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02x07 - Little Olaf / Jokers Go Wild

Posted: 03/14/24 11:47
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

(Hooves clicking) ♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ Just shine that spotlight on me ♪

♪ Every show must have a star ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ He can dance, he can dance ♪

♪ When the lights go down

♪ I'm ready to perform

♪ This is my home upon the stage ♪

♪ I'll dance for you

♪ And we'll perform for you, too ♪

♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance he can dance, yeah ♪


Boy, I'm so happy that spring has finally sprung.

You said it, Eddy! It puts a spring in my tap.

(Tap dancing)



Hey look!

Look at all those ducks!



I see a trip outside in your future.

Jeesh, this place is lousy with ducks.

Ah, they're migrating north for the summer.

But, you know, we could always use a bigger crowd.


(Cheering and applause)



These quackers are keeping me up.

Me too.

How about a game of cards?

I tried to count sheep but they kept turning into ducks.

MARVINHey, what's that in Stripes' cage?

Stripes! You laid an egg!

I told you he was eating too much chicken.

Uh, what?



So the ducks keep us up all night...

and then they expect us to babysit?

Poor little egg.

Its parents must be worried sick about it.

Oh, I'm sure they'll be back.

But until then, someone has to take care of it.


Mister Grizzly can egg-sit.

He works cheap too.




Wow! He's so small!


Heh, hey, Stripes! He likes you!


Look, I've got a reputation!

I'm a fierce jungle beast, not a... mommy!


I'll call you little Olaf, okey dokey?

Isn't that a nice namey-wamey?


Knit one, pearl two.

Knit one, pearl two.

What are you knitting, Elizabeth?

A present for little Olaf!

Um... what is it? A sweater? Booties?

A hat?'s his own nest!


That's right little Olaf.

Stripes, where are you?

Hello little Olaf.


I thought I'd show Little Olaf

some of the wild grasses there are to eat

around the carnival area.

Uh, sorry, he's kinda busy right now.

Besides, he's already got his breakfast.

You're feeding him cereal?


That's what made me big and strong when I was a cub!

That's not proper food for a growing duckling.

Oh that's just for starters!


We always finish with a lemon ice.

Vitamin C, you know!


Hey, Stripes!

You're doing a great job, taking care of little Olaf.

Aw, thanks. He's a swell kid.


I think he might be ready for a quacking lesson.

He quacks just fine.


Okay, okay, what do you have in mind?

Okay, little fella, listen carefully.

(Clearing throat)

Quack! Quack! Quack!


Maybe he needs more action.


(Squeaky quacking)

Oh, let me do it. You two just don't know how to talk to kids.

Is "widdle" Olaf gonna quack for daddy?


Quacky quacky quack?

(Squeaky roaring)

Aw, isn't that cute?

He's roaring!

Who's daddy's widdle tiger? Hmm?

(Squeaky roaring)


Who's my big, bad jungle pussycat?

Little Olaf doesn't just sound like a tiger,

he thinks he is one!

And what's wrong with being a tiger?

Nothing, if you're a tiger...

but this little guy's a duck!

(Squeaky roaring)

Ah, you worry too much.

Little Olaf is gonna be a swell tiger-- I mean, duck.


Little Olaf, are you okay?

(Squeaky roaring)

Uh, little Olaf can fly, can't he?

Of course he can! Come on, Olaf.

Flip, flop and fly, son!


Can't fly...

MARVINIt's not too late to teach him the stuff he needs to know.

And we'll help!

You bet!




Way to go! I can't believe it! All right!

Sleep tight, little Olaf.

This is the big one, little Olaf!

You can do it, kiddo!


Straighten your wings!

Keep your head up!

Be careful, little Olaf!

Whoa! Hit the deck, Eddy!

Little Olaf, pull up!


EDDYWay to go! I can't believe it!

He's flying!

Uh oh.


You did it, little guy. You're a big duck now.

(Ducks quacking)



That's a fine boy you've got there, folks.

He's a chip off the ol' duck.


You're welcome.

Good-- goodbye, little Olaf.

Remember what I taught you.

Well, the good stuff anyway.


Aww, don't be sad, Stripes.

Little Olaf will be back this way next spring!

Aww, it would never would have worked, anyway.

I mean, a tiger raising a duck?






Hi, Diamonds.

Hi Eddy! Back from town already?

Yup. Here's your mail! Thanks.

Ah, my fans!

Have you seen Marvin?

I've got something to show him!

He's in the main tent.

Nice flower.



As soon as I saw the flames, I leapt into action!

Hi, everyone. I've got the mail.

Oh, goodie!

Hey! I'm not finished!

We know how it ends.

You save the kittens from the fire in the barn.

The end.

Heh, I guess I've told that one before.

Here's your mail.

How do you like my flower?

Oh, very nice, Eddy.

No, come closer!

Smell it!


Good one Eddy! Oh, Eddy!


Ah, good one, Eddy.

Isn't it neat?

I bought it at that new joke shop in town.




I liked that one. More growly.

Yeah, I like that one too.

Hey, Eddy! Check out my new binoculars.


I can't see anything!


What? What's so funny?



I gotcha!


I'm gonna try it on Jack!

Where'd you get those? At that shop in town?


Ah, Eddy, wait up!

I think I'm gonna do a little shopping...

So then I boarded the train in Chattahoochee--

Who wants bubble gum?

Yay! Oh yes, I do!

Yes, please. Me too.

Hey I was in the middle of--

The touring story.

About how you performed in cities in days.


Bleh! Oh, ugh, yuck!

Oh, it's awful!

What flavour is this?


Liver and onion!


He sure got us on that one!

Well, I'm gonna get him right back.

Ooh, I'm with you, Elizabeth.











And then Stripes short-sheeted her bed,

so Elizabeth woke him up from his nap by playing her tuba.

Hm, so what's Stripes gonna do next, I wonder?


This little piggy's getting a shower!

I guess that answers my question.

Be careful, Stripes.

Practical jokes do have a way of getting out of hand.

I'm sorry I started the whole thing.

Yeah... whatever...

Wanna come watch?

Be careful, Stripes.















Oh, no!


Oh, Stripes!

Mister Grizzly!

I've called you here

because I think the practical jokes have gone far enough.

At first they were funny, we were all having a good time,

but you three have let things get out of control!

I want you all to agree to a truce.

Not until I get Mister Grizzly back!

I don't know what you're talking about.

That's enough!

I want you to promiseno more tricks!

I promise.

All right. I promise too.


But they--


Oh, all right!

I promise, no more tricks.

All right, now shake on it.


BOTHOw! (Laughing)

Joy buzzers! Ha ha! Aren't they a riot?!

The truce is off!

We're never trusting you again!

That wasn't very funny, Stripes.

What do you mean? I'm laughing!

Weren't you listening to a word I said?

Stripes? Stripes!

Huh? What?

You were, uh, saying something?



That's it!

When Elizabeth takes her morning ride,

it'll stop at the top and she'll be stuck!


Just like I said it would!


This is just great...

Help? Help!

Help! Stranded tiger needs help!

And we'll fill his shoes with whipped cream!

Tigers don't wear shoes, honey.


Then we'll fill up his whole cage with whipped cream.


Help me!

It's Stripes!

Wait! He could be trying to trick us again.


I bet it's a trap!



Can you hear me?!

Oh, they can't hear me.

Edna's away, Jack's in town,

and Marvin and Eddy are at the movies.

What else could go wrong?

(Thunder rumbling)

I had to ask.

Boy it's really coming down!


Diamonds! Elizabeth! Come quick!

Stripes is trapped on the Ferris wheel!

Oh! Oh no!

Oh, my goodness!

Oh dear!

Step aside, Marvin!

Hooray! Way to go, Diamonds!

Oh, Stripes! Are you all right?



Thanks, Elizabeth.

So I really wanted Elizabeth to get stuck up there.

I guess it wasn't such a funny joke after all.

Nope. Uh-uh.

We heard you yelling for help but...

But what?

We thought you were just trying to trick us again.

I guess I got carried away with the pranks.

Heh, I'm sorry.

We're sorry, too.


Mister Grizzly!

You're all right!

Oh, thank goodness!

Sorry, Stripes.

We didn't realize we were going so far with things.

But I was telling you that all along.

Uh, did you, uh, say something, Marvin?


Aw, just kidding.

Why don't you tell us that story about the fire in the barn?

Ooh, yes!

Where you save all the cute little kittens!

But you already know how it ends.

Sure, but we still like to hear you tell it.

Oh yes!

Tell it!

Come on, Marvin.

It was a day much like any other...

I was still on the farm back then, just a young colt,

and I was taking my daily stroll past the barn

when suddenly I smelled smoke...

Oh, my goodness! Oh dear!