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02x09 - Parrot Problems/Ta-Ta Tutu

Posted: 03/13/24 16:50
by bunniefuu
KIDThe Adventures of Napkin Man.

Ooh-ooh! Ah! Ah! Ah!

Mister Anthony, we can't speak monkey!

Well I'm just trying out my new monkey mask -

"Ooh-ooh-ahh-ahh" means,

"Animal masks for everyone!"

(All cheer)

Alright, Amelia,

you can be a tiger!

Do you know what sound tigers make?

I do! It's my favorite animal sound!

Roar! Roar!

Very good.

Ahmet, you can be a lion.

Lion is king of the jungle!

Cool! Lions roar too.

Like this, Ahmet.



And a cute little monkey,


There you go!

And, another monkey.

There you go!


For you we have -

a parrot!

A parrot?

Hey Ethan, what's up?

Don't you want to squawk with the other kids?

I don't want to be a parrot.

I want to roar like a lion or a tiger.

Sounds to me like you're feeling disappointed.


Disappointed is how you feel

when things just don't go your way.

Well then, I am disappointed

and it makes me feel all tight

and tangled up like a knot.

I know that feeling.

The best way to untangle a disappointed knot though,

is to do the Untangle Tickle.

The Untangle Tickle?

Tickle yourself with all your might.

And you'll untangle that knot and feel all right!

Check it out!

I'm all tangled up...

and then I...

Tickle, tickle, tickle,



Ahh, there! I'm all untangled!

Let me try!

Tickle myself with all my might.

To loosen my knot and feel all right!

Oh, very good! You feel better?


But I still wish I didn't have to be a squawking parrot.

Ethan... Did I ever tell you about the time

that Napkin Man helped a little boy named Jinsong?

I don't think so...

Jinsong lived in ancient China,

except he didn't have a mask like you,

he had a dragon puppet!


I wonder if dragons roar!

There's only one way to find out!

Ready to call Napkin Man together?


BOTHOne, two, three...

Napkin Man!

Hi Ethan!

Hey Mister Anthony!

Hi, Napkin Man.

Mister Anthony, If I'm going to China,

maybe I should wear my red cape -

In China, red is the color of happiness.

Good point!

Ancient China, here I come!


♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'm here for you!

♪ If you're happy, sad, scared, or mad, ♪

♪ these are all feelings I have had. ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'll help you feel okay!

♪ Some things are kind of hard to get through, ♪

♪ but with a little help, you can do it. ♪

♪ Yes you can!

♪ Yes you can! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪


♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ Have no fear, I'm your hero, ♪

♪ I'm your Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

Hi Napkin Man, are you OK in there?

Hi Jinsong! Sure am!

Being in a barrel full of oranges

just means there's lots for me to juggle!

I love to juggle! Oof!


Sheepie liked your juggling too!

Oh, I didn't know you got a new pet.

He's not my pet, he's a special guest!

Today is Chinese New Year, Napkin Man

and this is the year of the sheep!


Oh, I see!

Chinese New Year is going to be

better than ever this year

because my brothers and I get to perform

the Dragon Dance for the whole village!

The Dragon Dance?

Great! Fantastic!


Uhhh, what's the Dragon Dance?

Come on, I'll show you! Cool!

A dragon!

(All laugh)

It's only a puppet, Napkin Man! See?


And this is the dragon dance!


Ooh that's catchy!

Cha cha cha! Ooh! Ahh!

I just love dancing to the cymbals!

They sound so great when you bang them together!

Whoa... That was great!


Hello Napkin Man!

I'm so glad you came to join us on this special day.

Oh, my sons will be so excited to perform

the dragon dance for you!

Now Fu, you will control the head of the dragon puppet,

Ling, you will play the cymbals,

and Jinsong, you will be the dragon's tail!


The tail?


Jinsong, is something wrong?

Yeah. I don't want to be the tail.

My brothers get the best parts of the dragon puppet!

They get to dance and play the cymbals,

but the dragon tail just follows behind

and does nothing.

You look disappointed.

I am disappointed.

And I feel all tight and tangled up like a knot!

Well then it's time to untangle

that disappointed knot

by doing the Untangle Tickle!

Just tickle yourself with all your might.

To loosen your knot

and feel all right!


You give it a try, Jinsong!

Just tickle myself with all my might.


To loosen my knot and feel all right!

Feel better?

Yeah, less tangled.

But I still wish I didn't have to be the tail

in the dragon dance.

It's just no fun.

No cymbals... No nothing!



That sheep sure likes his tail!

Yeah, that's because he loves to wiggle it

and chase it in circles.

My cape is kind of like a tail, isn't it?

It's behind me and it follows me wherever I go.

Let's see if I can make it do what I love to do -


Your tail is cool

because it does what you love to do - juggle.

But my tail just sits there and doesn't do anything!


You know what, Jinsong.

Your dragon tail can be lots of fun too

and I'll tell you how!

♪ Sometimes things don't go your way, ♪


♪ And there is something that

♪ You just don't want to play.

♪ Like if you have to be the tail, ♪


♪ And you just don't want to be... ♪

♪ So here's a little advice ♪

♪ from me!


♪ Make what you're doing fun for you; ♪

♪ by adding in the things you love to do! ♪

♪ Add those things to the games you play, ♪

♪ And do it in your special way! ♪


But how do I do that?

Well, here's an example!

♪ If you think playing catch is boring, ♪


♪ But you think juggling's really fun ♪


♪ Then just add juggling to the game. ♪

I can do that? Yep!

♪ 'Juggle Catch' is number one! ♪


♪ Or if you don't like to play tag ♪


♪ when it's your turn to be it! ♪


♪ Add in a game you really love-- ♪

Like Hopscotch? That's right!

♪ Hopscotch tag is a hit!

I get it!

♪ Make what you're doing fun for you; ♪


♪ by adding in those things you love to do! ♪

♪ Add those things to the games you play, ♪

♪ and do it in your own ♪

♪ special way!


That's it!

I can make my dragon tail fun

by playing with it in my own special way!

Then it'll be just as fun as my cape!

Ah... I love juggling.

Hey! Where'd my pears go?

You love juggling but what do I really love to do?


I know!

Jinsong really likes to dance and play the cymbals!

Maybe he could add those and be a dancing,

cymbal-playing dragon tail!

That's a great idea, Ethan!

Here you go, Jinsong,

some cymbals for you...

Thanks, Mister Anthony!

Hey, Napkin Man!

Can you help me with these?

I thought you'd never ask!


A cymbal-playing tail...

Now that's a tail that will never fail!

Come on, Jinsong! It's time for our performance!



(Cymbals crash)

Oh! That is the best dragon tail I have ever seen.

(Cymbals crash)

Or heard!

Yep, and he's playing my song!


And that's the story of how Napkin Man

helped Jinsong turn a dragon tail he didn't like

into the most fun he ever had for Chinese New Year.


Maybe I can make my parrot mask fun

by playing with it in my own special way!

That's a great idea, Ethan!


Oooh! I've never heard a parrot make that sound before!

That's because I'm an Ethan Parrot

and Ethan parrots love to...



(Kids laughing)

KIDThe Adventures Of Napkin Man. Voila!

Grape juice box for you, monsieur...

And pour mademoiselle Chloe

and mademoiselle Talia...

My finest grape juice boxes.

Et voila!

Merci, Monsieur Antoine!

Merci, Monsieur Antoi--

Oh no! Oops!

Hey! This is my favorite dress!

Why did you do that, Chloe?


Chloe didn't spill juice on it on purpose.

It was an accident, right Chloe?

It was an accident

and I'm really, really sorry, Talia!

Yeah well my dress is ruined and it's all your fault!

I don't want to play with you anymore, Chloe...

Chloe, why don't you join this table for now, OK?

Talia, can I make this a table for two?

Should we clean up that messed up dress?

You seem very upset...

I am!

I feel hot and my face is tight and scrunchy!

It sounds to me like you're angry.

I am angry.

I'm mad because Chloe spilled juice on my nice dress!

I get it, but it was an accident.

Chloe is very sorry

and I think she's very sad, too.

Yeah, well I still feel angry and hot and scrunchy!

I think it's time for The Funny Face Flex.

The Funny Face Flex?

When I get angry feeling

and my face is hot

and scrunched up in a frown...

I start to stretch my face,

like this!

You try it.

Cross your eyes...

Oh that's some very good funny face flexing!

Do you feel better?

Yeah I don't feel hot and scrunchy anymore...

But look at my dress!

I'm still mad at Chloe for spilling juice on it!

Should we try cleaning it up then?

No... I'm too mad!

How about a Napkin Man story?

Okay! Okay, come on!

I think you're really going to love this one,

it's about a ballerina named Betty

who loved her ballet dress.

Just like me? Just like you...

There. Ready to call Napkin Man together?

One, two, three...

BOTHNapkin Man!

Hey Mister Anthony! Hey Talia!

BOTHHi Napkin Man!

Um, Mister Anthony...

If I'm going to the ballet,

don't you think I'll need some special shoes?

One pair of special ballet shoes,

coming right up!

Now that I have my twinkle toes,

I'm ready for the ballet!


♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'm here for you!

♪ If you're happy, sad, scared, or mad, ♪

♪ these are all feelings I have had. ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'll help you feel okay!

♪ Some things are kind of hard to get through, ♪

♪ but with a little help, you can do it. ♪

♪ Yes you can!

♪ Yes you can! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪


♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ Have no fear, I'm your hero, ♪

♪ I'm your Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

Hi Napkin Man!

Hey Bonnie, hey Betty!

You both look mah-velous!

Thank you.

Do you like my new tutu?

I got it especially for today's performance.

Why it's tutu-terrific!

What dance are you performing today?

Swan Lake!


Wow! Dancing swans everywhere?

I love it!


Not so fast, Napkin Man!

We have to eat our lunch first!

Swans and sandwiches?

This is my lucky day!

Would you like some mustard

on your sandwich, Betty?

Yes please!

Oops! My tutu!

It's covered in mustard!

(Gasps) Oh no!

I'm sorry, Betty.

Maybe you can wash it out.

No, it's ruined!

I don't want to be in the swan lake ballet

with you anymore, Bonnie!

But it was an accident and I'm really sorry...

Don't worry Bonnie, I'll talk to Betty

and clear this mustardy mistake right up!

Are you okay, Betty?

No! I'm angry

and it makes my face feel hot and tight

and... Scrunchy!

Scrunchy huh?

That doesn't sound good at all!

But you're in luck,

I have a hunch how to un-scrunch

that face of yours!


Just do The Funny Face Flex...

Like this!


Oh, that's a good one, that's a very good one!

How do you feel now?

Less scrunchy!

But... I still have mustard on my tutu

and I'm still mad at Bonnie about it!

Being angry doesn't feel good, does it?

But how do you think Bonnie is feeling?

Hmmm... I don't know!

Well, she was really sorry when she spilled mustard

on your lovely tutu

and now that you're angry at her

it probably makes her feel worse, don't you think?

Yeah, I guess that's true.

I'm mad, but I don't want Bonnie to feel bad too!

Well, I happen to know a song

about how you can both feel better!

♪ If you're angry at your friend, ♪

♪ because they did something wrong... ♪


♪ It can make you feel mad ♪

♪ and not want to get along... ♪


♪ Your friend says she is sorry, and it's obviously true, ♪


♪ But until you forgive her and say 'it's okay', ♪

she'll feel bad and so will you...

Oh no! What should they do?

♪ Forgive, forgive, forgive,

♪ It's the sweetest word there is. ♪

♪ Nothing feels better

♪ than when you forgive!

Go on, give it a try!

♪ BOTHForgive, Forgive, forgive, ♪

♪ It's the sweetest word there is. ♪

♪ Nothing feels better

♪ than when you forgive!


♪ If you stay mad, you'll both feel bad! ♪

♪ First you say you're sorry,

♪ Then you say 'it's okay';

♪ And when you do, you'll both feel better; ♪

That's the 'feel good' way


♪ Forgive, Forgive, forgive,

♪ It's the sweetest word there is. ♪

Nothing feels better than when you forgive!

Wow, that really seemed to work for the swans -

Look how happy they both are.

Hi Betty... Are you still angry with me?

I'm really sorry...


Mister Anthony,

I think Betty should forgive Bonnie!

You do?

Yeah, it was only an accident!

Bonnie will feel so much better and so will Betty too.

I think you're right, Talia.

Let's watch what happens!

I forgive you, Bonnie!

Really? Oh, thank you Betty!

That's my ballerinas!

It was an accident!

And even if I have a mustardy tutu,

I still want to dance with you in the Swan Lake ballet.

Awesome, and you know what?

I have a great idea...

We can just turn your tutu inside out!

Why didn't I think of that?

Inside out!

That means I can still wear my tutu

and no one in the audience will see the mustard!

Yup! Here, let me help.

It's perfect!

Thanks, Bonnie!

I can't wait to dance.

Good thing - 'cause it's time for the show!

Oh, this is gonna be great!



I'm okay, I'm okay!

Napkin Man.

I found something for you in the dressing room!


A swan suit?

You ready to bust a move, my feathered friends?





♪ (Funky music)

Get up!

In the back, y'all! Ha! Ooo!

One time!

Give it to me now!

And that's the story of how Napkin Man

helped Betty to forgive her friend

so that they could both feel better.

I really liked that story, Mister Anthony!


Then can have this.

I'm going to give this to Chloe.

She'll laugh when she sees Napkin Man dressed as a swan,

and I want her to be happy.

That's a great idea, Talia!

Hi, Chloe. Hi.

Are you still mad at me?

No. I forgive you!

Here, this is for you!

Napkin Man dressed as a swan?

That's funny!

Doesn't that feel better?

It feels good to forgive!

I feel better too.

I have something for you...

Your favorite painting smock?


MR. ANTHONYThat's a great idea, Chloe.

Talia can wear your favorite painting smock

while I try to get the juice off of that dress...

but first, I have to twirl over to the sink

to get some soap!


Huh! You didn't you know

that I was a real twinkle toes too, did you?