can protect these
women a lot better than we can.

Because under the Ministry,
it becomes a labour issue,

so they won't be treated as criminals.


What about Mina and Jenab?

If they go back,

they're looking at,
what, 20 years in prison?

Yeah, well, at least they
have a stronger case for asylum

based on the persecution of
the LGBTQ community there.


Hey, you know you did
everything right here, right?

I mean, you did what you could.

At least they're not half a world apart.

They have each other.

[BOLTON] Sohal!

[QUIETLY] I'll see you later.


I see you signed out surveillance gear.

Uh, yes, sir, and I returned it.

I'm just curious about its application

in the labour-trafficking case.

It wasn't for that.

I just, uh, I thought I
should familiarize myself

with the tech.

But you're already
familiar with the tech.

The day Kara deployed you
into the vehicle-theft ring.

That's right.

I just wanted to test the full extent

of its transmission range,

so there were no surprises in the field

when someone's safety depends on it.

All right.

You did good work today,

but I want your paperwork
finished and on my desk

before you leave.

And Sohal...


Stay focused.

Yes, sir.



[ISHAAN] Hey, did you get
a hit on the license plate?

No, it was dead. There's
no way to track it.



[KYLE] You can turn that up, Mr. Sohal.

[AJEET] Okay.

You know this?

[CHUCKLING] Hey, what's
going on over there?

Kyle and Pops are bonding.

[SABRINA] Wait, Kyle is at the house?

[ISHAAN] He came by to help
Pops install some cameras

after we got the window replaced.

I think Pops likes Kyle
more than me right now.

[AJEET] Hey, Ishaan!

Do you seen what Kyle can do here?

It's not bad.

Yeah, no, he's a...
he's a Renaissance man.

Pops is putting up a good front,

considering this morning.

What did you get from Ricochet?

His contact is Surrey CFPC.

Are you sure?

A "dickhead with a badge".

Sounds like someone
Ricochet's known a long time.

Something this high-profile,

there's gotta be a bigger network here.

Yeah, but if we get this guy,
he'll be our starting point.

If I can get you a list

of all the male officers who work here,

can you start looking for connections?

Yeah, I can do that,

but Sab...

you might not like what we find.


