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02x05 - SOTUS

Posted: 03/13/24 07:23
by bunniefuu

[Nanno] Have you ever done something
just because it's what's always been done?


You do it without even knowing
what it is you're preserving.

Many people call it tradition,

which is often deemed as noble.


But is it really?

[theme music]


[clapping, cheering]

[senior student 1] Good job, everyone.
You may all sit down. Sit down, please.

[senior student 2] Whoo!

[K] Hello, everyone.

My name is K.

The student activity president,
and I'm also in charge of organizing

this year's initiation ceremony.


As you all know,
our school's initiation ceremony

is an old and noble tradition

that has been passed on
throughout the years

from my father's generation
to my generation.

It is now our great pride and joy
to pass this tradition on

to all of you freshmen.

So, I'd like to officially welcome you

to this year's initiation ceremony.


Are you all hungry?

[freshmen] Yes.

[K] Are you hungry?

[freshmen] Yes, we are!

Okay, then. I want you to get into a group
of four and then turn to face each other.

Here you go.

Take it off.

-[K chuckles]
-[senior 1] Go ahead and eat.

Aren't you all hungry?
What are you waiting for?

[senior 1] Dig in.

-[senior 2] Eat it!
-[senior 1] Get closer.

-[senior 2] Get in there.
-[senior 1] Have a bite.

[senior 1] Hurry up!

[senior 2] Good.

-[senior 1] Shit, he's throwing up!

-[seniors booing, laughing]

[senior 1] You dumbass.


Does anyone know the motto here?

[freshmen] "Commit to excellence
in education, unity and camaraderie."

No, that's not it.
I think that's the school's motto.

Here's our motto. Listen up.

"Whenever a senior

orders you to do something…

don't ask why."

You all must do exactly
what the seniors say.

[K] Okay.

Roll it out.

This song is very easy to learn and…

I want all of you to dance along as well.

We'll give you a demonstration.

Ready, set, go!

[seniors singing]
♪ One time when I was r*ped ♪

♪ They made me spread my legs ♪

♪ Oh yes, they did
Oh yes, they did ♪

♪ Shut my eyes, shut my eyes
First time ♪

♪ And they pounded me
Underneath the bridge ♪

♪ Now the cute boys
They were lots and lots ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

[senior] Whoo!

Easy, right? Okay.

Shall we give it a try? Let's do it.

-[K] Get up.
-[senior 1] Stand up.

-[senior 2] Get up.
-[senior 1] Come on. Move it.

I don't… don't know how
to dance like that.


[K] All right. Sit down, everyone.
Sit back down.


Okay, if that song is too hard for you,
we'll move on to another activity

which I know you can handle.


Our great school takes a lot of pride
in this initiation rite.

The human centipede.

The rule is very simple.
You must go down on all fours

and press your head against the butt
of the person in front of you.

[K] Then, that person
will press their head

against the butt of the person
in front of them

and it goes on and on and on.


This will foster unity and solidarity
among all of you.

[laughing maniacally]

How come your idea of unity
seems so sick and disgusting?

It looks more like sexual harassment
to me.

Does anyone else agree
with this Nanno girl here?

[K] If so, raise your hand.


Looks like no one agrees with you.

I also agree with Nanno.

[eerie music]

[theme music]

So, we meet again, Nanno.

So, it's you, Yuri.

Thank you for bringing me back to life,
I really appreciate it.

I'll be learning the ropes from you
in the meantime, if you don't mind.

There's still so much I want to learn
from a girl like you.

[theme music continues]

Okay. Whatever.
You two can keep each other company.

Let me tell you right now

that there's never been any incidents
of sexual harassment here.

[K] We all adhere to the seniority system.

So, when freshmen refuse to follow orders,

it's only fair that they get punished,
am I right?

So, next…

Your top comes off.

Take it off… now!

[suspenseful music]

You too.

[K sighs]

Good. Okay.

How about everyone here joins the fun?

Shall we? Come on.

-[K] Everyone get up. Stand up.
-[senior 1] Get up.

-[K] Take off your shirt. Hurry up.
-[senior 2] Move it. Get on with it.

-Take it off.
-[senior 1] Take it off now.

[K] Well, well.


Okay. Look at the camera, everybody.

Look at the camera. Come on.

One, two…


[K] Get home safe, guys.

-See you.
-[K] Okay.

[principal] Hey, there. Good evening.


Come here.

[principal] What the hell is this?

[K] Can people in the front move faster?

Keep your head down.

Just follow your friends. Good.

Keep your head down.

[senior] Now, turn around. Circle back.

[K] Turn back.

[senior] Circle back. Pick up the pace.
Turn around.

You'll have to do it again
if the line breaks.

They were being stubborn, so I had to get…

you know, a little rough with them.

Look, I don't really have a problem
with you punishing the kids like that.

[principal] But if this clip gets out,

the school will have to
take responsibility.

You can't let this kind of thing
happen again, understand?

Understand, K?

[K] Have your arms gone limp?

[senior 1] Move it.

Move it.

[Nanno] Good morning, Yuri.

Hey there, Nanno.

You're upset I leaked the video?

Yuri, what is it you want?

I said I wanted to learn from you.
Is there something the matter with that?

Are you afraid that I'll do
a better job than you?

You can do what you like.

But you know what happens
when you hang around me, don't you?

[K] Yesterday…

a certain student posted a clip

of our initiation ritual on the internet.

But don't worry.

Our goal today isn't to find out
who the culprit is here.

But we're going to show you
that our unity can't be shattered.

We are way stronger than that.

First things first, we're going to collect
all of your phones now.

-[senior 1] Your phone, please.
-[senior 2] Give it to me.

[senior 1] Give me your phone. Hurry up.

Your phone, come on.

[phones chiming]

[young K] Why are you…

You have no right to do this.

[senior] What? I have no right?
What did you just say to me?

[young K]
I'll tell the press and tell my dad.

I'll tell the professors what you did.

Are you going to tell your daddy on us?

-Are you going to tell your daddy?

[senior] Will you tell on us, huh?

How about your mommy?
Is that what you want?


You want me to call your…

You want me to call your momma?

How about a blankie?
Do you need a blankie?

Hey, K.

I'm sorry, man.

Did you do this, Nanno?

I just wanted to share
an interesting video with everyone.

You were once a junior student who yelled
at the seniors for going too far.

But now, you've become the senior
who's taking it too far.

[Nanno] What changed?
Why do you need to do this?

Do you want to teach us unity

or is this just your revenge?


Everyone here knows it's for…


It's for unity.

It's unity!

It means you must
take responsibility together.

So, if someone does something wrong,

you all take responsibility for it, right?

[senior 1] Answer him.

[senior 2] Speak up.

That's all right.

Everyone here except for Nanno, lie down.

Lie down. Come on.

[senior 1] Are you stalling?

Move it!

-[senior 1] Lie down. Move your asses.
-[senior 2] Lie down.

[K] Lie on your back.


[senior 1] Move it! Roll over.

[freshmen singing]
♪ Should auld acquaintance be forgot ♪

♪ And never brought to mind? ♪

♪ Should auld acquaintance be forgot ♪

-♪ And days of auld lang syne? ♪
-[senior 1] Sing it loudly!

-[K claps]

Do you all want to go home?

Well, you can't leave quite yet.

The penalty for breaking unity--

K, sorry, but can you talk a bit faster?

I'm about to fall asleep.


All right.

Since you asked, here's your wish.

How about we play one last game?

And after that, you can all go home, okay?

[ominous music]

This game will end
when all of your balloons get popped.


When are we going to start?


[K] One, two, three.



[K] You're up next. Step forward.

Do it!


You're up!

[K] Three, two, one. Strike!

-[K] Do it again!

-Come closer!

-[Nanno continues laughing]


What the f*ck are you laughing at?

[K] Shut up! Shut the f*ck up!

[muffled laughing]


-Are you gonna stop? Stop right now!
-[laughing maniacally]



[baseball bat clanging]

[tense music]


[K screaming]



-[approaching footsteps]
-[K sniffles]

You went way too far this time, K.

Please don't fire me, sir.

No other school will accept me.

[principal] This is only because
your dad and I are old friends.

I'll cover up this scandal.

But you must leave this school

Do you understand?



[senior 1] Students in the next row
can step forward and join the line.

-Thank you so much.
-[senior 2] Drop by the campus anytime.

-[senior 1] Keep the line moving.

See you around. If you have questions

about your study or whatever,
feel free to come talk to us seniors.

It's nice to meet you.

-[senior 1] Good luck.
-Thank you so much.


Your wig looks so rad.

[senior 2] You're really cute.

Come talk to us anytime.

-We don't bite.
-[junior] Okay. Thank you.

[senior 2] Thank you. Next one, please.

If a senior orders you to do something…

don't ask why.

[eerie music]

So nice to meet you.

So, you're K? I'm Nanno.

I'm also a new student here,
but I'm a senior.


But you're dead.

My name is Nanno.

So, as far as being dead,
I don't think that's exactly the case.

All I know is that…

you're going to experience
so much unity here

at our school. It'll be fun.


K, don't.

It's not very nice to grab a girl's butt,
especially a senior's.

[female senior] Hey.

I didn't touch you.

You didn't, huh?
Are you calling me a liar, K?

[male senior] She's your senior.
Are you calling her a liar?

-Grab him.

[female senior] Admit to it.

[male senior] Just admit you did it.

She sat facing me.
How could I grab her butt?

-Stay still.
-Do you like getting handsy?

-Teach him.
-Let me get my hands on you.


Whoever gets K to confess

will win a prize from me.

Is Nanno giving us a prize?
Well, then. You better confess.

-Admit you did it. Just come clean.

[female senior] Let's go.

[male senior] Will you confess now?

-Come on, admit it.
-Pin him down, come on.

All right, grab him. Come on.

Put him down.

-I told you to stay still!
-[female senior] Hold still.

-Stay still! Just admit to it!
-[seniors clamoring]

This is your last chance. Admit it.

I didn't touch her. What else can I say?

Goodbye to your d*ck.

Okay! I grabbed Nanno's butt!



-[seniors] Shit.

[senior 1] He peed his pants.

[senior 2] He pissed himself.

-[laughter continues]

[Nanno] You act like we know each other.

That's not how you should speak
to a senior.

Show respect when you address me.

-[female senior] He's tearing up.
-[seniors laughing]

It's your pee, so you have to clean it up.

-[male senior laughing]
-Run back to your mommy, kid.


[Nanno] The next station
is called the equality station.


[cheering, clapping]

Someone once told me
that men and women are equal, therefore…

we will have each of you cross-dress
as the opposite gender.


[senior 1] You look adorable.



[senior 2] Keep walking.


K. You're up next.

[senior 1] Let's see. Come on.

[senior 2] You're wasting time.
Your seniors are waiting.


[senior 1] Why is he taking so long?

-[senior 3] Will we see him naked?
-[senior 2] K!

[senior 1] You little punk.

K! K!

You bastard.

-[senior 3] Shit.
-[senior 1] This punk tricked us.

-He ran off towards the back.
-Go get him. Let's go.

[eerie music]

[senior 1]
Punk, we've been looking for you.

[indistinct yelling]

Get up.

-What are you looking at? Let's go.
-Come on.

[senior 1] Wow.

-[senior 2] Come out.

Let's go.

[senior 1] Move it.

Come on.

-Get a move on, sweetheart.

Keep walking.

-Don't be such a wimp.
-Get over here. Sit down.

Come on, get down.

[Nanno] You actually look kind of cute
in this outfit, K.


You see?

You ran off and kept your friends waiting.

Do you all know what unity means?

Unity means…

You must take responsibility together.

So, if your friend does something wrong…

…you'll all take responsibility for it,

[Nanno] For example, if your friend
runs away during the initiation ritual,

you'll all have to be punished for it.

Since K tripped and sprained his ankle,

I'll have to give his punishment
to everyone,

to do for him instead of K today.

[senior 1] Pick up your pace!

-Move it.
-[overlapping yelling]

-Come on.
-Keep it moving.

Come on. Move it, people. Let's go.

-[overlapping yelling]
-I said move, it's getting late.

Pick up the pace, you little punk.

-Come on.
-Come on. Show me some energy.

[overlapping yelling]

[senior 1] Come on. Hey!

[senior 2] Climb to the top and say,

"I apologize on behalf of my friend."

-[senior 3] Come on.
-[senior 2] Keep moving. Keep moving.

You dress like a man, so act like one.

-Right. You dress the part.
-Keep moving.

-Man up!
-Let's go, people.

Pick up your pace. Move faster.

-Your friends are waiting.
-Let's go, let's go, let's go.

-Move it.
-Let's go. Let's go.

Move it.

Are you all tired or what?

[juniors] We are.

But K isn't tired yet, is he?

[suspenseful music]


You don't have to be scared
of ghosts here.

It's the seniors you should be scared of.

If any of the seniors here order you

to do something…

…don't ask why.

[Nanno] Let's begin.

[crickets chirping]


Do it properly.

Bless you, kids.

[Nanno] K…

I have a special senior
arranged for you tonight.

-[senior laughing]
-Here comes the big boss.

-[senior 1] Good evening.
-[senior 2] Hello, sir.

[tense music]

That's a dog.

He may be a dog,
but Mr. Lucky has seniority over you.

He's been here longer than even me.

[Nanno] Do you want the seniority system
that we all revere

to get undermined just because of you?

I won't.

I told you to bow.

Bow down on the ground right now.
What's so hard about that?

Don't keep Mr. Lucky waiting.

-[senior 1] Do it like you mean it!

Is it that hard?

You punk. Why are you being
so disrespectful?


[senior 1] Are you a p*ssy?
All right, get up!

Bow to your senior.

[Nanno] Press your palms together nicely
and bow down to the ground.

Bend your head lower, K.

[K breathes heavily]

[Nanno] That wasn't so hard, was it?

Mr. Lucky is happy now.

-[muffled gasp]
-[junior] Damn it, K.

Can't you just do as the seniors say?

Don't you know
that we're all getting in trouble

because of your bad behavior?

If you behave yourself tomorrow,
I'll let you sleep with us.


[breathes heavily]


[Mr. Lucky whimpering]

-[whimpering continues]

[grunts, pants]

What the f*ck do you want?


[breathes heavily]

[Nanno] There, there.

It's okay, Mr. Lucky.

K just misses being a senior
who can beat up anyone he wants.

What do you want from me, Nanno?

What does Nanno want?

What I really want is…

I really want you to…

[chains rattle]


Hey, everyone!

[Nanno] K hurt Mr. Lucky!

Mr. Lucky has run off!

You're f*cked.

[junior 1] Lucky.

-[junior 1] Lucky.
-[junior 2] Lucky!


[junior 3] Lucky, buddy. Lucky.

-[junior 1] Lucky!
-[junior 3] Where are you, Lucky?

[rain pattering]

[senior 1] Where's Lucky?
You didn't find him?

-[rain pattering]

I looked for him all night,
but I couldn't find him.

He's nowhere to be found.

Please, don't punish us for this.

Right now,
we have a more important thing to do.

We need to find a new dog to be class pet.

What if we get someone
to replace Lucky for the time being?

What do you all think about that?

-Grab him.
-Hit him.

-Go, go.
-[K grunting]

-[overlapping yelling]
-Get him down! Get him down!

I said sit down!

[indistinct yelling]

-Grab him.
-Hold him down.

Right, right now, you're a dog.

-You must sit like a dog

and follow your master's orders.
You understand?


Push his legs down.

-Get down.
-Grab his legs.

-Stay still. Don't move.
-Stop moving.

Why are you so stubborn?

-Hey, hey, stop it! Do you have a problem?
-Do you wanna try me, assh*le?

[Nanno] Don't bully K, guys.

[senior 2] Pull him up.

-[senior 2] Get him to sit up.
-[senior 3] Sit.

[senior 3] Sit up. Come on.

[Nanno] You're so adorable.

Come play fetch with me.


Can you please let K off the leash?

Fetch this for me. One, two…


[senior 1] Go on.

[Nanno] Go fetch your toy.

[senior 2] Go!

[K groans]

[senior 1] He likes to be kicked.

Move it!

[senior 2] Hurry, K.

Pick it up!

[Nanno] One, two, three.

-[K panting]

-[senior 3] Attaboy.
-[senior 1] He runs fast.

-[senior 1] Good job!
-[senior 3] Come on.

-[senior 2] Come here.
-[senior 3] Come here!

-[senior 1] Hurry up, come on.
-[senior 3] Get over here.


[Nanno] Give me your paw.

Your other paw.


What do you do after giving me your paw?

What do you do next?

[mimics barking]

-That's a good boy.

[Nanno chuckles]


[Nanno] There, there.

[cage rattling]


[Nanno] Have some yummy food.

Yum, yum.

[breathes heavily]

See? It's much better to be a dog

than a centipede.

If you're angry,

you can take it out
on the freshmen next year.

If you're still alive.


[sobbing continues]

[K] I'm sorry.

I forgive you, my little puppy.

Please let me go.

What was that? I didn't hear you.

Please let me go.


I won't do it ever again.

[Nanno] What was that?

Please let me go.

[K] Please let me go.


There, there.

[Nanno] In case you get hungry.

[K] Don't go. Please don't go.
Don't leave me.

Please don't go.

[breathes heavily]

[sobbing continues]


[Yuri] You poor thing.

Do you want to get out of here?

Please help me.

[lock clicks]



[Nanno] What are you doing, Yuri?

[Yuri] Your way takes forever.

I'm impatient.

Hey, everyone! K has run away!

[tense music]

-[student 1] Get him. Go this way.
-[student 2] Hey! Hey!

[indistinct yelling in distance]

[overlapping yelling]

Both of you go that way.
You two go this way.

[dramatic music]


[laughs weakly]


[car door closes]

[crickets chirping]

[senior 1] I got so many bites last night.

The mosquito repellent is f*cking useless.

[tense music]

[senior 2] The woods are full
of mosquitoes. Can we go home?

[senior 1] Do you want to go home with me?

[senior 2] I got mud in my mouth.

[senior 1]
Was it when you were crying to Pae?

-Wait, who else was there?
-What was his name? Was it Yong?

-[senior 1] It was the guy with buckteeth.
-[senior 2] That's right.

[seniors laughing]

[senior 1] Remember when you sang
the faculty's chant?

[seniors] Damn.

[tense music]

-[senior 1] I don't know.
-[senior 2] Screw him.

[senior 1] He's probably dead.
He was a horrible senior.

[senior 2] He acted like he ran the place.

-Don't compare ourselves to him.
-I'll whoop his ass if I saw him now.

You can't find anyone nicer than us.
We go easy on these freshmen.

-[senior 2] These freshmen have no idea.
-[senior 1] That's true.


[senior 2] No!

Hey! K!

Go after him!

[indistinct shouting]

Over here! He's over here!

[overlapping yelling]

-Stop right there.
-Come back, assh*le.

-Get back here.
-K, get over here.

Get up here. Be a man and get back here.

You're such a coward.

-[indistinct yelling]
-[Yuri] Everyone!

We found Lucky's body.

-[senior] You scum. How could you do this?
-[students clamoring]

[K] I didn't k*ll Lucky.

I didn't set him loose!
And I didn't grab Nanno's butt!

She started all of this!
This is all her fault!

She's the reason I'm stuck here
with you assholes!

-[overlapping yelling]
-We don't believe you!

Why won't anyone believe me?

So, this is your way of helping?

That's right. Isn't it fun?

It's so much faster than your way.

You even k*lled Mr. Lucky.
Was that really necessary, Yuri?



Since K k*lled Lucky,
he needs to pay for it.

Whoever hits K in the head the most times

gets to be the head of the freshmen class

and can skip the initiation ritual.

[students clamoring, shouting]

Mr. Lucky would be honored to die
for such a good cause.

Do you think that if we let K live,

he'll just stop bullying
the next class of freshmen?

You're too fast to judge, Yuri.

I can't believe
those words came out of your mouth.

If you keep talking like this, I really am
going to have to take your job from you.

[student] Don't let him get away!

What are you waiting for?


[clicks tongue]

[closing theme music]