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02x11 - Paint Your Wagon / Truth or Bear

Posted: 03/14/24 11:50
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm Marvin

♪ The tap-dancing horse

♪ He can dance, he can dance, he can dance ♪

♪ Just shine that spotlight on me ♪

♪ Every show must have a star

♪ He can dance, he can dance, he can dance ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ Yeah

♪ When the lights go down

♪ I'm ready to perform

♪ This is my home up on the stage ♪

♪ I'll dance for you

♪ And we'll perform for you too ♪

♪ I'm Marvin the tap-dancing horse ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance, he can dance, yeah ♪





(Snoring softly)

(Girl clearing throat) (Groaning)





ANDREWKatie! Katie!

Hey, Andrew. I scared the kitty cat.


I wasn't scared.

And I'm not a kitty cat.

Come back here and say that. Hmph!

(Marvin chuckling)

If you tell anyone about this--

My lips are sealed, kitty cat.




Katie, where are you?

KATIEHey, Andrew.

I scared the kitty cat.


Why'd you wander off like that?

Mom said you're supposed to stay by me, remember?

I was tired.

Well, just keep up with me from now on, okay?

You walk too fast.


I'll walk slower.

Come on.

(Both laughing)


DIAMONDSHi. What's so funny?

Nothing. Nothing's funny.

(High-pitched squealing)



Hey, everybody, look what I found.

Isn't it a beaut?



it's filthy.

(Wheels squeaking) (All groaning)

And that squeaking.

It sounds like a mouse.

The handle's all bent and it's missing a wheel.

Maybe you should just throw it out.

Throw it out?

Good idea. I agree.

A little work, and it'll be as good as new.

Jack's right. It just needs a little elbow grease.

I don't have time to fix it myself,

but if you're willing, Marvin...

Oh, no. Not me.

These hooves were made for tapping.

They're not very handy with tools.




Come on, guys. Whoever fixes it gets to keep it.

No, I've got to, um, paint my nails.

Oh, and my soap opera is on in minutes.



I feel a nap coming on.


Wow. Cool wagon.


Needs some work, though.

Can I fix it up, Jack?

Please? Please?

Sure you can.

And when you're done you can keep it, too.

Thanks, Jack.

(Wheels squealing)

MARVIN♪ Roll up your sleeves

♪ And get right down to it

♪ Go ahead, head first, straight ahead, do it ♪

♪ Any way you look, no matter how you view it ♪

♪ Nothing else makes you feel so good ♪

♪ Give it all you got

♪ And you'll get back a lot

♪ It's all in the way that you do it ♪

(Laughing) ♪ Get to it

♪ Follow the flow you'll get through to it ♪

♪ Go ahead, look sharp, finish up, do it ♪

♪ Any way you look

♪ No matter how you do it

♪ Nothing else makes you feel so good ♪

♪ Give it all you got

♪ And you'll get back a lot

♪ It's all in the way that you do it ♪

♪ Get to it

♪ Now that you're done

♪ And everyone is into it

♪ It's good to let it go

♪ It feels great, do it

♪ It's magical to see how other people view it ♪

♪ That is why you feel so good ♪

(Drum roll)

EDDYAnd now the moment you've all been waiting for.


ALLWow. Ooh, wow. Good work.

My goodness. STRIPESThat's fantastic.

It's beautiful.

What you going to use it for, Eddy?

Oh, I don't need it.

I guess I'll just give it to someone who does.

I need it.

Hold on, there. I need it too.

Not as much as I do.

And what do you need it for?

(All chattering)

Why don't you take turns with it?

Oh, oh! I'll go first!

I know what to use it for.

(Cups rattling)


Care for a cup of tea, Miss Edna?

Now, what the heck would I want

with a hot cup of tea on a hot day like this?

Oh. How about you, Monsieur Marvin?

Oh, no, thank you, Diamonds.

I don't really like tea.

Actually, neither do I.

(Both laughing)

You don't even like the stuff?

Well, I've got a real use for that wagon.

Mind if I have a turn, m'lady?

Oh, all right.

And don't forget your doilies.

Edna, you don't really need that wagon.

Why not? You think these lemons

are going to get up and walk over there themselves?

But you always use the wheelbarrow

to carry your lemons.

And it holds a lot more.

Yeah, but the wagon is so much shinier.

I just love shiny things.

I believe it is my turn to use the wagon now.

So what are you going to do with it?

(Stripes humming)

(Elizabeth humming)

Oh, for Pete's sake.

That's the silliest thing I've ever seen.

Why are you putting your flowers in there, Elizabeth?

So I can take them with me everywhere.


And every time I feel blue...


...I just have to take a look at my flowers.


And I feel much better.

STRIPESMy turn. (Gasping)

I have a much better use for that wagon.

I'm going to take Mr. Grizzly for a ride.

Oh, that's so cute.

It is not cute.



Katie! Katie!



Jack doesn't like you wandering around out of your cage.

You'll scare the customers.

Oh, it's almost closing time. There's hardly anybody here.

(Giggling)Kitty cat has a dolly.



Mr. Grizzly's not a dolly.

He's a ferocious bear.

And I'm not a kitty cat.

Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.


Dolly. Dolly. Dolly.

ANDREWKatie! Katie!

There you are.

Why can't you stay near me like you're supposed to?

I told you, you walk too fast, and I'm tired.


Please get up.



We'll come back tomorrow morning.

You can visit the kitty cat then.


Oh! EDDYStripes, you'd better

get back in your cage before Jack catches you.


You don't want to scare any little girls.




(Elizabeth snoring)


Good morning, world.


Hmmm, what's he up to?

He's got our wagon.

And he's taking it away.

Well, of course he's taking it away.

The question is, why?

ALLMarvin! Marvin! Marvin!

Oh, what's going on?

He's taking the wagon. He's going somewhere.

Where's he taking it? (Yawning)

I guess he's going to give it away, like he said.

Dagnabbit! To who?

Why don't you ask him?

ALLEddy! Eddy! Eddy!

Hey! Yoo-hoo!

Eddy! Eddy!

Hi, Eddy.

Are you going to give the wagon away?


Aren't you giving it to one of us?

Mm-mm. (All gasping)

I'm giving it to someone who really needs it.

But, but I really need that wagon.

No, you don't. I don't think so.

Mr. Grizzly needs his rides.

(All chattering)

I'm giving it to them.


Hurry up, Katie.

My feet hurt.

Oh, not her again.


What for?

As our very first customers of the day,

you win this wagon.


Gee. Thanks.

Thanks a lot.


(Giggling)I scared the kitty cat again.


Hey, Katie, hop in and I'll give you a ride.

Oh, boy.


Thanks again.

Nice work, Eddy.

You gave it to the two people who would enjoy it the most.

You sure did.

That was very generous of you.

You're a swell kid, Eddy.

Can I buy you a lemon ice?



Come on, kitty cat.

I'll pour you a saucer of milk.

I am not a kitty cat.

Hmm, but the milk sounds good.


(Breathing heavily)

(All chattering)

(Footsteps approaching)

(All screaming and squawking)

MARVINEverything was just fine and dandy

until the eucalyptus leaves ran out.

Then those koalas weren't so cute anymore.


(Squeaking) (Gasping)

Oh! (Gasping)

Hello, little man.

I'd like to introduce myself.

I am Boris.

I walk many miles to see your most famous show.

You must be Fast-Talking Jack's very talented

and wonderful performers.

That's nice of you to say. (All chattering and giggling)




And that is how it is in Russia.

Wow. Fascinating.

It's so exciting.

Yes, Boris. Really interesting.


Sometimes I miss Russia,

and my dear mother.

So Boris, you came all this way just to see our show?

Well, yes.

But also I look for job, any job.

I want to be in the show business.


Well, then, we'd better take you

to see Fast-Talking Jack himself.

Oh, thank you, thank you.

I am so happy, you cannot even imagine.

Big hugs for everybody.


(Straining)Watch the fur.

So Boris, what kind of job are you looking for?

Oh, any job, any job.

It is my dream to be performer.

(Bell jingling)

Well, what can you do?


DIAMONDSHe can shell peanuts.

And he knows a lot about Russia.

He can roll his R's, and that's hard to do.

I'm afraid those just aren't skills we can use in our show.


But I like your spunk, kid.

If you can come up with an act, you've got a job.

Oh, thank you. Big hug!

Oh! Aah!



Oh, Stripes,

you are ferocious beast.

Why, thank you.

I do my best.

I want to be like you.

Maybe I try ferocious bear act.

Sure. Give it a shot, big guy.

(Clearing throat)

(Growling and coughing)


Why don't you try the hoops?

yes, yes. Good idea.




Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye.

Hoop is too small, I am thinking.



Maybe you should go see Marvin.

He'll be able to help you.

Yes. Yes. Good idea.

Marvin, you are real twinkle toes.

Thanks, Boris.

I want to be twinkle toes too.

Okay. Give it a try.


How about something a little more graceful?

Like ballet.

Yes, yes, ballet. Like with, how you say,


That's right, tutu.

So go ahead.

Yes, but with tutu.



All right, let's see what you've got.


I think I like tapping better.


But maybe you should leave the tap-dancing to me.



Don't bears sometimes do balancing acts?

Diamonds has a big circus ball. You could give it a try.

Yes. Yes. Good idea.

(Penguins squawking and chattering)

BORISHello, flappy birds.

(All screaming and squawking)


Funny birds.

Hmm. I can be just like Diamonds.


Uh-oh. Whoa!

Oh, my goodness. ELIZABETHOh!



That is difficult.


Boris, in one of my tutus?


Maybe I try juggle instead.




Oh, dear.


Boris, dear, maybe you should go see Eddy.

He always knows what to do.

Little man Eddy?

Yes. Is good idea.


(Laughing)Boris, what are you doing?

I am cleaning like you so I can have job.

But you wanted to be a performer, remember?

But I can't be scary like Stripes.

I can't dance like Marvin.

I can't balance like Diamonds.

And I can't juggle like Elizabeth.

You need to come up with your own act

instead of copying everyone else's.

But I don't know what that is.

Don't worry, Boris, we'll think of something.

I'll go get Marvin.

(Indistinct chattering)

(All screaming)


DIAMONDSAnd then the ball rolled right over the poor dear.


We have to help Boris find his own act.

Yeah, but our show doesn't need peanut shelling

or facts about Russia.

(Boris humming distantly)

There's got to be something else he can do.

(Boris singing operatically in foreign language)


Why didn't you tell us you could sing?

Sing? Everyone can sing.

Not like that, big fella.

Boris, you've got yourself an act.

I've got act!

And it's your very own act.

I am so happy you cannot even imagine.

Big hug!


(All laughing)

(Playing piano)

(Singing operatically in foreign language)

(Audience cheering)

Oh! It's so moving, I could just cry.

Oh, Elizabeth, dry up.

(Blowing nose)

Thank you.


Incredible. What a talent.

(Blowing nose)

AUDIENCEBravo, Boris!



(All squawking)

(All chattering)

You've got a job here for as long as you like.

Oh, thank you, thank you.

I am so happy, you cannot even--


Oh, thank you. Thank you.

You were simply...mwah!


Such a voice.

Thank you. Thank you.

Boris, we are talent scouts for the opera,

and we would like you to come and sing in our European tour.

European tour?

Yes, we go to Italy, France, Russia.

Oh, no, I couldn't.


Yes, Russia.

I could visit my old home and see my dear mother?

Yes, of course.

No, no, I couldn't leave such kind friends.

But Boris, this is the chance of a lifetime.

Oh, yes, it sounds so exciting.

Singing in all those places for all those people.

Your mother will be so proud.

Really? It's okay if I go?

You've got to go.

I will go!

MANBravo, Boris! Bravo! (All cheering)

JACKCongratulations, Boris.

I'm so happy for you, Boris.

We'll miss you.

Thank you all for helping me find my voice.

(All chattering)

Now, one last big hug?

(All chattering)


(All groaning)

(Penguins squawking) Huh?

What is it? You want big hug too?


(All laughing)

Big hug!
