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02x02 - Eddy and the Record / Marvin in the Movies

Posted: 03/14/24 11:44
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

(Hooves clicking) ♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ Just shine that spotlight on me ♪

♪ Every show must have a star ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ He can dance, he can dance ♪

♪ When the lights go down

♪ I'm ready to perform

♪ This is my home upon the stage ♪

♪ I'll dance for you

♪ And we'll perform for you, too ♪

♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance he can dance, yeah ♪

EDDYWow, Marvin!

Your name's all over this record book.

Yep, I'm mentioned a few times in there.

A few times?

"Fastest four-footed tap dance."

"Longest Broadway run for a horse."

"Most fan mail for a single performance!"

That was when I was in A Horse's Tail.

Great show.

(Tap dancing)

It must be nice to get your name in the record book.

It means you're the best in the world.

Well, pretty good, anyway.

I want to set a record.

What do ya have in mind?


Longest continuous ride on a Ferris Wheel.

I can do that!

JACKEddy, this record attempt is a terrific publicity idea!

You think so, Jack?


We'll have folks swarming in here to see you!

We'll do it up big!

Billboards, radio coverage!

(Snapping fingers)


Billboards, radio coverage?

Terrific, eh, Marvin?

I sure hope so, Eddy.

Soggy cereal, Stripes.

Just the way you like it!

So, who's going to bring me my cereal

while you're circling around on the Ferris Wheel?

How'd you know I'm going for the record?

Everybody knows about it!


I'm already getting famous!

BOSSWhy can't you three clowns come up with great ideas like this?

Fast-Talking Jack will have huge crowds,

because this kid is going for the record!

Ah, we've been working up a new act, boss!

Let's show him, boys!

(Clowns laughing)

(Grunting and groaning)


Of course, there's still a few bugs in the routine.

Get this.

You guys are gonna ride our Ferris Wheel,

and break whatever record that kid sets.

Gotcha, Boss!

B-b-but I'm afraid of heights.

We'll make a contest out of it.

We'll have people rushing in here to watch you guys, too!

It's perfect!

And fix my ceiling!

Whoa! Hey, watch it!

(Shouting, crashing)

(Rooster crowing)




(Playing music)

(Cheering, cameras flashing)

Hold it, kid!

(Cameras flashing)

Eddy, just remember, you can stop any time you want to.

Who would want to stop all this?

I'm going to be famous, Marvin!

This is going to be just like a holiday!

(Crowd cheering)

You look a bit worried, Marvin.

What's the matter?

Well, Eddy's backed himself into a corner.

Everybody knows he's trying to break the record.

Yes, ma'am, Eddy Largo's the pride of this carnival.

When he says he'll do something, you can count on him.

And you can count on Slime Carnival

to top anything you come up with, Jack.

Hey, what's the big idea, Lyman?

My clowns will break whatever record your boy sets.

Take a look-see.


Just laying claim to a bit of free publicity, Jack, old boy.

Yeah, well, Eddy's going to stay up longer

than those clowns of yours.

You can bet on it!

All right!

If Eddy quits before my clowns,

you stand still for a cream pie in the face.


And you'll take that pie at centre ring at my carnival.

In front of a live audience.

And if Eddy wins,

you take a pie in the centre ring at my carnival!


This way to the Slime Carnival, folks!

See the three clowns who dare to be great!

(Crowd chatting, indistinct)

(Bell dinging)


(Cheering, indistinct)

One cream pie coming up, Jack!

Keep it going, guys!


Hey, we look pretty good for dummies.


Great idea, Itchy,

putting dummies of ourselves on the Ferris Wheel!


Yeah, and since the boss thinks we're up there,

we can goof off down here!

(Honking horn, laughing)

Hey, who's for catching a few Zs?


(Shouting, arguing)



Any idea where I'd find the weekly job sheet? Over.

It's pinned on your bulletin board

behind the balloon order, Jack.


Found it.

Thanks, Eddy. Over.

ELIZABETHUm, oh, come in, Eddy!

I can't find my costume anywhere!

Um, oh! Over.

EDDYYou left it hanging on the line behind your trailer, Elizabeth.


Found it, Eddy!

You're a life saver!

Over and under.

I mean, over!




DIAMONDSEddy, I'm all out of face powder!

And you know how those stage lights reflect off my nose!


EDDYDon't worry, Diamonds.

There's a spare supply backstage.


(Diamonds sighing)

I need a four-letter word that means "finished".


EDDYTry "over". Over.

Brilliant, Eddy. Over.


MARVINHey, Eddy.

You're more important around here than you thought.

EDDYI guess.

How are you doing?

I'm good, really.

As soon as the show's over,

I'll be back to keep you company.


(Snoring, trumpeting)

(Snoring, purring)

I don't feel very good, Marvin.

(Yawning, stretching)

But I can't quit. I'd look silly.

And I don't want Jack getting a pie in the face because of me.

That's not your problem.

Jack talks big sometimes and it usually gets him into trouble.

I really wanted my name in the record book, Marvin.

I know you did, Eddy.

But you've got to ask yourself, what's really important?

Fame, fortune?

I think the thing that's most important

is that you try your best.

♪ That's what counts

♪ Try your best

♪ Give your all

♪ Put yourself to the test

♪ It's really not important if you win or lose ♪

♪ That's just not the point

♪ It's what you feel inside

♪ That makes you strong and dignified ♪

(Tap dancing)

♪ And that's what counts

♪ It takes a lot of courage just to say you missed ♪

♪ But really that's okay

♪ 'Cause everyone is happy when you really try ♪

(Tap dancing)

♪ Because that's what counts

♪ Yeah, that's what counts

(Rooster crowing)

(Birds chirping)

(Bell dinging)



Okay, Marvin.

I've had enough.


I wanted to be famous.

I wanted to be important.

You are.

To me and Diamonds and Jack and Stripes and Elizabeth.

You're tops in our book.


Let's get you to bed.

JACKWell, I guess this'll teach me to talk big.

Cheer up, Eddy.

You broke the record.

I don't know how those three clowns managed

to stay on the ride longer, but they did.

And now, presenting Jack,

the loser of our friendly wager.

(Audience clapping)


I think green will look good on your suit, Jack.


(Horn honking)




(All gasping)


(Gasping, murmuring)

If you're down here,

who's up there?

Um, three dummies, boss.

Why you...

no wonder I couldn't tell the difference!



(Crowd murmuring, gasping)


Na-na, missed me!

(Laughing, shouting)

Hey, that means you did break the record, Eddy!


Your name's going in the record book!

(Whooping, laughing)

(Cameras flashing)

JACKThat's a new suit! No, no!

Heads up.



Hey, Eddy, there's a purple cow in the field over there!


(Cow mooing)

Good comic?



Forty-Third Street! Tonight's feature?

Oh, boy.

What's up, Marvin?

Um, uh...

(Tap dancing)

I just remembered an old dance routine.

How do you like it?


If I could see it, I'd probably think it's great!





Hey, Marvin!

It says here that one of your old movies

is playing at the drive-in tonight!

Not so loud, Stripes.

Really? Let's see.

It's called rd Street,

introducing "Young Marvin", the Tap-Dancing Horse.


Let's go see it, huh, Marvin?


I mean, heh-heh.

If you've seen one old movie, you've seen 'em all.

Gotta run!

What's got his tail in a twist?

He didn't even finish his lemon ice!


Are you okay?

MARVINAs compared to what?

Can I come in?

It's just a tent flap.

Not much to stop you.


Why don't you want to see your old movie?

Well, it's at the drive-in, and we don't have a car.

And anyway, neither of us can drive.

And you know...

And you don't want me to see it?

It was my first movie, and I was awful!

You'd think you'd be proud of your first acting job.

I'm lucky it wasn't my last.

Really, you were that bad?

Uh, think of a gym bag full of smelly old sweat socks.

That's bad.



Let's forget about the movie.

Thanks, Eddy.

You're tops.


"Memories of Marvin" night at the drive-in.

Great idea, Charlotte.


Because that horse is top dog in my books, yes siree.

Do you think he'll make a guest appearance?

He's around here somewhere.

Let's ask him.

(Balloon popping)

EDDYTry it now.

We need more pressure.

(Eddy grunting with effort)

That ought to do it.


It's working now.

Marvin! I've got someone here who wants to meet you.


I'm Charlotte, your biggest fan.

A pleasure to meet you, Charlotte.

Charlotte runs the drive-in.

(Gasping) Um...

We're having a "Memories of Marvin" theme night.

And I'd be tickled pink if you'd make a guest appearance.

I, um...

This is so...

so unexpected!

There, you see?

I told you he'd be honoured.

Well, bake my cake!

This is going to be one fan-dandy evening!

I, uh, I...

Best get back and check all the speakers.

(Marvin groaning)

We don't want anyone to miss a single one of your golden notes.

(Marvin gulping)

You're a real trooper, helping out Charlotte like this.

You really made her day.

But Jack--

(Jack whistling)

EDDYJack's waiting, Marvin.

Are you ready to go?

All set.


You can't go like that!

Oh, heh-heh!


How about a spaceman?




Not a chance.

No matter what disguise you wear,

there's only one Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse.


I don't know if I can face this evening, Eddy.

You won't have to face it alone.

I'll be right there with you.


Let's get it over with.

(Car honking)

CHARLOTTEFeast your eyes on that!

All these people are coming to see you, Marvin!

Must make you feel hunky-dory.

(Laughing nervously)

Hunky-dory, exactly.


This projector is a finicky old thing.

Just like me.

Well, Marvin? All set?

Guess it's time to face the fans.

I'll be right beside you, Marvin.

Hello! Hello!

Hey, it's Marvin!

Hi. Hi!

See, Marvin?

They're all here because they love you.

Wait'll they see the movie!

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

And now, the star of the evening,

the one, the only, Marvin the Tap Dancing Horse!

(Cheering, cars honking)

(Clearing throat)

Uh, rd Street was my first movie.

Please take that into consideration.

Thank you.

(Scattered applause, cars honking)

Hmm, not much of a speech.

He's a horse of few words.

Not usually.


Look, Marvin!

(Music playing on screen)

(Man tap dancing)



No, no, no, no!

You need four feet to dance this number!

I quit!

Now, where I am going to find a dancer with four feet?


Look, Marvin, this is your big entrance!

I wish I could make a big exit.

Who ordered pastrami on rye and a five-cent dill pickle?


That's it! I found my star!

(Crowd murmuring)

The film broke!

I'm saved!



(Tapping projector)

Oh, doodley-dandy!

It'll take ages to get this mess rolling again!

(Cars honking)

(Charlotte gasping)

(Cars honking)

(Baby crying)

(Children giggling)

But they can't leave!

This is "Memories of Marvin" Night!

(Cars honking)

Sorry, Marvin.

Looks like I blew it.

I know this meant a lot to you.

I think it meant a lot to Charlotte, too.

Don't you, Marvin?



I'll hold the audience. You fix the film.

Ooh, just like in rd Street when you saved the show!

Yes. Just like in rd Street.

Go on, Marvin.

Show them your stuff.

(Tap dancing)

♪ Wherever we are

♪ Whatever we've done

♪ It's all worthwhile

♪ Don't worry about

♪ If you lost or you won

♪ It's all worthwhile

♪ Everything we do is worth the effort ♪

♪ It all becomes a part of who we are ♪

♪ Take your best shot

♪ And let 'em see what you've got ♪

♪ It's all worthwhile

Got it?

Got it.

Got it?

Got it!

Got it?

We've got it!

We got it!

Everybody got it?

CROWDGot it!

♪ It's all

♪ Worth

♪ While


(Cheering, cars honking)

MARVIN ON SCREENWho me? Be a star?

But I've never danced before.

If you're willing to try, kid, there's nothing you can't do!

(Tap dancing)

That pony up there, he's about as graceful as a brick.

He's got a voice like a rusty hinge.

And boy, that hair!

(Tap dancing)

EDDYMarvin, that pony was you!

I think you should be proud of him.

Look where he's got you.

(Tap dancing, music playing)

You're right, that is me!

I might not look too good,

but I sure learned a lot doing that movie.

(Tap dancing)

Bet you could do that routine perfectly now, huh, Marvin?

You bet I could.

You're on!

(Tap dancing)

(Cheering, cars honking)

Yay, Marvin!

Yes! Yes siree!



