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01x12 - Louder! Louder!/Once Upon a Time/Maggie the Mommy

Posted: 03/14/24 17:44
by bunniefuu
(Theme music playing)

♪ Maggie and the Ferocious Beast ♪

♪ In Nowhere Land

♪ To Nowhere Land

♪ Come along if you can

♪ Hey ho, come on, let’s go to Nowhere Land ♪

♪ With Maggie and the Ferocious Beast ♪

BEASTGreat googly moogly!

MAGGIE"Louder, Louder!"

We’re almost there!

We’re almost where?

MAGGIEThat is a surprise.



When do we get there?

Right now, we’re here!

Great googly moogly!


What are you looking at?


What a view!

Uh huh!

(Sighing contentedly)

(Sighing contentedly)


(All sighing)

I can see all the way to the pumpkin patch!

Mm, pumpkins!

What are you looking for, Hamilton?

I’m trying to see my box.

There it is, I can see it! My box!

It’s nice to know my box is all right.




How’d you do that?

It’s easy, just shout!




Let me!



Let’s play Louder Louder!

How do we play that?

You just shout louder!






Can’t you should louder than that?

Louder, louder!



Louder louder!


How loud can you roar, Beast?

You might want to sit down for this

and hang on. (Roaring)


That was amazing, Beast!

Truly ferocious!



What is it, Beast?

What’s wrong?

He’s lost his voice.

No, Beast, it’s not really lost.

You can’t talk because that roar hurt your throat.

Don’t worry, it'll come back.

I know just what to do.

Come on!

Oh, Beast...

What? You don’t want it?

Your forehead.

Sticking out your tongue. Um...

You’re hot!

He doesn’t want another scarf because he’s too hot.

I was just tryin’ to help you get your voice back.




You look very nice, you know.

I’ll make you some blueberry tea.

You just have to wear them until your throat is better.

Here Beast, here’s your blueberry tea.

What now?

You’re sticking out your tongue again.

You’re hot?

No, he doesn’t like tea.

But, it’s blueberry!

I put lots of honey in it.

And it’s not too hot.

Do you wanna play checkers?

Hear a story?

Draw pictures?

Sing a song?

I know what game we can play.

Instead of Louder Louder, it’s called Softer Softer!
[ … ]

You have to talk as soft as you can.


There, you see, you win!

Why are you so sad?

Because you can’t talk?

It’s because you can't...


Because... if you can’t roar,

you’re not ferocious.

You’re not a ferocious beast if you can’t roar!

Oh, Beast...

you’ll get your roar back.

And until you do, you could still be ferocious.

Let’s see your most ferocious face.



(Laughing) Beast, show me another one!

What’s going on?


You see, you’re still ferocious!

What are you doing scaring me like that?

I can’t help it!

I am a ferocious beast, you know.


Did you drink your tea?



What did you just say?


And we heard you!

(Clearing throat)

Your voice is coming back!

I knew tea would help.


More blueberry tea, coming right up!

That’s my ferocious beast!

(Roaring quietly)



MAGGIE"Once upon a time."

"And the three baby bunnies lived happily ever after."

Please read it again, Hamilton!

Read it again?

I’ve read it to you three times!

Let’s play a game instead.

But The Three Baby Bunnies Go to the Store

is my most favourite book!

Please read it again, please, please, please?

I don’t want to read it again!

We know it by heart already.

The bunnies cross the street,

walk through the park, and go to the store!

To get carrots for their grandmother!

Ah, isn’t that nice?

I get all mushy inside just thinking about it.

Beast wants to hear the bunny story again,

but Hamilton wants to play, right?

Right! Right!

Okay then, why don’t we play,

The Three Baby Bunnies Go to the Store?

We’ll act it out!

Act out the story?

Yes, there are three baby bunnies,

and there are three of us! Come on!

Well, I’ve never been a bunny before.

I’ve been a bunny lots of times.

You just have to pretend, Hamilton.


Okay! Okay.

The Three Baby Bunnies Go to the Store.

Once upon a time, there were three baby bunnies

who went out to get some carrots for their grandmother.

And pumpkin muffins, can they get pumpkin muffins too?

Sure, Beast!

Pumpkin muffins? Well that’s not in the book!

But they need something for dessert!

The three bunnies went out to get some carrots

and pumpkin muffins for their grandmother.

It wasn’t in the book.

What comes next, Hamilton?

"The three bunnies came to a road.

They stopped at the stop light,

looked both ways...

and then crossed the--"


Goodness me, it’s so hot here in the desert.

(Coughing, groaning)

That’s not the way it goes! There’s no desert in the book.

Oh, I’m hot too. Can I have a hat like yours?

Here’s your hat, Beast!

I mean, Beastly bunny!

You’re changing the whole story!


Oh so hot!

Come on, Hamilton bunny.


All right.



After the desert...
[ … ]

the three baby bunnies had to walk through a big green--

Park! Jungle!


With vines hanging everywhere!

But, it’s a park in the book, Maggie.

It says so, right here.

A jungle is better.

You have to swing from vine to vine

so the snakes don’t get you. Wee!




Upsy daisy!


Oh, all right, I’ll swing.






I guess you’re right, Maggie, I like this jungle!

Your turn, Beast!

Hmm... I’m too big to swing.

I’ll just scare those mean old snakes away.

I am a ferocious beast, after all.

You’re not a beast, you’re a bunny!

Oh, yeah, but I can still be a ferocious bunny.

Okay, what does a ferocious bunny sound like?

Like this!




Beast, you scared all the snakes away!

What happens next?

All righty, after the three baby bunnies

walk through the jungle, they came to a big puddle.

Ah, a nice cool puddle

which they decided to skip across,

skipty, skipty, skip.

But, that’s when they saw it wasn’t a puddle at all.

It was an ocean!




Glub, glub, glub, glub, glub.

But, you’re changing the whole story!

So, the three baby bunnies had to swim

all the way across the ocean to get to the store.

And while they were swimming,

they saw lots and lots of jumping fish.

Look, there’s one, and another one!

And another one, wow!

Ooh, I can hardly see where I’m swimming

with all these fish!

Shoo, fish, shoo!

Look out for Hamilton bunny! Wee!

Splash! Glub, glub, glub.

But there aren’t just fish in this ocean,

I’m afraid to say, there are alligators too!



Great googly moogly!

Good one, Hamilton!

Hurry bunnies, swim, swim!





Phew! We made it, bunnies!

Finally, at the end of the ocean was the store,

where the three baby bunnies got some carrots...

And pumpkin muffins

For their grandmother!

They certainly did, and the three baby bunnies

lived happily ever after.

In Egypt!

In a great big castle,

with their pet dinosaur.

Roar, roar!

And then, they lived happily ever after.

MAGGIEOn a choo choo train!

(Making chugging noises)


At the back in the caboose.

(Making chugging noises)


Watching everything speed past.



And then, they lived happily ever after?

Yes, then they lived happily ever after.

Hooray! Hooray!

At last! Phew, I’m tired!

After all that excitement,

I think it’s time we took a nap!

And I know a perfect bedtime story!

"Once upon a time, there were three baby bunnies

who went out to get some carrots

for their grandmother.

The three bunnies came to a road.
[ … ]

They stopped at the stop light,

looked both ways, and crossed the road."

MAGGIE"Maggie the Mommy."




Maggie, is that you?

Good afternoon to you both.

Whoa, Maggie, you look...


My mother let me borrow some of her things to play with!

I thought we could pretend I’m a mommy.


I even have perfume.

(Sniffing) Ah...

Let me, let me!


Mm, that stinks pretty!

You don’t say, "That stinks pretty."

It smells pretty.

Excuse me!

Who’s in the baby buggy?

Nobody yet.

I need somebody to be my baby.

Uh-uh. Not me!

I can’t be a mommy if I don’t have a baby!

I’m too big!


Hamilton, won’t you be my little boy?

Do I have to?

Please, Hamilton? I brought you a bonnet.

Oh, all right.

♪ Hamilton’s a baby, Hamilton’s a baby! ♪


If you close it up like that,

you won’t be able to see out!

I don’t want anybody to see in.


Okay, it’s up to you, Baby Hammy.


Now wait just one minute, what can I be?

You could be the dog!

Oh goody! How’s this Maggie?



Do I make a good dog?

You make a very big dog.

You’re a fine dog, Beast.

Now let’s go!

What else do dogs do?


Chase cats!

Oh, I don’t wanna scare a little kitty cat.

Well you don’t have to because there aren’t any around.

Just cows.


(Cows singing)

Hi, Millicent, hi, Mavis, hi, Marge.

Hello, Maggie.

Where did you get those crazy shoes?

They’re my mother's!

Hello, Beast!

Today I’m not a beast, I’m a dog!


You don’t say. May we have a look at your baby?

Oh yes, may we?



Just an itsy-bitsy peek?


I’m sleeping!

Oh, my... Oh!

That’s not a baby, that’s a pig.


Hello, Hamilton.

Today he’s a baby.

You don’t say. Well, have fun!



Don’t you wanna play too?

You can be cats and I’ll chase you!

But you won’t be scared because you’ll know it's really me!

Not today, I’m afraid.

We’ve got choir practice.




Come on!

Let me help you, Maggie!

I’ll do it.



Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Maggie, please stop!

Now Beast,

could you please push the buggy out of the hole gently?

Sure, Hamilton.

There you go. Oops.


Maggie, Beast, help!
[ … ]

Oh no, my baby!


Oh no!


We’re coming Hamilton!



Hamilton, say something!

Ho-wee, what a ride!



Beast, can you take the baby buggy

back up the hill?

Sure, here we go!

Hold on, what about me?

You can’t expect me to climb that hill,

I’m just a little baby!


Climb in, Baby Hammy!

Mommy, where’s my blanky?

(Laughing) Your what?

My blanky, my blanky!

My blanket.

Oh! Mommy will get it for you!

There, is baby all comfy?


Here we go!


It sure is hard to walk in these!



What’s wrong, Maggie?

My feet hurt from these shoes.

Poor Mommy.

Maybe you should take a little rest.



Hamilton, Mommy doesn’t wanna play anymore.

Poor Mommy-- I mean Maggie.


Maggie, why don’t I push you in the buggy?

Sure! Thanks, Hamilton!

Why don’t you both just climb on my back?

No, Beast.

Maggie gave me a ride,

and one good ride deserves another.

Here we go!


We’ve stopped playing, you don't have to be a dog anymore, Beast.

Oh, okay... Baby Hammy.




Come on dog, let’s go!

