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01x01 - Eddy's Job/Elephants Almost Never Forget

Posted: 03/14/24 11:35
by bunniefuu
♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

(Hooves clicking) ♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ Just shine that spotlight on me ♪

♪ Every show must have a star ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance

♪ He can dance he can dance ♪

♪ When the lights go down

♪ I'm ready to perform

♪ This is my home upon the stage ♪

♪ I'll dance for you

♪ And we'll perform for you, too ♪

♪ I'm Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse ♪

♪ He can dance, he can dance he can dance, yeah ♪


A carnival.


Argh. I hate setting up this carnival.



Oh, ugh.

I need to freshen up in the worst way.

Setting up tents is too intense for me.


when are you going to have that talk with Fast-Talking Jack?

Well, I've been waiting for the right time.

You know how it is.

Jack is a busy man.

He's not that easy to find.

Hey, how's it going, g*ng?

Whew. This is really hot work.

Come on. Now is your chance.

There he is. Go ahead.

ELIZABETHHurry, Marvin, before he gets away.

(Marvin clearing throat)

Jack, we need to have a talk.

We're short-handed here.

You know, I was just thinking the same thing, Marvin.

You were?

You were?

Yes siree.

I've got plenty of paperwork to do

and you got a show to rehearse.


Why don't you take a break in the staff tent

while I go do some hiring?

Thank you, Jack.

Wait a minute.

We haven't put up the staff tent yet.


Well, uh, get it set up, and then take a break.

My treat.


(Sniffling and crying)

Wow, a dancing horse!

You looking for a job, kid?

I said, are you looking for a job?

Mm-hmm. Terrific.

I'm the owner here. Jack's the name.

Fast-Talking Jack.

Hi. And what's your name?

(Clearing throat)

Edward Larue III.

Edward Larue III? Hmm.

Well, that won't do if you're going to be working here, kid.

No siree.

Let me see. How about, uh-- Hmm.

Uh, Eddy Largo?

Great! Eddy Largo it is.

You can start right away, Eddy.

Come with me to the office and we'll get you all signed up.

Excuse me, but we're not open yet.


Uh, I'm sorry. I just started here.

Oh. Well, that's different, then.

Welcome aboard. I'm Marvin.

Hi, I'm Edward La-- I mean, Eddy.

Eddy Largo.

(Chuckling) Sounds like you're not sure.

No, I'm sure.

I saw your picture on the poster.

You're the dancing horse.

(Hooves clicking)

The tap-dancing horse.

♪ Here we go let's get on with the show ♪

♪ 'Cause I just got to dance

♪ Music up spotlight on ♪

♪ Flash that magic glance

♪ Turn on the charm and follow me ♪

♪ Let the music set you free

♪ My name is Marvin And I just got to dance ♪

♪ Watch me move follow my lead ♪

♪ Tap-tap-tap one-two-three ♪

♪ Hear the music feel the beat ♪

♪ Just like do-re-mi

♪ When the world is getting you down ♪

♪ Grab your shoes and we'll paint the town ♪

♪ Just let go and dance, dance, dance ♪

(Applauding) That was great.

Thanks. Come on.

I'll introduce you to the others.

Hey, Diamonds, I'd like you to meet someone.

This is Eddy Largo. He just started working here.



Hello, Eddy. Do you have any peanuts?

(Giggling) No, I'm sorry.

I love peanuts.

Me, too. I'll bring some next time.

I can tell already that we're going to get along very well.


Come on-- There's someone else you should meet.

Bye, Diamonds.

It was a pleasure meeting you, Eddy.


Hey, Stripes?

Not now. I'm working on a new roar.



Yes, I like that one.

I've got someone here who'd like to meet you.


This is Eddy Largo.

Jack just hired him.

He did?

Well, it's about time we got some more help around here.

(Teeth chattering)

Shake hands. He won't hurt you.

Pleased to meet you.

I've got a list of things to do as long as my tail.

Listen, make sure you put plenty of milk on my Crunchy Critters.

I like them nice and soggy.

Excuse me? Anybody home?

I'm sorry. I was looking at your eyes.

They're so green.

Yeah, that's what everybody says.

Hey, Elizabeth.



Meet the newest member of our crew, Eddy Largo.

Actually, Marvin, I'm in a bit of a hurry, and--

Eddy, meet Elizabeth The Emotional Pig.

There's a name to be proud of, huh?

I don't mean to be rude.

It's just that I have something very important to do.

What have you got there anyway?

No, please!


Wow. Are you a fortune teller?

No, she's an emotional pig. That's her claim to fame.

So, why did you take Edna's crystal ball?

I didn't take it. I'm just borrowing it.

Does Edna know?

She's gone to town to get lemons.

Edna makes the best lemon ice in the county.

So, what are you going to do with it, Elizabeth?


Well, I thought maybe I could see my future.


Put it down and you can have a look before Edna gets back.

I don't see anything.

Here. Let me have a look.

Do you see anything, Stripes?


You're fogging it up with your snivelling.



Did you see something awful?

Yesyour snout really close up.

I've watched Edna. She just stares into it

kind of like she's in a trance, and she waves her hands over it.

Ooh, do you think I should try?

It wouldn't hurt.

(Trance-like moaning)

Do you see anything, dear?


It can't tell you anything

if you don't ask it a question.

Of course, that's it. Ask it a question.

Okay. Now, let's see.

Oh, crystal ball, tell me--


Oh, great gorillas. Now what's the matter?

I don't know what to ask.

Let me try.

Tell me, all-knowing crystal ball.

Tell me your secrets.

Do you see anything?

Yes. I see Edna on her way back here.

Oh, dear.

Oh-- (Glass shattering)

(Everyone gasping)

See you.

Oh! Oh, what will I do?

What will I tell Edna? She'll never speak to me again.

I didn't mean to--

(Stripes roaring)

Pipe down, Elizabeth!

I'm trying to read.

Diamonds, you and Elizabeth clean up this mess.

Eddy and I better see if Edna's back.

What will you say to her?

My advice? Admit nothing.

(Juice sloshing)


Oh, the fresher they are the better they sting.


Busy making the best lemon ice in the county, I see.

What are you after, a free sample?

Oh, no, not me.

I just wanted to see how things were going.

Oh, is this the new hired help?

Edna knows all.

That's right. I'm Eddy Largo.

Pleased to meet you, Eddy. Now, there's a confident grip.

Just what I need to finish squeezing these lemons.

Come around back and wash your hands.

Where are you going?

To the fortune teller's tent.

Why on earth do you want to go there?

Why not? What's the matter with you?

EDDYHere I am.

You have to show Eddy how to squeeze the lemons.

And I have to rehearse a new dance number.

I'll see you later, Eddy.

Bye, Marvin.

Hmm. He's up to something.

I don't need a crystal ball to tell me that.

That's good.

I mean, um, so, how do you squeeze these things?

MARVINGood. You cleaned up all the glass.

Now what are we going to do?

Like I saidadmit nothing.

That's not the answer. Suppose Edna asks us

if we know what happened to her crystal ball.

That's right. If she asks, we can't lie.

Maybe she won't ask.

Then we won't tell her.

And she won't have her crystal ball

to tell her what happened.

Oh, this is all my fault!

I'll have to tell her.

I can't carry this guilt for the rest of my life.

EDDYHey, everyone.

I learned how to squeeze lemons.

Yep, this kid's a natural.

Hmm. Seems awfully quiet around here.

Is there something going on I ought to know about?

Going on? What could possibly be going on?

Do you know about anything going on?

I only know that I have to be going.

Stripes scoots off and enters his cage, quickly hiding behind a newspaper.

It's just an normal, ordinary, everyday day around here.

Isn't that right, Elizabeth?


Yes, it's just a normal day for Elizabeth, too.

She is emotional, after all.

(Sobbing) I broke your crystal ball!

Well, did you get another one from out under the counter?


Well, there's a whole box of them in my trailer.

You mean there's no power in the crystal ball?

Well, not for me, but my public demands one.

But then, how do you tell all those people

so much about themselves?

It's all in the eyes, dear boy.

I look into their eyes.


For instance,

I know Eddy Largo isn't your real name.

You're right! How did you know that?

When Marvin introduced you,

I could see the uneasiness in your eyes.

That's amazing.

Why didn't you tell us your real name?

Because it's Edward Larue III.

Edward Larue III? I like that.

Yes. It sounds quite distinguished.

We don't mind using that name.

Well, I kind of like Eddy Largo now.

Then we like it too, Eddy.

I can see something else.

Oh, what is it, Edna?

I can see that we're all going to be very good friends.


And I don't need a crystal ball to tell me that, either.

(Everyone laughing)

(Stripes yawning)

Anything interesting in the news today, Stripes?

Not in this section.

Why did you give me the classifieds, Eddy?

Sorry, Stripes.

Elizabeth has the rest of the paper.

She should be finished with it pretty soon.

She can keep it.

It'll be too soggy by the time she's done reading it.

(Elizabeth sobbing)

Ugh. What did I tell you?

How can they print this kind of thing?


Has the price of ice cream-filled chocolates

gone up again?

ELIZABETHNo, it's my horoscope.

It says someone close to me is leaving.


Well, if you come any closer, it's going to be me.

I've got to talk to Edna. She's a fortune teller.

She'll tell me if it's true.

Eddy, maybe you should just give her

the comic section from now on.

I've tried that already.

Even Winky's World makes her cry.


The Slime Carnival is hiring again.

Says here no experience required.

No self-respect required either.

Anyone who'd work for Lyman Slime

has got to be desperate or a clown.

Clowns? Ohh.

I'd shave my stripes off before I'd work with a clown.


Nice job, Eddy.


Try them out, Marvin.

♪ Five, six, seven, eight

(Hooves clicking in rhythm)


Thank you, thank you.

And for my next number,

I'm going to tap my way over to the ice cream wagon.

(Hooves clicking)

I'm right behind you, Marvin.

Hello, Stripes.

'Morning, Diamonds.

Don't mind me.

I'm just going to do my stretching exercises.

Right here?

Of course, silly.

Where else would I do my stretches?


Oh, this is more elephant than I want to see all at once.

(Classical piano music playing)

Huh? Ugh.

Thank you.

It was a pleasure dancing with you.

Oh, look at the nice ducks.

(Car horn honking)

We tore down the carnival posters, Lyman.


You can put these up.

"Slime Carnival."


Those are the ones we've been tearing down.


You said if we saw any carnival posters to get rid of them.

I didn't mean ours! I meant these.



Well, we'll have our posters back up in no time, boss.

I got the hammer.

And I got the nails.

Let's roll.

(Muttering indistinctly)

(Tires squealing)

Ugh. Tap-dancing horse.



I was just taking down the poster because--

Uh, because this is a no-poster zone.

All along the street. You probably didn't know that.

Actually, I'm looking for the police station.

I'm lost and I can't remember who I am.

You don't know who you are?


I've forgotten everything.

I'm hoping that someone has reported me missing.

This is your lucky day, because I know who you are.

You do?

Sure. You're Ella--


Ella Broadbottom?

That's right.

You've worked at the Slime Carnival for years.

I have?

Yes. Oh, you love it there.

Don't worry. I'll take you back home

and things will be back to normal in no time.

You're so kind.

I know.



I wonder where she could be?


(Loud, eerie laughing)



Any sign of her, Marvin?

Not a trace.

But I checked her tent and her suitcase is still here.

It's like she vanished into thin air.

(Stripes clearing throat)

And that's not an easy thing to do if you're an elephant.

Stripes, did you check the lunch room? Yep.

I looked for peanut butter prints and I didn't see any.

I'll ask Jack if he's heard anything yet.


Here we go again. Get your umbrellas out.

Oh, this is terrible.

(Blowing nose)

My horoscope was right.

Edna even saw the same thing in her crystal ball.

Don't go by that.

Edna steals her daily predictions

from the same newspaper.

Diamonds will come back. You'll see.

She's never missed a show Where could she be?

I think the boss is nuts sending us here for these clothes.

Yeah, I still say it would have been way easier

to give that elephant a paint job.

Say, these are nice.

I'm keeping them.

Get your shoes back on.

We got to get out of here.

Hey, what's that?

Diamonds' sock? How would this get out here?

Oh, no!

Well, it is possible that Diamonds is just having

a romantic getaway with someone special.


Someone else who's also over pounds and has peanut breath.

(Clearing throat)


Someone took a bunch of clothes from Diamonds' tent.

There's a trail of her stuff all the way out the back gates!


Hey, I see something else.

Are these underwear?

It's not a parachute with leg holes, kid.

MARVINLoad them on, Eddy.

I'm wearing the rest of her clothes;

I might as well wear those, too.

That's the end of the trail. Now what do we do?

Head back home and find someone else

who wears petite?

(Gasping) I just found another clue.


ELIZABETHOh, my goodness!

EDDYI can't believe it.

Diamonds working for Lyman Slime?

Why would she sell out like this?

It can't be for the money. Lyman Slime pays peanuts.

Or maybe that's why.

No wonder she didn't say anything to us.

She was too ashamed.

Well, I think we've known Diamonds long enough

that she owes us some kind of explanation.

But Lyman Slime won't let us in his carnival.

You know what he's like.

(Imitating Lyman) Hey, the competition stays out. Scram.

You got that right, kid.

Oh, dear. He's right.

Hmm. We'll have to go undercover.

EDDYThat lady in the ticket booth was sure looking at us funny.

MARVINDon't worry about it, Eddy.

This is the Slime Carnival. They're weird around here.


I don't like being in this place.

Keep your snout dry, Elizabeth.

The last thing we need is your beard falling off.

(Gasping) There she is!


Are you brothers?

She's a clown now.

I guess that's supposed to be funny.

Wait. It's our disguises.

Of course. Ta-da!

Oh, that's very entertaining.

Thank you.

Aren't you surprised to see us?


Not many people bring all their pets with them.


You've forgotten us already, Diamonds?


Oh, this is terrible!

I thought my name was-- Ooh, that bump.

"Ooh That Bump"?

Only a clown would have a ridiculous name like that.

No, I bumped my head.

EDDYThat's it!

When did you bump your head?

I don't remember.

That explains why you've forgotten everything.

It does?

I don't remember forgetting everything.

MARVINDon't worry, Diamonds.

There's nothing you've forgotten that we can't teach you again.

I'm a tap-dancer by trade.

(Hooves clicking)

But I can probably teach you the ballet basics you've forgotten.

And I can show how to do the Charleston

just like you showed me.

Well, they got the dance steps covered.


Do you remember how to drink through your nose?

And I can give you some coaching

with your famous ball-balancing act.



Oh, no. Uh-oh. Oh, dear.


Hey, hold it right there!

Who do you-- (Screaming)

You know, there's something familiar about that.

Oh, dear, oh, dear. Whoa!




That's right.

And then the crowd starts laughing,

and then she runs off in tears.

(Audience members laughing)

Oh, this is terrible. It's just terrible.

And they're all laughing at me.

And then he says--

STRIPES & DIAMONDS"Oh, dry up, Elizabeth."

Marvin, Eddy, Stripes!


Elizabeth! I remember now.

Oh, my friends.

What am I doing here?

I hate to break up the happy reunion, but--

Come on, get up. Come on, boss.

Unless we're staying for some clown wrestling,

I think now would be a good time to leave.

DIAMONDSThank you, Eddy.

You don't know how much I appreciate that.

No problem, Diamonds.

I wouldn't want my face up there with them, either.

ELIZABETHOh, Eddy, you're so thoughtful.

So, Diamonds, are you going to keep it for a souvenir?

Oh, goodness, no.

I don't want anyone else finding out I was ever a clown.

ELIZABETHDon't worry, Diamonds.

We won't tell a soul.


Do you think she knows she's still wearing clown makeup?

I'd better tell her.

Hold on, kid.

Let's let her dressing room mirror tell her.


It'll give us something to look forward to.