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02x04 - Madeline and the Magic Carpet

Posted: 03/13/24 15:35
by bunniefuu
♪ When we are all together

♪ Adventures we will share ♪

♪ We'll dance and sing our songs for you ♪

♪ When life seems one big muddle ♪

♪ And if we get in big trouble ♪

♪ She's the one who always gets us through ♪

♪ Hats off to madeline

♪ You've really made our day ♪

♪ Three cheers for madeline ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray

Au revoir.

♪ Hats off to madeline

♪ You've really made our day ♪

♪ Three cheers for madeline ♪

♪ Hip, hip, hooray

Captioning made possible by the disney channel


In an old house in paris

That was covered with vines...

Lived little girls

In two straight lines.

They left the house at half past :...



In two straight lines...

In rain...

Or shine.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!

The smallest one was madeline.

In another old house that stood next-door,

Lived pepito, son of the spanish ambassador.

Ooh, la la. What a party.

And we were invited!

Every guest, without exception,

Was thrilled to be at this reception.

Buenos días, miss clavel.

Bonjour, monsieur ambassador.

What a marvelous party.

Gracias, miss clavel.

It is a very fine party.

With very fine cookies.

Merci, pepito.

Pepito's cousins

Were on the scene.


Heh heh heh heh.

They were sometimes nasty

And often mean.

Ha ha.

[All giggling]


Huh? Huh? Huh?


If you boys cannot learn

To share the cookies with the other guests,

You must go to your room.


Sacre bleu!

What bad, bad hats!

There was a very honored guest

Who came from persia to the west.

His ancient stories were the best.

Behold, o worthy ones!


As with the blaring boom of a thousand thunders

And the fiercest flash of a million lightnings,

The mighty genie came forth from the magic lamp!

[All] ooh! A magic lamp.


Then, as the silvery moon

Rose over the sultan's palace,

They all flew away on the magic carpet

And passed their remaining years

In enchanted contentment.

Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!

[Happy, excited chatter]

As madeline raised her juice in a toast,

Pepito had a startling boast.

Psst! Madeline.

I can show you a magic lamp

Just like the one in that story.

Do not make jokes, pepito.

It is not a joke. Come!

Where are we going?

To the attic, where my father keeps his treasures

From all over the world.

As they climbed up the steps--

There were dozens and dozens--

They were watched

By pepito's three mischievous cousins.


¡Aquí está! Here it is.

Did I not tell you?

Watch. I'll rub and make a genie appear.

As the three cousins watched,

Curious and curiouser,

Pepito rubbed the lamp...


Furious and furiouser.

Come on, lamp. What is wrong with you?

Well, pepito, I guess genies only happen in stories.



¡Atención, atención!

Cousin pepito brags too much.

♪ Primo pepito found no genie! ♪

Ha ha ha!

Primo pepito found nada. Nothing!

♪ Primo pepito found no genie! ♪

Ha ha ha ha!


No genie!

They are right.

The lamp is not magic.

It is worthless.

Pepito, wait!

Pepito's feelings were hurt,

And he left in a flash,

Then dumped that old lamp

Right into the trash...

And plopped back the lid

With a very loud smash!

Do not throw the lamp away, pepito.

Put it back where you found it.

There you are, madeline.

We have been looking all over for you.

Come, ma petite, the party is over. It is time to go.


So madeline went with miss clavel

And left the lamp right where it fell.

But somehow, she did not feel well.

That night, when she was fast asleep,

Madeline heard a mysterious peep.



What? Who said that?

It is I who spoke. Down here.

You? are a carpet.


I am not merely a carpet.

Shh! The other girls are sleeping.

In truth, I do more than just talk.

You are a talking and flying carpet!

But how did you know my name, monsieur magic carpet?

You may call me m.c.

I saw you this afternoon in the attic.

And now I need your help.

Climb aboard.

Climb aboard?

But where are we going?

Get on, and I will explain.

Please, we do not have much time.

Whoa! Ha ha ha!

I must find the old brass lamp

That the careless boy pepito took from the attic.

But why did you not speak out this afternoon?

Because only at night do I have magic powers,

And I must use them to protect the genie in the lamp.

There is a genie in the lamp? Fantastique!

She is a young genie, about your size.

My size?

Beautiful jeanette. The littlest genie of all.

The littlest genie?

Oui, oui.

An evil magician trapped her in the lamp,

And only a true friend may free her.

I know where the lamp is. Quick! Fly to the back of pepito's house."], Index,…}

There! Pepito threw the lamp in that can.

A thousand praises!

Would you lift the cover, please?

Oh, no!

Quel dommage!

What is wrong?

The can is empty.

The lamp is gone.

Pauvre littlest genie.


Do not cry, monsieur magic carpet.

We will make sure the littlest genie

Is not trapped in the lamp forever.

Come. We will go find her. I know who can help us.

Fly up to that window.


Wake up, pepito!

The littlest cousin heard the noise

As he slept among the naughty boys.

Sleepy pepito didn't notice or care

That madeline seemed to be standing on air.

Pepito, do you have the old lamp?

No. That old lamp is useless.


You just left it in the trash can?


Oh, jeanette!

Poor jeanette!

¡Ay, caramba!

You're standing on a talking carpet!

A talking flying carpet.

You must come help us find the lamp, pepito.

It's no longer in the trash.

That is because today is thursday, le trash day.

Then we must find le garbage truck.

But as they started on their quest,

They were joined by an uninvited guest.

Finally, I get to do something

Without my big brothers getting in my hair.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Buenas tardes, amigos.

¡Véte, panchito! Go away!

If you boss me around,

I will yell and wake everyone up.

Shh! Mmm.

Hang on, everyone.

Naughty panchito held on tight

As the rug took off into the night.

¡Olé! Go faster, señor carpet.


Turn around. Take this pest home.

No. Keep going the way you were.

No, faster.

No, slower.

No time to argue.

We must find le garbage truck.

Straight ahead, m.c.!

Whoa! Whoa!

Mira, panchito.

The eiffel tower.

It doesn't look so awful.


Not awful...


And there is the arc de triomphe.

I see it. I see the truck.

There, on the bridge over the river seine.

I told you we would find it.

So what!

Let's find something important,

Like an ice cream truck.

No! Le garbage truck is escaping.

Look out!

The driver had seen so many strange things,

But never a carpet that flew without wings.

S'il vous plait, monsieur.

Stop! [Gasp]

He stopped the big truck with a lurch,

And madeline asked to do a search.

Merci, mr. Garbageman.

Thank you for stopping.

What is going on here?

S'il vous plait, please,

May we search your truck?

Search my truck?

Oui. We have to find an old brass lamp

From pepito's trash can.

A life is at stake.

A search will do no good. You see, the lamp is not here.

The lamp is not here?

But I know where it is.

You do?

I noticed the lamp at the spanish ambassador's house.

I liked it so much that I took it out of the trash.

You mean, you have it now?

Ahh, I am so sorry.

I do not.

Then where is it, monsieur?

I gave it to madame croissant.

Every night she serves me coffee and pastries

At le petit cafe beside the seine.

I know exactly where that is.

Merci, monsieur garbageman.

Bonne chance, mes amis! Good luck!

Ahh, paree after dark.

You never know who you will meet.

You look sleepy, panchito.


You must stay here with m.c.


I am not sleepy!

But I am not...sleepy.

I am sorry, little ones,

But I do not have the old lamp.

But did not monsieur garbageman give it to you?

Oui, but then I gave it to my brother,

Capitaine bouillabaisse,

As a gift of bon voyage.

Bon voyage?

Your brother is going someplace?

Mais oui. He is a sailor,

And his barge departs down the seine at dawn.

What is the name of his barge, madame?

Le poisson.

And you'll find it docked

At pier trois-quatre-cinq.

Pier three-four-five.

Merci, madame croissant.

But you must hurry, little ones.

Capitaine bouillabaisse will be sailing soon.

Monsieur magic carpet

Will be most pleased at the good news.

[Gasp] huh?

But where is he?


Up there!

M.c. Is flying away!


Panchito has stolen the magic carpet!

With no magic carpet

And no way to travel,

The plan for a rescue

Began to unravel.

This is horrible, pepito.

Sí. ¡Qué lástima!

If capitaine bouillabaisse sails off with the brass lamp,"], index,…}

The littlest genie

Will be trapped in it forever.

It is all panchito's fault.

He h*jacked the magic carpet.

Panchito is still a bad hat.

A mean and nasty, horrible hat.

Hey! Look!

Just at the moment when all hope was gone,

A welcoming sight appeared through the dawn.

Monsieur magic carpet!

But where is panchito?

Sí. Where is my rug-robbing cousin?

He fell asleep, so I carried him back to his bed.

He did not steal you?

He was not mean and nasty?

No. Only yawning and snoring.

What happened?

Where is the lamp?

She did not have it, but we know who does.

Quick. Take us to pier trois-quatre-cinq.

We must hurry, because at dawn I lose my magic powers.

The time was short, but they flew fast,

Praying they'd find the lamp at last.

Whoa! Whoa!




I see it.

Pier trois-quatre-cinq.

But it is empty!

Capitaine bouillabaisse's barge has already sailed.

There it is!

Down the river.

Vite, monsieur m.c.

We must catch it.

[Thud] ohh!

Pardon, monsieur.

What is going on here?

Are you capitaine bouillabaisse?

Oui, but I do not permit passengers on le poisson.

You must leave immediately.

But madame croissant sent us to find you.

And we must get the old brass lamp

You received from her.

Oh, I am very sorry,

But I cannot give you the old lamp.

You see, I have decided to turn it into a teapot.



It will make wonderful tea.

I will brew some for you.

Arretez! Stop!

Sacre bleu! A talking carpet.

A talking flying carpet. A talking flying carpet.

And just what does this talking flying carpet

Want with my teapot? Er, lamp.

Do you believe in genies, monsieur?


Oui, genies.

The littlest genie of all is trapped in this lamp.

Only monsieur flying carpet knows how to free her.

I do not believe a word of this.

Then allow us to prove it, capitaine...

With madeline's help.

With my help?

But you said littlest genie

Could only be set free only by a true friend.

Chére madeline...

You are that true friend.

In a thousand years, no other has cared about jeanette

The way you have.

I am honored, m.c. What must I do?

Rub the lamp gently, madeline,

And repeat after me...


Ali kazini,

You may come out now,

Littlest genie.

Madeline rubbed, and m.c. Used his magic...


Ali kazini...

With results that were speedy

And not at all tragic.

You may come out now, littlest genie.

I am free! I am free!

The light is so wonderful!

The air is so sweet!

And it is so good to see you again, m.c.

You did it, madeline! You did it!

Only with your help, m.c.

I cannot believe this.

I guess this is worth the loss of a teapot.

But, capitaine, you must have a teapot.

Ohh! Ohh!


For you.

Because I wish to share my happiness.

So as they left the river's bend,

The night had almost reached its end.

Au revoir, mes enfants.

And the littlest genie had found her friend.

♪ You find magic

♪ You find magic

♪ You find magic

♪ When you find a friend

♪ No need for a wand or an old flying rug ♪

♪ If you hold somebody's hand ♪

♪ And you give them a hug ♪

♪ Doesn't matter if pixie dust is just pretend ♪

♪ 'Cause there's magic in finding a friend ♪

♪ Why wait for a bunny to hop from a hat? ♪

♪ A laugh with a pal will enchant more than that ♪

♪ Feel the magic that's easiest to comprehend ♪

♪ The pure magic of finding a friend ♪

♪ You find magic

♪ You find magic

♪ You find magic

♪ When you find a friend

♪ You can abracadabra the whole afternoon ♪

♪ But if you are a real kid and not a cartoon ♪

♪ The magic I truly can recommend ♪

♪ Is the magic of finding a friend ♪

♪ You find magic

♪ You find magic

♪ You find magic

♪ You find magic

♪ You find magic

♪ When you find a friend

♪ When you find a friend

Now I have found two true friends.

You, madeline...

And me, señorita jeanette.

Of course, pepito. You, too.

Adiós, amigos.

Here. I want you to have this

To remember me by.

Merci, mademoiselle.

I, too, will remember you always.

And so madeline went home to sleep

With a gift she knew she'd always keep.


The next day, madeline couldn't wait

To open up pepito's gate...

And talk about the genie's fate.

Genie? What genie?

Do not tease me, pepito.

You know exactly who I mean.

The littlest genie. The one we saved last night.

I don't know what you're talking about, madeline.

But you must.

Buenos días, amigos.

Panchito, you must remember it.

Our ride on the magic carpet?

Sí, sí. Of course I remember.

We went to the moon, met those green alien bad guys.

You must have dreamed it all, madeline.

Sí, sí, it was un sueño.

A crazy dream.

♪ Madeline had a crazy dream ♪

♪ Madeline had a crazy dream ♪

A dream? A dream?

That night, the girls all broke their bread...

We love our bread,

We love our butter,

But most of all,

We love each other.

And brushed their teeth...

And went to bed.

And when miss clavel turned off the light,

Madeline decided pepito was right.

It was a dream.

But it was a nice dream.

Now where did I put my other slipper?

Then madeline got down on the floor,

And she saw something that was not there before.

If it was a dream,

How could the old lamp

Get from pepito's trash

Through my bedroom door?

And that's all there is,

There isn't any more.

♪ It's time to go, au revoir ♪

♪ But you may shout encore! ♪

♪ That's all there is

♪ There isn't

♪ Any more

[Arf arf]