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02x03 - Marvin and Eddy in the Middle of Nowhere / Stripes' Mis-Fortune

Posted: 03/14/24 11:45
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

(Hooves clicking) ♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ Just shine that spotlight on me ♪

♪ Every show must have a star ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ He can dance, he can dance ♪

♪ When the lights go down

♪ I'm ready to perform

♪ This is my home upon the stage ♪

♪ I'll dance for you

♪ And we'll perform for you, too ♪

♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance he can dance, yeah ♪

MARVINLet me check my notes here.

Ah yes, there we go.

(Clearing throat)

"The Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse Story", by me,

Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse.

Chapter Hoofin' In Hollywood.

My big break came in the hit film A Mountie in the County.

Yikes! Marvin!

The giant trout of Lost Lake are calling.

Are you ready to go fishing?

Huh? Are ya?

Oh, sure thing, Eddy.

My bestseller can wait another day I think.

Did you get everything on the list I made for you?

You bet.

Compass, map, worms, waders,

peanut butter, jelly and oat sandwiches,

even extra socks.

I think you may have forgotten one very important thing.


What did I forget?

A fishing rod might come in handy.


Let's go, go, go!

Funny, I feel like I've forgotten something.

(Tape rewinding)

Oops, I didn't mean to rewind.

Come on, Marvin!


Hmm, was there something else?

Oh well, gotta go.



Oh, oh dear!

Excuse me, Stripes.

Watch where you're going, Elizabeth.

What if you had spilled my cereal?

But my book says a detective

should always keep her nose to the ground.

(Sighing) What book, Elizabeth?


That book!


Another mystery.

How did my Junior Detective Manual get under your cage?

Uh, well, I found it,

and I thought it best to keep it safe.

Uh, until I located the owner.

Oh, Stripes, how thoughtful of you!

Remember, if you ever need a detective,

just let me know!


Elizabeth hasn't had a clue since I've known her.

(Metal creaking)

Mr. Grizzly, look out!


Mr. Grizzly's all milky.

We're going due east, so we should hit Lost Lake in no time.

Let's see where we are on the map.

Yep, we should be pretty close all right.


This forest sure is thick.

Let me take a quick look this way.

No wonder it's called Lost Lake.

Who could find it with all these trees?

Whoa, whoa, whoa! (Splashing)

Marvin the Lake-Finding Horse?



(Swans honking)

(Loon calling)

EDDYWhat could be better than fishing in a place like this?

Catching a big one!

Let's suit up.


Okay, Eddy, let 'er fly!

Watch out, giant trout.

Eddy and Marvin are about!

I'll bet this lake is full of fish.

Sure, they're stacked like cordwood under the surface.

Any second now.

Any minute now.

(Loon calling)

Any hour now.

Ah, did you know there's a perfectly good

fish market in town?

Think they'd have trout there?

Somebody must have all the ones that used to live here.

(Stomach growling)

I'm hungry.

So am I. (Yawning)

Maybe we should eat our lunch and start heading back.

Just one last cast before we go?


This one's going way out there!








Fish on!

(Grunting) No kidding!




I think he's getting tired!

That makes three of us!


(Line snapping)


Eddy, you all right?


That was one big trout!

I can't even put this story in my book.

No one would believe it!




Now that was just plain mean!

I think that fish wants us to go.

I'd be happy to, except he ate our compass.

And our map!

And my peanut butter, jam and oat sandwiches.

What are we going to do, Marvin?

Well, the sun sets in the west.

We just have to follow it back home.

(Sighing) Let's go.

MARVINWe'd better hurry if we're

going to make it back in time for the show.

(Frog croaking)

EDDYThis looks like the right path.

And this is the tree I stood on,

which means we go that way to get home.

Gee, Eddy, I thought that was the tree you stood on.

Or was it that one?

I'm sure it was this one, Marvin.

"Sure" sure, or "kinda" sure?

Very sure.

Pretty sure.

A hunch, maybe?

(Stomach growling)

I shouldn't say a hunch.

It rhymes with lunch, and I'm starving.

Cheer up, pal.

Jack knows where we were going.

He'll come and find us.

I'm sure glad you told him, Marvin.

But I thought that you...

Oh no!


I knew I was forgetting something!


Something important. What?!

I forgot to tell Jack where we were going!

We're cooked!

I wonder if they've even noticed that we're not there.

Where could Marvin and Eddy be?

They missed the entire show!


That's nice, Jack.

Tell them I said hello.

That's all for tonight, folks!

Thank you for coming to the show!

(Crowd cheering)


That's the last time I'm covering for a dancing horse.


The Charleston and my Lumbago don't get along together.

(Back cracking)


Okay, have a nice trip.

Tobago's lovely this time of year.

Have you still got your snout buried in that book, Elizabeth?

Oh, what is it, Stripes?

Don't you even care that Eddy and Marvin are missing?



A mystery!

This looks like a job for Detective Elizabeth!


Me and my big mouth.

Not to worry, I learned lots about the great outdoors

when I worked on that Mountie movie, Eddy.

Like navigating by the stars.

The brightest star is the North Star.

If we can find that, we can figure out

all the other directions.

But it's cloudy out, Marvin.

We can't see any stars.

When it was cloudy,

we'd usually stay in the trailer and play cards.

Do you remember anything from that Mountie movie

that might help us?

Uh, poison ivy has three leaves?

Don't wander around at night?

Those two go together, actually.


Now I really wish we told somebody where we went.



Well, Elizabeth,

did you find them lying on the ground anywhere?

My manual says that sometimes a clue isn't what's here,

but what isn't.



Well, what isn't here is a dancing horse and a little boy.


Now we know what Marvin and Eddy were doing today.


I don't see anything.


Marvin's fishing rod is gone.

He always hangs it there.


Let's start checking the nearby lakes!

Not so fast, my good Stripes.

Now we have to find a clue

that tells us which lake they went to.

Oh, Elizabeth, it's dark!

If we wanna find them, we've got to step on it!

MARVIN"Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse Story"...

STRIPESHuh? me, Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse.


A clue!

Ah, clue-shmue.

That's just Marvin recording his book.

That horse sure can talk about himself.

EDDYMarvin, the giant trout of Lost Lake are calling.


Are you ready to go fishing? Huh?

Huh? Are ya?

BOTHLost Lake!

Now let's go get Jack!



Thanks for the roof, Marvin.

Always ready to help.

We'll keep searching for home in the morning.

(Sticks cracking) (Gasping)

What was that?

Whatever it is, it's big!

Run for it, Eddy!

I'll lead it away!

We're in this together, Marvin.

(Bushes rustling)


(Bushes rustling)

(Teeth chattering)

JACKEddy, Marvin?

Where are you?


We're over here, Jack!

Oh, thank goodness you're all right!

I thought you said you forgot to tell Jack where we were?


It was your tape that told us.

Lucky for you I was on the case.

(Clearing throat)

...That Elizabeth was on the case.

Nice work! Yeah!

It was elementary, my dear boys.


You two gave us quite a scare.

We were in such a hurry to get here,

we forgot to tell anyone where we were going.

I was the one who forgot.

I'm sorry, Jack.

Apology accepted.

So, you didn't catch

the legendary giant trout of Lost Lake, huh?

No, but we saw him!

He was huge!

He jumped about times, broke our rod, ate our backpack--

Oh, I didn't come all this way

to hear another of Marvin's tall tales.

Uh, if anyone wants to know where I am, I'm going home.

Stripes is the one with the map.

Wait up, Stripes! Wait for me!

MARVINYou don't have to tell me twice!


(Tuba blaring)


Wha... huh?

(Tuba blaring)



(Drum booming)


(Drum booming)


(Drum booming)



(Trombone blaring)

(Cymbals crashing)

(Penguin laughing)

(Loud music playing)


How's this, Marvin? Perfect.

Good job, Eddy.

Morning, Stripes.

What's that?

I can't hear you.

Then take off your earmuffs!

Sorry, I didn't hear you.

I had my earmuffs on.

It's those noisy penguins.

(Loud music playing)

They're just practicing for the parade.

Oh yeah, the annual Performer Parade.

I almost forgot.

It's going to be great!

We're off to the supply tent to pick up costumes.

Coming along, Stripes?

(Loud music playing)

Anything to get away from this racket.





EDDYGee whiz.

It's gonna be hard choosing from all these costumes.

You can say that again, Eddy.

Hmm, what's under here?



MARVINLook at that!

What is it?

I remember this!

It's a fortune telling machine we used

before Edna joined the carnival.

I wonder if it still works.

(Machine whirring)

(Bell dinging)

"Today will be a special day."

Boy, will it ever!

Looks like it's working perfectly.

Let me try!

(Machine whirring)

(Bell dinging)

"Tonight you will lose something important to you."

What does that mean?

It doesn't mean anything.

W-what am I going to lose?

(Laughing) Don't worry, Stripes, it's just for fun.

B-b-but I--

I'm next!

You will lose something...


(Machine whirring loudly)

(Bell dinging)

"Out of order."

That's a strange fortune.






I don't think so.


Now, this is more like it!

What do you think?

You'll be the pride of the parade!


Mr. Grizzly!


Is everything all right, Stripes?


What if this fortune means...


...I'll lose Mr. Grizzly?

I think you'd better talk to Edna.




You've been seeing a seer on the side, have ya?

Isn't there anything you can do?

Reverse the fortune or stop it from happening or something?


Stripes, fortune telling is just a form of entertainment.

You have nothing to worry about.

But I can't stop thinking about it!

It's like an unscratchable itch!

Just forget about it.

Find something to take your mind off it.



Take your mind off it.

(Loud music playing)

(Penguins shouting)


Oh, for the tenth time.

(Music playing)


And left, right, left, right!

Forward march!

Stiff as starch!

Left, right, left, right,

I won't lose my stuff tonight!

(Music playing)


If I don't let it leave my sight...



Mr. Grizzly!

(Penguins chattering)


MARVINStripes, are you okay?

I knew my fortune would come true!

EDNALooking for this?


Mr. Grizzly!

He must've fallen through the bars.

He was on the ground behind your cage.

That's it, I'm not taking anymore chances.

(Penguins shouting)

Practice is over!

(Penguins shouting)


Beat it!

(Penguins scoffing)

Uh, what are you doing, Stripes?

I'm making a trip alarm system

so no one can sneak up on me and steal my stuff.

Uh, are you sure you need to do this?

Oh yes.

(Cans rattling)

I'm not budging until tomorrow!


But it won't be the same without Stripes.

How could he not come?

You know how much he loves his things.

He's too worried.

Yeah, that fortune's really got him spooked.


We could try and change his mind.

What do you say, Marvin?

Okay, it's worth a shot.

(Owl hooting)

(Cans rattling)

Who goes there?

It's us!

Let's have a look at you.

Do you have any identification?

Come on, Stripes!

Well, you could be imposters.


The parade won't be the same without you!

I know, but...

It's just too risky.

(Crowd cheering)

JACKAnd now, ladies and gentlemen...

It's starting!

Are you sure you won't come?

Yes, now get out of here!

(Whistle blowing)

(Crowd cheering)

(Music playing)

Hi, g*ng!

Good to see you!

Thanks for coming!

Hi, hi!

Ah, who needs a parade anyways?

(Waltz playing)


And for our finale, the great Eddy!



It sounds like everybody's having a great time.

Well, almost everybody.

Ah, at least it can't get any worse.


Me and my big mouth.



It sure is raining hard.

I think we should go check on Stripes.

I was thinking the same thing.


MARVINHey, Stripes, need a hand?

I need about !

Why don't we push your cage inside?

Where it's warm and dry.

No thanks, boys, I'll be okay.

Are you absolutely, positively sure?

Go on, I'll be just fine.


(Cans rattling)

Here, Stripes.

Thanks, Eddy.

(Bird chirping)

EDDYHey, Stripes!


Way to go, Stripes, you did it!

You showed that fortune-telling fish a thing or two.


(Raspy voice) I did.

Uh, I didn't quite catch that.

I did!

EDDYOh no, Stripes!

You did lose something important.

Your voice!

I did...


How's the throat?

Ah, getting better, but I'll tell you what still hurts.

Missing the parade because I got all panicky

about a silly fortune.

MARVINCheer up.

There's always next year.

And I predict that next year...

you'll lead the parade, Stripes.

Now, there's a fortune I know will come true!