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03x01 - Captured!

Posted: 03/14/24 15:33
by bunniefuu


(Bows twanging)


(Splashing, crashing)


TIMSeven seasons

have passed since Matthias the

Warrior returned safely to

Redwall Abbey with his son,


And, this is the second season

that I, Tim Churchmouse, have

been the official Recorder of

Redwall Abbey’s history.

(Tower bell ringing)

♪ Amid the deep, wide winter

snow ♪

♪ Mossflower sleeps ’till

spring ♪

♪ While stuck in Cavern Hole

below ♪

♪ All Redwall’s creatures sing ♪

♪ Autumn gave us plenty

♪ Our harvest did not fail

♪ No plate or jug is empty

♪ There’s good October Ale ♪

♪ Oh, autumn gave us plenty

♪ Our harvest did not fail

♪ No plate or jug is empty

♪ There’s good October Ale ♪

(Cheering, murmuring)



Fellow Redwallers and



Abbot Mordalfus--


Abbot Mordalfus has asked that

we tell how Redwall’s great

story began.

How Martin the Warrior,

Defender of Redwall, my



Thank you.

How he came here many seasons


Now you all know your own paths

in our story.

But, today, you are going to

learn everything else.

This great tapestry only tells

part of the tale.

The whole story goes back many,

many seasons in the history of

the woodlanders and here to

tell us this tale, is our own

Abbey recorder, Tim Churchmouse.


It really all begins with

Martin the Warrior, first great

defender of Redwall Abbey.

The story begins in a place far

away from here called Marshank.

(Drum b*ating)

TIMThe pirate, Badrang, was

the scourge of the Marshank




(Cheering, laughing, drumming)


(Bow twanging)



TIMLuke the Warrior,

Martin’s father, prepared to

leave to fight Badrang.

Will you be away very long?

I’ll be gone a while, my son.

I want to come.

I can help you fight the


Are you sad, Father?

Now you listen to me, young

Martin, I’m leaving you this.

To remember me by.

Sometimes, son, we have to do

things we rather not do, but


One day, you’ll understand.

Grandmother, when will he be


When the seas are safe again,


Defend the weak!

Never fight in anger!

And never let another creature

take my sword from you!



There you are!

I’ve been half out of my mind

looking for you.

I was only--

You’re over a mile from home!

(Gasping, chuckling)

More slaves.

Run, Martin!

Run, Grandson!


You touch my grandmother and,

and I, I’ll hit you!


Give that here, you’ll hurt


I promised my father not to

give the sword to any crea--


Did you now?


(Whip cracking)





Pull, you vermin!


Here, keep moving you lot.

Get up you!

Move you useless, old lump!

I’ll strip your hide, you

worthless layabout.

(Whip cracking)



Hey you, what are you doing?

Get him!

(Screaming, grunting, yelling)


You again.

Still trouble, eh?

I should run you through and be

done with you.



Scum and a thief.


That sword is not yours.

It belongs to me.

Well, you’re not short on

nerve, mouse.

What’s your name?

My name is--


My name is Martin.

Son of Luke, the Warrior.



Well, Martin, son of Luke the

Warrior, you can become Martin,

the seagull’s breakfast.


(Lightning crashing)


He’ll have a bad time tonight

if this weather worsens.

It’s the morning I’m worried

about, father.

When the gulls and the gannets

come, they’ll rip him to bits.

(Clanging, gasping)

Get away from there, or

you’ll be up there with him!

Double work for you two,



That brave young fella, Martin,

protected me from Hisk.

I wish there was something we

could do for him.

There’s nothing any of us can


You won’t break me Badrang!

This looking like the place

alright, Mistress Rose.

Soup’s near done.

Do you think Brome is in


Well, they rat tracks lead


So where else would he be?

Here, eat up now.

Grumm Trencher, you’re worse

that an old mousewife.

Well, it keeps you warm


If only Brome hadn’t

wondered off from Noonvale.

Well, wonder he did, and if

that Badrang’s got him.

He’ll be wishing he listened to

his father.

Father meant no harm.

He just wanted Brome to be



Well, young and responsible

aren’t words that go together,

do they?

Save for yourself, Mistress


Oh Grumm.




Grumm, come here quickly!


MARTINI’ll live, Badrang!

Do you hear me?!

I’ll live and take back my

father’s sword!

I am Martin, son of Luke!

You watch for them guards,


There will be no guards out

in this weather!

Martin, son of Luke, can you

hear me?

Martin, son of Luke!



Who are you?

I am Laterose, daughter of

Chief Urran Voh of Noonvale.

Why are you here?

I seek my brother, Brome!

Do you know him?


He’s fallen unconscious if

you ask I, poor creature.

Martin, can we help you?

Gulls will att*ck...


Not if Rose of Noonvale has

anything to say about it!

Find me pebbles, Grumm, I’ll

show that cruel, heartless


I bet he’ll be only half as

ill tempered as thee, missy.

And he’ll feel it if he

hurts that poor Martin or my





Gurrad, go wake yon mouse and

make him wriggle.

We’ll soon have him eaten.

Wake up, wake up!

There’s some sharp beaks that

need breakfast.

Tough, eh?

Well not tough enough to stop




Looks like they got good

appetites today, Gurrad!


Good sh*t, mistress.

Stupid bird.

Go get him you lot!

You won’t need this no more.



What’s happening?


Thank you, Rose, whoever

you are.

What do you see, Boggs?

Some sort of fort!


Or, I’ll eat me gloves!

Won’t me old matey, Badrang, be

pleased to see me?

Pleased, Captain?

He’ll pop his cork!


And if he don’t?

I’ll pop it for him!


What’s the matter with them?

Why aren’t they tearing him



Now what?!

Sire, that’s the cry of a

great eagle!

Gurrand, they’re ain’t no great

eagles on this coast.

Stow that gab.

Hang a bit of rotten fish on


Hungry sea birds will come for

that, eagle or no eagle!

Hold still, or I’ll pin this

to you with me spear!


Stop playing the fool!


Somebody’s throwing rocks!



Must be some beast hiding out

there, Lord Badrang.

That’s for the last b*ating

you gave me, Skalrag!


They’re coming from inside

the fortress!


They’re coming from the

shore, I tell ya!


They’re coming from


It can’t be.

Get that mouse down there!

Into the fortress, quick!

But sire, what about the rock


Scum brain!

We want to worry about the



Tramun Cuttlefish Clogg!

Me old shipmate, and me mortal


Pick your feet up you lily

livered slime!

Look, they’re cutting Martin


I do think, us’s won Missy


Thank the seasons we could

help that poor mouse.

I gave them billy ho with my

old ladler!

So you did Grumm.

Oh, plummety, look it, missy.



Come on, Grumm.

We best get away from here.

We’ll be safe in the marshes.

I reckon you’re right, Missy


I don’t like pirates.

If only I knew Brome was


If I knows my old matey,

Badrang, he’ll have slaves of

plenty to build that place.

Yes, captain.

Ain’t right for corsairs and

searats to row their own ship

now, is it?

Oh, no, captain!

So, we’ll slip ashore, and

ask him, handsome like, to fit

us out with a few row beasts.

BOTHRight, captain.

And if he won’t, I’ll just

slit his gizzard, used his skull

as me figurehead, and take them



Only fair, ain’t it, Growch?


Ain’t a joke, matey.

Badrang knows I hate his

miserable, treacherous guts!

And I’ll have his slaves, every

last one of them!

Harken, young mouse.

You’re not short on nerve and,

uh, now I could use a tough

fighter like you.

What, things being as they

are, how’d you like to be a

captain in my horde?

Best food, best slaves.

What do you say, young ’in?

Will you swear loyalty to me

against old Clogg?



You’ll wish the gulls got ya,

you will!

Chuck him in the pit!


Don’t just stand there!

We got pirates to deal with.


Well, still alive Martin.

I’m Felldoh.

You saved my father Barkjon.

What are you doing down here?

Stiffear saw me throwing

rocks at him on the wall.

Well, thanks for helping.

I thought I was bird meat for a


You helped my old dad, so I

did what I could for you, matey.

What’s Badrang going to do

with us?

Who’s there?

This young fella’s Brome.



Your sister’s outside with

somebody called Grumm.

Rose and Grumm, outside?

Yes, I owe them and Felldoh

my life.

They drove off the birds.

Then there was a screech,

like an eagle!

That’s Rose, she does all

sorts of voices.

They’ll soon get us away from


You’ll see.

Simple as picking daisies.

When was the last time, you

picked daisies, matey?

A long time ago.

Simple was it?

But not impossible.

(Laughing, cheering)

Now, how many poor, little

slaves to build a place like

that, Boggs?

Oh, lots, captain.

Crowds of them.

Lots and crowds?

Aye, lots and crowds.

Which is most, Growch?

Lots, or crowds?

Why, bless your heart,


Crowds, that means lots and



Well said, matey.


Break out all weapons!

We’ll lay up the coast a-ways

and hide out of sight.

Then, we’ll go ashore for a

little reunion with me old

messmate, Badrang.

And we’ll have all his slaves

as row beasts, or we’ll have

them all for fish bait.

