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02x08 - Chapter 16: Innocence

Posted: 03/13/24 09:20
by bunniefuu
Innocence is for those who are
free of guilt, of sin.

Can someone really claim to be innocent

if they are complicit and keep quiet
about someone else's schemes?

They arrested an innocent woman!
They arrested her!

Calm down!
Stay calm or this will ruin our lives.

What life, Lidia?

-What life?

Carolina was no angel.
That's enough! She was no angel.

She threatened me. She suspected me.
Don't you see? It was either her or us.


You see? I'm sick of whispering
all the time and feeling sick from fear.

Marga, it was an accident.

We've sent an innocent woman to prison.

Was there really no other solution?

-I'm turning myself in.
-What? No, no.

You're not doing that, Marga.

Stop! If you go down, we all go down.

I may sound selfish, but I have
no intention of going to prison.

I don't think you do, either.


Yes, speaking.



I've administered a sedative
so he can rest.

We can't allow his heart rate
to get that high again.

He can't have any more convulsions.
His heart can't take it.

Is there anything we can do?


Nurse! Miguel Pascual?

Yes, this way. The rest of you, wait here.


You're stupid and thoughtless.

Why is he doing this to me?


He's sedated.
That's why he looks like that.

We already went through all this,
and we had overcome this shit.

Without realizing it,
we've been excluding him.

What do you mean?
I've never left him out.

But he felt like you were.

Before this happened, we argued at home.

He said we were hiding things from him...

and seeing each other alone.

I'm sorry, Carlota. This is all my fault.

If you hadn't been so worried about me...

I came between you.

No, Sara, please, don't say that.

You've always been with us.

You've always helped me.

You helped with Mario.

Come here, please.

What would I do without you both?


You understand why I did it, right?

I did this...

Carolina was suspicious of me,
and suddenly it was very clear.

I saw that it was...

It was the chance to save us.

Do you understand?

I don't want anything bad
to happen to any of you,

but if Marga confesses, it's over.

She won't do it.

But it's normal
that she's upset by all this.

I'll talk to her again tomorrow
and try to calm her down.

How is he?

It's under control.

He's sedated,
and tomorrow we'll know more.

And Carlota?

She's going to sleep here.

She asked me to bring clothes.

Girls, you should go and rest.
I'll see you tomorrow.

How are you?

Better, thank you.

Come on.

When we found him,
he'd been in the water for weeks.

His lungs were bloated,
and he was covered in sores.

-I didn't do anything to him.

The odd thing is
Mario didn't die from that.

Someone hit him on the head,
hit him with rage.

It was a blow from someone
who hated him deeply.

I loved him, Inspector.

The body was wrapped in tablecloth
from the Telephone Company.

We deduced
the crime was committed there.

We also have a witness

who says he saw a woman
getting rid of Mario's car that night.

That's impossible. I can't drive.

This is the witness's signed statement.

No, this is a mistake.

Don't you realize
that Ángeles is behind all this?

He says that the woman was dark-haired.

That is a description of you,
not of Ángeles.

I didn't hurt Mario.

I was in love with him.

That woman is telling the truth.

Now what do we say?

Let me talk to the witness again.



Ubalda, where's my sister?

Carlos, my dear.

Why don't you sit and have breakfast
instead of shouting like that?

Do you think I'm an idiot?

I know you are up to something
with the Uribes.

Is that so?

Elisa, you're not going to ruin our lives.

Watch your step.

Good morning. Do you remember me?

I'd like to speak to you.

Did I come at a bad time?

No, don't worry, we've finished.
What do you want?

I've told you all I know.

Yes, but I'd like to go over
a few details.

If you don't mind...

Well, what can I do for you?

That girl you identified, Carolina Moreno,
you remember her?

She insists she was never there.

That girl's lying.

We've accused her of k*lling a man.

You know the punishment for that?

She could spend her life in prison,

or the judge
could send her to the garrote.

So I'd just like to be sure that
you didn't identify the wrong person.

It's a very serious matter.

Father, remember Don Julián will be coming
so we can pay for the land.

Excuse me, I didn't know you were busy.

Your daughter.

Hello, I'm Inspector Cuevas.

Amparo García, at your service.

Is anything wrong?

Amparo, go to your room.

Father, what's happened?

Were you going to buy land?


Which one is it?

Earlier, you were closing a deal
with a man.

The keys he gave you,
were they for a house?

For a small farm.


A farm, some land.

A very nice radio, Basilio.

Where did you get all this money?

-An inheritance.
-Do you have a document to prove it?

No, I don't.

Because it doesn't exist.

Inspector, I don't understand any of this,
but I'm worried.

I'd be worried, too.

I fear your father has made a deal
with someone to hide a crime.


They offer you money
and an innocent woman rots in prison.

Isn't that so?


Father, look at me!

Father, tell me that
what he's saying isn't true.

I'm willing to help you,

provided you tell me
who offered you money.

Mar-- Marga!

Mr. Uribe has organized
a wake at the company.

If we aren't there, it'll look suspicious.
Come on.

Leave me alone, please!

I mean it, please.

Listen, I know this is all insane,

but we can't give up now.

You have to fight for your dreams,
for you,

for us.

-Come on.
-Lidia, I said no!

I can't stop thinking that

we've ruined that woman's life,
even if she was bad.

She's innocent, Lidia, and you know it!

I'm not going.

Very well.

Listen, you have to promise me one thing.

That you won't do anything crazy.

Promise me.

Leave me alone, please.

Lidia, don't be a pest!

Operator 57?

Operator 57?

Pablo, now isn't the...

I know we haven't spoken in a long time.

It's just that my fiancée has told me...

that she isn't sure she wants to marry me,
and the truth is I need a friendly voice.

You've always given me good advice.

So I thought that maybe
you could give me some now,

because just the thought of losing her...

makes it difficult to breathe.

I'm sorry, Pablo.


I can't help you with that.

You deserve better than a stupid girl

who can't see
that she has the most wonderful man.

It's time to look
for another girl who loves you...

No, no, no. Marga...

And a better operator.

Please, listen to me. Don't say that.


Put the photograph here, please.

Have you got the flowers?

Thank you.

The clinic is at 15 Buenavista Street.

I can ask my chauffeur to take you there.

You don't trust me to go on my own?

It was just a gesture of goodwill,
but I see you're not used to those.

The appointment is at 5:00.

Be punctual.


-Are you going ahead with all this?
-Don't worry. It's under control.

I wanted to give you this before I left.

Where are you going?

My grandfather taught me to do this.

He helped the doctor
when he came to the village.

Thank you.

You have to press on the wound
so that it stops bleeding.

I'm sorry.
I'm staining the handkerchief.

It must be your favorite.

Can you keep a secret?

I've never liked my name.

If I could, I'd change it right now.

How can you say that?

I think Alba is a beautiful name.

And we're going to call
our first daughter Alba.

You're thinking far ahead!

It's decided.

We were so naive.

We were very young. We knew nothing.

And we were happy.

That's a lot more than we can say now.

If only things had happened differently.

We can make them happen.

I still think
I'll call my first daughter Alba.

Nothing has changed for me. Nothing.


I'm leaving.

There's no reason for me to stay here.

What will you do?

I don't know yet.

Promise we'll see each other again.


Thank you.



I thought you were dead.

I thought I'd never see you again.

It's a long story.

I was in some trouble. I had to disappear.

I waited for you a long time, Juan--

Pedro. I'm Pedro Guzmán now.

I have to go unnoticed.

Although from what I've read,
I'm not the only one with a name change.

My life has changed a lot, too.
Too much.

The newspaper says
you're an exemplary woman.

I couldn't believe it
when I saw your photo.

Why have you come?

I'd like to talk in private.

Let's go.



Miguel. Miguel, my love, I'm here.
Can you hear me?

-Yes, it's me.

I'm sorry.

Forgive me.

I thought I'd lost you.

I thought I'd lost you.

But I promise you I'll never leave you
all alone again, you hear me?

And I'm staying here with you,
for as long as you need me.

I love you.

And I love you.

Miss Millán!

Miss Millán.



No, no! Listen, no...

-Leave me alone.

No, wait. Please, wait. We have to talk.

-We have nothing to talk about.
-Yes, we do.

I'm like you.

Let me talk to you.
It'll only take a moment.

Dr. Longoria is your father?

Yes, but he didn't treat you.
That was my brother.

All my life, I've felt
that I'm living in the wrong body,

and I was never afraid to say it,

but my father didn't accept it,

and tried with all his might
to make me the woman he wanted me to be.

That's why I dress like this
and work with them in the sanatorium.

My father forced me to,
as part of my treatment.

He said that only by seeing
the suffering of others

can I avoid being a repeat offender.

A repeat offender?

We are not criminals.

I know.

Paloma, you have to get out of there.

If we don't fight for respect,
no one will.

I will.

I've got it all ready.
I'm going to Berlin.

There's a community there of people
like us who live in total freedom.

Are you sure?

You're not the first patient
I've contacted.

Come with me.

-You were looking for me?
-The witness has confessed.

A woman paid for his silence.
Lidia Aguilar.

Also known as Teresa Calderón,
Esther Rodríguez,

Carmen Valdés and hundreds of other names.

Fraud, theft, m*rder.

Interesting résumé.
But what's her connection with Mario?

I still have to work that out.

She's a friend of Ángeles,
and they work together.

It gets better, boss. Look at this.
She knows how to drive.

If she bribed the witness,
she's involved with the crime.

Very well, arrest her.
But we don't want another scandal.

We'll try to be more discreet.

Add some to the coffee.

A bit more. It's been a rough day.

Thank you.

Well, well, just look at you.

You're all dressed up.

Thank you, Marisol.

My mother gave me this suit
for when I got married.

But I think I'll only use it for funerals.

-Did you argue again?
-No, we didn't argue.

I wish we had.
We don't even argue anymore.

-Come on, Pablo. Tell me about it.
-It's nothing. It's...

Marga's having doubts.

She says she isn't good enough,

that I deserve someone better.
Some compliment.

You know what?

Preparing a wedding
is very complicated.

You have to make lots of decisions.

Like, do we get married in this church
or in another?

Do we serve hors d'oeuvres?

Where should Grandma sit?

That's it!

Of course it is, Pablo.
And all those arguments

are a preview
of what your marriage will be like.

-If you're arguing over hors d'oeuvres--

Grandma, she's the one who can fix this.

-Thank you so much, Marisol.

You've solved my problem.

-Thank you.

No, I wasn't talking about that.

Yes, operator.



Do you hear me?

-Don't shout so loud.

-I still hear a bit in this ear.

I'm sorry. I'm just eager to talk to you.

I just got my measurements
for my wedding outfit.

How about that?

You haven't paid for it, have you?

Why do you say that?

No reason...

Well, it seems that Marga
isn't so sure about getting married.

You must have done something.

She wouldn't dump you for no reason.

No, Grandma, that's why I'm calling you.

Look, I don't know why,
but Marga isn't well.

What are you talking about?

No one else can help me
get Marga out of bed.

I'm going to need your help.

How are you?

Not many people have come.

Ángeles, I have to talk to you.

I thought you came to apologize.

I didn't want to hurt you.

Leading a m*rder investigation isn't easy.

Why are you here?

Lidia Aguilar.
I expected to find her here with you.


What happened?

We think she is involved
in your husband's m*rder.

My husband's body is lying right here,

and you come here to tell me
that my best friend is involved--

The witness identified her
as the woman who dumped the car.

She also paid him to keep quiet.

That can't be.

No, that can’t be.
Lidia would never do something like that.

You don't really know your friend.

She's not even called Lidia Aguilar.

We investigated her
and she is a dangerous criminal, Ángeles.

-Believe me, I have to arrest her.
-No, no.

At least wait until the wake is over.


I'll help you.

I will turn her in myself.

I'll ask her to meet me
on the rooftop at 5:00.

I will tell her...

that I'm not feeling well,
that I need to talk.

And then you will be able to arrest her.

All right.

We'll do it that way.

I had to disappear
and now I have to do it again.

Who's looking for you?

It's best if you don't know.

I walked away from that life long ago.

If help you, I have a right to know
what risks I'm taking.

None, I promise you.

I'll spend one night in Madrid.

I don't trust anyone.

I only feel at ease with you.

If I hadn't shown up in the paper,
who would you have gone to?

Who cares?

What matters is you did show up,

and that fate
has brought us back together.

You can stay at the boardinghouse.

It's called Dolores Boardinghouse,
on Blancaro Street. Wait for me there.

Be there around 5:30.

Doña Lola will be at six o'clock mass.

If any of the girls ask who you are,
tell them you're my brother.

I knew that I could count on you.

My room is 205. Stay there.

I'll be there around 9:00.

Thanks, I owe you one.

I hope I won't regret this.

I don't want anyone to see me leave.

Relax, come on.

Sara, he's woken up. He told me that...

It's okay, Carlota. This is Paloma.

What is she doing here?

-Perhaps I should leave.
-No, wait.

Carlota, Paloma is a victim,
just like you and me.

What are you saying?
After all she did to you.

She's forced to work with the doctor.

He's her brother.

And part of her punishment
for feeling like I do

is having to witness
other patients' treatments.

That's horrible!

Carlota, she's told me
she found a place in Berlin

where we can express ourselves freely
and live without feeling marginalized.

Are you going to go?

We could all go together.

But, Sara, what are you saying?
We have to wait for Miguel to get better.

We can't leave him alone.

Besides, that would be running away,

and you taught me
not to act like a victim.

So no, you can't go.

We have made a lot of progress
and we need to continue.

I don't know if I still have the strength.

Sara, look at me.

Let's do it here.

Let's start the first organization
for sexual freedom here in Spain,

just like in Berlin.

That way we'll all be organized
and we can fight together.

More than ever before.

What do you say?

Doña Lola, I told you already,
I am not well.

Doña Lola, really I don't...

I've been told
you haven't had anything to eat all day.

Grandma, my God!

Inmaculada, my dear!

-What are you doing here?
-What do you think?

I wanted to see my granddaughter,
so I took the bus. Is that so strange?

Grandma, I...

I am a horrible person. Horrible.

So you've canceled the wedding?

Pablo deserves a good girl by his side.

Stop all that nonsense, Marga, dear.

I also had a Pablo, you know?

Before your grandfather.

I was crazy about him.

We were going to get married,

but then we argued
and I broke the engagement.

Then I met your grandfather
and we were very happy,

but I always wondered
what my life would've been like

if I'd chosen love without fear.

My girl...

I don't know what's been going on lately,

but I do know that Pablo is a great kid,

and that he loves you
just as much as you love him.

Don't let your fear of taking this step
ruin your life.

I don't think he wants to see me now.

Who do you think prepared
this afternoon snack?

He's waiting outside!

-Really, Grandma?

Go on, then. Go.

Hey, hold on.
Fix yourself up a little.

My robe.


Thank you for the gesture and the snack.

Well, actually, I would like to have

a snack, lunch, dinner, breakfast...

with you every day of my life.

If you want to.

Thanks for everything.
I'll see you tonight.

Be careful.

-Who are you? Let me go! Let me go!
-Shut up and get in!

Help, help! Help, let me go!

What are you doing here?
Where is Lidia?

Lidia's not coming.

What do you mean?

Lidia didn't k*ll Mario.

What the hell are you talking about?

She didn't do anything.

It was me.

No! You're lying to me.
You're trying to protect your friend!

-I tried to poison him.
-You lie! You are lying!

-He found out.
-You're lying, Ángeles.

-At the party--
-Shut up!

I'm the k*ller you're after.

Why have you done this to me?

What I feel for you is real.

I love you.

You have an hour to get out of here.

I'm going to report you.

Come on!

What is this?

Where are you taking me?

Shut up and keep still!

If you thought I was going to trust you,

you've learned nothing.

-Take her to the operating room.

-Come on!

No, no, no, no. Please! No!


I'm leaving.

I'm leaving Madrid.

I quit this stupid competition for Lidia.

I don't believe you.

We are hurting her.

Your mother is pressuring her
not to have the child.

I know perfectly well
what my mother is capable of,

but Lidia will not be manipulated
that easily.

I don't know what she'll end up doing,
but this is the address of the clinic

where she has an appointment
this afternoon.

Why are you telling me?

Because she doesn't want to listen to me.

And you're the only one who can stop it.


Lidia loves you.

You must hate me.

I would love to, but I can't.

All that I am, I owe to you.

Hurry before it's too late.


-Shut up!
-No, please, please! No!

Shut up!

No! No! Please! No!

-Tie her down!
-No! No, please, no!

Help, help! Please, don't!

Hold still!

Help! Help!

Please, no!


Release her! Get the hell out of here!

Lidia, are you okay?

Hold on to me.

I love you. I love you.

I will not allow anyone
to take me for a fool.

You are a monster!

I'm trying to protect you.
Don't let her get out of here.

Lidia, run, run!

Stay with him. I'll get the girl.

Lidia! Lidia, run!

When a purely innocent being
is inside you,

there are lots of reasons
to keep fighting until the end.

Even if that means risking your own life
or facing everyone,

even if you don't know
whether you'll succeed.

Innocence is synonymous with happiness.

That is why it's important to enjoy it,

because you never know
how long it will last.

There will always be someone
to show you

that nothing is entirely in your hands...

...and that life only gives you
new opportunities...



-Come here. I won't hurt you.

Hold still. Give me your hand.

Lidia! Lidia!


Life or death,

hope or despair.

On the brink of death, I swore
if I lost my child, I'd get revenge.