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02x07 - Days of Thunder / Special Soapstone

Posted: 03/13/24 16:49
by bunniefuu
KIDThe Adventures Of Napkin Man. Special Soapstone.

Hey, Liam.

Boy your mom is a lot taller today.

And she grew a beard.

That's not my mom, Mr. Anthony.

Hi, Mr. Anthony, I'm Chris.

Liam's uncle.

Nice to meet you, Uncle Chris.

Liam is staying with me while his mom is away on business.

Uncle Chris took me to the zoo yesterday

and we saw real polar bears.


Is that where you got your really cool lunchbox?

Yeah, Uncle Chris bought it for me.

He's always buying me cool stuff.

Look, I gotta fly.

But, great to meet you Mr. Anthony.

Boom, boom, boom.


Thanks Uncle Chris, you're my favourite!

MR. ANTHONYHey, guys.

Does anyone know

what special day this Sunday is?

It's Father's Day!

That's right, it's Father's Day.

So today, we are going to be making

special Father's Day presents.

My dad loves cheeseburgers.

I'll put cheeseburgers on his card.

Cheeseburgers. What a delicious present.

I'm gonna make a painting of my dad

and paint him green.

His favourite colour.

Wow, there are going to be

some very happy fathers this weekend.

(Liam sighs)

Hey Liam.

Everything okay?

Everybody's making a present for their dad, right?


I don't have a dad, only a mom.

That's right.

So I don't know what to do.

My head feels all fuzzy inside.

Sounds to me like maybe you're confused.

Yep, I'm feeling confused.

Because I don't know what to do.

Sometimes my head feels fuzzy too

when I'm confused and I don't know what to do.

But I find it helps to do the polar bear shampoo.

The polar bear shampoo?

That's right.

I pretend I'm a big polar bear

lounging on an ice floe

and then I shampoo those fuzzies away.


I wanna try.

Alright, go ahead.

Great big bear.

I shampoo the fuzzies.

Ah, yes.

Way to shampoo.

You feel better?

A little, but my head still feels a bit fuzzy

and I don't know what to do.

I think I know a napkin man story

that just might help.

Wanna hear it? Sure.

Okay, this one is about the time

Napkin Man helped a little Inuit boy named Tuktu

who lived in the Arctic.

Hey, that's where polar bears live.

That's right, my smart little bear.

There, ready to call Napkin Man?


One, two, three

Napkin Man!

Hiya Mr. Anthony! Hey, Liam.

BOTHHi, Napkin Man.

Mr. Anthony, it's cold where Tuktu lives

I think I'll need a hat and scarf.

Yee haw?

Not a cowboy hat and scarf!

A hat and scarf to keep him warm!

Silly me.

Thanks, Liam and Mr. Anthony.

Now I'm warm and ready to visit the Arctic.


♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'm here for you!

♪ If you're happy, sad, scared, or mad, ♪

♪ these are all feelings I have had. ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'll help you feel okay!

♪ Some things are kind of hard to get through, ♪

♪ but with a little help, you can do it. ♪

♪ Yes you can!

♪ Yes you can! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪


♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ Have no fear, I'm your hero, ♪

♪ I'm your Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪


Woo hoo!


I'm okay, I'm okay.

And I'm not cold.

Thanks to my nice warm hat and scarf.

Hi, Tuktu.

Hi, Napkin Man!

Nice to see you, Grandpa.

Nice to see you too, Napkin Man.

We're almost done.

Just one more block to put in place.




And when I say cool I mean really cool.


Yup, cool on the outside

but nice and warm inside.

Hey, it is warm and cozy in here.

Great job, you two.

Well, Tuktu and I make a pretty terrific building team.

Ah, ah, oh!

(Both laugh)

And my grandpa gives the best hugs.

So I see.

Okay, Tuktu

it's almost time for your soapstone carving class

in the village.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot.

Wanna come with me, Napkin Man?

Absitively, posilootely.

Uh, Napkin Man

the village is too far to walk.

I can help get you there.


Hey, a hairy husky in a hurry.

This hairy husky is named Harry.

He's grandpa's trusty husky.

How you doing, boy?

Harry was my trusty husky.

What do you mean, Grandpa?

I think it's time for you to take care of Harry, Tuktu.

Really, my very own husky?

Thanks, Grandpa. You're the best.

What a wonderful present.

Come on, Napkin Man.

Harry can take us to the village.

Bye, Tuktu.

Bye, Napkin Man.

BOTHBye, Grandpa.


Hello, Tuktu and Napkin Man.

It's nice to see you.

It's ice to see you too, Mrs. Sitka.

(All laugh)

Good one, Napkin Man.


You've come on a good day, Napkin Man.

We're making soapstone carvings for our dads.

Tutku, I'll get you some soapstone to carve.

Gifts for our dads!

That's great.

Maybe I'll make one for my dad, too.


Hey, what's wrong Tuktu?

It's just,

I don't have a dad to make a special present for.


So I dunno what to do.

I'm confused, and my head feels all fuzzy inside.


A confused, fuzzy head.

That means it's time to do

the polar bear shampoo.

(Makes bear noises)



It looks like Harry feels better.

How about you, Tuktu?

I feel a little better.

But I'm still confused.

I dunno what to do about my soapstone carving.


Maybe there's someone else special

you can make a present for.

Someone who's like a dad to you.

Like a dad?

That's right.


♪ Dads are so special

♪ In all the things they do

♪ Being there to help and care

♪ and to tell your troubles to


♪ But if you don't have a dad

♪ to do these things for you

♪ then think of someone else

♪ who is like a dad to you.


But what makes someone like a dad?


♪ Someone who is on your side ♪

♪ and teaches you who is your guide. ♪

I'm making a kayak for my dad.

Because he helped me build one.

And he taught me how to ride it.

♪ Someone who shows they care ♪

♪ who is always there.

I'm making a polar bear for my dad,

because he gives the best hugs.

We call them Polar Bear hugs.

♪ Someone who gives hugs to you ♪

♪ laughs with you and loves you too. ♪

♪ If you don't have a dad

♪ to do these things for you

♪ then think of someone else

♪ who is like a dad to you.

♪ Someone who is really truly

♪ super duper ultra special to you. ♪

I know, Tuktu's grandpa.

He helped him build the igloo,

and gave him Harry the husky

and gave him nice warm hugs, too.

That's true, Liam. Why don't you tell him?

Tuktu, your grandpa's like a dad to you.

Grandpa, of course!

I'll make a sculpture for him.


And I know exactly what I'm going to carve.

Just in time, too.

Sorry for taking so long to find your soapstone, Tuktu.

But I ran into an old friend.


I decided to come and see

how your carving class was coming along.

It's great.

I've just figured out what I'm gonna make.

A carving of Harry.

I can't wait to see that!

And it will be just for you.

'Cause you're really special to me, Grandpa.

And you're really special to me.


Napkin Man, I brought you some soapstone

if you want to carve something too.

Thanks Mrs. Sitka.

I'm gonna carve my dad a pet, too.

A husky dog?

A pet rock!


All done, that was easy.

(All laugh)

That's the story of how Napkin Man helped Tuktu

decide to make a gift for his grandfather.

Thanks, Mr. Anthony.

Hey, I know just who I'm gonna make a Father's Day present for.

Somebody just like a father to me.

That's a great idea.

How's the present coming along?

Great, I'm done.

CHRISExcuse me.

Back so soon?

Uncle Chris!

Liam and I got so excited about the new lunchbox

we forgot one small thing.


Oh, right.

And I got something for you, too.

For me?

It's a Father's Day present

'cause you're special and you're just like a father to me.

Liam, this is amazing.

Thank you so much.

It's a polar bear,

just like we saw at the zoo.

You know what, I'm gonna put it on my desk at work

right beside my picture of you.


I love you, kiddo.

I love you, too, Uncle Chris.

(Thunder) It's really raining, guys.

I don't think we'll be able to go to the park

and get leaves today.


Well, that's okay. We could have fun inside!


It's alright, everyone!

Calm down.

We're safe inside here.

We're all very safe.

I'm scared of thunder.

It's so loud!

Yeah, me too,

and it makes my tummy feel all tight.


It makes my heart beat really fast.


when I'm really scared

and my heart is beating fast -

boom, boom, boom - and my tummy's all tight,

I find it helps

to do the tree-top- toe-touch.

The what?

The tree-top-toe-touch.

Come and check it out!


We have to touch our toes...

stretch wayyyy down...

Slowly, we come up,

and we start to growwwww... a tree!

That's very good!

How do you guys feel? KIDSGreat! Better!

Alright, craft time!

Let's go!


Uh, how do you guys feel?

Like a big, tall tree.

And my tummy doesn't feel like so tight anymore.

But we still have our thunder problems.

How can we feel brave with such loud noises?

It sounds to me like maybe

we need a Napkin Man story.


Okay, set it up!


Let's all sit close together and get ready.


This one is about the time that Napkin Man

helped his friends

Larry, Barry, and Sherry,

who were also scared.

Just like us.

Just like you -

except that they... were squirrels!

Why were the squirrels scared, Mr. Anthony?

There's only one way to find out,

and that's to ask Napkin Man.

Are you ready? Yup.

ALLOne, two, three...

Napkin Man!

(Tiny voice) Hi, kids! Hi, Mr. Anthony!

Hey, what's wrong with my voice?

Where are you? I can't see you.

CHLOEMr. Anthony, he's too small.

Oh, alright...


That's better!

As tall as a tree.

Now I'm off to visit the squirrels!

♪ I'm Napkin Man

♪ I'm here for you

♪ If you're happy, sad, scared, or mad, ♪

♪ these are all feelings I have had ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man

♪ I'll help you feel okay

♪ Some things are kind of hard to get through ♪

♪ but with a little help, you can do it ♪

♪ Yes you can ♪ Yes you can ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man ♪ Napkin Man ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man ♪ Napkin Man ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man ♪ Napkin Man ♪

♪ Have no fear, I'm your hero ♪

♪ I'm your Napkin Man!

Ah, I love how colourful and crunchy

the leaves are at this time of year.


I was supposed to meet my squirrel friends

right here at the big oak tree.

Where are they? (Giggles)

Huh? A leaf...





(Laugh) I should have known.

It's Sherry, Larry, and Barry!

Come on, guys, let's get him!

Get him!


That tickles!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


You're it, Napkin Man!

(Squirrels and Napkin Man laughing)

I'm going to get you!


Alright, this time -

Whoa! (Laugh)


I've got you now!

SQUIRRELSOh no! Here he comes!

Oh no!




Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey!

Looks like they're testing out fireworks

for the harvest celebration tonight.

Are you okay, my little squirrel friends?

Hey, it's okay, Sherry. I'm here.


(Frightened panting)

There you are, Larry!

(Whimper) Waaah!



Barry? Are you in there?

Whoa! That was scary!

I'm glad we're back together again, guys.

I feel much better now.

Napkin Man, tell us -

what was that loud noise?

And those flashing lights?

And that loud noise?

I know Sherry already

mentioned the noise.

But it was really loud!

Well, they're called fireworks.

Fireworks? Right.

Sometimes, on special occasions,

people make the sky light up with fireworks.

It's a fun way to celebrate.

Fun? What's fun about scary noises?

Well, they're not just loud.

They're also pretty to look at,

with lots of colours and flashy sparkles.

Well, I don't like fireworks.

They're too loud,

and they make my tummy feel all tight.

Yeah, and it makes my heart go boom, boom, boom!


It sounds to me like you squeamish squirrels

need to do the tree-top-toe-touch

to help you relax and feel better.

Just reach down,

touch your toes...

and now grow,

and grow...

and stretch...

tall like a tree!

There. How do you feel now?

A little better.

But what if the fireworks come back?

They made me want to run and hide.

Me too!

What can we do to feel brave, Napkin Man?

Well, I always feel braver

when I'm with other people.

So to feel braver, maybe we should all -


(Squirrels scream) Hey!


I was about to say we should stick together,

but maybe I'll sing it instead.

♪ I feel braver when I'm with you... ♪

♪ So let's all stick together

♪ to help us through.

♪ Yes, we all feel better

♪ when we're together.

♪ I feel braver when I'm with you... ♪

♪ I feel safer when I'm with you... ♪

♪ So wherever you go,

♪ I'm going to go there, too.

♪ Yes, we all feel better

♪ when we're all together.

♪ I feel safer when I'm with you! ♪

♪ I feel stronger when I'm with you... ♪

♪ When things get scary,

♪ together we see it through.

♪ Yes, we'll all feel better

♪ when we're together.

♪ I feel stronger when I'm with you... ♪

♪ Let's all stick together...

♪ Like leaves on a tree.

♪ Whatever the weather...

♪ You can count on me!

♪ I'll be there for you!

♪ So now do you see...

ALL♪ If we all stick together...

♪ how brave and safe and strong ♪

♪ we will be!

♪ Boomba, bomba, bomba, bom! Yeah! ♪

So if we all stick together...

We won't be so scared of the fireworks.


That's right -

And now that we're all together and feeling brave,

what do you say?

Let's have some - (Fireworks)


(Squirrels scream)

(Squirrels scream)

Mr. Anthony,

the squirrels all ran away again.

And they didn't stick together.

No wonder they're scared.


Poor Ethan's gettin' a little squished there.

I like it in here. I don't feel so scared.

Mr. Anthony, that's what the squirrels said -

to squish and stick together.

That's a great idea, guys.

Look - Napkin Man's got them all rounded back up together.

Why don't you tell them?

That's what you and the squirrels should do -

huddle up close together.

Yeah, just like us!

I think you're right. Thanks, guys!

What do you say, squirrels?

Should we squish up and stick together?

(Squirrels whispering)

Let's do it!

I know just the place to go

to get closer and cozy.

SQUIRRELSTo the big oak tree!

Guys, wait for me!

(Squirrels giggling)

Uh, got room in there for one more?

You bet, Napkin Man! Come on up!


(Sigh) Nice and squishy...

Just in time, too!

It's getting dark,

which means the fireworks are about to start.

Ooh! Thrilling!

And I feel brave and safe here with all of you.

Me too.

Me too, too. Me too, too, too.



That wasn't so bad.

No, it was actually kind of...



SQUIRRELSOoh! Whoa! Wow! Cool!

NAPKIN MANOh, I liked that one!

Ooh, big one! I like the blue ones a lot.

And that's the story of how Napkin Man

helped his squirrel friends

not be afraid of the fireworks.

It was great, Mr. Anthony.

I wish we had a squirrel hole to snuggle in.

A squirrel hole?

Guys, that's a great idea!

Come on, we have something very important to make.

How you doin' in there? Nice and cozy?

Uh huh!

Mr. Anthony,

can you uncover the windows

so we can watch the thunderstorm?

Sure I can.


Ooh, that was a scary one!

Do you guys have room for one more?

Oh! That's a big storm.
