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02x01 - Pregnant

Posted: 03/13/24 07:21
by bunniefuu
-[heart beating]

[Nanno] We live in a world
where we strive for equality,

but many people
don't take equal responsibility

for the mistake they made together.

[ominous music]

Some choose to bear the consequences
of their actions,

while some choose to pretend
to be blind to it.

Because it's the option
that lets them off easy.

They think they can forget about
the burden…

they make other people carry.

[theme music]


I'm Nanno. It's nice to meet you all.

-[teacher] Hmm.

Nanno, you can sit over…

-[students laugh]

-There's a seat here next to me.
-[Jeng sighs]

-[male student] Look at him.
-[Jeng] Some best friend.

You just screw me over for a girl.


You can sit at that desk over there.

Thank you.

See? Are you happy now?

You ended up kicking me out of my seat
for nothing, you assh*le.

-You still don't get it?

If you can make her laugh…

-you're on the right track.

Did I make her laugh?

-I did.

Hello, Nanno. I'm Lookmee.

[teacher] Clouds are made of water vapor.

The droplets of…

[Lookmee] Oh, his name is Nanai.

He's most likely
to be the next student president.


Nanno, don't fall for him.

Nanai's knocked up half the girls here.

[teacher] …that then becomes the center
of the snow crystals…

The school doesn't care?

The girls had abortions. The thing is…

he's still the most popular student.

And no girl wants to come to school

with a big belly
wearing maternity clothes.

It's embarrassing.

And I guess it's okay
as long as I don't get pregnant.

[ominous music]

I invited her to join us for lunch,

but she wanted to eat with him.


Okay. Okay.

[Jeng sucks teeth]

[Pim] Well…

if Nanai spoonfed me like that…

I really wouldn't
wanna eat with you either.

-[Lookmee scoffs]

Well, Pim, you're right.

If I could have Nanno
spoonfeed me like that,

I sure wouldn't be sitting here
with you. I'm so jealous.

Go back and sit with them, then.

-[Pim] Right.
-[Lookmee] Go sit with them.

Why are you kicking me out?
Those two just shooed me away. Jeez.

[Jeng sighs]

Just look at them.
There's no place for me there.

It won't last.

As soon as he gets in her pants,

-he'll get bored and dump her.

How many days… do you think?

Jeng, when will you stop
making obscene bets like that?

Five hundred baht each.

Whoever guesses right
gets all the money. All of it.


-Hold on.

-Do you see that? My first client.
-[Pim] I'm in.

Come on. You know it's just for fun.

Yeah. That's right.

You guys are disgusting and gross.

I know I'm a jerk, baby.

-What do you say? Will you make a bet?
-[Lookmee sighs]

Well, I think this one
will be especially quick.

-[Jeng cackles]
-[Pim chuckles]

-I just made a bet for 500 baht, will you?


[upbeat music]

-[students chattering]
-[Jeng] Anyone else wanna bet? Anyone?

Anyone else? Hurry up.

[female students screaming]

[Nanai and Jeng grunt]

-[Jeng groans]
-[female students cheering]

[girl] Are you ready?

-One, two, three. One, two…
-[camera shutter clicking]

[Petch retching]

[toilet flushes]



Do you know…

that people in the school
are taking bets on you?

They're betting on you and Nanai.

Really? And what are they betting on then?


they're betting on…

just how long it's going to take Nanai
to get in your pants.

[faucet turns off]

What about you?

How long did it take him
to get into yours?

[sighs, chuckles]

I'm sorry for sticking my nose
in your business.

I just don't want you to be a victim.

[Petch sighs]

If you think you're a victim,
that's what you'll be.

[Petch exhales]

[Petch chuckles]

[ominous music]

[both breathe heavily]

Hold on.
How long have we known each other?

[in muffled voice]
Four days.

Give me the exact time.

[Nanai sighs]

[in normal voice]
Three days, three hours and 31 minutes.

Then we still don't know each other
well enough.


You know that…

love has nothing to do with time.

It's like how I knew I liked you
since the first day.

For you, Nanno…

I'm willing to do anything.

You'll do anything for me?

-I promise.

I still think this is too soon.

How much more time do you need?


let's give it another minute.

Ten, nine…

eight, seven…

six, five…


three, two…


[clock ticks]



[upbeat music]

[Nanai grunts]


[Jeng] What…

Bro, did you get it done? Yeah?

She didn't give you this hickey, huh?


-Three days, three hours, 33 minutes.

-New record.
-What a nice number.

[Jeng] Here you go.

-[indistinct chatter]
-[students cheer excitedly]

-Jeez. That's a big pile of money.
-[students chatter]

Dude, you should totally do
online betting.

Where's the fun in that?
It's more fun to do it face-to-face.

-[Pim] Do you see this?
-It's so much.

All right. Let's see who won. Come on.

Since you're all so greedy,
let's see who won.

I'll read out the guesses, eh.

-Let's start with the first.
-[Lookmee] Come on.

Here's the first guess.

Emitsu from room A.

The guess is six days.

-[all groan]
-[Lookmee] What?

-That's not even close.
-[indistinct chatter]

-I might have a chance to win then.
-[Jeng] Here's the next one.

Tad's guess is…

eight days…

-[all groan]
-…and four hours.

-[Nanno] What's going on?
-[Lookmee gasps]

-Uh… hey, Nanno.
-[object thuds]


Everyone made a bet,
so I joined in just for fun.

I'm sorry, Nanno.


What was your guess?

Uh… I… I don't know.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.
This is fun. Come on. Let me help.



Your guess is three days and five hours.

You're wrong, but you're pretty close.

Do we have a closer guess, Jeng?

[suspenseful music]

"Three days, three hours and 33 minutes."

That's right. Who is that?

It says Nanno.


[Nanno sighs]

[ominous music]

[Nanno] Thank you so much.

Don't think that Nanai
is the only player in the school.

I'm also a player.

[students murmuring]

[Jeng] Don't blame me for this.

Look here, you just got played.

[Nanai grunts]

[Jeng laughs]




[Jeng laughs]

[Jeng] How do you like that, assh*le? Huh?

Since you've been with Nanno,
you've lost some of your edge, Nai.

Why? Did she suck you dry?

-[Nanai grunts]
-Hey. What's wrong? Hey.

Let's just call it a day.

Go see a doctor, dude.


-Let's go again.
-[Jeng] Again?


Bring it on, you bastard.

Whoo. Ah!




[foreboding music]

[door opens]

What's wrong? Are you mad at me?

[Nanno grunts]

[Nanai breathes heavily]

[Nanno gasps]

[Nanai panting]

[Nanno grunts]

[Nanai breathes heavily]

[Nanai panting]

[Nanai] Huh? What?

-What? Not in the mood?

[Nanai grunting]


If you can't even get it up,
we can do it another time.


[Nanno] You don't have to be embarrassed.

We can have fun together next time.

[exasperated sigh]

[Nanno] Nanai!

Nanai, wait!

-What just happened?

[Nanno sobs]

I want to break up.

I don't want to. No.

What did I do wrong? I can change, Nanai.


-there's really no point.
-[Nanno sobs]

I don't think this is working.

But what did I do wrong?


-[Nanno sobs]
-You didn't do anything wrong.

I just didn't like the way you look at me.

[Nanno] What about my look?

What did I do?

I feel like you look at me like I'm an…


I'm not asking you to understand me.

Let's just break up.

No! I'm gonna die if we break up!
I swear, Nanai.


we were just having a little fun.

Didn't we both enjoy it?



[Nanno cackles]

[inhales deeply]


[ominous music]

Don't look so shocked.

Didn't all the girls you've been with
make a little scene?

I thought you would like it,

so I did it for you.

I wanted to make you feel like a man.

You said I made you feel like an object.

Didn't you do the exact same thing to me?

I don't see a difference.

I'm sorry,

but I don't feel anything at all.

Maybe after today…

you'll start to feel something
deep inside.

[upbeat music]

[background chatter]

You're a strange girl, Nanno.

I thought you'd be like the other girls
that Nanai dated.

You're a strange girl too.


You would do the same thing
if you were me.

You still don't know me well enough.

[Petch exhales]

I didn't think I could do it.

Then I realized
he wasn't gonna take responsibility.

I took an abortion pill,
but it didn't work.

Were you happy or sad about it?


It was probably the first time ever…

I was glad to fail at something.

Don't you want the guy who knocked you up
to take responsibility?

[ominous music]

[water trickling]


-What the f*ck!
-[Jeng laughs]

-You're an assh*le.
-Can I borrow your shampoo, Nai?

-Get out of my face, you f*ck.

Holy shit, dude.

[Jeng] Is your d*ck getting smaller?

Smaller, my ass.
My d*ck's still bigger than yours, man.

[Jeng cackles]

[suspenseful music]

[Lookmee moans, pants]




[foreboding music]

[dad] Why are you wearing a jacket?
What's the matter?

Are you sick?

I'm just a little cold. I'm fine.

Do you want to see someone? I'll take you.
I have a friend who's a doctor.

Eat this, then. It's your favorite.


What's wrong, Nanai?

[Nanai] This is disgusting. It's gross.

[mom] I didn't do anything different.

Are you sick?
Should I take you to the doctor?

I said I'm fine, Mom.
It's your shitty cooking.


[Nanai retches]

[Lookmee] The other day,

we were in the middle of doing it,
you know,

-and he opened his shirt.

Shh. Keep it down. Shit, here he comes.

Nanai, you're here in class early.

Do you want to practice today?
Tryouts are coming up.

Come on. Just let the coach see your face
so he stops complaining.

He's getting on my nerves.


[Jeng] Shit.

Hey! Hey.

Hey, what's wrong with you?


-Take it easy.

Dude, is your belly bigger?

f*ck off. Just leave me alone,
you assh*le.

[Jeng] What's with that jerk?

-See what I mean now?
-[Jeng] Is he mad that I called him fat?

[ominous music]


-[girl] Are you ready? One, two, three.
-[camera shutter clicks]

Turn a bit to the right.

One, two, three.

Here you go.

Thank you.

[Nanai breathes heavily]

[both moaning]



[ominous music]

[monitor beeping]

[background chatter]

What's wrong with me? What do you see?

Have you ever had sex reassignment surgery

or a transgender procedure?


I want you to look right here
at the monitor.

What's that?

Well, I think your case is extremely rare.

I think you're pregnant.

Are you insane? How can I be pregnant?
I'm a man.


if you don't believe me…

you can get a second opinion
somewhere else.

[doctor] You may be a hermaphrodite

who was born with both male
and female reproductive organs.

It's a girl.

Judging from the size,
you're about 15 to 16 weeks pregnant.

The baby is healthy.
You can see her heart beating.


[monitor beeping]


It's moving.

Hmm. That's the baby.

-[ominous music]
-[heart beating]

[Tik] I pulled Nanai into the darkroom.

It was very dark in there, right?

I was going down on him and I saw it.
His stomach was huge.

-I was shocked.

-Nai. Nai!
-[Nanai exhales]

[Jeng] Come on, Nai!

-Nai, wait for me.
-f*ck you.

-Can't you just mind your own business?

-You were gossiping about me.

People were talking and I was listening.
You're mad at me, huh?

Just tell me what's wrong with you,

so I don't have to hear it
from other people.

Most STDs can be cured these days.

Don't worry.
I can take you to a health clinic, okay?

f*ck you. I don't have a disease.
I'm pregnant!

[Nanno] Nanai, smile for the camera.



[Jeng exhales]

[students chattering]

I don't have a disease. I'm pregnant!

I don't have a disease. I'm pregnant!

[indistinct chatter]

I don't have a disease.
I'm just… just an assh*le.


Serves him right.
That player had it coming.

[Mouy] I'm afraid it's just not possible.

You can't run for student president.

[Nanai vomits]

[Nanai coughs]

[ominous music]

[Lookmee] How are you feeling, Nanai?

Are you sad?

Why don't you try to be positive?

It might just be a tumor.
That's what you told me once.



I hope you're really pregnant.

You'll finally understand
what I have to go through.

[girl bangs on the table]

We both liked it when we were doing it.

How come you dumped me
once I got pregnant?

-[pills rattle]

"Why don't you take the abortion pill?"
That's what you told me to do.

There are risks, you know.



Do you remember when you took me
to get an abortion?

It sure didn't bother you
to go there then, did it?

If you want me to,
I can take you to the same place.



[Nanai exhales]

-Congratulations on having a girl.


[suspenseful music]

[baby crying]




[breathes heavily]

[clicks tongue]


[sniffles, sighs]

[Jeng] Hey, Nai.

-Hey, Nai, where are you going?
-[Nanno] Why are you avoiding me?

You can say hi to me.

I'm not put off by the fact
that you're pregnant.

But I can't speak for everyone else,
you know.

Hey, Nai!

[dramatic music]



[knocking on door]

[dad] Nai.

Nai, come out here and talk to me.

Just leave me alone, please.

[dad] I saw it on the Internet.
Are you pregnant?

What did you do?

What kind of man goes
and gets himself pregnant?

Come out and answer me.

-[object thuds]

If you're not gonna help,
then just shut up.

Do you have any idea
how many times I needed to…

dig you out of a mess?

-[dad] You're nothing but trouble.
-[mom] That's enough.

[dad] I don't care what disease you have,

just take my money
and take care of it right now.

If you can't, don't bother coming back.

So typical, huh?

-You only care about yourself.
-You little punk.

Huh? Huh?

You forced your secretary
to get an abortion.

Did I say anything then?


[somber music]


[flies buzzing]



[chokes, coughs]



[groans, grunts]

[coughs, grunts]


[somber music]




[inhales sharply]

[pills rattle]





f*ck! It hurts!




[ominous music]


-[knocking on door]

-[knocking on door continues]







[foreboding music]



Nanai, I almost didn't recognize you
with your new look.

What did you do to me?

Do what?

We were just fooling around.

It was a casual hookup
that we both enjoyed.

Didn't we both enjoy it?

-Nanno. Nanno!

[soft music]

[Nanai] Petch.





I'm sorry.

[Nanai] I'm sorry for everything.

I understand how you feel now.

I'm sorry I made you look bad.

I'm sorry I left you
to go through this alone.


I'm sorry I put you in this situation.


It happened a long time ago, Nanai.

I'm not mad at you anymore.

[Petch] You don't have to apologize.

I guess we were both to blame
for what happened back then.

-[Nanai sniffles]


I'm happy with the decision I made.

It's fine.

[dramatic music]

[Petch] Good luck, Nanai.

[Nanai crying]

[somber music]



[baby crying]

[doctor] This will hurt a little.
Hold still.

-It will be over soon.



-[metal clanks]

[inhales deeply]


[monitor beeping]


-[suspenseful music]

Don't worry.


You'll wake up in no time.



-[monitor beeping]
-[inhales deeply]

[groans, exhales]

-[beeping continues]


Ooh. What the hell is that?

It's your baby.


Hey. Hey, hey.

-But I paid you to get rid of the baby.
-[doctor] Hmm.

I was only a few months pregnant.
I don't understand.

As you can see,
you carried it for the full term.

This here is a healthy baby
and it's yours to take care of.


but I paid you…

to get rid of this baby.

If you really want her k*lled…

you can do it yourself.

[baby coos]

[baby crying]

[crying continues]


[baby coos]

[baby weeping]

[Nanai sighs]

[baby crying]


[baby weeping]

[baby coos]

[ominous music]

[baby coos]

[grunts, groans]

[baby coos]



[baby coos]




[somber music]

[laughs, cries]


[baby crying]

[baby coos]


I'm sorry.


-[knocking on door]


What a cute baby.


Nanno, I'm sorry for what I did.

Please, I can be a better man.


will you come back to me?

[chuckles softly]

No, thanks. I'm only here to visit you.

I brought you a gift.


But why did you come here?

To see if you're a good father.

Or I should say a good mother?

You've put my mind at ease.

[Nanai] Nanno.

Nanno. Nanno. Don't go, Nanno.

Nanno, Nanno, Nanno, stay with me.


[ominous music]

[theme music]

[theme music continues]