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01x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 03/13/24 08:12
by bunniefuu
TV Channel Russia

Written by Arif Aliev
Art director Vladimir Menshov

Directed by Alexandr Baranov,
Ramil Sabitov
Camera - Maxim Shinkorenko

Production Designers
Sergey Vorobjev, Sergey Onipenko

Music by Nikolai Rostov

Make-up Artists
Marina Dedova, Ilona Levitskaya

Leading Editor
Nadezhda Tarnovskaya

Leading Producer
Alexei Kublitsky

Producers - Alexandr Akopov
Ekaterina Efanova,
Natalia Shneiderova

Empress Elizaveta I - Yulia Aug

Grand Duke Pyotr Fyodorovich,
Emperor Peter III - Alexandr Yatsenko

Count Bestuzhev - Vladimir Menshov
Count Lestocq - Konstantin Lavronenko
Count Razumovsky

Prince Saltykov - Rinal Mukhametov
Captain Orlov - Sergey Strelnikov

Princess Johanna - Isabel Schosnig
Count Shuvalov - Nikolai Kozak
General Apraksin -Vitaly Kravchenko

Jemma - Elena Shamova
Pimen - Ivan Dobronravov
Matrena - Svetlana Korchagina

Prince Ponyatovsky - Aleksei Vorobyev
Brekdorf - Maxim Kerin
Betskoy - Kirill Rubtsov

Frederick II - Hartmut Krug
Mardefelt - Vitus Eisenach
Chetardie - Patrick Roullier Rollin

Nanny of Tsar Ivan VI -
Valentina Talyzina

With Marina Alexandrova
as Ekaterina II


And now Metamorphoses.

Scene Two.

Men dressed as women and vice versa.

Ready to fulfill your every order!
The Guards' Uniform fits you. I admire you!

Thank you.

The Lord made a mistake by putting
my male soul into a female body.

That's why I can't have a child.

Dear, the uniform fits you

as well as it fits a gallant guardsman.

If I were a girl, I wouldn't miss
a chance to entice such an officer!

I wouldn't miss a chance
to entice such a girl!

It seems you are also trapped
in a woman's body. No?

When are you going to fulfill
your destiny?

As soon as I have an opportunity.

He doesn't want to?

Is he scared?

He is.

He’s scared that I'll smother
you both when the child is born.

Everyone is scared.
And I need the heir.
I am tired of waiting.

I'm not afraid. Give orders!

I won't tell you anything more.

It says, "a woman must not wear
men's clothing,

nor a man wear women's clothing,
for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this"!

Don't be angry, Your Eminence!

It's just a masked ball really.

I wish to discuss some other problem
which arouses my indignation.


Your Highness!

To beautiful ladies!

What a gallant officer!

Your Highness, with all due respect,
may I give you one piece of advice?

What advice?

Don't forget about your position
and your manners.

Modesty is the best policy
for a woman even if she’s wearing a Guards' Uniform.

What weighs with me most
is my husband's word.

I'm here to entertain my husband
and Her Majesty!

Rumors reached me
that a part of land

belonging to the Church
goes into your possession.

The Church possesses a third
of all our arable land

and 2 million peasants, Reverend Father.

Isn't it too much for the country
with a population of 15 million?

The treasury grows empty, but the Church
is insatiable - donating not even a rouble.

Spend less money on
this devilish merrymaking!

Church lands are sacred!

I want you to wed me
to Count Razumovsky.

What count? That peasant boy from Ukraine
who sang in a church choir?

My answer is “no” -
this time and ever after.

The Church won't bless
such an unequal marriage,

moreover the childless one.

Repent and go on sinning;
you needn't to be married.

Your lands will pass into the possession of the
State.The treasury needs to be replenished.

You've become even more
beautiful, Your Highness.

How is your service in
Vienna coming along?

My service in Vienna is over, and
I'm happy to see you again.

Frankly, I'm glad to see you too!

But why are you
here right now?

God and Her Majesty
wanted me to arrive.

I have no friends here but somehow
I believe you to be my friend.

Do not doubt about it for a second!

May I ask you to dance with me, Prince?

Don't ask, Lieutenant. Command!

For 7 years we’ve had no w*r, but the treasury
is empty. Russia hasn't seen such wasteful rulers!

But why are there so many years of peace?

Have you ever thought
about it, Your Eminence?

It's because
of our wise ruling!

It's because of our ability to compel the
neighboring countries to live neighborly!

It's because of our daily and nightly
care for all our people!

Pitiable is the ruler who
doesn't abate their pride.

It is by divine providence
that there is no w*r.

It is thanks to the tireless prayers
of the ministers of the Church of Christ!

Aleksey Grigoryevich, I order you
to collect all the arrears from the Church!

Neither delay nor postponement is permissible!

Stepan Fyodorovich! Since now, as agreed,
all church estates should be governed by retired officers.

Make a list of them.

My Lady, but Such an edict must be approved by the Senate.

Alexandr Ivanovich,
have a talk with those senators

who will fail to understand

or will be voicing their discontent.

The most obstinate ones -
well, don't waste time on them.

And further. Once, Peter the Great
melted church bells to make cannons.

We won't do exactly that
but we can think of something of the sort.

My Lady, what's wrong?

My Lady! Call the doctor! The doctor, quick!

They say you're married for love?

I’ve been thinking about you a lot.

I know your wife well.
Such a noble beauty.

Look, how she is
looking at you.

I've paid dearly for this look!

So it wasn't a love match?


But then why?

It was the performance of my duty.

If I ever loved anyone, it was you.


You are going beyond the bounds
of decency! I feel ashamed for you.

Still, you noticed me
for the first time in a year.

Are you not interested in me at all?

We need to talk. We have little time.

I don't want to.

Oh Lord, she isn't pregnant still!

And it's not clear when she will...
She’s not a girl but a boy!

I am like a boy; she is like a boy too…

What shall we do, Aleksey Grigoryevich?

Pyotr and Ekaterina are still young
not yet ripe for that. Wait a little, My Lady.

For how long

It's unbearable.

Cut me but help me. I can take it no more!

Your Majesty, your
kidney stones are moving.

Drink this and they'll pass out. Be patient.

Go away with your "be patient".

I'm dying and you're harping on the same tune.
-There, there.

I know you'll be only too
happy when I die.
-There, there.

Please, drink, My Lady.


Don't be such a baby!

Lord, this medicine is so bitter!

Take one more sip.

I can't. It's all decided for her. Dispatch her
to the convent and start seeking another girl.

Your Majesty...

Please drink it all to the last drop.

Your Majesty, don’t be squeamish.

It's too bitter to drink.

Go on, go on. It'll do you good.
You'll begin to feel better.

There now, you'll soon feel better.

If the pain goes away tomorrow
I'll tell Father Simeon to wed us.

It's impossible, the archbishop is against it.

We'll be married secretly.

I failed to bring you a child.
My body isn't young anymore.

Passionate lust is gone. I hope the marriage
will give us a feeling of long and steady love.

Has the pain eased
off, Your Majesty?

Here, have a sip more.

You know I'm not a cruel man.

You are immensely kind and gentle,
Your Excellency.

If the kidney stones won't pass out
till tomorrow, I'll throw you into the dungeon.

Your Highness, the doctor is waiting for you.

Your Majesty,

Periodus Virginalis.

She's a virgin.

Oh my God!

Oh Jesus Christ! Oh, Saints of God!

Why didn't she tell me?

Married for 7 years! No, you all are deceiving me!

I saw blood on the sheet
after their wedding night!

Perhaps the young husband
isn’t fit enough?

But Pyotr Fyodorovich
had mistresses, didn't he? I’m asking you!

Well? Did anyone of them
get pregnant?

Your Imperial Majesty, the Grand Duke
spent nights with maids of honor and actresses.

He made the actresses strip naked.
He got them marching in line and trained them in manual of the r*fle.

After that he punished them.

So this is what you call
"he spent nights with"?

Pyotr Fyodorovich is an admirer
of King Frederick.

Can it actually be that he has adopted
the same thick deviant inklings?

There's no evidence of that, Your Majesty.

Then why Ekaterina is still not
pregnant, why is she still a virgin?

Pyotr Fyodorovich is the last man
in the Romanov family.

If I die tomorrow...

Your Majesty!

If I die tomorrow, either this idiot virgin Pyotr or that
imbecile Ioann, now imprisoned, will be made Emperor.

And I will die tomorrow!

Your Majesty, I dare to say that phimosis
can be the cause of the problem.

What is this?

It's a disease which
reduces sexual sensations.

Why didn't you let me know it before?

Because phimosis mostly
doesn't impact fertility.

What can be done?

Pyotr needs a minor surgery.

Will that help?

We can only hope.

Then go and
do that minor surgery!

Ioann Antonovich
is to be strangled immediately.

Don't just stand there. Go!

Don't look them in the eye, don't talk
with them - as if you understand nothing.

What do they want of me, Nanny?

I don't know, dear.
But they are very unusual visitors.

- Vologda!

Is it my death?
I won't live any longer?

Don't fear death, dear,
don’t fear. Death is a door.

You will open it and see the
divine light, and life eternal,

the bliss, happiness and peace.

Your Highness!

No, no!

It is the order of the Empress.

I won't disgrace myself. Nothing
will compel me to give in!

What can she do to me?
I'm not a child! Freeze!

Any questions?

Your Excellency,
will the boy come back?


May I care for him?

Your services are no longer required.

May I at least see him?

Dismiss her.

Clean up here and come
to my office for your money.

The sun...

Let's drink.

To Emperor Frederick the Great!

Maybe we'll drink to
young ladies,Your Highness?

The world of women is beautiful,
and soon it’ll open to you in all its glory, as large as life.

I'm afraid.

Everyone is afraid.

I'll tell you a funny story. Once I came to a doctor and said,

"My friend caught a shameful disease.
He's in pain. Examine him."

"Take off your clothes," the doctor said.
"And show me your friend."

Saltykov…what happened to your stammer?

My stammer?

Wine works miracles on people.

Don't be afraid. Shemyakin
promised it wouldn't hurt.

Go to sleep, Your Highness.

Sleep well, Your Highness.

We need to carry His Highness
to his bedchamber.

Doctor, have a drink with us.

Empress's order is fulfilled.
The prisoner is transferred to the Shlisselburg Fortress.

With all due care?


But you shouldn't have made the Empress change her mind.
Death would be a happy release for the boy.

The Empress is kind at heart.

There's no need whatsoever to k*ll the child. What for?

Good morning, Your Highness!
I'm very glad to see you.

Me too, Stepan Fyodorovich.
Where are you going?

To the Empress. I want to
show her an interesting innovation.

Aren't you three centuries late?
The p*stol was invented in the fifteenth century.

Knowledge in military science does you credit,
Your Highness, but the innovation is like this:

the p*stol grip is lighter.

Due to this, the sh**t’s hand will tire less.

And this p*stol is cheaper.

Will it affect sh**ting accuracy?

No, Your Highness.

Would you like me to show it to our
academicians? They are not only writing poetry.

Thank you, Your Highness.
I'll be very grateful.

Stepan Fyodorovich, I consider you to be my friend,
and it's a double pleasure to help friends.

I admire you, Ekaterina Alekseyevna.

You take a great interest in history and
sciences, and have an attachment to literature too.

Yes, it all interests me.

When I delve into sciences, I don't feel lonely.

Allow me to disbelieve you,
Your Highness.

You are like a bright star
attracting people around you.

Not everyone, as you can see.
My husband has no interest in me.

I've always had a low opinion
of Pyotr Fyodorovich’s intellect..

Don't, Stepan Fyodorovich.
He is my husband before God and I love him.

Forgive me, Ekaterina Alexeyevna.

Don't be angry, please.

In order to maintain our friendship, I withdraw
my remark and admit him to be second only to Lomonosov.

It is unfair towards Lomonosov.

May I try?


Just you wait, mischievous girl!

I’m scared you’ll punish me.

Of course, I will.

When will you learn to march in line?

Your Highness, what are you doing?

Your Highness, they’ll see us.

I'm trembling with fear.

Happy New Year, Your Majesty.

Are you tired after toasting all night?

Yes, I am.

Well, why did you fight a duel
with Prince Doronin?

There was no duel, if you will. I didn't sh**t.

He did sh**t though.

Everyone knows that the Prince is ill-tempered.

I heard it was a cuckolded husband
that defended the honor of his wife.

It's just gossip and envy of my enemies.

Well, Saltykov, they say you
are notoriously successful with women.

But no, Your Majesty. Me, a stammerer, no!

You, a stammerer, as you are.

It seems the list of your amorous
victories lacks only me.

I'm confused.

Do you like Ekaterina Alekseyevna?

She's beautiful.

Do you lust after her?

Did you lust after me

Guilty, Your Magesty, more than once.

You're surely lying but, still,
I'm pleased to hear this. Sit down.

Take a glass and sit closer.

Can I trust you?


A year has passed after the surgery
of Pyotr Fyodorovich.

And nothing happens.
Do you understand me?

I do - if you wish me to, Your Majesty.

Saltykov, you're not quite the fool.

I got it, Your Majesty.

Happy New Year!

Nothing is happier for a girl
than having a child. I dream to have children.

Me, too. I'll wait a little longer,
and then marry anyone but a decrepit old man.

Let him be even decrepit. Nothing
prevents you from getting pregnant by a lover.

Choose any stud you like,
spur him, and ride him at full speed..

Is that such an issue who the
father is? The child is what matters.

I agree. What do you think, Your Highness?

Let's have a snowball fight!

Very well, let's go. A great battle awaits us.

You shouldn't throw snow
right in the face, girl!

What are you doing?
You are a bad girl! Who are you?

My name is Elizaveta.
I am Countess Vorontsova.

You know what, Countess Vorontsova,
if I were your mother, I would’ve swished you with a salted rod.

If you were my mother, I'd run
away from you into a forest.

What a p*stol
you are, Countess Vorontsova.

Ekaterina Alekseyevna, His Highness offers
his apologies and asks you not to wait for him.

He also left word for you
that he went a-hunting.

Did he

I think, in a few days. May I help you, please?

I'll shake off the snow.

Help me.

I love you. I... I fell in love with you at first sight -

you as a young girl who was getting out of the sleigh,

tired, freezing, and yet having inquisitive sparkling eyes.

The village’s name was funny...

- Chernitsa.

Do you remember?

I do. And you then thought that I was your
promised one. I wish it had been true.

I really mistook you
for somebody else.

Believe it or not, there's
no escaping fate.

Your Excellency.

Your Majesty.

What good news do you have for us?

Carnal delights?

Ekaterina Alekseyevna and Prince
Saltykov spent a night and took pleasure in each other.

What date is it today?

It's January 20th, Your Imperial Majesty.

It's January 20th. Do you understand?

It should be late September

I'll pray for it every day.

Will Pyotr Fyodorovich
believe that it is his child?

I couldn’t care less about that.

If Pyotr Fyodorovich refuses
to acknowledge the child,

I'll throw him in the dungeon, to keep Ioann company.

You know we need to somehow make him
visit her more often these days.

You are right. The more people believe
the child is the rightful heir the better.

Your Highness, be reasonable, I’m begging you.

I can't and I don't want to.

I've been waiting for it too long.

Your Highness...

I'll be with you tonight
and a few more nights.


Do you mind?


It is so unexpected. I didn't
expect you to come tonight.

Maybe, some other night?

Right now and right here.

I'm waiting.

What seems to be
the problem, gentlemen?

Your Imperial Majesty,
we have an urgent message:

Britain is going to enter into
an alliance with Prussia.

It’s a slander!

Since 1750,
Britain is our ally against Prussia!

Muster your spies, Count Shuvalov.

Alas, Your Imperial Majesty, the source is reliable.

Britain and France are fighting
over the control of North America.

Prussia will profit by supporting Britain.
Frederick will do anything to do Louis a bad turn.

By concluding an alliance
behind our back! Pah.

Once again we see what it is
to deal with Britain.

I propose to break off relations with them!

You are too quick, Alexey Grigoryevich,
about breaking off relations!

What about the Subsidy Convention?

No, we won't refuse from the British gold.

It's not the time as yet.

Your Majesty! It has begun!

My God!

Go wake up Pyotr Fyodorovich!
Get me dressed!

What has begun?

Why have you woken me up, Auntie?

I don't like screams and blood.
May I go back to bed?

Close your mouth!

Sit down and watch
your child is being born.

That's good.

Hold on, please.

You need to push, dear.

Good, good.

Kneel! The future Emperor of Russia is born!
