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02x04 - Get Well Soon/The Perfect Present

Posted: 03/13/24 16:47
by bunniefuu
KIDThe Adventures of Napkin Man. The Perfect Present.

Oh, hey, look at that. I'm a prince.

Wow, the king sure has a lot of cars.

CHILDMr. Anthony, could you help me?

I'll be right there.

Hi Liam, look what I made for you.

It's a royal garage,

and it fits right beside the castle.

And you can park all the king's cars inside it.

Wow, that's perfect!

And it's red, my favourite colour.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Okay, hmm...

What can I give her?

Hmm... Nope.

Hey, Liam, what's up?

You see this present Zahara gave me?

MR. ANTHONYA cardboard castle car garage.

So what's the problem?

I'm trying to look for a present for Zahara

that's just as great.

But I don't know what to give her.

And that's making you feel bad?


What if I can't think of something to give Zahara?

Ooh, I get all jittery just thinking about it.

And your forehead's all scrunchy too.

I know.

Sounds to me like maybe

you're feeling a bit anxious.


Yeah, anxious is how you feel

when you're really, really worried about something.

But, you don't know what to do.

Well, then I guess I'm feeling anxious.

Well, sometimes I get anxious,

and my forehead gets scrunchy, too.

And I find that it helps to do the eyebrow hop.

The eyebrow hop? Yeah, check it out.

Eyebrow hip. Eyebrow hop.

Eyebrow hip. Eyebrow hop.

Hip, hop, hip, hop.


Eyebrow hip. Eyebrow hop.

Eyebrow hip. Eyebrow hop.

Very good. Feel better?

A little bit less scrunchy?

A little, but I still don't know

what present I should get Zahara.

Have I ever told you the story about the time Napkin Man

helped a little boy prince named Leo?

I don't think so.

Leo really loved cars.

Cool, just like me!

Just like you.

And also like you,

Leo was having trouble finding the perfect present

for princess Gwendolyn.

I definitely want to hear this story.





Ready to call Napkin Man? Yep.

BOTHOne, two, three,

Napkin Man!

Hi Liam. Hi, Mr. Anthony.

BOTHHi, Napkin Man.

If I'm going to visit Prince Leo

and Princess Gwendolyn

isn't there something I'm missing?

Oh, right.

A vacuum cleaner?

I'm sorry, Napkin Man.

Ah, much better.

Now I'm all set for my royal adventure.


♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'm here for you!

♪ If you're happy, sad, scared, or mad, ♪

♪ these are all feelings I have had. ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'll help you feel okay!

♪ Some things are kind of hard to get through, ♪

♪ but with a little help, you can do it. ♪

♪ Yes you can!

♪ Yes you can! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪


♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ Have no fear, I'm your hero, ♪

♪ I'm your Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

Ah, the middle ages.

Time of princes, princesses and...

Look, there's Prince Leo's castle.

He sure loves cars.

And that must be Princess Gwendolyn's castle.

Beep, beep.

Hi, Napkin Man.

Hey, Prince Leo.

Today is Princess Day and everyone is celebrating.

Did you say celebrating?

I love to celebrate.

Well, then, hop in.

(Makes car sounds)

So, how do we celebrate Princess Day?

To start with,

the whole town is decorated with pink streamers and daisies.

Because Princess Gwendolyn loves pink.

And daisies are her favourite flower.

Gotta love daisies.

(Makes car sounds)

Beep beep.

(Makes braking sound)


Gesundheit! Thank you.

Tonight will be the royal dance, Napkin Man.

My royal shoemaker made me

a new pair of dancing shoes.


Very snappy, and very tappy.

Before the big dance

is the princess present ceremony.

And I brought the perfect present for a princess.

A tiara.

That's a special kind of crown

just for princesses.

It's perfect.

I can't wait for you to give it to Princess Gwendolyn.

Prince Leo, Napkin Man.

I'm so glad you're here.



(Blows nose)

So, how's your Princess Day going,

Princess Gwendolyn?


The pink decorations are amazing.

And I can't wait for the dance.



My dancing shoes are so worn out

they don't make noise anymore.

(Clopping sounds)

Like that.

♪ (Fanfare)

Thank you, royal subject.

A tiara, how lovely.

Another tiara.

I don't even like tiaras,

they pinch my head.

But everybody just thinks

well, she's a princess, better get her a tiara.

Yeah, well...

Sorry princess, gotta run.

Come on, Napkin Man.

See you at the dance.

Whew, I'm so glad

I didn't give Princess Gwendolyn this tiara.

Everybody is giving her tiaras.

And she doesn't even like them.

So, what are you going to get her instead?

Oh, I don't know, I don't know.

I feel kind of jittery inside

and that makes my forehead go all scrunchy.

Whenever I'm feeling anxious and my forehead gets scrunchy

I do the eyebrow hop to unscrunch it.

Care to join me?

Eyebrow hip. Eyebrow hop.

Eyebrow hip.

Eyebrow hop.

Eyebrow hip. Eyebrow hop.

Eyebrow hip.

Eyebrow hop.


Feel any better?

Yeah, but I still don't know what kind of present

I should get for Princess Gwendolyn.

And I want it to be perfect.

Luckily, I know a song

that just might help.

♪ Everyone is different

♪ We all know it's true.

♪ Some like the colour purple ♪

♪ Some like the colour blue ♪

♪ The colour blue

♪ So if you wanna pick a present ♪

♪ That's just right for your friend ♪

♪ Watch and see what they really like ♪

♪ And then you'll understand


♪ Watch and learn

♪ And see what they like

♪ That will be your clue

♪ And you will get it right

♪ Watch and learn

♪ That's all you need to do

♪ Oh, oh, oh

♪ Everyone likes different things ♪

♪ Everyone has their own style ♪

♪ Some like riding horses

♪ And some like crocodiles

♪ Everyone likes different socks ♪

♪ Everyone has a favourite hat ♪

♪ So watch and see

what Gwendolyn likes ♪

♪ And then you'll get her that ♪

I get it.

I'll watch and see what Princess Gwendolyn really likes.

Then I'll know what to get her for a present.

Good plan.

Goodbye, loyal subjects.

Thank you so much for all the tiaras.


Now I can finally practise my dance.

Come on, Trixie.

Let's dance.

(Clopping sounds)

Princess Gwendolyn sure loves to dance.

It's interesting, though.

When she dances, it doesn't make that fun tapping sound.

That's because her dancing shoes are worn out.

I've got it!

Prince Leo should get her a new pair of shoes

that make tapping sounds.

She would love that.

That's a great idea.

Oh, you can make them pink.

And put daisies on them.

It's the perfect present.

Thanks, Liam.

Happy Princess Day, Princess Gwendolyn.

Why thank you, Prince Leo.


New dancing shoes.

They're just what I need.

I love pink.

And they have daisies on them.

I love daisies.

I know you do.


Wow, just listen to those taps.

They're perfect.

Thank you, so much.





And that's the story

of how Napkin Man helped Prince Leo

find the perfect present

for Princess Gwendolyn.

So, if I wanna get the perfect present for Zahara

I should watch and see what she likes.

Look, Mr. Anthony.

She's making a beaded necklace.


And beads are yellow, she loves yellow!

And look at her shirt, it has birds on it.

Yellow, beads and birds.

I've got it, I know just what to make.

For you, Princess Zahara.

A yellow jewelry box, oh!

I can put my necklace in it.

This is the perfect present, thank you.

You're welcome.

A present fit for a princess.

And so is this.





Thank you.

KIDThe Adventures Of Napkin Man. Get Well Soon.

Poor May-Ling.

Is your tummy still not in tip top tummy shape?

No, my tummy is still feeling crummy.

Aw, well don't worry.

Your mom will be here soon to pick you up.

Just as fast as you can say...

"Alexander the Friendly Alien."

There she is now.

You go home and rest up that tummy, alright?

You get well soon.

Yeah, get well soon. Bye, bye!

Hey, Amelia, you're not feeling sick too are you?

No, I'm not sick.

But when May-Ling was feeling sad

I started feeling sad, too.

Well, I think maybe you were feeling sad

because May-Ling was feeling sad.


Yeah, that's called empathy.


It means you really, really care about May-Ling.

But it still makes me have the sad sniffles.

And I don't know how to make them stop.

Do you know how I get rid of the sad sniffles?


I happy tap my sad sniffles away.

Check it out.

After I sniff, sniff, sniff.

I tap, tap, tap

my sad sniffles away.

Then I do a little...

Tap dance,

and my sad sniffles dance away.


Now you try it.

After you sniff, sniff, sniff.

And then you tap, tap, tap.

And then do a little tap dance.

A very good little tap dance.

Tap dance your sad sniffles away.

Wow, very good.

Do you feel better? A little less sad sniffly?

My sniffles went away,

but I still feel a little sad

when I think about May-Ling feeling sad.

I think I have a Napkin Man story, that just might help.

Wanna hear it?


This one is about two little girl astronauts

named Olive and Astrid

and they were best friends.

Just like me and May-Ling?

Just like you and May-Ling.

You ready to call Napkin Man?

One, two, three,

Napkin Man!

Hi, Amelia, hi Mr. Anthony.

BOTHHi, Napkin Man.

Um, Mr. Anthony.

If I'm going to space, aren't I missing something?

To help me breathe?

Oh, right. Silly me.

How could I forget your helmet.


Thanks, Mr. Anthony.

Now I'm ready to blast off.

Outer space, here I come.

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'm here for you!

♪ If you're happy, sad, scared, or mad, ♪

♪ these are all feelings I have had. ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ I'll help you feel okay!

♪ Some things are kind of hard to get through, ♪

♪ but with a little help, you can do it. ♪

♪ Yes you can!

♪ Yes you can! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪


♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ I'm Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪

♪ Have no fear, I'm your hero, ♪

♪ I'm your Napkin Man!

♪ Napkin Man! ♪


Anybody home?

Hi, Napkin Man.


Hey, Napkin Man, over here.


Hey, where are you guys?

I didn't know we were playing space hide and seek.


Oh, there you are.

Hi Olive, hi Astrid.

What you doing?

We just got these new jet packs.

And we're practising how to use them.

Wow, that sounds like fun.

Can I watch?

Not just watch,

you can jet pack with us.

We have one for you, too.

What? My very own jet pack?


Blast off!


Not so fast, Napkin Man.

We need to show you how to float in space first.

You kick your feet like this to go forward.

And you wave your arms like this to float back.

Now you try.


Back, forward.

Hey, I think I'm getting the hang of it.

This is fun,


If you think that's fun check this out.



Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I'm okay... I'm okay.

You drew a picture of spaghetti.

I know what the spaghetti needs.




Spaghetti and meatballs in space?

Now I've seen everything.

You haven't seen this one.

I call it the sparkly star super spin.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!



What's wrong, Astrid?

Are you all sparkly spun out?

Yeah, I don't feel so good.

Uh oh.

I think you might be space sick.

That's when you get dizzy

from all that twirling around and loop de looping.


I wanna go back into the space station.

On the dot, astronaut Astrid.

Napkin Man to mom control.

We have a sick astronaut here

who needs to be picked up from the space station

and taken back to Earth.

Over and out.

That was quick.

Bye Olive, bye Napkin Man.

See ya, Astrid.

Get well soon, Astrid.

I'm sure Astrid will be feeling better soon

now that she's with her mom.

Right, Olive? Olive?

Uh oh. Are you space sick too?

Is your tummy rumbly, grumbly?

No, my tummy feels fine,

but the rest of me feels sad.

Are you sad because Astrid is sad?

Yeah, I guess so.

That my friend, is called empathy.


That's right. Empathy's a wonderful thing.

It means that you care so much about Astrid

that you feel the same way that she feels.

I think you're right.

Astrid was sad,

so now I have the sad sniffles.

Well, there's only one way to get rid of the sad sniffles.


The happy, tappy dance.

First you sniff, sniff, sniff.

And then you tap, tap, tap.


Hey, that sounds good.

Let's see your happy, tappy dance, Olive.

Tap, tap, tap.


Tap, tap, tap.


Now, that's what I call a happy, tappy dance.

How do you feel now?

My sad sniffles are all gone.

But, I still have a sad feeling

when I think about Astrid.

Well, I know how to make both you and Astrid feel better.

And I'll tell you how.

♪ When you feel...

♪ What someone else is feeling ♪

♪ That's called empathy

♪ It's a wonderful thing that makes a great friend ♪

Just like Astrid and me!

♪ But empathy doesn't always feel so good ♪

♪ When you have empathy for your friend ♪

♪ Sometimes it could...

♪ Make you feel sad

♪ When your friend is feeling sad ♪

♪ Or mad

♪ When your friend is feeling mad ♪

♪ But empathy works in other ways, too ♪

♪ If your friend is feeling happy ♪

♪ Then so will you

Yeah, for sure.

♪ Empathy is wonderful

♪ And empathy's the best

♪ It means you're nice, it means you care ♪

♪ It means that you are blessed ♪

♪ So, when you feel sad

♪ Because your friend's sad too ♪

♪ Just turn it around and you'll feel glad ♪

♪ It's the nice thing to do

♪ Make your friend feel glad

♪ And you'll both feel glad

♪ Or happy, and you'll be happy too ♪

♪ Cause that's how empathy works ♪

♪ And it's a nice thing to do ♪


♪ 'Cause that's how empathy works ♪

♪ And it's a nice thing to do ♪

Wow, empathy is great.

I feel sad because Astrid is sad.

But all I have to do is make Astrid happy

and we'll both feel happy.

Exactly, my empathy expert.

But, I wonder how I can make Astrid feel happy.

Now that she's all the way back home on Earth.

Hmm, that's a tricky one.

Space is really far away.

I know, maybe Olive could use her jet pack

to draw something really big in the sky.

So Astrid could see it all the way from Earth.

That's it, thanks Amelia.

I have a great idea.

But I'll need your help, napkin man.

Count me in, Olive.

BOTHBlast off!

Woo hoo hoo! Whee, hee, hee, hoo!


Hooray, yay!

When Astrid sees this big heart in the sky,

she'll know how much I care about her.

I'm sure that will make her feel really happy.

And if she's happy

I'll be happy, too.

And, I even found a use

for the sparkly star super spin.



And that's the story of how Olive

used empathy to make herself

and her friend feel better.

That was a really good Napkin Man story, Mr. Anthony.

It gave me a great idea.

Oh yeah? Yeah.

I'll make the biggest get well card ever.

And that will make her feel happy

and that will make me feel happy too.

That's a great idea. Okay.

Hey, Mr. Anthony.

Yes, Alexander.

Wanna hear a joke?

Okay, go ahead.

Why did the cow go to outer space?

I don't know, I don't know.

To see the 'moo'nm, silly.
