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03x03 - The New Classmate (Pt. 2) / The Tempting Treasure

Posted: 03/13/24 16:54
by bunniefuu
LUCYThe Adventures of Napkin Man.


LUCYThe New Classmate, Part Two.



Oh, hi! Welcome! Come in, come in. We've been expecting you.

(Arabic) Marhabaan, Layla. Aismi Mister Anthony.

Nice Arabic, Mister Anthony.

Thank you, thank you, but I'm afraid that's all I know.

I'm sure Layla will have a much easier time learning English.

I hope so.

Layla, we have lots of games and toys here for you to play

with. Would you like that?

(Arabic) Layla, turideen an tala'abi maa al-Ala'ab?

Well, I should get going. Thank you.


Thank you.

MISTER ANTHONYDon't worry, she'll be fine here with us.

LUCYLayla's here! Layla's here! I'm going to show her


(Arabic) Marhabaan, Layla.


MISTER ANTHONYOh, Lucy, I think Layla needs a little

more time settling in. What do you think?

Okay, Mister Anthony.

Okay. Layla, it seems like maybe you're feeling

a little bit shy.

TRANSLATOR(Arabic) Khajlanay?


(Arabic) Khajlanay?


Well, sometimes I feel shy, too - (Arabic) khajlanay.

But I know something that just might make you feel better.








You try it.




Oh, oh, oh! You got me!


There. Looks like maybe you're feeling a little bit better.

But you're still (Arabic) Khajlanay?


Come with me.


I'd like to tell you a story.

TRANSLATOR(Arabic) Quissa.

(Arabic) Quissa?


(Arabic) Quissa about a camel.

(Arabic) Jemel.

(Arabic) Jemel.

Layla! Jamila!

h, I get it! This is a (Arabic) emel named Jamila! Okay!

his is a (Arabic) quissa about (Arabic) jemel named Jamila,

who lived in the ancient city of Petra, in Jordan.

Now Jamila only spoke Arabic - alerabia - like you.


MISTER ANTHONYNow how we usually call our friend, Napkin

Man is we say one, two, three, Napkin Man! Can you say that?



LAYLA/MISTER ANTHONYOne, two, three, Napkin Man!


(Arabic) Marhabaan, Napkin Man.

(Arabic) Marhabaan, Napkin Man.

(Arabic) Marhabaan, Mister Anthony.

And (Arabic) marhabaan, Layla. I can't wait to visit my friend,

Jamila, but hang on! Jamila lives in the desert.

Don't I need some desert clothes, Mister Anthony?




NAPKIN MANVery stylish. (Arabic) Shukraan, Layla.

I'm off to visit Jamila in the ancient city of Petra.


♪ I'm Napkin Man! I'm here for you! ♪

♪ If you're happy, sad, scared or mad ♪

♪ These are all feelings I have had ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man! I'll help you feel okay! ♪

♪ Some things are kind of hard to get through ♪

♪ But with a little help you can do it ♪

♪ Yes, you can! Yes, you can! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man! Napkin Man! ♪


♪ I'm Napkin Man! Napkin Man! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man! Napkin Man! ♪

♪ Have no fear! I'm your hero! ♪

♪ I'm your Napkin Man! Napkin Man! ♪


Whoa! Look at all the hustle and bustle! Petra is a really busy -

Whoa! Uh-oh.


(Arabic) Hel ante bakhair, Napkin Man?


I'm okay! (Arabic) Ana bikhayr! Jamila! Nice to see you!

(Arabic) As-salâmu alaykum.

(Arabic) Wa-alaykum al-salâm, Napkin Man.

That is such a nice way to say hello. Peace be upon you,

and upon you peace.

Napkin Man!

(Arabic) Marhabaan, Amir. Oh, nice looking dates there,

Dima. So, Jamila, what's new in the ancient city?

(Arabic) Saorik!

Okay, show me.



(CHEERING) Awesome camel tricks! Yes! (Arabic) Yella, yella,

Jamila, yella! Go, Jamila, go!


Sarah, what are you doing here?

Hi, Napkin Man. I came here with my mom and dad to trade.

I'm so excited! This is my first time in Petra.

Yep, it's an exciting place.

Everything is do different. They even speak a

different language.

It's called Arabic.

Yes, Arabic. Oh, and just look at that camel. She's amazing!





Oh, that's my friend, Jamila. Would you like to meet her?

She's so nice. I'm sure she'd love to play with you. Come on!




Oh, I don't really feel like it. I'd rather uh, have a snack.



Sarah, are you feeling shy?

Um, maybe.

Hmm. Hey, Sarah! Look!


Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo! Peek-a-boo!


Peek-a-boo to you, too, Napkin Man.

Feel any better?

Yeah, a little. But I'm still too shy to meet Jamila,

or any of the other kids in Petra because they all speak

Arabic and I don't.



(Arabic) Man hu sadyquk, Napkin Man?

h, hi, Jamila. (Arabic) Hasa he Sarah.

(Arabic) Marhabaan, Sarah. Marhabaan bikum fi alpetra.

Hal tuhibeen al-laeb may?

Napkin Man, I don't know what she's saying!

She said she'd like to play with you.

Oh! I'd love to play with her.

(Arabic) Ybdw 'annaha latifatan jiddan.

But how can we be friends when we don't speak the same


That's a really good question, Sarah. Luckily, I have a song

that just might help.

♪ So you want to be best buddies ♪

♪ But your language is not the same ♪

♪ Don't you worry about it! You can still play a game! ♪

♪ And as you're having fun, understanding, it will come ♪

♪ When you learn each other's words one by one ♪


♪ Word by word! (Arabic) Kelimatone ke-lima ♪

♪ Don't be shy! Word by word! ♪

♪ (Arabic) Kelimatone ke-lima! Give it a try! ♪

My name is Sarah!

(Arabic) Aismi Jamila!

Come on! Let's play!

♪ Word by word! That's the way! ♪

(Arabic) Hya bina linaleib!

♪ Word by word! (Arabic) Kelimatone ke-lima ♪

♪ Friendship grows! Word by word ♪

♪ (Arabic) Kelimatone ke-lima! And soon you'll know ♪


(Arabic) Qitta.


(Arabic) Kalb.

♪ Just keep on having fun and when the day is done ♪

♪ You will have made a special friend ♪

Arabic) Sadikum khassun jiddan.

A very, very special friend.

♪ Word by word, by word, by word, by word, by word! ♪

♪ (Arabic) Kelimatone ke-lima ♪



(Arabic) Asdiqa'a.

Then let's play! Uh, what should we do, Jamila?


(Arabic) Jamila, yajiby an tuaalemi hiyal aljamali li


(Arabic) Hazihi fikratun aazima, Layla.

Layla thinks Jamila should teach her camel tricks to you, Sarah.

What do you think?

I think that would be awesome!

(Arabic) Haya linadhhab!



JAMILASarah, Sarah!


Tag! You're it!





(Arabic) Yella, yella, Sarah! Go, Jamila, go! Yes!

(CHEERS) Whoa!


And that's the story of how Napkin Man helped Jamila

and Sarah learn to play together, even though they

didn't speak the same language. Now are you ready to play?

(Arabic) Mustaeidd lileib?

(Arabic) Nam.

Great! Oh, Lucy, could you come here please?


Are you ready to be Layla's special buddy,

and show her all around the classroom?

I sure am! (Arabic) Marhabaan, Layla.

(Arabic) Marhabaan.

(Arabic) Aismi Lucy.

LAYLAMy name is Layla.

You said it in English! You are so smart! Friends?

(Arabic) Asdiqaa?

(Arabic) Asdiqa'a!

Great! Take it away, Lucy.


LUCYThis is Larry the Lemur. He's my favourite.


(Arabic) Asdiqa'a!





Closed captioning by Odd Boy Captioning Services.

AZIZThe Adventures of Napkin Man.


AZIZThe Tempting Treasure.

Okay, everyone. Game time is over. Gather around, gather

around because now...


It's dance time! (CHEERING)

All right! Make up your own moves! Do anything you like!

Woo! Oh, very good twisting, Trevor! Oh, some super

side stepping! I love it! How about a little finger pointing.

Shake those hips! Very good!


Keep dancing, my friends. You're doing a great job.


Hey, come on, Aziz. It's dance time.

Oh, okay. Be right there, Mister Anthony.

All right.


Let's shake some hips, too. Very good! Pointing at all

the stars in the sky! Oh, yeah! Keep going!


Are you coming?

Do I have to dance, Mister Anthony?

MISTER ANTHONYI thought you loved dance time, Aziz.

I do, but I also like playing my pirate treasure game.

I get that. But sometimes we have to stop one thing

so that we can do something else.

I feel all fidgety. How come, Mister Anthony?

Well, maybe it's because you're feeling a bit panicky about

having to put your game away?

Panicky. That's how I feel. It's not a good feeling.

I get that panicky feeling sometimes, too.

And whenever I do, I find it helps to do the Raise the

Sails Salute.

The what?

MISTER ANTHONYThe Raise the Sails Salute. It's an old pirate

trick to help you sail away from your panicky feelings.

Want to try it?


MISTER ANTHONYOkay! First you stand with your feet apart,

like a pirate.


And then you pull the rope to raise the sails with your

big strong arms, and then salute! Arrgh!


Very good, matey. You feel better?

Yup, I'm not as fidgety. But I still really want to play

my treasure hunting game - even if it's dance time.

This reminds me of a Napkin Man story about a pirate captain.

Just like me!

MISTER ANTHONYJust like you. You want to hear it?


Okay, come on!


Sit right down, and let me tell you the tale of how Napkin

Man joined Pirate Bart and his crew for a pirate party on

Party Island.


There. Ready to call Napkin Man together?


AZIZ/MISTER ANTHONYOne, two, three, Napkin Man!

NAPKIN MANArrgh, Mister Anthony! Arrgh, Aziz!

Wait a second! If I'm going to a pirate party, aren't I missing


Oh, right!


Hey, who turned out the lights?

(LAUGHS) That's too big, Mister Anthony!

Oh, all right.




NAPKIN MANAh! Perfect. Thanks for the help, Aziz.

Now I'm ready for the pirate party.


♪ I'm Napkin Man! I'm here for you ♪

♪ If you're happy, sad, scared or mad ♪

♪ These are all feelings I have had ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man! I'll help you feel okay ♪

♪ Some things are kind of hard to get through ♪

♪ But with a little help you can do it ♪

♪ Yes, you can! Yes, you can! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man! Napkin Man! ♪


♪ I'm Napkin Man! Napkin Man! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man! Napkin Man! ♪

♪ Have no fear! I'm your hero! ♪

♪ I'm your Napkin Man! Napkin Man! ♪


Hmm. This is Party Island, and today's the day of the

pirate party, but where are Captain Bart and his crew?


Whoa! Oof! I'm okay, I'm okay!

Oops! Sorry about that, Napkin Man. The crew brought the ship

in a little fast 'cause they can't wait to start the party!


I know how they feel! I can't wait for the party

either, Captain Bart.

Great! Let's go!


Arrgh! It's not a pirate party without a game of Pin the Tail

on the Parrot!



(GIGGLES) Sorry, matey. I'm not the parrot!

Try more over that way.

I love playing Pin the Tail on the Parrot, and all the other

things we'll be doing today like...

Walk-the-plank Power Jump! Woo-hoo! Ta-da!


And my favourite pirate party activity of all -

waterskiing behind the pirate ship, where I carve the waves

like this! Woo-hoo! (LAUGHS)

I can't wait to see that! I've heard you're a marvellous

waterskier, Captain Bart.

Hey, what's this?


BART/NAPKIN MAN(GASP) A treasure map!

Finding treasure is the best. And look at all the X marks

the spots!

NAPKIN MANShiver me timbers! There must be treasure buried

all over Party Island.

Well, come on then, Napkin Man! Let's go a-treasure huntin'!

But what about the party?

We'll just check out the closest X and come right back.

I've got to see if this map's for real.

Okay, sounds like a plan.




Found something! (GRUNTING)

Wow! It is a real treasure map! Well, now that we know,

time to get back to the party and... Captain Bart? Uh-oh.



The next X on the map is here. (GRUNTING) A-ha!


The next X is back that-a-way! Come on!

But Captain Bart...


Oh, no! Look! Pin the Tail on the Parrot is finished.

Maybe we should put the treasure map away for a while and join

the others at the plank.



(LAUGHS) Awesome.

I can't stop looking for treasure now! But we can be

quick if we dig up the next two treasures together.

Okay, you're the captain. Aye-aye.


I can't believe it! This place is full of treasure!

Captain Bart, we're not going to get back to the party in time

if... Oh, dear.


Wait, what?



The crew has finished all the land games.


That's the last activity of the party. We've missed everything

else. I really want to waterski. But I also really want to find

the rest of the treasure. I guess I'll just have to put

away the map and join the party.

Good move, Captain Bart.

If it's a good move, then why am I all fidgety?

I think you might feel panicky.

Arrgh, that's it. I feel panicky.

Time for the Raise the Sails Salute.

Raise the sails, and salute!


Arrgh! How do you feel now?

A bit better. But I still really want to keep finding treasure

and waterski.

I think there might be a way you can do both, and I know a song

that just might help.


♪ There are things that we do ♪

♪ That are really super fun ♪

♪ Things that we don't want to leave 'til they're done ♪

♪ Like a puzzle to make or building with blocks ♪

♪ Or playing a game that totally rocks ♪


♪ But some things can be put away for later ♪

♪ Other things only last a while If what you must put down ♪

♪ Can wait till you come back ♪

♪ You can put it down with a smile ♪

I can put my treasure map down with a smile? How?

♪ There are things that we love that are also super great ♪

♪ Going on that you know can't wait ♪

♪ Like a beautiful day, or time with a friend ♪

♪ You don't have to miss what soon might end ♪


♪ 'Cause some things can be put away for later ♪

♪ Other things only last a while ♪

♪ If what you must put down can wait 'til you come back ♪

♪ You can put it down with a smile ♪

♪ Yes you can put it down, put it down, put it down, ♪

♪ Put it down, put it down with a smile! ♪

♪ Put it down with a smile


It would be sad if Captain Bart missed waterskiing with his

pirate crew because he couldn't stop looking for treasure.

Yeah, that would really be too bad.

Captain Bart. The treasure will still be there waiting for

you if you put the map away and go waterskiing,

but the waterskiing is only happening now.

You're right, Aziz!

Now do we get to see how you carve those waves?

Aye-aye! You sure do!


Woo-hoo! Yeah! I love this!


And your crew loves that you joined the party, Captain Bart.


Ahoy, mateys! Watch this trick!


And that's the story of how Napkin Man helped

Captain Bart to put away his treasure map and join

the party.

That was amazing, Mister Anthony.


AZIZSince dance time's only happening now, I think I can put

my game away. I can play it later.

All right! Come on! We don't want to miss it!


All right, guys! Great dancing!

Look at me! I'm doing the water skiing pirate dance!

MISTER ANTHONYAye-aye, Captain Aziz! Show these

pirates how it's done.


Very good! And switch! Oh, yeah!


