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02x05 - This Must Come As a Shock

Posted: 03/14/24 07:15
by bunniefuu
[King Lizard] If anyone
is going to turn

this organization around,

it's going to be King Lizard.

[astronaut] If those sequids
ever take over, Earth is next.

[Thaedus] Forgive me, Allen.

[Nolan] Hello, son.
It's been a while.

This is your little brother.

I never even f*cking knew you.

You don't need the bum.


I need help here!

[Nolan] Viltrum knows
I've left my post.

- They'll track me.
- [Mark] Are those...

[Nolan] Viltrumite soldiers.

Why do I care about them?

- You need to fight like a Viltrumite.
- I don't k*ll people.

[grunting, yelling]

Your father will be ex*cuted.

You will assume his mission

and prepare the planet
for our rule.

[wind howling]

[Mark groaning]

[shaky breathing]


[high-pitched ringing]
[Mark groaning weakly]

- It's the emperor's other son.
- Is he dead?

- [groaning continues]
- His chest is moving.

- What is all that red liquid?
- It must be his blood.

He has a hole in his body.

The city.

We can take you there.

♪ ♪

[Thraxans coughing]

[hushed chatter]


[screaming nearby]

[Andressa] Mark.

Where's Nolan?


The Viltrumites took him.


I'm sorry.

The city, these people,
it's all our fault.

Mark, you saved my life.

And your brother's.

[Mark] If my dad and I
hadn't been here...

...none of this would've happened.

If your father hadn't been here,
I wouldn't have a son.

And if you hadn't been here,
we both would've died.

Thraxan lives are short
compared to yours.

Our culture doesn't assign blame.
We only look forward.


We will rebuild, Mark.
Count on that.



[Nuolzot] Mark Grayson!

Oh, hey. Nuolzot.

I have good news.

We've completed a ship
to take you home.

You can return to your planet

and your center
for learning and drink.

Um, thanks, but I can't go yet.
There's still so much to do.

Oh, the city will be
whole again soon.

Your people must need your strength.

Eh, there's tons of heroes
on Earth.

I'm sure they got it covered.

Behold, the might of Omnipotus!

Tremble before
my unlimited power!


I'm sure you know
your planet best.

[gasps softly]

- Empress.
- Nuolzot. Did you give Mark the news?

I thought he'd be more pleased.

- Humans are very confusing.
- I am pleased.


Yeah, I-I want to see my mom
and my girlfriend.

- But there's more to do here, and I...
- [Andressa] You've helped enough.

It's time you return home.

But there is something else
I must ask of you.

- Take your brother with you.
- [gasps]

- Home to Earth.
- [Mark] What?

What are you talking about?
You're his mom.

Mark, look at me.

Look how much older I am
than when you first arrived.

You brother ages quicker than you

but far slower than my people.

I'll be gone before
he can form a sentence.

When Nolan was here,
that was fine.

He could be raised by his father.
But now...

everyone he knows here
will soon be dead.

Generations will pass
before he's even an adult.

What mother would abandon him
to a life like that?

My dad was worried
about that for me, too.

Nolan changed me.

I see life now on a longer scale
than most Thraxans.

But to me, your centuries
are still just a concept.

To you and your brother,
it's the life you must live.

- I just keep hoping my dad's okay.
- I hope that, too.

But if he lives, he'll go
searching for you, not me.

Wait, no, that's not...

[Andressa] My time with Nolan
was special.

But he will know
my life has run its course.

[toddler fussing]

Remember me, child.

Someday, I hope you'll understand
why I had to let you go.

Very soon, you'll be all he has.

And he will need someone.

[birds singing]

Thanks, Paul. See you tomorrow.

[Paul] Debbie?
Wait, uh...

Forgot to give you this.
It's from all of us at the office.

- For the house we sold?
- Kind of. Uh...

we all know... hard it's been for you.

But it's good to have you back.

Thanks. Thank you, Paul.

[both sigh]

[door opens, closes]




- Hey, Mom.
- [gasps]

Mark! Oh!

Jesus, Mark.
It's been two months!

I try not to worry,
but even Cecil's been frantic.

[toddler coos]


Who is that?

[grunting, cooing]

I-I-I don't even have the words.

This morning, I didn't even know
if Nolan was alive.

I-I didn't even know
if I wanted him to be alive.

Now he's left another planet
in ruins and his...

his new kid is sitting in my kitchen.

The Viltrumites took him, Mom.
Dad didn't have a choice.

Oh, like hell he didn't.
He didn't have to go to that planet.

He certainly didn't
have to find a new partner

and have a new baby.


He's never on the hook
for the lives he destroys.

Just leaves it for
everyone else to clean up.

- Again and again.
- I know, I know.

What are we supposed to do
with him?

Children that age need constant care.

- He doesn't even had a name.
- Well, he ages fast.

He won't stay a toddler for long.

Maybe I can take a year off
from college to look after him.

What? No. Absolutely not.

I've been gone for two months.

It's not like my grades
are gonna be amazing anyway.

[toddler giggles]

And I changed a lot of diapers
on the way home.

[toddler laughs]

- What about Cecil?
- We can't.

- There's got to be other options.
- Like what? He's purple.




I can't give him to a stranger,

and I don't want to leave
college, but...

Y-You're right about Dad
leaving his problems

for other people to fix.

[sighs] But he's my brother.

And I-I can't just abandon him.

[Mark sighs]

Well, you must get it
from my side of the family.

[toddler crying]
[Mark gasps]

[toddler bawling]

[Debbie] Don't quit school, Mark.

I'll take some time off of work
and look after him for a few days.

I'll figure something out.


[Mark sighs]


Mm, but you're changing
that diaper

before you go anywhere.

[busy chatter]

All right, have someone
look into the sighting.

It's probably a hoax,
but we can't risk it.

I want a report in an hour.

[busy chatter continues]

Sir, may I have a minute?

We're a little busy, Donald,
if you hadn't noticed.

I need you to make time for...
[sighs] this.

[frustrated grunt, shaky breathing]

Everybody out!

You heard me!

I need the room.


[clears throat]

You've got my attention.

After Omni-Man
went bad last year,

we blew up our surveillance
house to stop him.

You triggered it after
getting everyone to safety.

- You barely made it out alive yourself.
- So why don't I remember it?

You were in shock.
You got burned pretty bad.


Is that what you call...

With respect, sir,
what did you do to me?

[worker] Oh.

I thought I was on
the White Room list.

You are, for most of it.

[shaky breath] What is that?


It's what we did to you.

State of the art.
It's expensive as hell.

Damn sight better than
your old one, if you ask me.

- How?
- You were lucky.

Omni-Man's body shielded you
from most of the blast.

When we pulled you out,
your brain was intact.

The rest of you, not so much.

The r-rest of me?

[gasps] Cecil,
what the hell am I now?

[Cecil] You're you.
But better, stronger.

- Alive.
- Uh... I-I don't remember...

I don't remember any of it.

- All these people knew and I didn't?
- PTSD's a bitch.

We figured you'd be
better off without it.

You mean you'd be better off.

- You had no right.
- [sighs] What do you want, Donald?

Would you rather be dead?

You know the world we live in,
what the job is.

There's no time for existential angst.

Angst? That's what you call it?

- Jesus, Cecil.
- [gasps]

I knew you were cold,
but I never knew you were...

Uh, sirs?

- What?
- What?!

[William groans]

And that's more than enough
philosophy for today.

Hmm... Hmm?

[knocking at window]



Since when did you start
locking the window?

Mark. Holy shit.

Um, I started locking it

after that giant bug
dressed like a dog showed up.

Did you save them
from those meteors?

Meteors? Oh, right.

Yes and no?
Um, it got...

It got weird... for me.

Yeah, I kind of figured.
You were gone a long time.

Like forever in college years.

You need to go see the dean,
by the way.

Something about academic probation?

- You said you'd cover for me.
- I did, for a while.

Two months, Mark.

That's more excuses
than anyone can make up.

- What happened?
- [scoffs] Uh, a lot.

- I saw my dad.
- Your dad?

Look, I'll-I'll tell you all about it,
but I need to see Amber first.

Oh, sure, ditch me for
your girlfriend, why don't you?

It'll give you time
to put all my posters back up.

All of them.



And when exactly were you
planning to tell me you were back?

I mean, it's not like
you didn't know.

I ordered you not to go.
You were gone two months.

Now you don't even check in?

I needed to see my mom
and my girlfriend first.

We had a deal, Mark.

You promised, if I put you in
the field, you'd follow orders.

You don't get to pick
and choose when that applies.

I saved millions of lives
out there, Cecil.

And it looks like
everything here was just fine.

Things were just peachy.



[screaming, grunting]



The Guardians almost died
saving the planet

while you were off
gallivanting with space bugs.

What I did out there,
wh-what I found was important.

You already know, don't you?


We keep an eye on Debbie
for her protection.

Passive monitoring, mostly.

Certain keywords
trigger a closer listen.

[scoffs] Unbelievable.

You're angry about me
not reporting in?

I don't need to.
You got cameras in my mom's house.

It's not cameras.
We would never do that.

All right, since you
already know everything,

I'll go see my girlfriend
like I planned.

Fine by me. I'll send a
team to pick up Nolan's kid.

[gasps] You can't.

What are you gonna do?
Leave him with your mom?

He's an alien.

We're more qualified
to take care of him.

He's my brother,
not a science experiment.

- Call your people off.
- They're already on their way.

[Mark sighs]

Call them off!

I'll check in tomorrow.


I'm sure your mom will love

looking after
her ex-husband's new kid.

[Amber] Coming.

[Naomi August: "Be Mine"]

Oh, my God, you're back.

[both laugh]

[sighs] I missed you so much.

[sighs] I didn't mean
to be gone so long.

They took me
to this insane planet...

[clears throat]

...tarium in, uh, Philadelphia

when I... you know,
when I was visiting my aunt.

Guys, this is my boyfriend Mark.

He's been gone a while
dealing with family stuff.

Mark, this is Bridget,
Jannie and Corey.

- Hey, dude. Nice to finally meet you.
- Wow, so he is real.

I thought Amber was just trying
to brush off creepy dudes.

Yep. [laughs]
Yep, very real over here.

Just not around
the last few, um, months.

♪ Baby, it's divine,
keep on running after me ♪

♪ I might let you... ♪

We should let you guys catch up.

Amber, we'll get your notes later.

- Nice meeting you, Mark.
- ♪ Mine, I might let you be mine... ♪

What happened out there?

♪ Mine, I might
let you be mine ♪

♪ I might let you be ♪

- So the kid's at your mom's house now?
- For now.

I don't know what I'm gonna do.

[chuckles] And I thought
I had a crazy few months.


Shit, I'm sorry, I...

I've been talking
about myself this whole time.

No, I-I mean, you've been
through a lot, I get it.

No, really, I...
I want to know everything I missed.

[Amber sighs]

Well, college is no joke.

I failed a sociology test that's
worth a third of my grade.

- Seriously? You?
- Yeah.

My grandpa died.

- I didn't take it too well.
- Oh.

[Amber] Yeah, I got through it.
The funeral, coming back here.

You know, people asked
where you were.

Having to lie about it
wasn't awesome.

[sighs] I didn't think
it would be this complicated.

It's okay.
I knew the deal when I signed on.

Not just the superhero thing.
All of it.

I thought, with my dad gone,

he was at least done
ruining my life, but...

Hey. He can't change
how I feel about you,

no matter how many
planets he destroys.

That's the important thing.

[Amber chuckles]

I'm glad you're back.

[busy chatter]

♪ ♪


[gasping] Help.

Help me.



[worker] Sir? Sir?

- [gasping]
- Are you all right, sir?

- Wh-What is it?
- There's something you need to see

on our long-range scans, sir.


This is stupid.
I can see in the dark.

That assumes
you still have your eyes.




[Immortal] Time.

Monster Girl, Kate, shower off.

Bulletproof, Shapesmith,
you're up.

Immortal, if I may have a moment,

m-may I remind you that
Monster Girl's transformations

- cause her to age in reverse.
- I know how my team's powers work.

Then you must understand

that this kind of training
is hazardous for her.

- I've developed a simulation...
- [growls] Hey.

I can hear you, you know.

Amanda, I-I noticed the Immortal
wasn't tracking your transformations.

It's not his job to track
my transformations.

And it's not yours, either.

But logically if there's a way
to mitigate your lost time...

If you get this controlling
after one date,

there's not going to be
another one.


Oh no!
Is eighth-grade prom canceled?

[laughs] Don't tell me...
Aah! m*therf*cker!

[panting] Oh, f*ck.

You know people try to k*ll us
every single day, right?

- Just call, please!
- We have a problem.

It's coming from Mars,
headed directly for Earth.

We've tried calling,
but they're not answering.

It may be unmanned.

[Cecil] Except it's packed
to the gills with bio-matter.

[Shapesmith grunts]

- Ship's coming from Mars, huh?
- [gasps]

I wonder if there's anyone here
with insider knowledge...

of Mars.

[gasps softly]


I have a secret to unbury.

I am not a human person from
Earth like I once told you.

Prepare yourselves,

for the truth may be more
than you can handle...

[Cecil] We know you're a Martian.

What, you thought we'd let you
join the team

- without figuring that out?
- You all knew that?

- Son of a bitch.
- What we don't know...

is how you got to Earth
and why you're here.

Okay, well...
Um, I was born a baby Martian,

far away on the planet Mars.

Like all Martians,
we used sequids as our servants

since they couldn't penetrate
our shape-shifting skin,

which is something they
very much like to do.

Even as a young Marsling,

I hated living underground.


I wanted to see the stars.

- Wow.
- This way! Run!



[Shapesmith] So, when the
opportunity presented itself...


...I took it.

[glass shatters]

I hitched a ride to Earth
with your space people.

And when I got here,
I was inspired to do good.

- I met all of you...
- [Black Sampson] Wait a second.

What happened
to the real astronaut?



M-My people were
right behind us in the tunnels.

I thought they'd find him
before the sequids did.

Find him and k*ll him, you mean.

[Cecil] But they didn't
find him, did they?

- Something else did.
- I know... I don't know...


Well, okay, given
our present situation

and that big ship on its way here,
one might assume...

Well, I mean, one might guess

that m-maybe...
and, but this is a maybe...

he possibly became...

a possessed host for the singular
and terrifying sequid hive-mind.

- [whimpering] I'm so sorry.
- Ah, okay, so we have

God knows how many
of those things headed here,

they possessed
the real Rus Livingston

and they're capable of
possessing a million more of us.

- And it's all your fault.
- Yes, you understand now.

- Oh, that's bad.
- [Bulletproof] Hang on.

We're gonna believe this guy?
He lied to us the whole time.

[Shapesmith] No, before, I was lying.

Now I'm telling the truth.
It's very different.

You left an American astronaut
up there to die.

[overlapping arguing]
I... apologize?

Shut up, all of you.
There will be consequences for this.

But that ship cannot
be allowed to reach Earth.

And Shapesmith is the only
source of intelligence we have.

We need him. For now.

The team will be me,
Bulletproof, Black Sampson,

Monster Girl and...

Rex, Shrinking Rae, Kate and Rudy,

- you'll hold things down here.
- It's an alien spacecraft,

so you'll need
my technical expertise.

I'll be protected in my suit.
- Agreed. Rudy, you go, too.

No, you don't understand.

There are millions
of sequids on that ship.

Maybe hundreds of millions.
We won't be enough.

Look, I realize this is
out of character, but...

I have an idea.

[Olivia Wendel: "Skipping Stones"]

♪ ♪

♪ Skipping stones
out on the shore ♪

♪ Still not sure
what you asked me here for... ♪

[chatter over TV]

♪ But I'm scouring the earth
on the forest floor... ♪


[applause over TV]

♪ Skipping stones
till my arm is sore... ♪

- [gasps] Shit.
- You know, it's been like five years

and your parents still haven't
fixed the lock on your window.

I'm starting to wonder if maybe
they want you to be abducted.

I'm not in the mood, Rex.

And I'm not here
to make fun of you.


Ugh. Or to get in your pants.

Or whatever you think
I'm here to do.

But when I heard
you were back here,

- I knew something was wrong.
- Mm.

I don't need your pity, Rex.

Since when do I do pity?


Did you see what I did
in Chicago?

- The park collapse?
- I heard about it, yeah.

Yeah, I messed up.
People almost got hurt.

And then I took it out on
Killcannon and people did get hurt.

[sighs] I try to help, and all I do
is cause more problems.

My parents were right.
Who do I think I am?

Everybody fucks up.
To f*ck up is human.

Eh, Shakespeare said that.

The Immortal. Black Sampson.

Freaking "Robot,"

or Rudy or whatever
he calls himself now.

They've all shit the bed
at least once.

Having powers isn't easy, but...
we do our best.

Even assholes like me.

[sighs] Just do the math, Eve.

You are so far in the black
that it's stupid.


You showed this to me
the week we met.

You were still pretty beat up
from losing them.

[Eve chuckles softly]

- I hardly think about them now.
- Because you got through it.

And then you got through my
douchebag teenage ass

dumping my problems on you.

And hiding in your bedroom
for a year and a half.

Then a hundred other battles
with teen team.

Through all of that,
you've saved so many people.

And each time, you made this
shitty, awful, terrible world

a little bit better.

Also, I checked on that couple
you pulled from the river.

They're gonna make a full
recovery. Because of you.

So, dry your tears,

tell your parents
to go shove it up their asses

and get back out there, right?

[chuckles] All right.
Thanks, Rex.

- Now what do you want?
- [gasps] I am offended.

But yes, I do have a tiny favor
to ask

that involves a space rocket ship.

[Debbie] Okay.

Open. Delicious.


- It's delic...
- [retches]

- [cries]
- What are we gonna do with you?

You've got to like
at least one human food.

[distant booming]

Mark. We have
a front door, you know.


Oh, oh, hey, Mr. Messy.
How's he eating?

[sighs] Well, so far,
he hates everything.

I guess he'll fit right in
with the human kids.

Uh, sorry. Hey, do you
know where Dad's stuff is?

I got rid of most of it,
gave it to charity.

Y-You could've asked me first.

Well, you were gone
for two months.

And I could've live in limbo
just waiting for you to come back.


I'm sorry.

- W-What were you looking for?
- It's just...

When the Viltrumites
were taking Dad away,

he told me to read his books.

What if he hid something them, like
slid it between the pages?

[doorbell rings]

- It's not a good time, Cecil.
- Sorry, Debbie, it's urgent.

Mark, I need you
to go to space again.

I just got back from space.

You were actually
pretty pissed about it.

Think of this
as your redemption tour.

We got a ship full
of those sequid things

coming in hot from Mars.

- You remember them?
- Yeah...

If they get their tentacles
on Earth,

they'll be pulling
our strings forever.

- We need to stop them.
- Sure. Of course.

- You need any help with the new kid?
- We're fine. Thank you.

Well, think about
when you go back to work.

You'll need a trained caretaker,

not some neighborhood

- We have people for that.
- [Mark] That's our decision. Not yours.

Just consider it.

But you just got back from space.

[Mark] Well,
they're heading for Earth.

And it's serious.

And, uh, a lot of people
could get hurt.

- So, I...
- [sighs] Just come back safe, okay?

[phone beeps]

[dance music playing]
[students chatting]

[line ringing]

Hey, Jannie,
you guys got plans tonight?

Nah, everything's fine,
just want to take my mind off things.

[machinery whirring]

[consoles beeping]

[Robot] Invincible, I didn't
know you were joining us.

Yeah, well, this didn't
sound super optional.

- Got room for one more?
- Eve!


R-Rex said you guys could use a hand.

[Robot] We could indeed.

But will you be vulnerable
to these creatures?

Uh, you're not the only one
who can make a suit of armor.

[Robot] Hmm.
Two minutes to launch.

Well, that's my cue to leave
you brave little astronauts

to the endless darkness of space.

If you succeed, well, I taught
you everything you know.

If not... [laughs]
I guess we're all f*cked.

[announcer] Three, two, one.

We have ignition.

[Rex] So...
you two may not know this,

or acknowledge it any way,

but this guy's now
the ranking Guardian on Earth.

- [scoffs] Says who?
- Uh, me. Just now.

It's like calling shotgun.

[both sigh]
Okay, first rule, no rolling those eyes.

Second rule, get ready.

Because we are just gonna chill
out until those losers get back.

there is no third rule.

We're supposed to monitor other
threats while they're gone.

Oh, sure, like there's gonna be

two huge world-shattering
emergencies at the same time.

Oh, no! [laughs]
I'd like to see that, Rae.

[radio chatter]

- Hey. Who's there?
- Sorry, Sarge. [chuckles]

For f*ck's sake, Jerry.
You scared the shit out of me.

I-I know, I know
it's not my break,

but I-I missed lunch.

[groans] Get your damn snack
and get out of...


Ah, hell!


- Move!
- Yes, sir.

And remember,
k*ll first, ask questions later.

[alarm ringing]


We have a problem.

What's a problem
but an opportunity in disguise?

You want them to know we're here?

Of course.
This just speeds things up a bit.

[Eve] Man, my dad's a d*ck,

but you win the Shitty
Dad Contest hands down.

Yeah, but it was worse than that.

I was gone for so long,

I wasn't there for Amber,
my mom, you.

And you guys needed me.

[Eve] I'm sure you'll get a
chance to make it up to me soon.

[Immortal] Listen up.

We need more information
about the Martian ship.

Its w*apon systems,
what kind of resistance

we can expect once we're on board.

So, Shapesmith here is going
to answer all of our questions.

I'd rather not, since those are
Martian military secrets?


But I will, though.
That ship is one of our warships.

It's very big. There could be
millions of sequids on it,

but hopefully not.

They're small, but very strong
for their size.

A ship full of demon jellyfish
with super strength. Great.

There must be
Martians on board, too.

The sequids can't
pilot a ship on their own.

We should seek
these Martians out.

- Make contact.
- Ah, yes, my old chums.

They, um... They may not
be enthusiastic to see me.

I imagine not.

Robot, what's your plan
to get us on board?

In just a minute,
I'll cut the shuttle's power.

Like Shapesmith says,
the Martian ship is large,

so we'll look like debris to them.

Then we'll clamp on and cut
an entry hole in the hull.

- Good.
- So good. But it won't work.

Why not?

[Shapesmith] The warship's
sensors are very powerful.

They'll know the difference
between space garbage

- and whatever we are.
- You're telling us this now?

Yes, I'm telling you this now.

Also, they won't hesitate
to fire missiles

when they spot us coming.

- [Robot] Shapesmith...?
- Yes, those. Look.

Th-Those are the missiles
I was talking about.

[Mark] Don't we have
shields or something?

[Robot] This isn't Star Trek.
We're unarmed.

Everyone, close to me. Now!

[gasping, groaning]

[Rae] Half pepperoni,
half mushroom,

an order of garlic knots
and some wings.

- Two garlic knots.
- [sighs] Two garlic knots.

[buzzer ringing]


No, no, no. Keep ordering, Rae.

Cecil's just checking in
to say hi, right?

Cecil? Right?

[Eve grunts]

- Oh, God.
- We need a plan.

- I'm gonna barf.
- Close your damn eyes, then.

[Robot] Please, calm down.

We have enough oxygen
for at least ten minutes.

I'm not sure I can hold
this together for ten minutes.

Everyone who can fly,
push towards the ship.

[all grunting]

[Eve grunts]


[grunting, gasping]

Hello, fellow Martians.
Nice to see you all again.

- I was just on Earth and, um...
- Earth? You're the one!

You let all of this happen!

I know he is the cause of all
this, but we are here to help.

You're humans.
They'll enslave you immediately.

We're not like the rest of our kind.

- We can withstand them...
- [Bulletproof] Ugh!

- Gross.
- No!

[Martians gasp]

Got it.

They share minds! Now all the
sequids know you're here! [screaming]




You got any instructions, boss?

Mm, get a soda.
And relax.

- The king has a plan.
- Those are nuclear blast doors.

Impenetrable from the outside.

We sealed the tunnel,
so there's no other way in.

Now, we just sit here and wait

for the government to comply
with our demands.

Otherwise, New York,

Los Angeles,


[alarm ringing]

Die fast, assholes.
My pizza's getting cold.


Ah, humans.

You think you can stop us?
You cannot.

We remember you.

We can't pierce your skin.

No matter. There will be others
for our purposes.

[Immortal] Get them off him!
It's the only way.



There's too many!

We need a new plan.

[grunting, groaning]

[Robot] I disrupted
their nervous systems,

but they'll be awake again soon.

k*ll as many as you can
while they're out.

- Oh, shit.
- Get close.

[all grunting]


[Kate panting]

I thought...

These guys...

Were supposed...


To suck.

Hey, Kate!

Remember, whoever dies first
pays for pizza.

[Kate whimpers softly]

Rex. R-Rae.

- Help. Help.
- Hold on!



Oh, God, no!


- [strains]
- Come on, Eve. You can do this.

Are you crazy?

I can use my suit
to build an amplifier

for the pulse I used earlier.

It'll hopefully stun them
long enough

for us to get Rus off this ship.

But you'll need to protect me
until I'm done.

- How long?
- Five minutes.

[Eve straining]

You're gonna f*cking pay
for that.







[Rex] Hey, idiot.
She doesn't stay small.

[Rae grunting]

[Rae screaming]

[bones crunching]


- Yum.
- [Rex gasps]

Uh... [shouts]

[Rex] Oh, this isn't happening.

This isn't happening.

Jesus! [screaming]

[Rex cackling]

[groaning, panting]

- f*ck.
- [King Lizard] Hmm.

So brave.

But is it the brave man
who survives

or is it the one who waits

until his opponent
is too injured to fight?

Just do it, you prick.

- [straining]
- You got this.

Come on, hold it together.
You got this.

[Eve] Can't hold it.

No. No, no, no. Eve!

[all grunting]


♪ ♪

[Allen inhales deeply, groans]


Oh, wow.



Oh, wow.
I'm not dead.

I was pretty sure I was dead.

Felt like I was dead.
This is...

Oh, this is a nice surprise.

Um... hello?

Hello? Someone want to let
me out of this, uh, thing?

Well, this is great.


[electrical crackling]

Oh, no. Oh, I'm sorr... sorry!
Oh, God, oh, crap.

Oh, I broke... I broke it.
I broke it.

Oh, this thing, I bet this is...
Oh, I bet this is expensive.

Oh, God.


[laughs] Huh.
Would you look at that?

I am glad to see you
in one piece, Allen of Unopa.

Yeah. One very large
and ripped piece.

I'm afraid I owe you an apology.

When we brought you here
after the Viltrumite attack,

I turned off
your life-support machine

and left you to fend for yourself.

What? Why?
W-Why would you do that?

I knew, without it,
you would either die

or recover stronger than before.

I am sorry I gambled with
your life, but it has paid off.

You may now be able
to stand your ground

- against a Viltrumite.
- Yeah, I doubt that.

They hit me so hard
my eye came out.

I remember seeing that,
like, from my own eye.

- It was very strange.
- You underestimate yourself, Allen.

Yeah, well, I appreciate
your vote of confidence,

but I'm not gonna ask
for a rematch anytime soon.

If I even see another
Viltrumite, I'm gonna...

Holy shit. You're a Viltrumite?

No, I am something much worse.

I am the only Viltrumite to ever
rebel against the empire.

At least, until you told me
about Invincible.

I need you to go back to Earth

and bring Invincible here.

He is the key
to turning the tide of this w*r.

♪ ♪