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02x08 - Welcome To The Occupation

Posted: 07/28/11 20:29
by bunniefuu
♪ Our time was ever on the road ♪
♪ the ride is in what we make ♪
♪ oh, man, there's ladders to the sky ♪
♪ building up a high rise ♪
♪ oh, man, we won't last long ♪
♪ but we're giving it our best try ♪
♪ we are the tide ♪
♪ we are the tide ♪

Enjoying the view?

You're the one that wanted to go first.

♪ The w*r, it told you ♪

Pablo Delgado.

I'm running late for a meeting.

Place your briefcase on the counter.

Arms out to your side.

Si, señora.

Cuidado, hombre.


All right, everyone.

Thank you for coming in on a Saturday.

Uh, we have a lot to get through today.

So, if we just stay focused, maybe we can get out of here in time for dinner, yeah?



[Elevator bell dings]

[Elevator bell dings]

[Elevator bell dings]


All right, so, everybody, if we could just look at page 18 on the prospectus, please.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Indistinct conversation in background]


Excuse the interruption.

What is this about?

Kindly hand over your mobile devices and I.D.s.

The building's Internet is disconnected.

The elevator access to this floor is under our control.

And let us not forget-- we are armed.


I see someone has paid attention to the safety seminar.

I'm sorry that I had to get physical with you.

I was just trying to make a point.

Please, everyone, back to your seats.

[Snapping fingers]

Come on, come on, come on.

I'm talking to you, George Allen Nicassio, senior vice president.

[Grunts, breathing heavily]

How do you know my name?

Success is about paying attention to detail.

And I have done my research.

It's a pleasure to know all of you for the first time in person.

Frank. Mr. Fitzgerald. Marvin.

Megan, wow-- beautiful power suit.

I was wondering if you would need this, Dale?

I filled the prescription off your chart.

There is no chance of escape-- steel-reinforced walls, bulletproof windows.

[Snaps fingers]


Your building security has no idea this situation is taking place, nor do the police or anyone else, for that matter.



[Cell phone chirps]

I have just emailed my demands and proof of life to your chairman.

Technology is good for something.


[Air hisses]

We'll be here for a while.

[Bird screeches]

I'm so glad we did this, Annie.

Yeah. Wait till we top South Peak.

Actually, I don't know if I can wait.

[Cell phone rings]


Just hold that thought.

Sure. Take it, take it.

Good morning.

Hey, where are you?

Um... Hanging out.


Your presence has been requested immediately.


Well, however you want to interpret the words "requested" and "immediately."

[Sighs] All right, I'll see you soon.

Work emergency.

Don't be mad.

I'm furious.

Rain check?

I'll take that as a yes.


Can You Save Me? By Apple Trees and Tangerines

♪ Covert Affairs 02x08 ♪
Welcome To The Occupation
Original Air Date on July 26, 2011

♪ Can you save me ♪
♪ from this nothing I've become? ♪
♪ it's just something that I've done ♪
♪ I never meant to cause you worry ♪
♪ don't you blame me ♪
♪ for this nothing I've become ♪
♪ it's just something that I've done ♪
♪ I never meant to show you my mistakes ♪

Another Saturday?

Auggie, I'm gonna consider my weekends canceled from here on out.

Smart. Bad guys don't take days off.

Sinister intentions, but an admirable work ethic.

Such dedication. What's the emergency?

Hostage situation in Mexico City.

The top floor of the GG&E corporate offices has been taken over by eco-t*rrorists--

Los anarquistas de la tierra directa.

Anarchists of the direct earth?

I never heard of 'em.

Neither had anyone else until this morning.

Fits the pattern for a grassroots organization, something big out of the gate to get noticed.

No such thing as bad publicity.

There's over 8,000 abductions in Mexico City a year.

Why's this one on the D.P.D.'s radar?

One of the hostages is CIA.

Megan Wilkins is one of our top covert operatives in Central America.

She's spent the past two years in deep cover as an oil executive at GG&E.

Her NOC allows access throughout the entire region.

Today being an executive at GG&E has made her a target.

We got an 87-x text message from Megan this morning.

That was the last communication we've had from her.

Langley contacted GG&E, and we found out about the hostage situation.

Is her cover blown?

We don't know.

That's why they're sending you in.

Me? I never operated a hostage situation.

Well, Joan asked for you specifically.

That's not comforting. How many hostages are there?

Tell us when you find out. Plane leaves in an hour.


Annie, you can do this.

Purely intelligence gathering-- get inside, you assess the threat.

There is a CIA special ops team stationed just outside the city limits.

They'll be responsible for extracting the hostages once you get out safely.

We've got a two-hour window.

The plane ride will take longer than the mission.

All right, what do we know so far?

The head of the A.D.T.D. goes by the name Delgado.

No file on him, and we have a file on everyone.

Now, Delgado called the head of the GG&E board of trustees directly to make his demands.

He wants to handle everything in-house.

Still too slow.

The A.D.T.D. hasn't notified the Mexican authorities, and little do they know the CIA would like to keep it that way.

The more we contain, the more we control.

Now, so far, Delgado has only made two demands of the GG&E board.

First, he wants $83.5 million transferred to a secure offshore account.

Once those payments have been made, he'll release the hostages.

What's the second demand?

You coming?

What are you wearing?

I just came from Seneca Rocks.

Oh. Uh...

You should put on a blouse.

What about the unnecessary risk?

Everything we do involves risk.

It's my job to evaluate all clandestine operations.

And it is my job to execute them.

I am more than capable of handling this myself.

No one is questioning your abilities.

Yeah? Well, it sure feels that way.

A little support would be nice.

My support is unwavering.

Megan Wilkins is scheduled to meet with a high-value asset tonight.

If she doesn't make it, years of hard work goes down the drain. You are too close to this one.

Arthur, as my boss, I appreciate your concern.

I assure you the plan for this will be effective.

As my husband, know when to get out of my way.

I'm doing this.

[Cell phone beeps]

Where are you?

Pack your bags.

Did you wipe your feet?

Good morning to you, too.

Can I assume you're up to speed with the hostage situation in Mexico City?

Did you read the article by Liza Hearn this morning?

The woman must have a thesaurus.

Who knew there were so many different ways to call Arthur a failure?

Focus. The A.D.T.D. has requested an American news crew from ECO-TV.

It's the perfect cover for a CIA insertion crew.

Get to the point.

You're on the board of GG&E.

It means you can help facilitate getting a CIA team inside the building.

Yet again, Arthur Campbell needs me to save his ass.

The team is on its way to the airport as we speak.

I see they're putting you to good use down there.

Are you still here?

Morning, Annie.


You've been briefed?

Yeah, uh, Auggie got me up to speed.

He said our--our cover will be as reporters?

A.D.T.D. has granted a news team limited access.

A small, pliant tree-hugging cable outlet is a great choice-- makes them easier to control.

Earthly voice for an earthly cause.

Here are your credentials and mission dossier.

You should be an expert on Gulf Gas & Electric by the time we land.

Annie Walker, foreign w*r correspondent.

I'll be your producer.

It's supposed to be a three-man team.

Where's the cameraman?

Should be waiting on the plane.


Hi, Annie.

Hi, Ben.


Listen, Annie...

I wanted--

To reach out?

Your handlers urged against it.

Well, I didn't get a chance to--

Say good-bye?

They moved you without warning in the hospital.

You keep finishing--

Your sentences.

Yeah, I do...

'Cause I get it now.

This is all part of the job.

You never know when they're gonna pull you away.

You're handling this much better than I expected.

Then raise your expectations.


Annie Walker.

[Normal voice] Annie Walker, foreign correspondent.

Born in Detroit, Michigan. Mother--Valerie.

Father--Hugo. Undergrad, Stanford.


Something's different about you.

Family meeting.

I'd like to take this opportunity to establish a few ground rules.

First, regarding the chain of command--

I'm on top of it.

Why are you looking at me?

No cowboy crap either.

We are not being sent to rescue hostages.

This is strictly reconnaissance.

We surveil, establish proof of life, evaluate the threat, then report our findings to special ops.

They'll handle the extraction.

We go in clean-- no g*ns.

There will not be a single b*llet fired on this mission.

Are the hostage takers playing by the same rules?

If a w*apon is found on one of us, all of our covers will be blown, and I will not have Meg's life put in danger.



You, uh--you're on a first-name basis?

We trained together at the Farm.

She's a friend.


Dr. Weiss. What a pleasant surprise.

Please, Scott, when I'm off the clock.

Annie left these. I just wanted to drop them off.

Where is she?

She had to work.

Well, at least we know she treats everyone in her life this way.


[Both laughing]

[Gasps] Dr. Weiss!

Oh! Look who it is!


Hey, princess.

Looks like somebody's feeling better, then.

Will you come play board games with us?

That is up to your mother.


Board games it is!

Oh, my goodness!


Let me get the door for you.

He grows on you.

Like a rash.

We've got two hours to get in, get out.

We're on the list.

[Machine beeping]

That's a camera.

[Speaking Spanish]

¿Esta bien?


I'm so pleased to see the board has honored their agreement.

It provides faith that the negotiations will go smoothly.

Mr. Delgado, my name is Joan Campbell.

I'm field producer for ECO-TV.

Feel free to set up your cameras.

There will be no interview until we see the physical condition of all the hostages.

After the interview has been recorded.

No hostages, no story.

¿Como se dice tiburon?


You are a shark.

My advice...

Don't show your teeth unless you are willing to take a bite.

Visual is up.

♪ That doesn't help me ♪

Waiting for an audio, Auggie.

Thank you.

I wouldn't do that.


No cowboy crap.

Audio up.

That's what I like to hear.


Yeah. We've got eyes and ears inside the building.

We should be making contact with the hostages any minute.

Can we interface with them?

Well, no.

This is a one-way communication device.

Ear buds were too big of a risk.

Delgado's under the impression that we're recording this broadcast to air after the situation's been resolved.

I'm Annie Walker, with ECO-TV.

Is anyone hurt?




What's your name?


Frank Sisma.

It's okay, Frank.

I just--

I got it.

Hello, George. George Nicassio.

I'm Senior V.P. of Development.

This is my team here.

So just, uh, let me know if I can be of any help.

Obviously, I'm a little bit more limited than--than usual.

Uh, there's my card.

Anyway, uh...

[Clears throat]


Okay. All right.

[Clears throat]

What's your name?

Megan Wilkins.

Please... Tell my Owen I'm okay.

I've not been harmed.

They've provided food and water.

Play back Megan's answer one more time, would you?

Please, tell my Owen I'm okay.

I've not been harmed.

They've provided food and water.

The first sentence is composed of seven words.

We have seven hostages.

"I have not been harmed."

Five words, five enemy targets.

"Food and water"-- armed and dangerous.

Miss Walker... You are a... News reporter for ECO-TV, correct?


I chose this news station for good reason-- a like-minded voice, a conscience, a green agenda, a network I watch with some interest.

The funny thing is...

I just can't remember ever seeing your face before.

Do you know your weapons, Miss Walker?

I know that's a g*n in my face.

A Colt revolver... made in the USA, designed especially for the Mexican w*r.

An American g*n made with Mexican silver-- a symbol of American imperialism back in the hand of a Mexican.

Why did you ask for a news crew-- more hostages, or was there some truth you wanted reported?


[g*n cocks]

Who are you?

Tell the truth.

You can call my parents in Detroit.

I'm sure my mother would love to talk your ear off.

Let's, uh, end this charade once and for all, shall we?

Traigame mi juguete.

This is Annie Walker, reporting to you from Liberty Pond, where it's been nearly a year since the devastating oil spill.

Residents here are still concerned about the environmental--

Is that enough to satisfy your paranoia?

[Buzzer sounds]


You're not a very good doctor.


Is that a fact?

Okay, let's see what you got, cheater.

I can't believe all my medical training has failed me when it matters most.

I'm just glad Annie's not here to see me crash and burn like this.

Are you and Aunt Annie gonna get married?

That's rude.

Are you?

I'm sorry.

I'm just happy that she's happy.

She told you she's happy?

Well, she's not spending all her time at work.

She's got the kind of schedule I used to have as an intern.

Who knew working in a museum would be so demanding?

[Police chatter]

[Speaking Spanish]


[Man speaking Spanish over walkie-talkie]







Miss Walker... A moment, please.

Mr. Delgado?

Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable before this interview begins?

No. I'm fine. Thank you.

On second thought, you could let the hostages use the bathroom.

The women...

Three minutes.

Guard the door.

Don't overplay your hand with Delgado.

He's a live wire.

[Door opens]



What are you doing here?

When I woke up in that hospital bed, who was there by my side?

The guy guarding the door has a tattoo on his forearm.

It's prison ink, definitely g*ng-related.

Right. So not your typical eco-t*rrorists.

So this is how you spend your weekends...

Trolling for potential sources?

Jai Wilcox.

You have information worth sharing, or is this your way of flirting?

Well, for what it's worth...

I know you came to visit my father this morning.

This is hardly the place to discuss business.

[Pen clicks]

Don't keep me waiting.

Henry Wilcox...

To what do I owe the displeasure?

Always happy to be of service to this great agency.

You're welcome.

What do you want, Henry?

Came to let you know GG&E has expedited the money transfer.

Hostage insurance is designed to work quickly.

And you came all the way here to tell me that?

I know you're old, but this computer thing-- it's worth checking out.

Can't watch you squirm with an email.

Is that really why you're here?

Mexico City has its own set of rules.

There is no quid pro quo.

The money's going through, but that doesn't guarantee anything.

I've taken precautions.

One of our top operatives is in place.

I heard-- your cowboy, Ben Mercer.

I'm talking about Joan.

Any updates?

Some chatter started to come in.

The other networks are wondering why ECO-TV is down in Mexico.

It's only a matter of time before this story blows wide open.

The $83.5 million will be transferred any minute.

Turns out Delgado is as savvy as he is greedy.

Came in just under GG&E's insurance cap.

He knew they'd cave. Which means he's got access to proprietary company information.

Has the interview started?


I need to talk to Joan.

There's no way to get through to them.

You okay?

Been better.

Well, this time tomorrow...

We can be beachside in Belize.

Sounds nice.


Here are the questions you will ask me.

Mr. Delgado, a reporter writes her own questions.

Only those questions.

Mr. Delgado, please tell us about your organization.

We only look to protect our homeland from the oil companies who poison our air and our water and our soil.

Most eco-friendly organizations are nonviolent.

Why did you find these aggressive tactics necessary?

These petroleum executives are the real t*rrorists.

Our government is in bed with the Americans.

It's up to us to protect our country.

Inaction is no longer an option.

[Cell phone vibrating]

I call for reparations to the 3,000 farmers whose land was stolen to make way for the pipelines.

Muchisimas gracias.

D-don't you want to make a statement about your organization?

People should think of Los anarquistas de la tierra directa as a friend to Mexico.

Holding seven innocent people at gunpoint is not friendly.


And, uh, these don't seem like the kind of guys who are interested in saving the planet.

This interview... is over.

You're already giving up on your environmental agenda?

What the hell is she doing?

I'm sure Annie has a reason.

At least answer one question.

She's breaking protocol. She's antagonizing the gunman.

Trust that your operative has a plan.

We had a plan. They're behind schedule.

They should be walking out that door.

GG&E has the best safety record of any oil company in this area.

Why'd you pick it?

Escort them out of here...


[Speaking Spanish]

You think you're so smart.

Throw them in the room with the others.


We have to get close to the hostages.

Delgado has no intention of letting them out of here alive.

k*ll them all once my jet has taken off.


I'll text you.

[Snaps fingers]

Almost forgot...

My insurance plan...


Let's go.

No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Just, uh-- just take me, okay?

It's--it's my company.



But stupid.

[g*n cocks]


No. You were right.

Delgado was completely preoccupied during that interview-- such attention to detail, then distant when it mattered most.

It didn't make sense.

This is not about a political message.

Certainly explains his thugs.

He's not in charge.

Someone else is pulling the strings.

[Tapping on glass]

Let's figure a way out of here.


You're up.

What'd you sneak in here?

You really think I didn't notice?

What's happening in there?

There's no way to tell. We just have to sit tight.

That's not much of a solution, Auggie.

Our only option.

Not an easy thing to do when your wife is in harm's way.

I could call in the special ops team.

Their presence will just put the hostages in more danger.

Then trust your wife, Arthur.

Joan is one of the best that we have, and she's trained to get through this.


We have to stop Delgado.

There are four armed guards outside the door.

We split up into two teams and flank them.

How do we get behind them?

We're trapped in here.


Will shatter even thickest industrial glass.

The guards will hear it.

We can handle them until you get in position.

But for how long?

It's over 30 floors to the ground.

That's why we're gonna go to the roof.

Everybody's gonna need to get down.

Right now.



[Wind howling]


Grab those ropes. I'll take out the elevator.

¿Que diablo?

Looks like we're taking the stairs.

Okay. Okay.

Out this way! Go, go.


Okay, Joanie.

[Shouting in Spanish]

Stop Delgado. We'll get everyone out of here.


[People screaming]

Thank you.

Thank you so much. I-- I thought I was dead.

Ben, look out!

Not a single b*llet.

Joan will be proud.

I guess we know who hired Delgado.

Well, Meg, that was the second-worst trip we've ever had together.

The second?




Yeah, I blocked that night out.

Must feel good to be back in the field again.

Main thing is we got you out, and you're gonna make your meet.

No. Main thing is you came for me, Joan.


The agency pays?

Courtesy two-week decompression breaks after hostile situations.

We could use it.

The flight to Placencia leaves in...

One hour.

Quiet cabin on the beach?

Kite-surfing six-foot swells on Glover's Reef.

Could catch up on some reading.

Cave diving on the Sibun.

I think I'll pass.

Next time.

Good-byes are overrated, but...

I'm glad we got one this time.

I was right.

There is something different about you.

Maybe so.

I just got off with Auggie.

George Nicassio admitted everything to the local authorities.

The eco-terrorism was just a front.

Nicassio knew GG&E protocol for hostage situations.

Delgado did his part for his share of the 80-plus.

Delgado and his men?

They're gonna get more prison tattoos.

Where'd Meg go?

She's on her next mission.


I can't believe she can go back out in the field after all that happened today.

There are two kind of operatives-- one that's needed in the field and one that needs the field.

You have to decide which kind you're gonna be.


Have a seat.

I didn't know you had it in you, son.

I've been saving these Cubans for a special occasion.

Do you know what the definition of treason is?

Tread carefully.

Leaking confidential information to Liza Hearn-- now, there's a legacy to be proud of.

[Cigar cutter clicks]

For you as well.

We share two important things--

DNA... and a last name, so...

If I go down, you go down.

Or you can listen to what I have to say.

I'm not sorry!

Sending Ben was the right call.


Hold on.

I wrote something.

"Joan, I will never let you go into danger alone. You are my wife. It is my job to keep you safe."

I love you.

I wasn't finished.


I made dinner just in case the note thing didn't work.

You cooked?

I had it delivered.


But I tipped the kid very generously...


Just out of principle.

That does sound pretty boring.

Yeah. Spending the whole day in a conference room around a table with executives.

They're working you too hard.

It's all part of the job.

[Sweeping rock music]