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01x08 - Monkey Stuff

Posted: 03/14/24 18:45
by bunniefuu

♪ One step at a time

♪ Who could suppose what together we'll find ♪

♪ With every pair of shoes that we try ♪

♪ We'll have a new adventure, you and I... ♪

♪ Where will my feet take me today? ♪

♪ Nobody knows for sure

♪ But come for a walk, I'll lead the way ♪

♪ To places never seen before


Whatcha doing Grandpa?

Can I help? Can I? Can I? Can I?

[Laughs] Ah, it's my trusty little helper...

Let's see now, you could get the shoe polish for me.

It's up there.

Sure thing, Grandpa! I'll get it lickitysplit!

Uhhhh... up there?

You don't have to climb the ladder if you don't want to.

Look, I can reach the shoe polish myself, it's--

I want to do it, Grandpa!


I'm watching you...

You know, I used to be afraid of climbing ladders too, Franny.

That's a funny one, Grandpa!

You're not afraid of anything!

[Chuckles] Actually, I used to be afraid of a lot of things.

But I figured out that when you take things

one step at a time and little by little

they don't seem quite so scary anymore.

Really Grandpa?

I'm going to try again! Here I come, ladder!


[Bell rings]

A customer!

Hello! Welcome!

What can we do for you this fine afternoon?

It's my boots.

I wore out the soles on my last trip to the jungle.

That's the jungle for ya...

Oooooh... The jungle...

Shouldn't be too difficult.

I'll have them ready for you by Friday!

In the fix-it box they go!


Where will my feet take me today?



Hmm... Jeepers! Could it really be...



Ooh! Superfrantastic jungle butterflies!--

Aw! My ribbon!

How am I going to get it down!...

Aw, piffle! Hmmmmm

Come here, you silly ribbon! Hmmmm

Hmmmm! How am I going to get you down?

Hmmm! I have no idea.

Yikes! Where did you come from?!

Over there...

Looks like you got yourself a problem.

It's my ribbon! It's up in the tree!

Hey! Maybe you can help me!

I'd love to. I'm Morrison.

I'm Franny.

Pleased to make your acquaintance.

Could you climb up there and grab it for me?

It'd just take a sec for a monkey like you!


Well good luck!

But wait! Can't you help?

No. No I can't.

You see I'm terribly busy at the moment...


--stacking my coconuts!

Look, there they are right there, the coconuts I'm stacking.

Well, okay then,

I suppose I'll have to climb up there myself.

Even if I am a little scared.

Wait a second! Wait a second!

Climb trees?! Very dangerous!!


Oh, yeah! Everybody knows that.

Trees are very high up,

they're dark, confusing,

the ground gets far away --

I can go on, and on.

A monkey afraid of heights?

It's true, I'm afraid.

But for good reason.

Look how high those trees go!

Just the thought of it makes my tummy turn in circles.

Hey! My grandpa was just trying to show me

how to climb without being scared!

So maybe we can do it together, huh?

What do you say?

Hey! You know what?

THAT is a terrible idea.

Look my knees are shaking just thinking about it.

I have to go now, bye.

Okay. I have to do it myself.

Like Grandpa said, one step at a time...

Slow... And steady...Step by step...

Hmm... Interesting technique, that.

Step by step. I like it.

Maybe I COULD try to climb trees.

After all, I AM a monkey.

Hello, tree. Okay, it's just you and me now...

Here... I... come.

Hey! What's going on guys? Climbing trees?

I love trees! I love climbing!

A pig in the jungle?

Don't pigs live on farms?

I'm a WILD pig! Ask anyone!

I'm as WILD as they come!

Name's Zelda the Wild Pig!

See, I got "wild" right there in my name!

What a hoot! Well, I'm Franny and my hair ribbon is...

on that branch.

[Wind howls]



I got it! Zelda's on the case!

Zelda! The cliff! Watch the cliff!




Help! I'm really, really, scared!

Hang on, Zelda. I'm coming!

Push! Move it! Move it! Move it! C'mon!

I'll pull!


Oh thanks, guys. You saved me.

Anything for a friend.

Hey, Morrison.

Did you see how high up you were?


Oh, my! I was, wasn't I!

Guess you're not as scared as you thought. [Giggles]

I, suppose you're right.

So hey, where is that ribbon?

It's Monkey time. I'm gonna climb that tree!

That's the spirit Morrison.

Now, remember, take it one step at a time and you'll be fine.


Uhh, I think I need to warm-up first.

Well okay, then!

Let's warm up!

That's it! And three more! Two more!

You got it! And one more! -- Now let's go!

Take it slowly. One step at a time.

Right. Like this?

Exactly like that!

I can do it! I can do it!

Step by step.

See, Morrison! You're doing great!

Oh yeah. This isn't so bad.

If I just reach to this branch.

Then this branch.

In fact, my legs and arms seem to be made for this kind of thing...


[Monkey chatter]


Here you go, Franny!

It's not even that high up!

Great! Bring her down!

You're an expert, Morrison!

A real pro!

Thanks Franny you're a real monkey pal!



[Monkey noises] Ooo-ooo! Eee-eee-eee!

Oh a beautiful flower...

another treasure for my shoe box!


Wait, Grandpa! I'll do it!

Step by step... by step...

Oh, my! You don't look scared at all.

Scared? Me? Nah...

If Morrison can rescue Zelda from the edge of a cliff

and then learn to climb trees,

then I can climb a little ladder.


Morrison? Zelda? What?

You are confusing your old grandpa.


Morrison the monkey and Zelda the wild pig!

She's wild as they come!


Well, it sounds to me like you got

up to some real monkey business!


Where my feet will take me tomorrow...