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03x10 - Madeline and Santa

Posted: 03/13/24 16:10
by bunniefuu
we all together

I can just we will sack

in an old house in Paris that was

covered with vines there's 12 little

girls in two straight lines the smallest

one was Natalie in two straight lines

they took a ship to the North Pole for

their winter trip

there with many clues and ours at line

met Santa Claus

on the night before Christmas the girls

were not well nor was Lord cuckoo face

or miss Clavel Oh Santa's elves were not

feeling fine but bursting with energy

was Madeline she made up her mind it was

time to bake a sweet and delicious

French Christmas cake now I'll need eggs

and a mixing bowl my booster no add

chocolate Yule logs with Chuck everyone

she measured and added and stirred with

a clatter until she had mixed up the

tastiest batter oh what a mess

the kitchen was a dreadful sight so she

swept and scrubbed and set it all to


now for the best


yeah Madeline I will just bring the

finishing touches on my flight plan I

thought you might enjoy it

Christmas trees what you got there my

bûche de noël yo girl oh thank you Matt


is it delicious video can I trouble you

for seconds

your harness straps check sharpen

antlers check then with a very merry


Madeline found the elf named Quinn mr.

Queen no time to chat Madeline liftoff

is in zero hours 40 minutes you some


Thank You Madeline simple plate and yet

two straight lines good sweet

they never all made me like that of

course I never fed them freshly made

French pastries oh la la no wonder they

call you princess

chocolate Yule logs for the deer and

upstairs for more Christmas cheer how

are you feeling missing me yeah fact I

am feeling very hungry

Wow see - yeah I just picked a big batch

of bûche de noël I will bring you some

ah now see Madeline but where she put

the cake away she only found an empty


oh my logs are gone jell-o girl Madeline

I came to see if you needed any help my

god look all that is here I love you

comes oh do not worry Nikhil go back to

bed it will just be a few minutes MA now

see Madeline oh here we go again

so Madeline started all over from

scratch and soon she had finished

another whole batch she put down the

pastries to cool off a bit and knew that

for certain they'd be a big hit this is

hey Santa is leaving Santa prepared for

his Christmas Eve ride then he lifts it


Oh Dasher dancer or at least he tried

oh no yeah we seem to be having some

extra weights tonight let's give it a

try ready - no way ole out the window

into the night Santa's sleigh took on

light and oh it was truly a magical

sight when Santa was gone she made some

more batter but arriving upstairs there

was something the matter

oh no the Christmas sweets arrived so


the little girls Jasmine could not wait


you are still awake miss Clavel are you

feeling better from your flu we Madeline

mercy it is time to go to bed mash

re-born we miss Clavel bond we Madeline

I know you will sleep well tonight

oh but I will be a fairly early maybe in

time to see Santa the town by that time

Santa was on his way to deliver presents

but Christmas day he's not the smoothest

landing but all that matters is that the

children get their presents first up to

nice sisters not the least bit naughty

he went to the chimney lickety-split

don't we go quickly he found that he

just did not fit this chimneys gotten

smaller since last year I'll have to

pull it my tummy who holding his breath

couldn't alter his luck for Santa was

completely stuck oh oh daughter

Blitzen please could you help me out

here one two three push the reindeer

tried to give him a knife but it was no


he would not budge we'll have to try

something else he tried to spin Santa

around then he tried to go in

upside-down he even tried the house next

door and then he tried a few times more

yo it's no use

dancer please can you pull me out Oh his

cries for help now had an answer he was

rescued then by the reindeer dancer Oh

your ma Thank You dancer Oh

around the world the children waited

for presents they anticipated

while Santa moved to each address he

still was in an awful mess

you weren't big trouble in it's all my

fault I ate too many holiday goodies

not to mention two platters of

Madeline's cakes and Prancer I'm afraid

you've eaten too much cake as well all

that sugar has made you hyped up and out

of control

as Madeline slept a dreams Pleasant each

girl she knew would love her

it's too early for him to be back

something is not right outside near the

boughs of holly she saw a sight that was

not jolly it is no use

Santa is something wrong terribly wrong

that light I encountered a little

chimney problem you see a too many of

your delicious Yule logs in fact your

hair I hate all of them

I wonder where they all went here is

where they went

next time I'll just have one or possibly

two but now I have to figure out another

way to get the presents down the

chimneys maybe I can help Santa maybe

you can Madeline you were a great help

with the toys

let's think so Madeline and Santa plan

ways to let the presents land yeah how

what if I drop the present it is it

should be

yeah I think I need more practice for

that maybe you could use a fishing pole

to lower the presents down the chimney

but how would you unhook it again

I could send one of the reindeer down

with the presence but reindeer are not

exactly built for chimneys each time

there was a new suggestion improved to

me out of the question it seems like

nothing will work this will be the first

Christmas without presents Oh Santa we

cannot give up we will find a way to

deliver up the presents

I hope reviewing the sad situation

Madeline had an inspiration and she

cried out with elation wait a minute

I have an idea Oh Madeline that just

might work you may be small but you have

big ideas and though it was quite late

at night they both prepared to take the

flight I am all set to go Santa sorry

Madeline you can't go like that Madeline

was more than willing to set out on a

flight south really ready Madeline yes

away dash away dash away Oh

this is the world

- yes we go

with the big heart



your earring in the true

book you something

thank you meddling but I think I'll save

this for another night that is a good


and so it was a night most rare a joyous

night of love to share with children

living everywhere but the biggest thrill

that night so pretty was giving gifts in

her own City the sleigh moved at a

quickened pace as they brought gifts

from place to place then miss Clavell

felt her heart race Oh something is not


it is almost light Santa Claus is not

back yet Oh

No where is another line that must be

Santa the better she knows where

Madeline is Oh Madeline

Masha lead Shh shock her eyes were open

wide when she saw who brought the gifts

inside and soon the others laugh and

yell to see just what their stockings

held how about some treats

Madeline's famous pushed in the world

the best surprise was at the end when

Madeline introduced her friend Oh Merry

Christmas Merry Christmas girls Santa

tie some of Madeline's pushed in the leg

Oh No Thank You Sylvie

I'll be watching what I eat from now on

right Madeline

we said that and later on that Christmas

night they gathered round by candle

Madeline you never told us what did you

get for Christmas I got exactly what I


where is it let us see it with something

you cannot I got to share Christmas with

Santa and find out that the best of

Christmas I will remember they always

believed so where I'm at like I will

always remember that if girl reminded me

not to go

and once again as in years before

children open gifts galore and that's

all there is there isn't anymore

you go