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03x22 - Madeline at the Eiffel Tower

Posted: 03/13/24 16:16
by bunniefuu
in an old house in Paris that was

covered with vines

let twelve little girls in two straight

lines they left the house at half past


the smallest one was Madeline most every

day the girls would yearn to learn as

much as they could learn Madeline five

times six is twenty twenty five we have

to study every book of math all of the

French they took Kiko Neela happens

Oh knows the answer at Caesars rise but

they love science most of all all girls

wake up today we are going to learn

about gravity and velocity velocity is

the length of speed and now you will see

the AV of object will land first

elizy go ahead

gravity means what goes up must come


miss Clavel if everything must come down

then surely everything must break

Danielle and there are ways to keep

things complaining

let us try a scientific experiment

nothing is more fragile than an egg no

no a log now then how can we keep it

from breaking when we drop it from an I

place and let us say our balcony don't

see miss on phone if you all work very

hard on this experiment tomorrow I shall

take you to the Eiffel Tower

we must get to work the girls all did

their very best to pass the scientific


none of you will figure it out girls are

tell you've let terrible at science

though all their ideas were bright

they'd be a glowy very good no one

seemed to get it right miss Cleveland I

will drop the chicken into a lake later

on to that below go ahead mother lime

except for one who did it fine that

clever girl was Madeline it worked

Bravo Madeline you shall be first in

line tomorrow at the Eiffel Tower you

were just lucky Madeline if your idea

really worked you could drop an egg from

a place muy Alto very high like the

Eiffel Tower I know it will work the

beetle I do not have to try it oh no it

sounds like you are afraid to I am not

afraid of anything

poopoo in that case I dare you I will

accept your death no Madeline never

accept the dare they can be dangerous

Yuri besides you have nothing to prove

we miss Clavel I will come with you to

the eiffel tower tomorrow just in case

you change your mind

haha the next day at an early hour they

set off for the eiffel tower a monument

of grace and power come along everyone

we shall pay the elevator

we had better take the stairs the Eiffel

Tower was built in 1889 just in time for

the World's Fair Ella unfortunately many

people thought it was up and signed a

petition to tear it down

it was only saved because they needed

its antenna I am so happy


Paris has database has to do there

because the sense of style

they climbed and climbed from floor to

floor they climb till they could climb

no more race you to the top okay they


I cannot go one more step miss Clavel

I'm afraid of heights that is alright

Danielle I am a bit dizzy myself oh let

us all go back down back down now but we

have not yet gone to the top only the

elevator goes to the top but I do not

want to walk down so I will jump

it was a joke miss Clavel but not a

funny one Pepito Vinay little girls come


so lupito oz Madeline to stop and dared

her to go to the very top

I do not have an egg Pepito Naga pillow

me look you do now well do not ever

accept it there they can be dangerous

I cannot do it the Peter why not are you

a chicken

of course not

then you are afraid your experiment will

not work I know it will work as anybody

seen my rat he's very hungry and likes

to fight let's go

after the rat incident and uh and uh

they went

at the top they looked around


going down we had better go Pepito but

we have not done your experiment I know

but but but before the egg could be

thrown to the ground the time had come

to go back down everybody must go down

now you see aha you're afraid the egg

will break not at all

is everybody in every little girl's it

is getting late I cannot see the pillow

Pepito it is too fat down it is right

below us

trust me very well time came for the


down through the sky egg was sent but

who could tell where that egg went I do

not see it at all we had vegetable down

in look he came from the sky the

elevator is broken

I am sorry Madeline and Pepito were out

of luck

with no way down

of the stack

the two were all alone that night Vito I

never should have accepted your dare and

I never should have dare you I know we

can write a note it's going down see do

you have a pencil and paper Oh No

without a bit of help inside I know that

was almost SOS which means help maybe

you could finish with your other shoe

then something startled miss Clavel who

realized all was far from well something

is not like one two three four

Oh No Madeline and Pepito are missing oh

my girls

so am i I wish I could have a waffle

I want a big bonfire

and for dessert

ice cream and a giant piece of chocolate

cake now I am even hungrier

so am I

the girls ran back to where they started

worried scared and heavy hearted till

miss Clavel beheld a rope which gave

them all a ray of hope the elevator is

not working

I wonder they are still up there I know

it little girls I am sure that Madeline

and Pepito are stuck on the top of the


do not worry little girls also girl kiss

Kalia Mademoiselle what is it two

children are stuck at the top

that is impossible the elevator is not

working which is why they are stuck at

the top it is Pepito shoe

he must have popped it as a signal we

Walla there it is poof I will go find a

mechanic but while they waited for some

aid other plans were quickly made get

them down ourselves I know we can have

it playing drop parachutes to them

we can find a gigantic mad place and

have them jump I do not think so girls

we will just have to wait excuse my

excuse me I overheard your problem I

will climb to the top and rescue the

children that is very kind of you but

do not worry Madeline someone will find

us eventually

yes oh don't look what is it

maybe it will


by now people gathered one after another

even Pepito's father and mother they

waited just holding their breath and

staring to the blue car it's outside

there with a mechanic whose job was


Lizzy the elevator is fixed I must go to

them Maison for miss Madeline Pepito oh

I am so happy to see you

we are even happier I will not scold you

to being up here so long is punishment


we miss Clavel see miss Clavel but I

owed Madeline that the next time someone

dares you you will have learned your

lesson at

mom's absolute


then they all went home and broke their

bread brush their teeth and went to bed

then miss Clavel counted from the door

and that's all there is there isn't
