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05x06 - A Family Emergency

Posted: 03/13/24 08:50
by bunniefuu
You quit your job, didn't you?


Did you really think we wouldn't find out?

When you quit,
you switched to public health insurance.

The insurance receipts
were sent to your old address.

Not knowing your new address,
the apartment manager sent them to us.


You should've set up mail forwarding
as soon as you moved out.

Where are you now?

How are you paying rent without a job?



It's not too late to back out.

You should go home.

Not gonna happen.

Why not?

Because it's a good chance
to meet your family.

Look, they summoned me home
because they found out I'm unemployed.

It makes no sense for you to come.

That's not true!

I'll tell your parents,
"Don't worry, your son's doing fine."

I can back you up.


Your father's worried about you, right?

No, he's not like that.

Then what's he like?

We're here.

Is this a theme park?

My family home.

Your father,

what does he do?

He's a politician.

Oh, wow!

-City council?

National Diet.




Maybe I should go home.

Too late for that.

What's that noise?

Listen to me, Retsuko.

When you meet his parents,

keep smiling no matter what they say,
and everything will be fine.


Nice to meet you.

My name is Retsuko.

I apologize for not having
introduced myself before this.

Thank you for this opportunity

to make your… acquaintance…

It's very nice to meet you.

Thank you for taking care of our son.

Sweetie, I'm so happy you found
someone so lovely and well-mannered.

Where did you meet? At work?

Or could it be--

Thank you

for the kind words.


Retsuko, I hope you don't mind,

but we'd like you to wait outside.

You can wait here.



is this room…

It's my brother's.

Parliament will be dissolved soon.

That means an election is coming.


It's a critical time for a politician.

It makes me sick knowing you're loafing
around when there's so much at stake.

But I'm not just loafing around.

What if the tabloids find out my oldest
son is out of a job and homeless?

You know they'll spin it
into another scandal.

It could very well sink us.

Don't cause any trouble for Jiro.


For Jiro?

Not you?

You know I'm not in the best of health.

I can't run in the election campaign.

I'm going to focus on my treatment.

Jiro will take over for me.

As for you, don't do anything.

No mistakes, and I mean none.

Zip your lip. Keep a low profile.

Out of sight, out of mind.

If you behave,

I'll support you financially.


Sorry to keep you waiting.

We're done talking.


What's wrong?

You okay?

Who's this?

Oh, that old photo?

It's from high school.

You look pretty full of it.

What precious memories.

Hey, stop going through my stuff.

He said he'll give me money
to rent a place if I lie low.

Really? That's so nice of him.


I told you, it's not like that.

It's the election he cares about, not me.

What election?

The House of Representatives election.

They'll announce it soon.

Back when I was in a band,

our dumbass vocalist had this bright idea
to sing edgy, provocative songs.

What kind of edgy songs?

We did it as a joke.

A parody of actual edgy bands.

And then, right before an election,

a bunch of articles about our songs
went viral on the internet.

"Politician Haida's son joins a band,
performs controversial songs."

How bad were the lyrics?

I'd rather not say.

It didn't seem like a big deal
so I ignored it,

but a weekly tabloid ran the story.

I guess my dad learned his lesson then.

He doesn't trust me.


Sorry, but I totally sympathize
with your dad.

No one trusts me.

Where have you been?

I checked your room,
but you weren't there.

We were just hanging around outside.

Sorry, we were enjoying your garden.

Oh, I see.


I'm sorry I made things awkward earlier.

No, not at all.

I should be the one to apologize.
You came all the way to see us.

Oh no, it's not a problem!

Any plans for tonight?

Will you stay for dinner?

Dinner? Well…

I'll prepare the food,
so do stay for dinner.

Since the whole family's here,

let's end on a high note, okay?


This is so awkward.

Did you know?

This is our family's
favorite take-out sushi.

Wait, is this her idea of a "fun dinner"?

Retsuko, remember to smile.

The label faces up when you pour.

Mr. Haida,

would you like some beer?

My doctor told me not to drink alcohol.

Off to a bad start!

The best way to avoid making mistakes
is to do nothing at all.

I'll do that.


about your offer to support me…

I appreciate the thought,
but I think I'll pass.

I do have a part-time job,
so I'm not exactly jobless.

Retsuko and I can get by on our own.

I'm a grown man, I shouldn't depend
on my parents for money.

It just doesn't feel right.

You don't have to worry.

We don't expect anything from you.

Well, uh…

I'm sure that's true.

But I did learn my lesson, you know?

I slept at a net-cafe
for a few nights when I was homeless.

I've learned not to take things
for granted.


An internet cafe.

Customers pay for internet access
and private cubicles.

It isn't supposed
to be a place to sleep in,

but some use it as a cheap place to stay.

Many of them don't have proper jobs
and can barely feed themselves.

They are known as "net-cafe refugees."

Refugees, eh?

I see.

You better not have told anyone
at that net-cafe who you are.

That place sounds like a dump
for the dregs of society,

who will do anything for money.

If they blab to the tabloids--


That won't happen.

I didn't mention you to anyone.

That so?



you shouldn't call them bottom-feeders.

They're nice, ordinary people.

They were good to me.

They may be homeless, but they work hard
to get back on their feet.

They only live there
because they're out of options.

No, they got what they deserved.

They're only "out of options"
because they're lazy bums.

No, you're wrong.

If they worked hard,
they wouldn't be sleeping there.

Maybe, but life isn't always fair.

Don't be naive.

Everyone has an equal shot at wealth
and success in this country.

Funny how those
who got rich through dumb luck

always go on about "equality."

Um, Haida?


it's always interesting
listening to different perspectives.


Honey, no!

You shouldn't be drinking!


That's rich coming from you.

Last I checked,
you're just leeching off your girl!


Shut up!

Our son grew up to be a loser
because you spoiled him rotten!

And what's she doing in my house?

Why are you here?!

Who do you think you are?

What are you after?

Our money?


Back the hell off.

You two are part of the problem.

Spoiled, worthless scum like you two
are destroying this country!

Our great nation,

forged with blood and sweat after the w*r,

destroyed by the likes of you!

You blundered your way into money
because life was easier back then.

All you had to do was sell things cheap,
like everyone else.

Now we have to clean up your mess.

Unlike you,
we're fighting in a whole new arena.

That was awful.

Why does it have to be like this?


Your mom was crying.

That wasn't the dinner she had in mind.

You know,

I can't do this anymore.

We'll never see eye to eye.

I should cut ties with my dad.

Don't say that.

You handled it well.

I thought you'd blow up
when Dad insulted you.

I don't want to get angry
over things that don't matter.

Sure, I can shout him down
and pretend I've won,

but it won't fix the actual problem.

I don't want to do that anymore.


From Dad.

Is it money?


Like I said, I don't want it.

I need you to take it.

Well, I won't.

Give it back to him.

You're cutting ties with Dad, right?

I lived with you for 17 years.

I can tell what you're thinking.

If you're quitting the family,
think of this as compensation.

I need you to take the money
so I can focus on the election.

It's win-win for both of us.

Just listen to Dad for once.



Well then…

You actually took it.


Driver, you can go now.

You never fail to disappoint.
