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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 03/13/24 08:10
by bunniefuu
TV Channel Russia

Written by Arif Aliev
Art director Vladimir Menshov

Directed by Alexandr Baranov,
Ramil Sabitov
Camera - Maxim Shinkorenko

Production Designers
Sergey Vorobjev, Sergey Onipenko

Music by Nikolai Rostov

Make-up Artists
Marina Dedova, Ilona Levitskaya

Leading Editor
Nadezhda Tarnovskaya

Leading Producer
Alexei Kublitsky

Producers - Alexandr Akopov
Ekaterina Efanova,
Natalia Shneiderova

Empress Elizaveta I - Yulia Aug

Grand Duke Pyotr Fyodorovich,
Emperor Peter III - Alexandr Yatsenko

Count Bestuzhev - Vladimir Menshov
Count Lestocq - Konstantin Lavronenko
Count Razumovsky

Prince Saltykov - Rinal Mukhametov
Captain Orlov - Sergey Strelnikov

Princess Johanna - Isabel Schosnig
Count Shuvalov - Nikolai Kozak
General Apraksin -Vitaly Kravchenko

Jemma - Elena Shamova
Pimen - Ivan Dobronravov
Matrena - Svetlana Korchagina

Prince Ponyatovsky - Aleksei Vorobyev
Brekdorf - Maxim Kerin
Betskoy - Kirill Rubtsov

Frederick II - Hartmut Krug
Mardefelt - Vitus Eisenach
Chetardie - Patrick Roullier Rollin

Nanny of Tsar Ivan VI -
Valentina Talyzina

With Marina Alexandrova
as Ekaterina II

The Teacher
of Russian, Professor Adodurov.

Good afternoon, Your Excellency.

Good afternoon, Professor. I’ve been
studying case forms. It's not difficult.

My compliments.

Today we shall practice the manner
of speaking at the Court. Her Majesty

demands to speak only Russian,
but it should be a correct Russian.

These objects and actions should
be named in Latin only

for they sound embarrassingin Russian.

“Hey”, “whoah”, “darned”,
“damn”, and others.


Even better than Rembrandt.

I am happy you liked it, Duchess.

Johanna. - You may
call me Johanna.

- Ivan Ivanovich.

Thank you, Ivan Ivanovich.

I will order to hang it. Tell me where to.

- In my bedchamber.

Arina, bring some muscatel.

I am sure this woman and
this moor have a romantic affair.

- Judging by the picture, the moor doesn't
even dare to dream about his mistress.

- I would advise the moor to be more decisive.

I think, he thinks, we think,
they think.

I dream, he dreams,
they dream, she dreams...

Pyotr Alekseyevich personally forged
this sabre before the Narva Сampaign.

Your father was a true master.

It fits my hand.

A sabre is not a plaything. God forbid.

It was rough times and rough morals.

My father was a down-to-earth person,
and his subjects knew that he was just a human.

That's why they revolted and refused to work.

So he hanged and beheaded them.

I'm not a down-to-earth type.
I don't forge sabers or make
shoes nor I behead my subjects.

Nevertheless, he was
called Peter the Great.

Soon she will sermonize us all.

The Empress can be called
the Great too.

No doubt.

Mother, so it's true?

Don't blame me. Every woman
can have a secret passion

about which her husband should be in the dark.
Ivan Ivanovich is an amazing man, so I didn't make a mistake.

But what about my father? Don’t
you love him anymore?

- I have never loved him.


I have always preferred
brutal men who take what they want without

thinking twice. Whereas your father is so
polite and boring.

I want him to embrace, to squeeze
me till my ribs are aching, but instead he'd go:

”Allow me to kiss you, Duchess. Oh, I'm sorry if I

hurt you." Ten years older than me,
yet he was a virgin.

In our family, not a single woman
got married for love.

So, I will be the first one.

- At last she changed her dress.

- The Empress dressed her up
according to her bridal status.

- It's useless: she is cold
like a fish.

Don't stoop, straighten up. And smile
- to these witches.

- This attire fits you.

The princess is nearly fainting.
And she looks ill.

It must be something hereditary.

I remember how, back in 1730,
her uncle Karl Augustus of Holstein-Gottorp
was proposing to Her Majesty.

They danced a minuet; such a beautiful couple.
She was 18, and he was 21.

But when exchanging rings,
he died right in the church.

Should Count Bestuzhev show too wayward

and Apraksin too lazy,
inform me without delay.

Isn't there a better man
at the Court that Her Majesty

- let a commoner into her bed.

- Bite your tongues lest
you end up un-tongued.

- Do you snitch on us
to your husband?

There is no need to. He can hear
you very well from where he is.

- And one more thing:

- I forbid to Lestocq any expenses without my approval.

Should he deem to squander a single
rouble from the Treasury,

send a courier with an explanation
on what he intends to spend it.

- Your Majesty...

Is Your Majesty ready to perform
the penance?

- Yes, I am, Reverend Father.

- Is Your Majesty ready
to be beneficent, to pray

together with the hapless ones
and give them hope and faith?

Bless me, Reverend Father.

I bless you and Godspeed to you.

Thank you, Reverend Father.

Good bye, children.

Have a nice trip, Your Majesty.

Why are you so pale?
Feeling unwell?

No, Your Majesty.

Well, then you should eat more.

Gee, I'm so tired. In Russia
they traditionally say long good-byes.

At the very last moment they recollect
about thing undone, forgotten, not attended to.

Also my aunt is afraid of a coup d'etat.
She thinks I'll ascend the throne while she is away.

Will you excuse me, Pyotr Fyodorovich,
I feel tired.

God Almighty...

What if we tell the duke and
the duchess their child has died?

They will cry and forget
about it.

oann's parents present
no more danger.

Let them go, Your Majesty. Let them
go back to their Braunschweig.

They will, after the wedding.

No, we'll do like this.

Let them go after Frederika and
Pyotr have a baby.

My Lady,

but will you let them...

The life of Ioann Antonovich will undergo
no changes. He will stay in Russia.

Yes, My Lady.

Take it away.

What's wrong with you, Frederika?
Look lively, it's not the time for being ill.

Are you doing this on purpose?

Count Saltykov brought a message
from His Highness.

Pyotr Fyodorovich is inviting me
to go a-hunting.

You cheered up. Inviting to where?

In such a frosty day?

Good afternoon.

His Highness is inviting you
to go a-hunting which he then offers
to celebrate with a glass of gluhwein.


What's that?...

I will gladly see Pyotr Fyodorovich
once again today.

Pass my words to him.


Oh, my girl...
Wake up!

Frederika, what's going on?
Bring the doctor! Quickly!

Her Majesty wills to do penance and pray on the porch.

Bring beggars and cripples but not more than a dozen of them.

What are you doing?

I’m begging your pardon.

What for?

Darling, he knows what is to be done.

You have blood on your lips,
which means

you have an excess of blood
in your body. It needs to be let out.

It’s enough.

Her face is so pallid.

If it won't help, I'll try bile letting.

Kiss Her Majesty's hand.

Welcome, Your Majesty.

Well, how do you do, Duke.
You have beautiful children.

Elizaveta and Ekaterina.

Is it a girl?

It's a boy, My Lady. He was called
Pyotr in honor of your great father.

Why didn't Anna Leopoldovna
come out to greet me

Katenka, show the way
to Her Majesty. My Lady...

Elizaveta Petrovna revisits her own rise to power.

Her father was succeeded by his niece, Anna Ioannovna,
and she by her grand nephew Ioann VI.

Elizaveta organized a coup, imprisoning Ioann while
sending his parents to a monastery in Northern Russia.

Mommy doesn't feel cold
because she has died.

Why didn't you warn me,
Alexey Grigoryevich?

I didn't know it, My Lady.
They didn't report to me.

What if the grave is empty?

And our ex-regentess has ran away
to Braunschweig and is spinning a conspiracy there?

And this wretched German is waiting for his time to become generalissimo of the Russian army.

Your Highness,
I have important news for you.

The princess has fallen ill.

My condolences, Duke.

Thank you, My Lady.
We are all mortal...

Get up.

- My happiness would be
boundless if Your Majesty allow me to write
him a letter. I'm begging you.

Do write it then.

Your Majesty, a depeche
from Chancellor Bestuzhev.

We are coming back home,
Alexey Grigoryevich.

My Lady, in the love of God, what
is in store for us?

Please allow the children
to take a walk at least once a day!

Tell Ioann that we love him!
Your Majesty!

Everything is ready, My Lady.
Would you please to pray?

Some other time.

Her illness is dangerous so I can't guarantee
a favorable outcome.

I didn't want to say thisin the
presence of the duchess fearing her hysteria.

How are you going to treat her?

With healing ointments and preparations.

I hope Doctor Caramaldi
will come here immediately.

You think I won't cope alone?

I think it will be better if someone helps you,
someone who is not interested that the
French bride should ascend the throne.

Let me remind you, Count,
that it was you who was emphatically
against the Prussian princess.

Hush, gentlemen, hush. Both of
you were against Princess Frederika.

- And I am still against her.

Pyotr Fyodorovich is German,
the princess is German too.

If, God forbid, Frederick goes against Russia,
will they defend their new Motherland?

I don't remember, Alexandr Ivanovich,
that you considered Princess Frederika
the best candidature.

Let us not argue. Frederika's
condition is going from bad to worse.

We need to hold
an urgent concilium.

You may invite all kind of
charlatans and ignoramuses,

but I must go
and take care of the preparation.

He is paid a three-fold state emolument,
and on top of this handsome money he
adds secret donations from the French ambassador.

I’m aware of this. What's more important,
Her Majesty is aware of this.

We should investigate into
the cause of Frederika's illness.

I don't take her as a
German. How strange.

There was no betrothal. We
are not bound by obligations.

Do you suggest to send her home?

Bestuzhev writes that it's a grave
illness with indefinite outcome.

So... How soon will
the new doctor arrive?

In two weeks. I wrote him
to travel without making stops.

Do you think he will help?

I'm afraid no one can help
the princess.

Help me.

Of course. Of course!

The Duchess of Oldenburg had
her first baby when she was forty

Doctor Caramaldi heals with herbs,
hot baths and wraps. He’s even said to tire his
patients out with all kind of Spartan poses.

He may tie me into knots,
I agree to any treatment.

Even to be boiled in a cauldron full of lye.
But you should try your best, too, Alexey Grigoryevich.

Yes, My Lady.

And I will bear you a boy.

We'll have a beautiful boy.

Frederika, dear, how are you feeling?

Call for Father Simeon.

Hardly have I left, and everything goes to pieces.
Because of you I can't even leave the palace.

Your Majesty, the illness of the princess
was so sudden. Too sudden, I should say.

Alexandr Ivanovich,
what do you think about this?

Your Majesty, I did not notice anything
suspicious. Maybe, it's indeed a hereditary illness.

Maybe you aren’t searching
well enough?

Your Majesty...

Check everything once again!
Leave no stone unturned, but find out
- whence her illness.

As you wish.

Oh, wondermaker St. Panteleimon,
the holy martyr

and the all-merciful healer,
have mercy upon this God's maid.

Heed to my prayer and intercede for her
before the Almighty healer

our Lord Christ. May He grant her the abolition of the disease...
Turn her righteous glance onto this infirm girl.

May she remain healthy to the end of her days,
for the sake of the salvation of her soul. Amen.

Have you found out what's
wrong with Princess Frederika?

As I already reported, the princess
was stricken with an unknown disease,

maybe it is hereditary.
I'm doing everything I can.

Will she live?

With God's help.

Lestocq, if something happens to her,
not God but you will answer for this.

Your Majesty.

How is the spirit of the troops?

All soldiers are brimming with patriotism
ready to follow you.

Do you speak now as the Head
of the Secret Chancellery or as a sycophant

seeking a more generous emolument?
What I need from you is facts and only facts.

I'm sorry, Your Majesty.
A depeche has just arrived from Russia.

Princess Frederika is seriously ill.
So seriously, they are not even sure she will live.

What is her illness?

Fever, moments of unconsciousness, a very grave condition.
They report that sometimes the princess can't recognize her close ones.

I do not have the exact proof, but I'm practically sure
the princess has been poisoned.


I say, Your Highness, it would be nice if you visited Princess Frederika.
I’m sure she will be glad to see you.

Your Highness...

Should she recover, she will come out for a walk
and we'll meet, but if not...

Your Highness, I'd take the liberty to object
saying she will be pleased to know you're worried about her.


Well, yes, you.

But I'm not worried about her
in the least. I hate to think about illnesses.
Sick people look bad and smell bad.

At least send some flowers to her.



Go on admiring art...


has Pyotr Fyodorovich been here?


Thank God he didn't see me in such a state.

Excuse me. Prince Saltykov
insisted to pass this to you.

'To lovely Frederika.' Mother,

Pyotr Fyodorovich
has passed this bouquet to me.

Is he here?

No.There is no one here.

Arina, give me a quill.

Arina, how is
the princess doing?

Her Excellency thanks
His Highness for the flowers.

I don't want her to die.

Calm down, Jemma.
It’s over.

Let her recover.

No, if you don't give the potion again,
she will die in agony, in a month

or in a week, it doesn’t matter. But if
you do it, she will simply fall asleep forever.

I won't do this. St. Maria,
I would rather drink it myself.

Jemma, think about your father.
You are his only joy.

I'm not going to do this, don’t ask me, Your Excellency.

Jemma, my darling. We'll finish this
and will leave together.

I want to leave this abhorring
country no less than you do.

I have enough money to live
comfortably to the end of the world.
I love you, darling.

A lucky sign, My Lady. Broken
tableware is good tidings.

Be quiet.

We have the same saying. The shards...

Broken pieces...

Broken pieces bring luck.

Frederika, do you fancy
for an orange jam?

I want a real orange.

No fresh oranges, Your Excellency,
but only candied ones.

I want that one.

Put the knife down, you fool.
You don’t know how to peel it.

Don't you dare raise your voice
in our presence!

I'm sorry, Your Excellency.

Get out, both of you.

Mother, call for Father Simeon.
I want to continue the lesson.

Two persons came up into the princess's room, Jemma
Jentille and the maid Maria, sorry, Matryona.

Maria or Matryona?


What's going on?

Bring her back. Get up! Get up!

Who are you?

I’m Matryona.

Why did she slap you?

I can't peel oranges properly.

Where is she from?

She was hired on recommendation
of Prince Saltykov.

Frederika didn't eat the poisoned dish.
They suspect me now.

Calm down. Go to the kitchen.

Shuvalov is there. I need to run away.
I’m begging you, Your Excellency,

help me, save me.

I will. Go and pack
your things. Go now.

Oh, Christ Almighty,heed to my prayers and grand health
to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen.

Who is that?

St. Panteleimon. He helped me
to overcome my illness.

You will be taken to a safe place. I will send a man.
He will bring you the money and will help to leave.

Your Excellency, I fulfilled
only one half of the job.

You will be paid fully.

Hup! Go, go!

Mother, did Father give you flowers
before you got married?

How can one forget whether your beloved
one gave you flowers or not?

My beloved one?
My beloved one, he gave me flowers.

I don't understand.

I already told you:

throughout five centuries none of dukes of duchesses
of Anhalt-Zerbst got married for love.

But maybe you will be lucky.

I am already lucky.

What would you like?

Father, father...

Johann Hermann Lestocq,
you are arrested for high treason.

Stop this circus, Lestocq. You are stripped of your title.
Tortures and infamy await you. Go.

He didn't burn it all. Now we have
something against Marquis Chetardie.

What a scoundrel!
and a palace on Fontanka.


But still he abused our generosity.
Confiscate all his belongings.

The mansions and the palace are
to be sold at the auction.

As you wish.

The prisoner is delivered
and given a number.

He committed high treason.

His Imperial Highness is asking


whether you will be so kind
as to receive him?

Give me a hand, Arina. Hurry up.

Oh, you're so beautiful...

Hurry, hurry!


Your Highness.

You came to see the princess?

At your kind permission,
Your Highness.

Your Highness.

Your Excellency.

Please give this bouquet
from me to the lovely princess.

Does Frederika feel
well enough so that I could...

Maybe it's yet too early
for visitors.

Not at all, Your Highness. She recovered the moment
she learned Your Kindness is going to visit her.

How do you do, Frederika.

How do you do, Pyotr Fyodoro…

No, stay there.

Forgive me for not seeing
you during your illness.

I don't like to be ill.
I don't like ill people.

Did they do blood



I'm afraid of doctors; I don't
allow them to examine me.

Though I allowed it to Count Lestocq

fearing him even more
than my own aunt…

But now I'm not afraid of him.
You know why?

Lestocq is in the fortress. And
he is being tortured with hot iron.

It's forbidden to mention his
name. Though I did this right now.

But why? He was the closest friend of
the Empress. He did so much for her.


It's all court intrigues. Though, Auntie never
persecutes people. Only for high treason!

But who will be the next?
Is treason everywhere?

Of course treason is everywhere.
Who will be the next? I will.

I don't love my aunt.
Or, say, Betskoy. He may be a spy!

He's so quiet; it's suspicious.

Apraksin, Bestuzhev; it may be just
anybody. Your mother and you are spies for sure!

Everyone knows that.

What are you saying?

Well, maybe not you,
but your mother is definitely a spy! I heard
about this. But it's a top secret.

I will get used to your jokes.

We can’t talk about it, Aunty will order
to cut off our tongues.

Last year, Countess Lopukhina was taken to the Canal,
stripped of her clothes, then flogged;

and then the hangman inserted a bracket into her mouth,
and cut off the tip of her tongue.

But why?

I didn't ask…

I only wondered whether she
would die from pain or not.

Yes, and they will cut off Count
Lestocq's tongue, too. It will serve him right.

He made me to undress and wanted to insert
an iron tube into me. But I didn't allow him to.

I'm the heir to the throne after all.
And did Lestocq examine you?

I won't tell you. I'd rather have
my tongue cut off.

I saw nude women
many times.

Count Saltykov undressed them.

It was so disgusting!

Count Saltykov?!

Yes, Saltykov.

My aunt paid him so that
I would learn to deal with women.

I have never seen
undressed men.

Nor do I suffer to be seen
undressed. Even by my servants.

But it is all too natural between
husband and wife, isn’t it?

Yes, my aunt was right choosing you.

And would you have chosen me?

I don't know.
I didn't like your portrait.

But you grew sad, Frederika.

Bring in the gift!

Voila! Look at this.

It was made by maestro
Johann Grooth. Can you imagine?

I had to stand
unmoving for 4 hours on end.

Will you go to the theatre with me?

I wrote a play for you
and want to stage it.

Would you like to take part?

I would be eager to.

King Frederick is passing
the message he is very glad
that Frederika has recovered.

He is worried he has not
heard from you for so long.

I will surely write to him.

His Majesty wants to know
about everything:

about your life in the palace
and about the disappearance of Count Lestocq.

Count Lestocq is being
tortured in the fortress.

His Majesty said to give you

of the bespoken allowance.
Be sure and mention this

in your letter lest they think
I have pocketed this money.

I will write everything in detail.
And now tell me… Is it dangerous?

Absolutely not. You are under the
protection of King Frederick.

What does it mean, in
such circumstances?

Frankly speaking,
I don't know.

But I have been living here since long ago
and I am still alive, as you can see.

All right, I will write
one more letter, but that's all.

After the cue - a double touche.

I'm charging...

Now you!

Ah! Noble knight, have mercy!

No mercy!

She's a lady!

Saltykov, don't interrupt,
these are mock swords.

Now you will die. And God is my
witness, you’ve deserved to die.

Bravo, bravo!

What did you say, Saltykov?

I said, bravo.

Yes, the skill of this person
is praiseworthy.

My father taught me to fence.

Are you out of your mind?
What if I got wounded?

Maybe you
are a spy after all?

Scars adorn men and let them
remember their enemies.

Let the soldiers w*r,
but I will be the commander.

A commander only needs a sword
to show the direction of attacking.

I can show you how King
Frederick is reviewing troops.

About face! March – one, two, one...

two. About face - one, two...

one, two...

About face - one, two...

Pyotr Fyodorovich,
do you want to marry me?

Only I'm asking about your wish,
and not your aunt's wish.

Do you want to talk with me
about love and tenderness?

About your feelings
towards my person.

Field marshal von Schwerin is the bravest
military leader under Frederick the Great.

Saltykov, halt! Freeze!

So what did youwant to discuss with me?

I think I’ve received the answer.

Thank you for being honest,
Your Highness.

I thank everybody for the lesson.

Saltykov, unfreeze.

In the name of Her Imperial Majesty,

the new ambassador
of the Great Ottoman Empire.

Sometimes Pyotr
Fyodorovich behaves like a child.

And I feel like
embracing him and pitying him.

Then go ahead and embrace him.

Sit straight. Don't
be like a child.

We are glad to see at our Court
the new Ottoman Ambassador.

Your Imperial Majesty,

Illuminous Padishah
Mahmud, the Khalif

of the Righteous Muslims,
may Allah grant him long life,

wishes to present a gift
to Your Majesty:

the Bloody Sun ruby
from his own regal turban.

A gift from the Padishah.
Is it good or bad?

Did you see that stone?
How can it be bad?

A Bloody Sun indeed.

Mother, it's diplomacy.
It’s a language of hidden signs.

Maybe, the red color is a
proclamation of w*r?

Why does it concern you?

It does.

First you should get married.

Please, tell the Padishah

that we receive his gift
with gratitude.

So much time has passed,
and the Queen says nothing.
When is the betrothal?

Maybe, they want you to embrace
Orthodoxy on your free will?

Did he propose to you?
Shake him up! Think of something!

I have an idea!


Good master, make such soldiers of copper,

but the arms and
uniforms should be life-like.

Iron r*fles and swords,
golden epaulettes.

And every one should have an individual face.

How do you
manage, being one

I’m used to it.

It's a bad piece of work.

I can see it.

I don't want it like this.

How many of them?

Grenadiers, fusiliers, cuirassiers, reiters, musketeers,
cannoniers, hussars, soldiers and officers

five figures of each. Also eight standard bearers and twenty wagoners.

How much
will you pay?

One dime
per each.

One ruble.

What? Have a heart!

Fischer will do it for a dime,
but he'll make a poor job of it.

He works quickly,
he doesn't care about details.

I charge high,
but I do my job equally well.

Expensive and tasty or cheap and nasty.

I have no reason to knock off the price.

Frederika, please, you wait outside.
I will talk to the master Russian to Russian.

I know what you'll say Russian to Russian, Count:
bastard, scoundrel, dirty dog, shameless mug.

No, not quite like this.

Only troopers use this language
and also shameless gunmen.

Hopefully, you will never
hear this language.

You, bastard...

Ivan Ivanovich is so caring,
isn't he?

I hope you will not write to your father
about my unexpected happiness?

It's been long since I wrote to my father,
but I wonder to whom you're sending letters all the time?

Stop it. It's none of your concern.

I hope that you are prudent enough. It would be stupid to
make a mistake and lose everything.

Well, what does Betskoy have to say to us?

He reports about his conversations
with the duchess in general.

He keeps going on about
his grandiose architecture plans.

Though he spends all days and nights
in her chambers.

By the way, Alexandr Ivanovich.

Your wife is either vexed
or stern all the time.

Why, pray tell, should I
need a Gorgon for a maid of honor?

I will talk to her.

You don't understand,
Alexandr Ivanovich.

I can talk to her myself.
You hide your dalliances better.
After all, you are a professional

And now bring in that amateur.

Your Majesty.

Why didn't you report to me
that the duchess is seeing Mardefelt?

I didn't find anything troubling
in their communication.

All ambassadors are spies. Your mistress is
seeing a foreign agent, and you don't bother?

Have you become so naive?

Your Majesty... -
Does the duchess ask you any suspicious questions?

What do the two of you
talk about at all?

For example, we discuss my projects of granite embankments,
or how to build stone bridges across the Neva.

My God, what nonsense.
Granite embankments.

Let them build granite embankments
and stone bridges

in Europe. Russia has lots of forests.
Look out the window.

Logs are being floated down
the Neva day and night.

Where can we get granite?

In Karelia, Your Majesty.

We've no roads leading there.

We will have to build them,
Your Majesty.

I am so lucky.

I am so lucky it's not you but Count Bestuzhev
is in charge of building projects.

Does the duchess write any letters?

She does, sometimes.

To whom?

I don't know. To her husband, probably.

Tell me, have you entirelly forgotten why
I’ve ordered you to seduce that fool of Holstein?

I will immediately break our
relations, Your Majesty.

What on Earth is going on?
Stop thwarting me!

You will do only what I will tell you to do.

Find out to whom the duchess is writing her letters.
And bring the letters to me!

Otherwise you will disappoint me
very much.

That's all. Get out of my sight.

What do you think you’re doing?

No, one moment longer.

It's for me? I can't believe it...
Nobody has ever owned such a treasure...

Do you like it?


you are so lovely, so caring.

If it were not for my aunt,
everything would have been different.

What do you mean, Pyotr Fyodorovich?

It can't be changed.

If it can't be changed, do not lose your heart.
Despondency is a sin in Orthodoxy.

Pimen, Matryona! Play!

How beautifully do ancient
instruments sound!

Cute. And can you play this?

Come on! Maestro! Vivaldi!


Pyotr Fyodorovich,
you’re in luck.

Betrothal will take place
on Sunday in Petropavlovsk Cathedral.

So, everything has been decided.

Through a prayer and an Orthodox sacrament
you will seal your mutual commitment to one another.

And tomorrow you will get baptized.

There is no such name Frederika is church calendar
but my second name is an Orthodox one - Sofya.


Pyotr Fyodorovich, do you like the name Sofya?

I have chosen a name
and last name for you.

You will be Ekaterina Alekseyevna.

But my father
is Christian Augustus.

My father Peter the Great gave this name to his wife
and my mother Martha Samuilovna.

It will be a great honor for me
to bear your mother's name.

Wear this, dear. And wear it with pride.
And forget your old name.

Pyotr Fyodorovich,
what is the name of your bride?

Ekaterina Alekseyevna.

Ekaterina Alekseyevna.
And what was her previous name?

I don't remember, Auntie.

Neither do I.
Ekaterina Alekseyevna.