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02x09 - Madeline and the Big Cheese

Posted: 03/13/24 15:39
by bunniefuu
♪ When we are all together ♪

♪ Adventures we will share ♪

♪ We'll dance and sing our songs with you ♪

♪ When life is one great muddle ♪

♪ And when we get in deep trouble ♪

♪ She's the one who always gets us through ♪

♪ Hats off to madeline

♪ You've really made our day ♪

♪ Three cheers for madeline, hip, hip, hooray ♪

Au revoir! Au revoir!

Ha ha ha ha!

♪ Hats off to madeline

♪ You've really made our day ♪

♪ Three cheers for madeline ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

[Ruff ruff]

In an old house in paris that was covered with vines

Lived little girls...

In two straight lines.

The smallest one was madeline.

In two straight lines their grace was said

As they broke their morning bread.

We love our bread,

We love our butter.

But most of all,

We love each other.

One day, when the girls were seated in place,

They had a visit from lord cucuface.

Forgive the interruption, mesdemoiselles,

But today I have brought you

Not one, but two big surprises.

Not one...

But two!

Ooh lä la! Ooh lä la!

Lord cucuface had brought a treat--

Something for the girls to eat.

The first surprise

Is an enormous,


Mouthwateringly delectable...

Gateau chocolat!


Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Chocolate bonbon!



Fromage de la grande vache--

The only one of its kind in all of paris!

Oh!oh! Oh! Oh!

[Squeak ha ha]

Oh... Oh... Oh...

Lord cucuface could see it in their eyes--

The girls were not thrilled with this surprise.

What is the matter with you?

Do you not like cheese?

Oui, monsieur. I like cheese...

If it is bright orange.

And wrapped in paper.

Uh, miss clavel,

Have you not taught these young ladies

The importance of cheese to the cuisine of france?

Oh, dear.

This country is famous for its cheese.

People all over the world

Flock to buy the cheeses of france.

Cheese made france

What it is today.

♪ It's not everyday you find a country such as france ♪

♪ With her famous opera

♪ And with her famous dance

♪ Art and haute couture

♪ A soldier's victories

♪ But what made france so very great? ♪

♪ It's cheese, cheese, cheese ♪

♪ What made france so very great? ♪

♪ It's cheese, cheese, cheese ♪

♪ Cheese made france what it is today ♪

♪ Not pastry, soup, or peas ♪

♪ Cheese made france what it is today ♪

♪ A big hooray for cheese ♪

♪ A big hooray

♪ For cheese

♪ There's camembert and brie ♪

♪ Chävre bleu and port-salut ♪

♪ And for a crumbly roquefort ♪

♪ There is no substitute

♪ With fruit or with baguettes ♪

♪ Et tous les recipes ♪

♪ What made france so very great? ♪

♪ It's cheese, cheese, cheese ♪

♪ What made france so very great? ♪

♪ It's cheese, cheese, cheese ♪

♪ Cheese made france what it is today ♪

♪ Not pastry, soup, or peas ♪

♪ Cheese made france what it is today ♪

♪ A big hooray for cheese ♪

♪ Oh, cheese made france what it is today ♪

♪ Not pastry, soup, or peas ♪

♪ Cheese made france what it is today ♪

♪ A big hooray

♪ For cheese

Hooray! Hooray!

So perhaps now you appreciate my surprise.

Well, it is very large...

And very smelly.

It is perfect

For making my favorite dish--

Cheese fondue.

He wanted the girls to try something new,

To make a perfect cheese fondue.

We'd be pleased to make fondue

For your dinner tonight, wouldn't we, mes enfants?

Oui, miss clavel. Oui, miss clavel.

[Squeak squeak]

Excusez-moi, lord cucuface,

But did you not say

You have two surprises?

Ah! Yes! I almost forgot to show you.

But first, will you do me the honor

Of taking the cheese to the kitchen, mrs. Murphy?

[Squeak squeak]

They left the room in two straight lines.

And left the glorious cheese behind.

The second surprise was not very far.

It was a shiny, brand-new car.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

It is an automobile!

A shiny automobile.

Not just any automobile.

A brand-new touring car!

Have you ever seen anything like it?

It is a very handsome automobile, lord cucuface.

I am glad you like it, miss clavel,

Because I am going to teach you to drive this car.


Oh, no!

Not i!

When you learn to drive,

You can take these young ladies

On healthful outings to the country.

[Excited, girls all talk at once]

But I'm not at all sure...

The little girls let out a squeal,

Imagining miss clavel behind the wheel.

Take a closer look, madeline.

The seats are so soft.

And the engine is so powerful!

[Clinking] vroom! Vroom!

What was that?


¡Ay, caramba!

I dropped my lucky coin!

I will help you look.

Come, come, miss clavel,

You have nothing to worry about.

Mrs. Murphy will look after the girls

While I teach you to drive.

Well, if you are sure...

[All talking at once]

While the children searched below the seat,

Miss clavel drove down the street...

And pedestrians made a quick retreat.

Uh, t-t-turn right! No, no, no! Left!


Turn! Turn! Ohhh!

[Miss clavel] ohh! Oh, dear.

Uh...uh... Ooh!

Miss cla--



Turn! Turn!

[Horn honks]

[Miss clavel] oh, dear!

Turn, miss clavel!

Turn, s'il vous plait?

Get a horse!

You need glasses! Sacré bleu!

Turn right.

No, left!


Children, what are you doing here?

Learning how to drive.


While miss clavel braked and steered,

Into the kitchen the young girls veered.

It is time to prepare the fondue for lord cucuface.

They found the cheese had disappeared.

Oh lä la!


The girls could not believe their eyes.

There was no more cheese that had won the prize.

They are back!

Who will explain this to lord cucuface?

That cheese meant so much to him.

No cheese fondue?

He will be so disappointed.

And he is always so generous to us.

[Door closes] [girls gasp]

Oh, dear. Oh!

A glass of water,

Oh, s'il vous plait.

What is wrong, miss clavel?

Did something terrible happen?

Something unthinkable, ma petite.

[Gulp gulp gulp]

I passed lord cucuface's test.

Mes amies, did you hear the good news?

Did you hear the bad news?

The cheese has disappeared,

And the girls do not want to disappoint lord cucuface.


Oh, dear.




A catastrophe!

We will have to distract him.

The loss of the cheese made the girls quite alert.

They feared that lord cucuface would feel very hurt.

So they came up with a plan to divert.

Well, young ladies,

Have you heard the news?

Miss clavel has learned to drive.

Oui, lord cucuface.

And to celebrate,

We want to put on a play for you!

A play?

Oh, very well, if it is short.

I am somewhat weary.

The girls put on a silly play

To keep lord cucuface away.

All hail to the queen.

Psst! Danielle!

You be the queen.

Who, me? Queen who?



Queen lampshade.


And you be princess drapery.

Uh, princess drapery?

Ohhh...ohhh... Ohhh...

This is the worst play I have ever seen.

But look.


Oh, lord cucuface will never forgive us.

He is asleep.

We can go get another cheese just like it

Before he wakes up.

But which cheese shop? Where did he get it?

The chairman of the board of trustees

Let out a snore and then a wheeze...

And answered questions about cheese.

Lord cucuface, where did you get that cheese?

The cheese.




Cheese shop...


Which one?

[Snores] is called the...



This is not working.

La shoppe de fromage.


Ha ha! Ha ha!

But that is on the other side of town.

We cannot get there and back before he wakes up.

Yes, we can, miss clavel,

If you drive.


[Horn honking]


[Honk honk]


Though driving for her was something quite new...

Watch out! Oh, dear!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Miss clavel was determined to make cheese fondue.

[Shouting indistinctly]

Ooh, a masterpiece! Ah!

Ooh, lä la! Ha ha!

And pepito and madeline went along, too.

Bueno! A shortcut!

This must be the place.

Every kind of cheese was there...

In the shop of monsieur camembert.

Bonjour, monsieur et mesdemoiselles!

What kind of cheese do you want today?


Monsieur, we are looking for something very special.


We have roquefort, brie jouarré

Camembert, brie goat...

He had smelly cheese and cheese with holes,

Cheese that crumbles, cheese that rolls,

Cheese that's blue, and cheese that's green,

But lord cucuface's cheese was not to be seen.

Monsieur, we would like the same kind of cheese

You sold to lord cucuface, s'il vous plait--

Fromage de la grande vache.

Fromage de la grande vache?

Je regrette.

I am sold out.

But perhaps they have some at henri's farm.

It is kilometers from paris.

Bueno! Träs bien!

You can drive us there, miss clavel.

Quelle horreur!

We will be there in no time.

And lord cucuface will never know what happened.

And though the driving had improved somehow,

There was an unexpected...





Ha ha ha!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

S-something is not right!

Oh, no!

It is a flat tire!

Now we will never get our cheese.

The journey stopped when the tire went flat.

There would be no cheese...

And that was that.

Merci beaucoup, monsieur.

We cannot thank you enough.

Du rien, mademoiselle.

There is still hope.

It is a beautiful day, no?

[Cough cough]

Oui, miss clavel,

But it is getting a little foggy. [Cough cough]

But just when things were looking good,

A cloud of steam came from the hood.

Oh, no.

¡Ay, caramba!

The car has overheated!

I am sorry, mes enfants.

I do not know what to do.

Look. There is a farmhouse.

[Pepito] we could walk up there and get help.

The children walked, not very far,

To get some help for the touring car.

What you children need is some water.

Merci beaucoup. But what we really need is some cheese.

Cheese. We have plenty of that on this farm.

Let me show you

How we make our cheese.

First we heat the milk.

We separate the curds from the whey.

Then we salt it...

Press it...

And let it age.

But do you have the cheese

Lord cucuface needs for the fondue?

Perhaps we have what you need.

My husband has collected cheese from all over france.

Madame chevre wanted to please,

So she had them sample each kind of cheese

From chevrotin to creamy bries.

Hmm. Too salty.

Hmm. Too smelly.

Mmm! Hmm!

Too cheesy! Too cheesy!

I am sorry you missed henri.

Did you say "henri"?

Oui. He just left

To take more of his prize-winning cheese to paris--

Fromage de la grande vache.

That is the one!

Ohhh... Ohhh...



Back home, while the mice groaned and digested,

Lord cucuface kept his eyes closed

And rested.



He is waking up.

We have to keep him sleeping.

[Humming brahms' lullaby]

♪ La la la

♪ La la la

♪ La la la la

♪ La la la la

How many kinds of cheese did we taste?

I lost count at .

This should solve the problem.

But we must hurry if we want to find henri

And get the cheese before lord cucuface wakes up.

Miss clavel should be back

With the cheese by now.

Ohh! Something is not right.

Ohh! Something is not right!

We should've caught up with monsieur henri's cart by now.

I could go a little faster.

Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha!

This is more like it!



The car made good progress


I believe, mes enfants,

We have run out of gas.

Oh! Oh!

The search for the cheese was at an impasse.

Things looked hopeless, at least for a minute...

Till a cart appeared...

With a farmer in it.

Do you need gasoline?

Oui, monsieur,

And we also need cheese.

Cheese? Well, I may be able to help you.

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is henri.

Back to paris came the car,

With a cheese that was spectacular.

A prize-winning cheese-- oh, such a coup--

Guaranteed to make a fine fondue.

♪ Dormez-vous? ♪

♪ Dormez-vous? ♪

♪ La la...

What will we do?

He cannot sleep forever.

[Cart approaches, horse whinnies]

Someone is coming!

Uh, what? What?

Mmm. Hmm? What?

[Squeak squeak]

Adios! Adieu!

I will never drive again.

But, miss clavel,

You are a very good driver.

Someday I hope to drive as well as you.

Quick! Take the cheese

To the back door, pepito!

And so fondue was served that night.

They all enjoyed the dish, all right.

Bien, mesdemoiselles.

Just dip the bread into the melted cheese.

That is fondue.

Though two had lost their appetite.

I do not care if I ever see cheese again

In my entire life.

[Squeak squeak]

But I am sure les petites mice will enjoy it.

[Squeak squeak] [squeak squeak]

This is the best fondue that I have ever eaten.

In fact, it was such a delicious meal

That I have another surprise for you.

But, lord cucuface,

You have already done so much.

Miss clavel,

I insist.

From this moment, the touring car is yours.




Miss clavel was quite surprised

When of the gift she was advised.

But by the time she went to bed,

She looked forward to the trips ahead.

Tomorrow, mes enfants,

We will drive to the country for a picnic.

And may we bring cheese sandwiches?

Mais oui, chloe.

Yay! Yay! Yay!

And though her tummy still felt queasy

At the thought of something cheesy,

Madeline rested easy.

Merci, madeline.

Because of you, we will have many healthy outings.

Miss clavel hugged her...

Then closed the door.

And that's all there is.

There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go, au revoir ♪

♪ But you may shout encore! ♪

♪ That's all there is

♪ There isn't

♪ Any more

[Arf arf]