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01x02 - Marvin's High Dive / Eddy's Wrong Order

Posted: 03/14/24 11:35
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

(Hooves clicking) ♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ Just shine that spotlight on me ♪

♪ Every show must have a star ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ He can dance he can dance ♪

♪ When the lights go down

♪ I'm ready to perform

♪ This is my home upon the stage ♪

♪ I'll dance for you

♪ And we'll perform for you, too ♪

♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance he can dance, yeah ♪

I just don't understand it.

We've got a great carnival here, don't we, Eddy?

It's great, Jack.

So why has the attendance been slipping?


Because we need something new, something big,

something no one's ever seen before.

We have a dancing horse.

That's something no one's ever seen before.

I can remember a time when the crowds would be standing

shoulder to shoulder waiting to see

one big carnival act after another.

Oh, yes, siree, those were the good ol' days.

The good ol' days.

That's it! (Gasping)

We don't need a new act, we need an old act!

An old act? You said it!

We need something tried and true.

And this book about carnival history

is loaded with great acts!

Great galloping gators, there it is.

An all-time classic!

I can't wait to tell Marvin!


I can't do my tribute to "Singin' in the Reins"

without reins!

It ran on Broadway for three years straight.

Oh, it's so romantic.

♪ Though I can't turn left nor right ♪

♪ I'm happy just the same ♪

♪ 'Cause I got oats and I got hay ♪

♪ And I got a sweet young dame ♪


Oh, this part is so moving.

JACKMarvin, Marvin!

I have a great new act for you!

Uh-oh. What is it this time?

Actually, Jack, I'm working on a new act right now.

Watch this.

♪ Oh Willy, I'm feelin' silly ♪

♪ All 'cause a filly's swishin' her tail at me ♪

No, no, Marvin. This new act has nothing to do with dancing.

But Jack, I'm a--

Tap-dancing horse.

Forget about the dancing, Marvin.

This idea is going to make you famous!

I already was famous. I was on Broadway, remember?

You're going to jump into this tub of water.

I'll bet Marvin can jump right over that

if he takes a run at it!

No, Jack doesn't mean Marvin should jump from down here!

That's right, you're going to jump from up there!

(Exclaiming) Oh, my!


Check this out, Marvin!


That's going to be you!

You're going to bring back

the classic horse-diving act!

But I'm a--

Tap-dancing horse.

Oh, Marvin, we're so excited for you.

Yeah, it's great. Just don't splash me.

I'm so proud of you.

But, I'm a tap dancing horse.

Yes! You can tap-dance across the diving board.

And then leap!

Now that's showbiz!

There's the diving board, and there's you.

How do you like that, Marvin?

It's marvellous .

You bet it's marvellous.

This act is going to boost those attendance numbers

right to the moon!

Ah! Are you as excited as I am?

Oh, yes. Excited isn't the word.

I'd better get going,

I've got a lot of work to do before tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Tomorrow's show time!

Marvin, is something wrong?

Wrong? Uh, No!

I was just, uh, thinking I might, uh,

try a Charleston routine up there.

Sure, that's a good idea.

Are you sure nothing's wrong?

I've just got a touch of the first performance jitters.

Marvin. Oh, Eddy.

I'm nearly scared out of my hide to dive from way up there.

Why didn't you tell Jack?

I didn't want to disappoint him.

He wants the carnival to be the best it can be.

I do too.

I'll do anything I can to help you.

Thanks, Eddy.

But we only have one day.

Don't worry, Marvin. You're not going to dive off there yet.

Great. Last one to the lemon ice stand's a rotten egg.

We're going to start you off slowly, Marvin.

Slowly sounds good.

But by lunchtime you'll be ready to jump!

B-b-by lunchtime?


I'm sorry. Did I say something I shouldn't have?

You don't have to jump until you feel ready to jump.

Right now you're going to stay right here on the ground.

So just relax. Now let's get used to

how things look from up high.

Oh, but Eddy, I can see the diving board

just fine without them.

A little too well.

The binoculars aren't for looking up.

They're for looking down.

But I can see down just fine too.

Even I can see down just fine.

Try looking down with the binoculars upside down.


You're safe and sound on the ground,

but this will help you get used to being up in the air.

Marvin, w-what's wrong?



Oh, dear. That's what I call relaxed.

Are you okay, Marvin?

Oh, we were so worried!

Just a little soggy.

I don't see how we can have you ready in time for the show.

I was afraid you'd say that.

Too bad I don't have an understudy.

What's an understudy?

It's another actor who performs your part if you can't.

Like when you're sick.

Or scared silly.

Marvin always had one when he was on Broadway, didn't you?

Yep, but I never missed a show.

It sure would be nice to have one now.

That's it!

Ladies and gentlemen,

our biggest act yet...

Marvin, the tap-diving horse!


Psst! What's wrong, Elizabeth?

Oh! It's too hot in here

and I can't see where I'm going!



Thanks for trying, guys.

But I'm the one who has to do this.

Oh, Marvin, you shouldn't have to do anything

you're afraid to do.

You're right, Elizabeth.

Marvin shouldn't have to, and he won't.

I'm going to tell Jack to cancel the show.

No, Diamonds, wait!

Marvin? Blah!

Diamonds, you can't tell Jack I don't want to dive.

I don't want to disappoint him. He's so excited about this.

Okay, Marvin. If that's what you want.

That's what I want.

Oh, Marvin, you're so brave!

(Fanfare playing)

There sure are a lot of people here.

How are you feeling, Marvin?

Oh, just fine, Eddy.

Do your knees know that?


Oh, dear. You can't perform like this.

Just take a deep breath and try to relax.



Ladies and gentlemen and kids of all ages,

tonight is the first ever premiere performance

of our newest, greatest act!

Okay, Diamonds, send him up.


Break a leg, Marvin.


Oh. I-I mean in the show business way.

Knock 'em out, Marvin.

We'll be waiting for you.

Relax. Just relax.

It's the revival of an old classic,

from the golden era of carnivals.

It gives me great pride to present to you now,

Marvin the tap-diving horse!



(Clearing throat)

I present to you now,

Marvin the tap-diving horse.



This isn't like Marvin. I wonder what's happened.

Elizabeth, get out there and cover for me.

I've got to see what's going on up there.

Oh, dear! Oh, dear!

I don't juggle well under pressure.

She must work under pressure every day.

(Crowd laughing)

Oh, I can't do--

Marvin! Everyone's waiting for your dive.

Didn't you hear me? I introduced you twice.

I heard you, but my legs aren't listening.

Marvin, are you afraid to dive?

I'm not only afraid to dive, I'm afraid of water!

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to disappoint you.

Marvin, you never disappoint me.

You don't have to do anything until you're ready.

Okay? Thanks, Jack.

You're a good friend.

And so are you, Marvin.

I guess I have an announcement to make.

(Clearing throat)

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to announce

that Marvin will not be performing tonight.




Don't look down. Grab my tail, Jack!




Oh, no! I can't look.

He's not bad.


Hurray! (Trumpeting)

Amazing! Fantastic!


"Jack's sensational high dive act

puts a new twist on an old carnival classic."

Make that a double twist with a back-flip.

Jack, you're famous!

We just have to change the posters.

What do you think of this?

I'm afraid that was a one-time only,

never-to-be-repeated performance.

But everyone loved you!

You're a natural!

Maybe Jack's not ready for the limelight.

You said it, Marvin.

You know, this fame thing isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I'd rather be behind the scenes helping the real stars.

Maybe he's right.

That's very sweet.

Oh, that's nice, Jack.

Besides, I'm going to come up with another idea.

I'm sure you will, Jack.

Something really big. Something with a bang.

That's it! No one's ever seen a pig shot out of a cannon!


Well, I suppose.

I'd pay to see that!

Jack, I think you need a new and even bigger idea,

maybe something with an elephant.


Hmm. That's it!

A pig and an elephant! I've got to get to work on this!

Wait! Jack! Can we talk about this?

I'm not a flying pig, I'm a juggling pig!

JACKSomething big! Something no one's ever seen before!

Yep. Everything's back to normal.


That's not right.

Hmm. A dud.

Morning, Marvin.

Breakfast time?

Your bale of hay is just outside.

Thanks, Eddy.

What's the matter? I need new taps.

I guess I'd better go break the news to Fast-Talkin' Jack.

He's not here. He said he had some business in town.

ELIZABETHYoo-hoo, Marvin! Have you seen Eddy?

Ya. I'm seein' him right now.


Oh, Eddy, there's a delivery man

at the entrance with a huge box.

He says somebody has to sign for it, and Jack's not here.

Do you think I should sign for it?

Of course.

Oh, dear. Why do things have to be so complicated?


Sorry to keep you waiting.

Sign here. You're crowdin' my coffee break.

Wait a minute. What am I signing for?

Five hundred corn brooms.

Corn brooms?

Corn brooms.

Gee, why do we need five hundred?

Look kid, don't ask me, ask your boss.

Here it is, right on the invoice.

That's what it says, all right.

Just sign it, Eddy. It'll be okay.

Yeah, and make it snappy.

Oh, maybe you shouldn't.

Oh, dear, I can't look.

There you go.

Here's your copy.

When Jack gets back, he's going to say,

"Thanks for taking care of that, kid." You'll see.

I hope so.

Well, we can't leave it here, it's in the way.

Let's get Diamonds to move it into the big tent.

Why do you suppose Jack ordered so many brooms?

I'm sure we'll find out as soon as he gets back.

I don't feel right about this.

I just have a feeling something is wrong.

Oh, pipe down, Elizabeth.

Quit being such a worry wart!

Oh, you're so mean!


Don't cry, dear. Stripes doesn't mean what he says.

I do too. She's always blubbering.

If there's nothing to fret about, she'll find something.


It's still very strange.

Wipe your nose, Elizabeth.

Well, thanks for cleaning my crystal ball, Eddy.

EDDYYou're welcome.

It was getting' so smudged, I could barely make out

the day after tomorrow.

Edna, this delivery just came and I signed for it.

I hope that's okay.

Oh, sure. Jack was waitin' for it.


Am I glad to hear that.

See, I told you, Eddy.

I've gotta get goin'.

Can you put it away in the storage freezer?

Um, Edna, why do you want to put corn brooms in the freezer?

What in heaven's name are you talking about?

The corn brooms.

Corn brooms?

That order was supposed to be corn dogs.

Dogs? Not brooms?

Well I don't need my crystal ball to know

you're in big trouble if Jack finds out about this.

Oh, dear, oh, dear.

And now we're stuck with all these brooms!

JACKHey! Where is everybody?

Quick! We have to hide this thing!

That's it. We won't tell Jack

until we've figured a way out of this.

I can't lie to Jack.

It's your funeral.

Hi, everyone.

H-hi, Jack.

Say, did that shipment of corn dogs arrive yet?

Well? Did it?

It's an easy question, folks!

Nope. No corn dogs arrived today.

That's the truth.

Well, that's just great.

What's a carnival without corn dogs?

What'll we do with all these brooms?

I've got an idea.


Marvin, start tapping.

(Jazzy tune playing)


Hurray! Hurray!

Well, what do you think?

I think it sounds great!

STRIPESYeah, it's a real show stopper.

Now, what are you going to do with

the other ?

Maybe I could sell them.

That's it Eddy.

We should stop looking at this as a problem,

and start looking at it as an opportunity.

Well, maybe if we were at a witches' convention.

Get your genuine corn brooms here!

Guaranteed to give you a clean sweep.

Get your brooms while they last.

Would you like to take a broom for a test sweep, ma'am?

You'll love it.

Wow! (Coughing)

See how great it works!

Hi, Marvin. Where's Jack?

Don't worry, he's still holed up in his office

goin' over the books.

So how about the brooms? How many have you sold so far?



Yeah, to Diamonds and Elizabeth.

I think they just felt sorry for me.

Chin up, Eddy.

Maybe they'll sell better during the show.

But that's when everyone's in the performance tent.

And that's where you'll be, in there workin' the crowd.

I'm not so sure about this.


Peanuts! Popcorn!


What did he say? Brooms?

I knew I was carrying these things for something.

How's it going, Eddy?


Nobody wants to buy brooms at a carnival, Edna.

We're stuck with these things.

Well, let's not give up yet.

Get back to your stand and I'll see if I can send

a few customers your way

by using some of my special talents.

My crystal ball tells me that

your husband has not been paying much attention to you.

Hey, that's pretty good. How'd you know that?

Dear Lady, it is a gift.

I see that you do not like housework.

Uh-huh. You got that right! Amazing!

Perhaps your husband would be more attentive

if he returned every night to a more attractive home.

Hmm, I don't know about that.

My crystal ball tells me

you need a new broom

to make your house cleaning easier.

You will find them on sale further down the midway.


Get your corn brooms! There aren't many left!

When these are gone, folks, there won't be any more.

Believe me, this is your last chance!

This is more like it. You've only got a few left.

It just looks like that. I want people to think

they're going to miss out if they don't buy one right away.


Looks like a new shipment just arrived.


BOYMommy! Mommy! There he is!

I want to ride the horsey!

Oh. I don't know, sweetheart.

That's Marvin, he's the star of the show.

I wanna ride the horsey! I wanna ride the horsey!

This kid's not giving up till he's on my back.

Get me outta this, will you, Eddy, please?

I'll try.

I wanna ride the horsey!

Excuse me young man.

Let me show you the best way to ride a horse.

Once you're in the saddle, make sure the head

is pointing this way and the tail is pointing that way.


Go like this to get him started.

(Clicking) Giddy up!

Yeehaw! Nothing to it.

Whoa! Steady boy! Steady!

I want a horsey! I want a horsey!

Thank you, ma'am.

Here you go. Happy trails.

Giddy up.

I want a horse too! Can I have one?

I'll buy one too!

Two horses, comin' right up.

(All exclaiming)

What do you know. I've been upstaged by a broom rodeo.

STRIPESHurry up, kid, the suspense's killin' me.

ELIZABETHShh! Don't bother him while he's doing his takeaways.

Guess what, guys? we've tripled our investment!

Oh, that's wonderful! Great goin', Eddy.

Nice one, kid. I think I'm going to cry.


Where did you get all that dough?

The shipment did come, Jack,

but it was corn brooms instead of corn dogs.

And I signed for it so it's my fault.

And the money?

The kid genius here sold the brooms

and this is the profit!

Sorry, Jack.

Sorry? Good work, kid!

Now just put your brains toward getting us some corn dogs!


Oh! This is all so--


All we had to do was use our heads to turn this around.

Getting those corn brooms wasn't such a bad thing after all.

I'll say. Can you imagine trying to show those kids

how to ride a corn dog?



I've had enough excitement for one day.

Marvin, let's have a story.

Well, let's see.

How about the time I went to Broadway

and starred in Whoa, Dolly.

Are there any corn brooms in this story?


Good. Keep going.

It was opening night and everyone had the jitters.

I was puttin' on my top hat when there was a knock on the door.

ELIZABETHOh, I just know it's going to be bad news.

STRIPESOh, hush up, Elizabeth. Go on, Marvin.

MARVINIt was the stage manager. He said my leading lady...