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04x03 - Dirty Work

Posted: 03/13/24 08:41
by bunniefuu
I saw the news.

I was surprised since you hadn't told me.

Will this new president get you a bonus?

Who knows?

You have to restart it.

We need a new one!


You can put up with a small issue.

It's nothing major.

What? It's something major!

You can't upgrade the OS on older models,

which exposes them to security issues!

Speak Japanese!

We should buy a new MyPad Pro!


Tablets are all basically the same!

What? The differences are huge!

The MyPad Pro stylus and intuitive UI

promise a creative experience as the
ultimate mobile workstation!

I said to speak Japanese!


It's so hot.

Now that feels good. The company AC
really is on a different level.

It's freezing. Should have brought a coat.

This office is colder in summer
than in winter.

-Let's escape!

You can borrow the cardigan or blanket
I have in my locker.



We're going to slack off. Wanna come?

I don't know.

Just come.

Some idiot is always shitposting on SNS.

I was bored so I found a selfie
in his post history.

I zoomed in on a shop sign reflected
in his eye to figure out his address.

He was totally freaked out.

Funny, right?

Hey, Fenneko!

I have a work-related question.

We're having a blast here. Ask me later.

I need to ask right now!

It's been five minutes.

They haven't said anything
since we left them alone.

They're getting worse.

That's why I tried to relax things
with my clever story.

What was relaxing about that story?

I was in the middle of some work.
I should get back to it.


I doubt even Retsuko
has the patience for this.

Honestly, I'm not sure a relationship
is possible here.


Isn't it too cold?

Think so? Feels fine to me.

Haida, you ever heard of the MyPad Pro?

Sure. The tablet, right?

Is it really that great?

Yeah. It has a nice display.

The more intuitive UI promises a creative
experience as the ultimate--

-Speak Japanese.

Are you buying one?

Well, my daughters want one.

This is accounting.

Oh, President! Oh, no! Not at all!
What can I do for you?

I know you're busy. Thank you for coming.

Please, have a seat.

That's very kind of you.

I'm starting to see the job of president
is quite tough.

I'm embarrassed to say
I thought it would be easier.

I feel for you.
Your predecessor said the same.

"It's dirty work."

That sums it up nicely.

I'll remember that.

Now then, Director Ton.

Shall we discuss some dirty work?

As this graph shows,
our accounting department overheads

equate to 4% to 5% of our gross profit.

Director Ton, do you know
what the ideal range is?

It's 2% to 3%.

But accounting requires
a high level of expertise.

Training people takes time.

The way I see it--

Accounting generates no profit.
It's a cost center.

We need to reduce expenses
and prioritize efficiency.

That includes personnel cuts.

If no one wants to resign,
then we encourage them.

We'll ask them, so please make a list

of potential targets immediately.

The criteria for--


I understand what you're saying.

Even so,
we have certain ways we do things here.

Please pause and take a deep breath.

Employees here suffer
a fundamental misunderstanding.


This company does not belong to you.

It belongs to the shareholders.

Let's knock some work out this afternoon.

Hey, Retsuko.



What is it?



It's so hot!

What happened?

We just got banned from using the AC.

Director! Please! Turn the AC on!

Productivity will drop!
What about heat stroke?

We're cutting costs!

If you don't like it,
we'll cut your labor cost!

Please don't do that!

Sorry, Fenneko. You were saying?

It was nothing.


Director Ton, your tea.

If you have time to waste,
get to work or lose your job!

If you're not busy, then go to records
and find these documents!

-Go already!
-Yes, sir!

Accounting generates no profit.
It's a cost center.

Mt. Fuji is actually a 3D projection
and isn't real. Did you know?

Somebody open this jar.


It's not that I wasn't busy. How annoying.

What is it now? Geez.

You're the only one I can talk to.

Did I make a mistake?

I thought it was for the best, so I pushed
Haida. Was that a mistake?

It's not your fault, Fenneko.

Should I tell Retsuko what Haida said?

You mean the recording?

That probably wouldn't be good.

But things just keep getting worse
as it is!

It wouldn't help.

We need to deal with Haida first.

Yeah, I guess.

Okay, I won't say anything to Retsuko yet.

That's a good idea.


Do tell me more.


Just a bubble-era boy living in Saitama

I play my roles at work and at home

My wife and my two daughters

Love their smart devices and food

I'll play dirty to make their lives better

People say I'm a shitty boss

I'm nothing more and nothing less

I'm just a pawn taking orders from above

Let the selections for resignation begin!

Komiya! Let's be ruthless!

Yes! Show no mercy!

First up is Kabae!

Source of fake news. Talks too much and
is annoying. Very annoying. So annoying!

She's a labor cost leech who destroys
focus and pilfers work time!

But she knows all about accounting
and keeps the mood cheerful!


Unmotivated. No drive. Unambitious!

His response to no bonus was--

I guess that's life.

Complacency is not the answer!

But he rarely makes mistakes and he
knows the most about IT in accounting.


Totally uncooperative.
Sense of entitlement. Overly aggressive.

Otherwise, no comment.

But his attitude at work has improved

and he's mellowed out
since hooking up with a cute girl.

I hear they're getting married!

I said be ruthless.

Whenever I try to play the bad guy,
I get cold feet.


Excessive flattery. Hardly works.

Won't get his hands dirty. Grade F.

There's no one to speak up for me here!

Komiya, what do you think?

Retsuko? She's a pretty average worker.

But her performance with OTMGirls
was legendary.

Her work also suffered because of that.

The President Tadano issue did cause
problematic behavior, like absences.

She's docile, so she's likely to
give in to a suggestion to leave.

I've decided.


That was quick.

I'm surprised.

I thought you'd find it more difficult.

I see.

Director Ton, what is the meaning of this?

You won't ask for any resignations.

Am I understanding correctly?

All of my people are exceptional.

I told you before.

Accounting generates no profit. It's a--

And I'd love to see an F1 race
without any pit crews.

I see.

You've made your point.

I'm home.

What's wrong? You sound exhausted.

More of that dirty work you love?

That's right.

Remember when everyone
was losing their jobs before?

I remember.

We made it through without losing anyone
thanks to the old president.

I remember him saying,

"We're family here."

I'm not firing anyone.