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04x04 - Chapter 28: Fear

Posted: 03/13/24 09:27
by bunniefuu
[Lidia] Fear is the only thing
keeping us alive.

When we are threatened by danger,
fear sharpens our senses

and helps us solve problems
that we thought were impossible to solve.

Embracing our fears
is the best way to overcome them.

And only then...

Miss, what are you doing here?

[Lidia] ...will we feel we have
regained control of the situation.

I know who k*lled Gregorio Díaz.

[theme song playing]


And Carlota lost control.
She couldn't breathe...

You should have seen her, Lidia.

[stutters] I can't just sit idly by.
Carlota can't continue in there.

- I must turn myself in.
- What?

- No, that's crazy.
- Carlota is innocent.

And so are you!
We can't complicate things even more.

This is all my fault, Lidia.

Gregorio was blackmailing Carlota
with our relationship,

and Dulce turned us in.

She drugged Carlota...

and she did it because of me,

to take revenge on me.

You should have seen Carlota.

I can't stand seeing her like that, Lidia.

Carlota is upset,
and she's taken it out on you.

But do you really think that seeing you
in there will make her feel better?

Gregorio's wife
will be interrogated tomorrow.

- Let's wait and see what she says.
- I can't.

- Carlota needs to get out of there.
- We'll get her out!

I am only asking for less than 24 hours.

If we don't get anything
from Mercedes' statement,

I will be the first one to support you.

I promise.


Twenty-four hours, Lidia.

Thank you.

[doctor] Here. At least this...

will help you sleep.

Okay? Try not to get too upset.

Well, counselor, if you don't need me
for anything else, I'll leave.

- Very well.
- [doctor] Okay?

- Thank you.
- [doctor] Try to get some rest.

- Good night.
- [Tomás] Good night.

[door closes]

Carlota, you are getting carried away.

You have to do your share...

- Or what?
- [Tomás sighs]

Come on, say it.

I'll be sentenced to death.
That's what will happen.

- I'm sorry.
- Don't be sorry.

Do something. You're my lawyer.

If I'm found guilty...

Tomás, there must be some gap in the law.

You must be overlooking something!

I've even considered the possibility
of applying for a pardon.

- Do you think they would grant it to me?
- I don't know.

I do know that some executions get delayed

due to chronic illnesses

or when the inmate is expecting. I...

Other than that, nothing else can be done.

Sorry. I'm really sorry.

I want to be left alone.

I'll be here first thing in the morning.


Don't tell my mother
about any of this.


- I don't want to worry her any more.
- Of course.

Try to get some rest, please.

[Cuevas] We need your statement
because Mr. Adolfo Valor,

your husband's bodyguard,

has been arrested
on suspicion of his m*rder.

Mr. Valor, in his defense,

said that the day
your husband was m*rder*d,

he was with you.

Is that true?

Mrs. Díaz,

in cases like this,
the best thing is to tell the truth.

Everything you say will be confidential.

Mr. Valor is facing
some serious accusations.

He could be sentenced to death.

It's true.

The morning my husband died,
Mr. Valor and I were together.

Do you have any proof
to support what you're saying?

This is the bill
from the hotel where we stayed.

A good piece of evidence, no doubt.

One might say you had it ready for us.

Excuse me?

- I don't know what you are insinuating.
- Nothing. I'm asserting.

You and your lover could have asked
a third party to m*rder him.

You had the most common motive
in these cases:

getting rid of the husband.

It's true I didn't love my husband,
but that doesn't make me a m*rder*r.

But it does make you
the heir to his fortune.


My husband has only left debts behind,
and I will have to deal with all of them.

Do you really think I wanted him to die?

The only one to blame
for my husband's death

is Ms. Rodríguez de Senillosa.

If you have doubts, take a look at this...

Another piece of evidence to prove it.

Is this a letter from Ms. Dulce?

That's not possible.

The postmark proves she sent it
on the day she died.

She gives details of what happened

and admits she assisted
in Gregorio's m*rder,

- orchestrated by Carlota.
- That's a lie.

She blames herself for helping her

and confesses
that's why she k*lled herself.

That doesn't make any sense.

- Dulce and Carlota didn't know each other!
- [Cuevas] That's what the letter says.

Let us see it again, please.

It's decisive evidence in the case, sorry.

- It's that woman's word against Carlota's.
- [Cuevas] No.

It's a handwritten statement
by a woman before committing su1c1de.

- [whispering] This can't be.
- So that's it?

There's nothing that can be done?

The judge has requested the evidence
be taken to court this afternoon.

He wants to hold the trial posthaste.


- Already?
- [Cuevas] I'm sorry.

It's a high-profile case.
The pressure to settle it...

Pressure is what Carlota feels
being locked up

for a crime she didn't commit.

You should calm down.

And you should do your job better

and not allow an innocent person
to be kept in jail.

You should leave. Please.

[Ángeles] No.

Please let us go in to see her.


Ten minutes.

[Lidia] Aren't you going to say anything?

They've already said it all for me.

[Ángeles] Carlota, you can't give up now.

We're going to prove
that the letter is false.

Really? How?

[Sara] I may have a document
handwritten by her

which could prove
that it was not her handwriting.

- So she wrote you letters?
- [Sara] Carlota, please. That's not it.

They are records from the association...

Just stop! I don't want to talk about it.

Carlota, we are trying to help you.

I know, but I'm tired,

and I won't keep fighting
when there's no way out.

- Don't say that, please.
- Marga, accept it.

If I ever get out of this cell,
it'll be to...

It'll be to be garroted.

Carlota, don't you say that!
Do you hear me?

Yeah. It's easy to say
when you're on the other side.

It's not fair for you to talk like that.

- And what is happening to me, is it fair?
- Of course it's not fair.

But you are not alone.
Carlota, we're with you.

Well, I feel lonelier than ever.

- [Sara] Carlota, please.
- [Marga] Listen.

- [Sara] Don't say that.
- [Lidia] Carlota.

- Please.
- Carlota, honey...

Leave me alone.

- [Sara] Carlota, please. Listen.
- Leave me alone.

- [Sara] Carlota.
- Leave me alone.

Just leave me alone!

[Sara] I will get you out of here.

- I'm going to turn myself in.
- Wait.

- Wait!
- I won't wait any longer, Lidia.

Yesterday, you didn't believe me.

Carlota can't continue in there.

What are you talking about?

I'll turn myself in to the police
as the k*ller.


- [whispering] You can't do that.
- Yes, I can, Ángeles.

- Please, you...
- Carlota is under a lot of pressure.

She's more sensitive,
and I'll be able to cope.

- You know it better than anyone.
- You can't just turn yourself in.

You need to provide evidence
to prove you are guilty,

- or they won't release Carlota.
- They won't believe you.

- They'll know you are lying to save her.
- [Ángeles sighs]

Now is not the time to surrender.

Let's see
where that letter leads us, please.

Ángeles, the police
are looking for a culprit

to free themselves
from the pressure Cuevas talked about.

If they want a culprit, they'll have one.

If you find those documents
you have from Dulce,

we'll show you
that there is another way out.


But meanwhile, I'll fabricate
my own evidence to plead guilty.

I will get her out of there.

I don't know who will move it,

but Cristóbal confirmed it
before I said goodbye.

He told me the judge will receive
all the evidence of the case

in his office late this evening.

How will we know who is taking it there?

And what time is late this evening?

- That's the same as knowing nothing.
- Marga, please.

Óscar can't turn himself in!

If he does,

we'll never be able to prove
he's doing it to save her,

and he'll pay for a crime
he didn't commit.

Marga, let's try to calm down, please.

[Marga sighs]


What now?

Now we'll wiretap the lines

from the police station
and the courthouse.

They may get in touch
with each other to provide details

about the time of the delivery, or...

I'll put my girls to work.

What girls?

My students.

I won't give them details.
I'll say we're working with the police.

- We must be extremely discreet.
- Of course.

Marga, Óscar will call you
when he finds Dulce's documents.

Hopefully, they will prove
she didn't write that letter.

If you don't hear from him within
two hours, call him or go to his place.


And what about Mercedes' letter?

How will we get hold of it,

even if we find out
when it will be taken to court?

One step at a time, Marga, please.

We're all going to end up behind bars.


Calm down. Have some faith.

We managed
to get out of worse situations than this.

[Lidia sighs] Well, that's true.

Here, have a drink.

Excuse me, madam. Would you have a moment?

- Sorry, I need to take the streetcar.
- Please.

It'll only be five minutes.

- You work in this hotel, don't you?
- Yes.

Excuse me. I'm in a rush.

Please wait a minute.

I need your help.
I need to buy your work uniform.

My uniform?

Yes, your uniform.

I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

I'd be fined
if I don't bring it to work tomorrow.

I'm willing to pay
as much as you ask for it.


It's very important to me.

Mauricio. This is Óscar.

Yes, everything is fine.
I need to see you. It's important.

Yes, it's about Carlota.

Of course. Whenever you want.

In the bar across the street.
Okay. I'll see you there. Thank you.


[softly] It's all right. It's all right.

Everything is going to be all right...

What is going to be all right, Marga?

Excuse me?

What is going to be all right?

- [stutters] Did I say that?
- Yes.

I'm sorry. I was thinking out loud.

I have no idea why I said that.

I hope it goes all right,
whatever it might be.

You seem a little distressed.


Ms. Suárez, I think you owe me something.


Uh... could we speak privately?

Of course.

See you later, Pablo.

Looks like he's stealing her from you
after all.

Perico, just one thing.

Marga means nothing to me.

Pablito, what you've needed
for a while is this,

so you can turn the page.

A psychologist?

Am I crazy?

He's very good.
Call and get an appointment.

It will help you rearrange your thoughts.

- My thoughts?
- Yes.

Okay. Thank you.

I owe you an apology.


Ah, that's not what I meant.

I meant the notes you took yesterday
during the day with the consultants.

You still feel embarrassed
for kissing me yesterday, don't you?

I do.

And for my behavior, I...

- I didn't know what to say.
- Marga.

I'll address you informally, okay?
You went completely silent.

- I know.
- After a pleasant conversation,

you went silent.

And five minutes later,
you left with an excuse.

And that round was supposed to be on you.

On top of everything.

I'm so sorry. How much do I owe you?

You don't owe me anything.
The only thing you owe me

is a sincere explanation
of what is really happening.

I'm sorry, but I just can't believe

that a woman who asks her manager out
to the White Lady

turns out to be a conservative
who gets scared

when he confesses
in an open and honest way

- that he is h*m*.
- [stutters] That's not what it is!

It's not that.

I felt silly not having realized
that you...

I don't know... Since I separated,

I'm very confused in the love department.

In the love or in the sexual department?


Sorry. I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to make you feel awkward.


What I'm trying to say

is that you can be completely honest
and frank with me.


I know how a woman feels

when her husband tells her
that he likes men.

- What?
- I know how you feel.

I put myself in your shoes.

I understand how badly you must have taken
Pablo's h*m*.

- [Marga] No, no...
- Listen. That's all right.

It's perfectly normal.

[stutters and chuckles] No, no...
Pablo isn't...

[stutters] What are you saying?

What are you saying?

Nothing, nothing...

I'm sorry.

I think I've put the cart
before the horse.

[chuckles] Let's see.

[stutters] Are you telling me that...

- Pablo could be...
- Pablo?

No, no.


No. It can't be.

- Marga.
- No, no...

I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong, but...

Here's what we'll do.


keep your eyes wide open, all right?

And remember that...

I was once on the other side...

and you can see things
much clearer from this side.

Who sent you?

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Tell me who sent you!

I swear I'm not following you.

You're not just clumsy,
you're also a terrible liar.

I've changed routes
three times to come here,

and you've followed me all the way.
So tell me who sent you.

Madam, I can't tell you anything.

I won't ask you again. Who sent you?

Navas sent you, didn't he?

Answer me. Did Navas send you?

- Yes.
- I knew it.

Okay. Let's make a deal.

I won't tell Navas I caught you,

and you'll bring him
the information I'll give you.

[stutters] No, no... I can't lie to him.
I'd be risking my life.

You're risking it already.

Accept the deal,
or you won't leave here alive.

I have the intel.

The evidence will be moved at 10:00 p.m.

Do you know the route?

We must wait at the junction by the court.

The car will have to go that way

- and we'll block the way somehow.
- Perfect.

- Tell Marga.
- Yes, I'll do that.

- I'll pick you up at 9:00 p.m.
- Okay.

See you at 9:00 p.m.

[knock at door]

Ángeles, Victoria is waiting for you
in a car.

- It's urgent.
- Did something happen?

I don't know.
She wouldn't tell me anything.

[Ángeles] I'll be right back.

[Victoria] Ángeles.

- What happened?
- Navas is watching me.

He knows I'm the only person
who can bring him to you,

- and he's breathing down my neck.
- What should we do?

To start with, I'll get out of the way.

- What?
- It'll be best for both of us.

I managed to trick him,
so I bought us some time.

You can't leave.

- This is my responsibility.
- Don't worry.

While Navas is looking for me,

you'll be able to continue
running the business.

I don't have as much energy
as I used to, Ángeles.

I'll take the chance to visit a friend
I promised to return to a long time ago.

Give this to Lidia, please.

I don't want to leave
without saying goodbye to her.

- But are you leaving right now?
- Yes.

I'll take a few things with me,
and I'll leave for Lisbon tomorrow.

When I settle in,
I'll get in touch with you girls.

Thank you.



I could not have been Mirlo without you.

You'll be able to fly on your own,
little bird. Come on.

Get out. I don't like farewells.

- You take care.
- Yes.

Let's go.

Sergio Andrade is here with us.

He was the right-hand man
of the former PNC candidate,

apart from being like a son to him,
isn't that right?

[Sergio] That's right.
Gregorio wasn't just...

Carlos, could I talk to you
for a moment, please?

- [Sergio]...confidant and much more.
- [host] We're so sorry...

[Elisa] Thank you.


What are you doing here?
I thought you'd be doing your own thing,

- as I was doing already.
- I know.

I remember perfectly well what I said.

That's why...

I'd like to apologize
for the way I reacted yesterday.

Francisco is your best friend
and he needs your help, but...

Carlos, you have to understand
that he hurt me badly,

and with everything
that happened with Mother,

I feel as if it will always be
on my shoulders,

- having to bear that weight on my back.
- Unfortunately,

Francisco is not a threat to you anymore.

Elisa, his condition is critical,
and I must help him.

- He risked his life for Eva.
- I know.

I know.
That's why I want to be by your side.

I thought I could contact Mother

and offer her more money
in exchange for some extra time.

I'm not sure we'll be able
to get more money.

No bank is supporting me right now.

Let me try, please.
Let me talk to her first,

and I'll help you find the money later.

I think I might still have some friends
who might be able to help.


[Elisa] Carlos...

There is something else
I'd like to say to you. Perhaps...

I'm crossing a line here,
but I'm really concerned about Eva.

I know the whole issue with Mother
was very traumatic,

but you can't keep her in a bubble,
locked in a golden cage.

The girl needs to go out, play
with other children, go to the park...

I know, but Lidia doesn't want to.

She's having a really hard time.

This isn't the right time to suggest that.

But you're her father, aren't you?

Don't let her go through the same thing
Mother made me go through in my youth.

She turned me into a sickly, withdrawn,

- weak, useless woman.
- Okay, Elisa.

- I'll think about it.
- Think about what, Carlos?

What do you need to think about?

You know I'd die before I'd let
anything bad happen to the girl.

[Carlos] Hmm.

Look... Let me take her
for a stroll as a test.

I'll take her to the park this afternoon.

I promise I'll bring her back
before you and Lidia get home.

Okay. I want her home by 8:00 p.m.

- Of course.
- [Carlos] If I may.


[Mendizábal] I'm very pleased
you've just arrived

- because everything is ready to start.
- Already?

What tests are you going to run?

Many tests.
I'll do gamma rays, X-rays, of course,

and we'll use an electroshock technique
to try and stimulate him.

That's very painful, isn't it?

It depends
on the electric charge delivered.

But I don't want him
to suffer or be in pain.

Lidia, the doctor knows what he must do.

Don't worry. I can assure you
they're just light discharges.

They only stimulate
the neuro-cervical area.

His body won't suffer at all.

There's no need to worry.

How long does the examination take?

It all depends on what we find
and on the patient's reaction.

If you wish, you can go home,
and I'll call you when I have the results.

- No, I prefer to wait here.
- Yes, we'll wait here.

Don't worry about the wait.
The important thing is that all goes well.

As you wish.
We'll take him through.

Just a moment, please.

[whispering] Everything will go well.

I love you.

- Thank you.
- [Mendizábal] You can take him now.

Carefully. Room seven.

[Lidia] While I watched him being
pulled away, I felt a sharp pain inside.

It was fear.

As time went by and we heard no news,

that fear flooded my thoughts.

The fear that something would go wrong
and I'd lose him forever.

Yet, fear was not as strong

as the hope
of having Francisco with us again.

But hope is a double-edged sword.

It helps you keep your faith,

but it tortures you with the fear
that everything could be just a mirage.


Thanks so much for coming.

- How are you? I hadn't seen you since...
- Since the wedding.

[sighs] I'm sorry
I couldn't officiate the ceremony,

and I'm sorry about what's happened.

It's a nightmare.

I know Carlota is having a hard time.

The magistrate in charge
is very conservative,

and the evidence is not helpful.

I'm truly sorry.

I know.

That's why I called you.

I want to help Carlota.

I'm going to turn myself in.

Excuse me?

They want a culprit, and I won't let
Carlota pay for this crime.

[stutters] But that's crazy.

I know, Mauricio,
but Carlota can't cope with the situation.

What do you want to do?

I'm preparing the evidence
to prove I committed the crime.

I need to pretend I have a motive

for wanting to frame Carlota
for Gregorio's m*rder.

If I appear as the sole heir in the will,

it'll turn me into a suspect
in the eyes of the police and the judge.

And you want me to help you out.

We are talking
about very serious crimes here.

Fabrication of evidence,
perverting the course of justice...

I don't want
to abuse your friendship, but...

- No, no, it's not a question of money.
- I'll pay as much as you want.

Don't take it as a bribe

but as insurance
for the risk you're taking.


Okay. I'll help you, but...

no one must know about this.

Of course.

Thank you very much.

How did it go?

We have only started the first tests,

but the results have been so clear
that I wanted to inform you

that I don't think we'll be able
to do anything for Francisco.

But you said there were...

reasons to stay positive.
That he could wake up.

Yes, I know. The prospect was good,

but he's not reacting
to any of the stimuli. I am very sorry.

- We've paid a lot of money for this.
- Lidia...

[voice breaking] We have paid
a lot of money for this.


You can't imagine how sorry I am
to have to tell you this.

You can't throw in the towel now.

You are shameless.

[crying] He's shameless.

- He's shameless!
- Okay.

Forgive her. We're under huge pressure.

Is there no hope at all?

- I'm afraid not.
- You said...

You said he'd recover.

You said there were chances
he would recover!

- Enough.
- You told us! [sobbing]

He told us.

[Mendizábal] I'm sorry.

- Calm down.
- [continues sobbing]

[Carmen] Well, well...
Two princesses around here.

Hi, Eva.

Do you remember me?

I'm your grandmother Carmen.

Didn't you tell the girl
we were going to meet today?

I didn't want to tell her anything.

Eva, when you were little,
we used to live together,

and you loved the lullaby
I used to sing to you.

Do you want me to sing it now for you
to see if you remember it?

But on one condition.

It will be a secret between you and me.

Hold my hand. Let's find a spot.

I'll be waiting here.

Don't worry. I won't take her away.

Let's go, honey.

Let's go home to Eva.

[engine starts]

- Lidia, can we talk for a moment?
- Not now, Carlos, please.


- Eva?
- [Asunción] Madam.

Where is Eva?

The girl went out with Ms. Elisa.


[clears throat]

It was me. I gave her permission.

You know since your mother is out of jail,
I don't like her going out without us.

Yes, but we can't have her locked away.

Eva has to start going out
and socializing with kids her age.

[Lidia] When did they leave?

- I'll get her.
- That's not necessary. She's fine.

- [Lidia] How do you know?
- [door opens and closes]



- Where have you been?
- In a beautiful park, right?

Next time you take her, you ask me first.

- Did you have fun?
- [Eva babbling]

Did you play lots of games?

I've prepared what you asked for.
You need to sign here.

But I'm warning you,
there is no going back.


I want Eva to inherit everything I own.

She is the only thing I have left.

Her mother
will never accept anything from you.

I'll make sure she has no other option.

Blood ties stand above everything else,

and not even death can change the fact
that Eva is my granddaughter.


[engine starts]

[car door closes]


- [Marga grunts]
- [Ángeles screams]

Officer, please! [exclaims]

- Marga! Marga!
- [officer 1] What happened?

- [officer 2] Calm down.
- [Ángeles] She fainted.

- I don't know what's wrong with her.
- [officer 2] Breathe.

- [Ángeles] Marga, please.
- [officer 1] Breathe in, miss.

- [Ángeles] Open your eyes.
- [officer 1] Do you feel better?

No, she doesn't feel better.
Can't you see?

[officer 1] Breathe in calmly.
It's only dizziness. Don't worry.

- [Lidia] Where is the letter? Where is it?
- [Salas] Stop that woman.

- [officer 1] This woman has just fainted.
- [Salas] Don't worry, they're faking it.

- [Ángeles] No, no. I can walk on my own.
- [officer 2] Walk.

- [Salas] Come with me.
- Don't touch me, please.

- Marga, are you okay?
- [Marga] Yes, I'm fine.

Would you be so kind to tell me
what you were trying to do?

- Proving that our friend is innocent.
- How? By stealing the evidence?

- No!
- No. We weren't stealing anything.

We just wanted
to read Dulce's letter twice.

We've brought new notes,
handwritten by her.

We can compare them.

Ladies, you can't take
the law into your own hands.

We've told you since the beginning,
since it all started

and you started interfering.

No! You just want to close the case
once and for all.

- No, that's not true.
- Yes, it is

because you've accused our friend
from the beginning.

She's your friend.
I get you don't see it,

but all evidence points at her.

If there was a tiny possibility
of her being innocent,

I would be the first to check it.

- Would you?
- It's my duty. [sighs]

Plus, my reputation is at stake.

[Lidia] Prove it, then.

Prove that this was written
by the same person.

Tell the graphologist
to go to the police station immediately.

You're all coming with me.

Thank you.

The graphologist is sure about it.

It's the deceased woman's handwriting.

- But that can't be.
- See for yourselves.


Maybe someone forced her
to write that letter before k*lling her.

That's conjecture,
and there is no evidence to back it up.

[Marga] But Carlota is innocent.

If you knew her, you'd know
she'd never do something like that.

That's none of your business, nor mine.

Now the case is in the hands of a judge
who will decide what to do.

As for you and what you have done...

Are you going to arrest us?

I should accuse you of perverting
the course of justice, but...

fortunately, I arrived
before the harm was irreparable,

so I'll let you go.

But with a serious warning.

Do not interfere again.

As for your friend, due to your actions,

from now on, she will be
in solitary confinement.

You won't be able to visit her

- until a verdict is issued.
- Please.

Don't do that, please. Carlota needs us.

We're her only support. Please.

Sorry. You should have thought
of that earlier.

- [women] Please!
- Listen...


We need you to do us a favor.

We aren't allowed to visit Carlota.

I know.

I signed the order.


I told you.

I told you to stop interfering

- and let the police do their job.
- [Ángeles sighs]

It reached the higher echelons.

It was hard to stop them
from arresting you. Excuse me.

If they keep her isolated, she'll sink.

She'd be capable of anything.

I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do.

[keys jangling]

[Salas] Come on. Get up.

What did I do?

We're taking you to solitary confinement.
You can thank your friends.

Not solitary confinement! No! Please!

Carlota is being punished because of us.

Don't worry, Lidia.

She won't spend much longer in there.

I have the evidence ready.

I just need someone I can trust
to go to the police station and...

report me.

I told you I'd help you,

but you can't ask this of me, Óscar.

Do you know why I'm asking you?

Because you're the only one
who understands why I'm doing it.

You love someone who is suffering,

but you can't do anything to stop it.

Wouldn't you do anything
to save Francisco?

And if you could,

wouldn't you swap places with him?

Lidia, please. Help me.

We must save Carlota.


[Lidia] I know who k*lled Gregorio Díaz.

What are you saying?

We tried to prove Carlota's innocence,

but we were wrong.

Sara Millán orchestrated it all.

She's the heir of Carlota's fortune.


Fear is part
of every single decision we make...

[Salas] In Ciudad de Madrid hotel.

[Lidia] ...particularly when that decision

affects the lives
of those we love the most.

But fear can't be beaten.

Go ahead, please.

You are under arrest, Ms. Sara Millán,

for the murders
of Gregorio Díaz and Dulce Silva.

[Lidia] It must be accepted
as part of life.

That is the only way
to leave cowardice aside.

Because being brave
is not the same as not being afraid.

It means facing your destiny,
no matter how terrible it might be.

What's going on, Inspector?

We have evidence to prove
that she's responsible for the crime.

She framed Ms. Rodríguez de Senillosa.

[Lidia] Some are not strong enough
to face it, though.

Fear can take many shapes,

and it feeds on lies.

It paralyzes us.

It renders us incapable
of solving a problem.

- Call an ambulance!
- [Lidia] Carlota.

Carlota, please!

And guided by fear,
we could make unforgivable mistakes.

Carlota, please...

Mistakes that make us lose
the reward we so much desired.

What have you done?
Wake up, Carlota, please!

Carlota, wake up!

- All right. That's enough!
- [gasps]

What are you plotting?

Let go of me.


Ángeles, you are lying to me.
Sara is innocent.

This show right under my nose
doesn't make any sense

because I'm on your side.

I want to help you
and get the real culprit.