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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 03/13/24 08:09
by bunniefuu


Under tsar Pyotr Alekseyevich,
Peter the Great,

herself as a world power.

His daughter, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna,
hopes to continue his legacy.

Her Royal Majesty

Empress Elizabeth of Russia.

Grand Chancellor count Bestuzhev.

Count Razumovsky,
Lieutenant-General Apraksin.

Councellor Lestocq.

Throughout her reign, Empress Elizaveta remains

unmarried and unable to have children.

She chooses her nephew,
Pyotr Fyodorovich,

as heir to the throne.

Good Lord! What is he doing
with the dogs?

Pyotr Fyodorovich holds the title
of 'the grandson of Peter the Great'.

But the Empress sees nothing in
him that resembles her father.

One bite can break a bone.

Aunty, be proud of me!

TV Channel Russia


AMEDIA production

Written by Arif Aliev
Art director Vladimir Menshov

Directed by Alexandr Baranov,
Ramil Sabitov
Camera Maxim Shinkorenko

Production designers
Sergey Vorobjev, Sergey Onipenko

Music by Nikolay Rostov

Costume designers
Valentina Kameneva, Svetlana Moskvina

Make-up artists
Marina Dedova, Ilona Levitskaya

Editor-in-chief Nadezhda Tarnovskaya

Chief producer
Aleksey Kublitsky

Alexandr Akopov, Ekaterina Efanova,
Natalia Shneiderova

Empress Elisabeth I - Yulia Aug

Grand Duke Pyotr Fyodorovich,
Emperor Peter III - Alexandr Yatsenko

Count Bestuzhev - Vladimir Menshov
Count Lestocq - Konstantin Lavronenko

Count Razumovsky -
Alexandr Lasarev

Count Saltykov - Rinal Mukhametov
Captain Orlov - Sergey Strelnikov

Princess Johanna - Isabel Schosnig
Count Shuvalov - Nikolay Kozak
General Apraksin - Vitaly Kravchenko

Jemma - Elena Shamova
Pimen - Ivan Dobronravov
Matrena - Svetlana Korchagina

Count Ponyatovsky - Aleksey Vorobyev
Brekdorf - Maxim Kerin
Betskoy - Kirill Rubtsov

Frederick II - Hartmut Krug
Mardefelt - Vitus Eisenach
Chetardie - Patrick Roullier Rollin

Nanny of Tsar Ivan VI -
Valentina Talyzina

With Marina Alexandrova
as Ekaterina II


Gehen - 'to walk';

Fahren - 'to ride';

Sprechen - 'to talk';
Essen - 'to eat'.

How can you read with such a jolting?
I feel dizzy.

Der Schlagbaum - 'crossing gates';

Der Gefreiter - 'lance-corporal';

Zeigerblatt - 'clock-face';
Landschaft - 'landscape'.

What a humiliation to travel
at somebody else's expense.

The generous Empress Elizabeth
deigned to send us 100 thalers.

Princess Fredericka is reported
to be en route.

Your Majesty,
in the current situation

a fiancée to the crone prince
can be anyone but German.

The German has not a single chance.
But we need her.

Let Europe fidget.

Your Highness!

Your Highness! We're ready.

Actresses are lined up as brides.

Your aunt tells you to choose.

You again...

To hell with it!

I'll choose my princess later.

Your aunt orders you to.

Don't put the cart before the horse.

Are you going to talk back
to your mother in Russian now?

And this is the daughter of
the Anhalt-Zerbst prince!

A destitute prince!

Hurry up, move.


Turn round!

Forward march!

You tell me her body shape
agrees with the original?

I don't believe it. I know her.

We met 5 years ago in Prussia.
She was that small.

I chose her in accordance with
the description.

I don't like princess Fredericka.

I won't marry her.

Her father is a general
in King Frederick's army.

I know who he is!

It is I who ought to be a general
in King Frederick's army

instead of freezing
in this barbarous country.

How do they travel in such
a weather?

The princess of Poland.

The complexion is healthy.

The female cycle is stable.

Hip circumference...

discontentment, General?

Enough of them...
Though the girl is pretty.

I'll marry her.

Hold the portrait.

Oh, forgive me, Your Highness.

Your Majesty, I'd suggest
the princess of Wales.

Your father, Peter the Great,

thought about marrying
a British heiress himself.

Let me say a word about the princess
of Denmark.

Denmark is a natural enemy
of Prussia.

Princess Luisa is poor...

And old. She is 23.

Good lord, 23!..

And I am 35. And I'm single yet.

But, Your Majesty, you are you...

I know who I am.

If we had money we would've hired
a normal carriage.

We could use a chamber-pot then.

Mother, what's the point of wailing?
Shall we make a stop?

Cease that! You are a Princess!

The daughter of the prince!
Figchen, you...

Don't call me Figchen,
I'm not a child anymore.

Then behave befittingly.

Do you understand at all
where we are going to?

Russia is an Asian country...

which desires to command Europe.
Your father says so.

Then I'll be the Empress of Europe.

I don't see any obstacles
for a happy marriage

of crown prince Pyotr to the French
princess Marguerite.

Lord! Quite a notion about diplomacy
you have!

We will befriend England
if we marry the English girl.

We will befriend France
if we marry the French girl.

It's not even the last century,
it's the XVI century!

Today none of those variants gives
Russia any guaranties.

A wife of the crown prince must
simply give birth to a child -

the fit heir to the Russian throne.
That's all.

Go, go!

We can only pray that you will become
the Russian Empress...

and will remember how your mother
has suffered because of you.

Of course, Mom. I'll never forget
neither you nor Dad.

Only, why didn't he
come to see me off?

He was ashamed to sell his daughter
to the rich Russian prince.

Why "sell"?

The Russian prince will look at me
and fall in love with me.

Were there any other candidates?


Mother, this is him! The prince.

Unharness the horses!

Please, give me your hand.

Who meets the German princess?

Prince Saltykov, Your Majesty.

I appreciate your subtle approach,

The German princess may fall out
before the race starts, doesn't she?

- Foot.

My foot.

Mama! Prince!

- Don't you worry.
- I am in charge of you.

I am...

I... feel good.

All is good. Your Highness.

Let me introduce myself:
Prince Saltykov.

Crown prince not?

No. I am the chamberlain.

- No.

- No.

Have some rest.

I do not feel like Russian...

Elizaveta Petrovna! My Empress!

Embrace me.

Embrace me!

I'm tired.

Rest, my Empress.

Enough work for today.

Tell me, Alexey...

why is it happening like this?

Lord doesn't give me happiness
to be a mother.

If I get pregnant, God willing,

we shall get married.

You will sit by me on the throne.

Just believe in me.

I'll give birth to the heir myself.

Let's get back to work.

- Alexey...
- Your Majesty...

Russia cannot do without a king.

Neither can she do without the heir.

With no heir,

there will be unrest.

It’s 1744. In Europe, the
Kingdom of Prussia is rising.

France, England, and Austria all hope to
direct King Frederick’s aggression towards Russia.

Meanwhile, Russia must defend its the Black Sea coast,

where the Turks and the Crimeans are
attacking the southern city of Astrakhan.

Five years prior, Russia successfully
captured the city of Azov from the Turks,

but the Turks still maintain control over the entire coastline.

As a result, Russian ships have
been banned from the Black Sea,

and tradesmen who violate the
ban are captured and ex*cuted.

Mahmud, the Turkish Sultan,
would make it clear he isn’t ready

for w*r by apologizing to
Empress Elizaveta for his Crimean vessels.

This would anger France, since an agent of
King Louis of France had paid the Crimean Khan for the as*ault.

France hopes that Russia will go to w*r
with the Sultan, and that Frederick will s*ab

Empress Elizaveta in the back instead of attacking France.

Pyotr Fyodorovich!

You came to me with your dogs?

Dogs accompany King Frederick
during momentous occasion,

one by his left side and one
by his right.

It is an ancient and noble tradition,

Don't call me aunty!

King Frederick is a German!

And you are the heir
to the Russian throne!

Russians don't let dogs
into their living rooms.

When I become the Emperor,

I'll change the Russian lifestyle.

I'll ban all the wrong traditions
and establish the right ones.

Are you an idiot?

Who says things like that in
the presence of the living Empress?

Why have you come?

I've chosen a wife.

This one?!

Don't you like the Prussian princess?

- No.
- But she is of your kindred blood!

No, I want the Poland one.

I've never had a family,
and now I'll have one!

I will love my family, my wife,
and my child.

So you want your own family,
do you?

Pyotr Fyodorovich...

I want you to bear it
in your mind forever.

You will never have

anything of your own.

You have no right!

I'm the only grandson
of Peter the Great;

I'm the lawful heir
to the Russian throne!

Too bad, Pyotr Fyodorovich...

that you have raised your voice
in my presence.

Get the equipage ready!

I believe, a voyage to the fortress
is in order after all.

Why the fortress, Aunty?

Your Imperial Majesty...

It is necessary.

I want to show you something.

Peter and Paul Fortress
January, 1744


Your Imperial Majesty!

What was those people's fault?

They loved dogs very much.


Your Imperial Majesty!

I wish to marry.

Who do you recommend?

Let us discuss it.

Three years ago Ivan Antonovich

was proclaimed Emperor
of the Russian Empire.

He reigned for 2 weeks.
Then he disappeared.

I ordered to cut out the tongue
of anyone

who would say his name.

Also I forbade to teach him anything

as well as to talk to him.

Does he understand words?


He doesn't know who he is,
where he's from,

whether he has parents...

He will never leave this place.

But he will live.

Aunty, let me give it to him!

Nobody has given him any toys
until now.

Alright. I allow him to have one.

Sorry. It's broken, I was going
to have it repaired...

Has he kissed it?

What should you say
when you receive presents?

Don't you want to thank me?

Then I will let you have it.

There, for your service.


Benevolence of the Empress
has its limits.

You have done a lot for our country,
but you must admit

your French concerns can't stand
higher than the Russian state ones.

- We are grateful to you...
- Fine. You do remember

that to me the Empress owes her
throne, and you - your position.

I owe it to you?!

Yes; France has financed the coup

to the advantage of Elizabeth.

But with that, it got advantages
for its own benefit.

How many posts do you hold at the

I will be happy if the Russians
begin to decide Russia's destiny.

But will you succeed without
the alliance with France?

Support the French bride at least.

- You've been always my friend...
- And I stay your friend

as well as Russia's friend
with all my heart.

Peter the Great has said

that the French have a vial of perfume
in place of the heart.

You were living in Russia but
you haven't become Russian.

Believe me, I know the difference
between an essence and a spirit.

I warn you, Lestocq, stop it!

There are no more Russia's friends.

Russia has grown up.

Now the weak fear Russia, and
the strong hate her.


The Russian Cossacks have taken
revenge upon the Crimean khan.

They’ve destroyed the Yeni-Kale
fortress and burned it to the ground.

The Russians show that apologies aren’t enough
and that they intend to secure their Southern borders.

At the same time, France, Austria, Britain, Prussia, and Turkey
were determined to advance into Eastern Europe.

The entire length of Russia’s borders were now under threat,
from the Baltics to the Caucasian Mountains.

Pyotr Fyodovich has turned
to be weak

both in body and mind.

I made a mistake in choosing him heir
to the Russian throne.

Alas, he's the only agnate

of Peter the Great,Your Majesty.

The only hope is that he'll father
a child.

He's good for nothing else.

How can I leave the empire to him?

Let him give me a boy, and then
I'll be done with him.

To Solovetsky Monastery?


to hide him in a prison?

Like Ivan.

What would you say, Alexander?

Prince! Do you know
the crown prince well?

I know him.

What should I do to impress him?

It's not him you need to impress.

- Empress Elizabeth.

How to?

You have a beautiful smile.
So you should smile.

I'm afraid that won't be enough...


Look how they greet us here!

What is this old wagon?

Not here! Go to the back yard!

That was not for us. I knew it.

Humiliated from the very start.

Nobody welcomes us.
The crown prince doesn't greet us.

The Empress has changed
her mind probably.

Calm down. Do you hear the violin?
The crown prince is playing for me.

It seems like a funereal tune.

Thank you.

If I need your help,

will you save me once again?

I trust you.

Dozens of eyes are watching
us already, so... be more aware.

Her Imperial Majesty's court
physician, count Lestocq.

- He's a very dangerous man!

Go, go! I'll take care of them!

I need to examine you.

Then the state secretary will present
you to the court.

A gala reception is in the evening.
We don't have much time.

- Let's make haste.
- Thank you.

Command me.

Close your eyes, Your Grace.

Put your hands out.
Bend your knees.

Straighten up.

Once more, bend your knees,

straighten up.

Turn away and repeat after me:

- Fish.
- Fish.

- Rat.
- Rat.

- Carriage.
- Carriage.

What do you see here, Your Grace?

A bird.

In the name of Her Imperial Majesty

Sophia Augusta Fredericka,
princess Anhalt-Zerbst,

and the princess' mother Johanna,
duchess Holstein-Gottorp.

What a surprise, the Empress
has chosen a German princess.

Be more amiable.

Our life hangs in balance.

Where did they find that...


Look livelier.

The princess must get sick,

or die, or disappear.

This marriage must not happen.

Let's not be hasty, Marquis;
it's only an introduction.

And lower your voice.

It's not just us who speak
French here.

Duchess, you look so much
like Charles.

Thank you, Your Majesty!


I've been told of the similarities
I share with my brother.

- But I barely remember him.
- And I do.

How could I forget?

Poor Charles, he was handsome
and clever.

You could've become my relative,

if not for Charles' death
on the eve of the wedding.


Your Imperial Majesty.

You speak Russian?!

Without Russian tongue
even a boot cannot be cobbled.

There, it's good like that.

Come on. There is a golden ladder,
on which they saw in rows:

a King, and a Prince,
and a Miller, and a Tinker,

and who are you of them?

A King.

My sin is grievous,
committed in anger.

Do you repent this sin?

I do, Father.

Lord is merciful toward repentant.

What else burdens your soul?

A mortal sin.

I hold an innocent child in captivity.

Lord is merciful toward repentant.

I ask for a penance, Father.

Go to the North, Your Majesty,

to that monastery.

That monastery.

- I will.
- I bid you to pray at the parvis.

I bid you to do a hundred bows
in front of the people.

So be it.

Would that penalty lead to despair?

Would Lord send you the strength
to execute it?

I will handle it.

- Go to Sitny Market.
- Yes, Sir!

You are a very interesting man,
Your Highness.

Serve faster!

What a lovely joke,

Your Highness.

Can you find a bad illness

or a physical imperfection

- No.

We can't let this engagement happen!

Princess Fredericka is healthy.

I can invent an illness. But
the Empress will call a conference.

King Louis is ready

to increase your allowance.

France is in danger.

I believe the King won't refuse.

- Of course not.

It should be given in 3 steps.

I want to be

your wife,

Your Highness.

Lord doesn't give a child to those
who are in love.

There were 3 attempts to marry me.

That never happened.

I wanted to cheat fate with you.

Fate can't be cheated.

Don't cry, my Empress.

Peter will father his child.

I will bring him up.

You will be like father for him,
Alexey. Promise me!

For the sake of you, my Empress.

Alexey, we will bring up

a real Emperor.

Yes, my Empress.

Father Simon gave me a penance.

I shall go to that Northern monastery
Ivan's family live in.

Do they know Ivan is alive?

I will order a portrait to be made.
They will be glad.

Your Highness, it's not good
to be late to your first date.

Women don't like such things.

Women, Berkdorf, same as politics,
can't stand weakness.

I agree. But they also cannot
abide disregard.

They are created to be toys
in the hands of men.

Take King Frederick for example.

His single gesture is enough
for Europe to lay at his feet

and lick his boots.

It should be the same with women;
they would love you then.

But do not act like that
with Elizabeth

for it might cost you dearly.

It's not like that, Brekdorf!

She is not a woman,
she is an Empress.

If all goes well
with princess Fredericka,

she will become an Empress one day.

The Prussian princess will never be
like Aunty.

Unless she gains weight, of course.

Are you ready?

Hurry up!

Aren't you dressed yet?

This will be the reason we'll be
sent back, not his dislike of me!

We'll be sent back if you say
something stupid.

Remember, in Russia
a man is always right.

You can only adore the one.

Yes. But a woman sits on their
throne, and they are happy.

Exactly... don't be too smart.

And be especially careful
with the Empress.

One wrong word, and...

In the name of Her Majesty,
the Prussian ambassador.

- Your Majesty!
- Baron.

I ask your permission to visit

princess Fredericka
and duchess Johanna.

I wish to express my deep pleasure
on their arrival.

Baron, I don't understand...

You are free to visit the princess
and the duchess

without my permission whatsoever.

I dare not restrict either you
or them.

You've came out to this chill
for nothing, Baron.

Keep a good look at the correspondence
of the princess,

and especially - of the duchess.

Make copies.

Report every letter.

Already being done, Your Majesty.

Nothing to report.

The station is left in time. The stool
squeaks and needs to be oiled.

I leave the post

I take the post.

Take the oil bottle too.

I keep thinking

why she has called me a gift
to King Frederick.

What am I, a dog?
Or a thing of some sort?

If you say that aloud,

we'll be ex*cuted by dawn.

Lord! Send her reason!

What is that?

A mouse, probably.

Anyway, talk less, listen more.

- You are the future Empress.
- I'm only a fiancée.

There wasn't an engagement yet.
And there won't be if you dally more.


Why the Empress called me a gift
to King Fr...

Walk with dignity. Don't slouch.

You are... so fresh today!
Don't you feel cold?

I have hot blood.

Don't flirt with him!
Don't you dare!

- Never thought to.
- It's dangerous.

And a young man needs a more
experienced and available lover.

You know how to lift
a spirit, Mother.

Count, I would like to thank you
for your attention toward us.

I know, such handsome man has
a myriad of interesting tasks,

- thus your care is especially pleasant.
- Greetings, Your Highness!


Your Highness!


Greetings, Your Highness...

Greetings, Your Highness!

It is cold today.

A beautiful day.

- We shall walk.
- Please, don't speak German.

But I speak Russian poorly.

- Aunty forbids German.
- She won't hear us.

She'll see.

She understands what we're talking
about by our lips.

She has the eyesight of
a bird of prey.

As you wish.

Does His Highness like Fredericka?
Has he said anything?

His Highness is delighted
with Fredericka!

He was talking about this meeting
barely awake.

He was counting minutes.

They are like angels.

They are as if made for each other.

That's enough.
Here are refreshments.

- I'm sorry, Your Highness...
- Help yourself!

It is very tasty. What is it?

Fresh oranges, Your Highness.

- Oranges.

Do oranges grow in Russia?

- They are brought from Portugal.
- You're funny.

I have found I adore oranges.

Your Highness,

I dare remind that you've wanted
to demonstrate your Toy Army.

- Yes.

- Like Peter the Great had!
- Yes.

I want to visit his palace.

It is a small house, nothing to it.

I've never been there myself.


Also I want to see the Academy
of Science.

I study philosophy and physics.

There is a Kunstkamera there

with preserved monsters
and freaks...

And dried demons!

- Yes! With horns and tails!

I want to see the demons!

You do? We've got plenty here.

Hey you, demons!

You shouldn't talk about serious
things inside the palace.

Elizabeth has a mania
to spy on everyone.

Even now we should turn away
from the windows.

King Frederick send you

his best regards and 3,000 thalers.

I am so grateful to His Majesty.

Please, tell him
I'm his loyal servant!

His Majesty has hoped for such
an answer.

King Frederick asks you
for a detailed report

on how you've settled
at the new place

and how you fare with Elizabeth.

Write honestly; the letter will be
delivered from hand to hand.

Ivan, what can you say about
princess Johanna?

The princess?

Do you find her attractive?

I haven't thought about it.

Why won't you

look closer?

You are single.

She has no husband here at her side.

She isn't old yet.

We are the same age, actually.

Or do you think her old?

Not at all.

At 35,

a woman just begins to realize

what a pleasure carnal love is.

So you can fall in love
with a mature woman.

Honestly, I even envy the princess.

She'll have such a gorgeous lover now.

But you better warn general Shuvalov.

He sees a spy in everyone. God forbid,
he'll start investigating me.

Yes, general Shuvalov has
this weakness.

He doesn't trust people.

But we won't warn him.

Your passion toward princess Johanna
will remain secret.

Have it!

Your Highness...

The fool!

How do you find princess Fredericka?

I liked the Polish princess better.


she isn't a princess at all.

She's just a funny girl.

Daughter! You're not yourself lately!

I smell male perfume on you.

Father, I have to go,
I need to be there.

I see everything, Jemma.

Stay away from counselor Lestocq.

He is a womanizer and bastard.

He may squash us like ants on
a whim.

He is not like that, Father!

Stop imagining things! I need to go.

He plays so beautifully!

He is strange but it doesn't matter.

He's not strange. He's funny.

Your Excellency minister,

I hasten to inform you that I've
taken all the emergency measures

in order to eliminate the main
obstacle for our plans.

Give me your hand.

Close your eyes.

Don't be sad, my beautiful.

We'll manage your father somehow.

My love!

Italian blood doesn't cool
that quickly.

And on top of that

he's very tired of this acting.

He dreams about saving enough
money to leave for Napoli.

He hates snow!

He has a decent allowance here
and he lives in a palace.

Here, he's just a fool for everyone
to laugh at.

Would you leave with him?

Of course.

And also I teach the acting skills

to the actors.

Would you like to see a play?

I will help you.

But you have to help me too.

The place next to the crown prince

will soon be vacant.

I like it here. We are staying.

Mother, I like it here.

That's why we're staying.


Which dish to bring?

Do you have fresh oranges?

No, Your Highness, we
have only candied oranges.

I'll have some.

Bring more of that.

All in all, we can eat
what we want.

I can share it with you.

- I'll bring more, Your Highness!
- Don't!

There's enough for two.

I forgot to ask, what breed of dogs
did my grandfather has?

You know, during momentous occasion

King Frederick enters the room
accompanied by 2 dogs,

one by his left side
and one by his right.

I can do that too.
Do you want to see?



Did I do something wrong?