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05x08 - The Manolito Problem

Posted: 03/12/24 19:57
by bunniefuu
'This programme contains very
strong language from the outset

and throughout, and adult humour.'

Now then, fat head.

Mr O'Neill.
Please, come in, sit down.

This is Abigail, she's a trainee GP.
She's going to be observing today,

unless you have, erm...
unless you have any objection.

No, no, I don't.

Anyway, the object of the exercise
is that we behave exactly as normal,

so that Abigail gets a window
on how the practice works.

So, Vincent, what can we
do for you today...


It's me...

It is me bipolar, yes.

Just worried about the amount of,
er.... medicine I'm on...

Just no libido.

And the psychotherapy we've arranged
with Fiona Frank, is that helping?

It's good stuff.
Helping a lot.

Love, do you want a tissue?

I'm not here.You are!
You're like Bob Fleming over there.

Are you sure you don't
wanna a tissue?I'm fine.

Alright, Bob.Great, well, erm,
the vital thing with bipolar

is we deal with the mental...
..and the physical, er...

Yeah, sorry.
Sorry, Chris, to cut you off there.

The real reason I'm here
is cos I've got a chapped...

cock hole and I'm embarrassed.
I don't feel I can talk about it

in front of a new person, so...
Right, great, no problem.

Abigail... Thank you.
Of course.

It's just I know Chris, you know.

Just, maybe blow your nose, as well.

f*cking hell.
Give us that f*cking vape.

Three hours I've been here with her
sniffing like Cuddles the Monkey.

"I'm not here." I wish you weren't.

Blow your nose...
We don't all want it.

What do you wanna talk about?



Fire away.

♪ The best things
in life are free...

Texts sent to my phone, right,
after the night he's disappeared.

Texts blaming the f*cking
MacDonaghs for his disappearance.

The only f*cking
confirmation we've got

that Dylan got away that night
is from bloody Manolito.

I saved him, released him
from their boot and told him to run.

They were going to k*ll him,

So, if the MacDonaghs
have grabbed him, right,

and Manolito's f*cking saved him
and told him to go...

Know what I'm saying?
Why the f*ck would he do that?

How has Manolito got his phone?

Manolito's done something with

If he has, he's capable of doing it
to us.

This bloody phone
in this locked drawer

tells us everything
we need to know.

I'm telling you now,
f*cking hell, it's Manolito.

He's the one
who's been sending the texts,

he's the one pretending to be Dylan.
He got us believing

the MacDonaghs
had something to do with it.

Again, what I'm saying is...
Why the f*ck would he do that?

Because he wants to be
the hero, in't it?Why, though?

Manolito wants our weed, right.
He knows we're the best.

He wants to get rid of the
MacDonaghs. Divide and conquer.

So, if you think that Barry
and Davey have got rid of Dylan,

then you won't work with them again
and he's right. You haven't.

Sure enough,
like, I mean, he's a ruthless f*ck.

Carol's right, he's dangerous.

I'm telling you, that bloody phone,
that'll tell us more about

Dylan's disappearance than
the f*cking MacDonaghs ever will.

How can we find out
what happened to Dylan?

I dunno...
we'll just have to act normal.

Act normal, and we'll somehow
plot our revenge, won't we?

W-W-What kind of revenge?

The pervy photos.
Know what I mean?Pervy photos?

Have I... have I missed something?
Mm. When we robbed the MacDonaghs,

we received some incriminating
photos of Manolito.

Now Barry, Barry had them
photos saved to the cloud, right,

so let's get copies of them,
we put 'em in Manolito's house,

call the f*cking police,
and pin him, for exactly what it is.

But... then we have to tell
the MacDonaghs.

Can we trust them?

Well, what f*cking choice
do we have?

No, I've got parenting class later.

I hate when I go on my own. Other
women look at me with such pity.

Yeah. So much for sisterhood.

I know, and I keep saying,
oh, my boyfriend's working away

but they're starting to suss I've
been abandoned.I'll go with you.

What, and pretend
to be the father?Aye, yeah.

I'm a gay man.
I may never get the chance like.

Will yer?

Oh, my God, yes.

f*ck's wrong with him?
He needs a shite!

I just, aww, it's like...
I am touching cloth, man.

Go and have a poo.
Release the hound.

Sticky Wicky...

Oh, my God.

Cardi, what the f*ck's wrong wi'...

What's going on wi' you?
It's Jim... Listen!

Oh, God...
Is that Jim?

f*cking Jim. Oi, over 'ere.
Jim's having sex wi' a real woman.

Listen to this shit...

What shall I do?
I'm stuck in the toilet.

Cardi, can you not get out
the way you got in?

Let me have a look.

The door's ajar...
and I haven't wiped my bottom.

Cardi, love. Cardi, listen to me.

You need to wipe your bottom and
crawl away.OK. Alright, yeah, OK.


Jim, it's alright, it's Cardi...

What the f*ck...
I n-needed a poo.

W-Why's it still big, man?

Get the f*ck out of my house!

Come on.Move back,
don't want to be near it.

And f*ck off!

Take care.

Here he is...

Looking good, Jim.

What the f*ck were going on here?
Well, what does it look like?

I've found myself a lady friend

and not only is she clever and kind,
she goes like a f*cking steam train.

Oh, Jim. I think it's lovely.
How long's it been going on for?

Met her at a wedding,
few weeks back.

Never thought to f*cking tell us?

No, I didn't, because it's
none of your f*cking business.

These days... You can't even take
a shit without turning it

into a gif and posting it
on cunting TikTwat.

He's f*cking right.
Oh, good for you.

I hope you and
Sticky Wicky are very happy.Yeah.

Sticky Wicky.
It's a f*cking pet name.

Sticky Wicky.
Cos of where she works.

Why, where does she work?
At the Lowry Institute.

Oh, la-de-da...
And let me tell you,

there's things you don't know
about that matchstick painting c**t.

Probably is.
Like what?

Everyone knows his famous work,
miserable grey streets,

Salford factories
belching out fumes,

shitty little matchstick kids
knocking about with dogs

with three legs...One of Britain's
greatest artists, Jim.

in the basement of the gallery,

that's where the good stuff is...
The nose tap.

That how you know, don't yer?
Dicks, fannies, flesh.

Hang on. Lowry did not do nudes.
It says here.

What they want you to think.

They don't show anyone,
don't want to spoil his image.

They're only ever seen
by art experts.

Have you seen 'em?

She says they're tucked away, in a
grotty downstairs room, unloved...

Alright, so why are you telling us
this tale then?

Because... f*cking Lowry...
did minge paintings.

That should be something
you wanna see...

Can't wait! Yes. Yes.

Can you,
can you get us in, then, or what?

I reckon...
She'll do anything for me.

See you later, Barry.

There you go...

Oh, still in there, the bugger.

I told you, didn't I, Vincent,

Dylan's disappearance had nothing
to do with myself and Barry...

Yeah. You did.
Didn't believe me, though, did yer?

Despite my absence being due to the
removal of my left testicle.Yeah.

And... and list...
Now listen, honestly.

Davey, I'm sorry about that...
but to be fair,

you and your brother Barry.
God rest his f*cking soul.

I mean, Lord God.
He's... he's with your testicle now.

Shut up! You and your brother Barry
were the most likely candidates

to have done something to Dylan.

True. Only because you've threatened
us individually multiple times.

You shook the box
with his dead pigeon.

You wanted to put it in a blender
and all that.But we forgive you.

Don't we, Davey?
Just like that?

With the greatest respect, Donna,

I'm going to need a formal apology.

Davey, come on, he's apologised!
Too casual, sweet cheeks.

Don't be a d*ck, Davey.
I'm not being a d*ck, Davey.

But I don't like being
wrongly accused.I know, dude.

Listen to me,
look at me for a minute.

I've wronged you, there's nowt
worse, it's an injustice.

I'm f*cking sorry. I truly mean it,
man. I am sorry, f*ck me!

Call that an apology?

Being serious?
I'm trying, yeah!

Sucking on that thing.
Why stop there, Vincent?

Why not have a pork pie,
or pick at your toe nails...Davey!

No, Donna, what's right is right.

Vincent accused me of hurting
one of his friends

and held it against me for months.

And all the time it was the man
that he chose over us...

But now Vincent knows the truth,
and as he says himself,

this provides an opportunity.

To put him out of the picture
for good.

f*ck, yeah, dude. Come on, man.

But there's a problem.

The photos are lost in the cloud.
What the f*ck? What do you mean?

Well, Barry, he saved 'em and
we can't access his bloody files,

the passwords died with him...
Oh, f*cking bollocks!

And some stupid idiot's
stole my laptop and external drive,

so we don't have the copies.

Us.Hang on then.

Most of us use the same passwords,

a pet's name, child's name...
He didn't have a pet, or child.

so say we can't access the images.

We need to find another way to f*ck
over that lying, double-crossing,

weird art-loving prick, and put him
inside for a long time.

I'll get my thinking cap on.

Oh! f*ck me, pervy art!

The Lowry paintings.

Were gonna steal 'em, put 'em in
Manolito's house and ring the cops.

Boom! He's off to jail. Lewd Lowry's
returned to their rightful owner.

Everyone's happy.
They get 'em back! Everyone's happy.

What's in it for me then?
What do you want, man?

I want you to steal me a pony
for Geraldine's granddaughter.

Oh, it's a firm no, that one.
It's a hard, very firm no!

The last time we stole a horse,

Ashley and f*cking Cardi
crashed the van,

high on f*cking chloroform,
ended up in hospital.

None of that's gonna happen again,
is it?Might do!

f*ck it,
I'll get you a f*cking horse.

I can't believe it, dude!
Better be a good one, Vin.

Mane like silk.


Do that, I'll get you
in that Lowry minge basement.

Now come 'ere on that one.
You f*cking listen to me.

That's an hard job that.
But you just leave all that...

To me.

f*cking hell.

All those things
I wanted when I was younger.

All those things I thought
I would've done by now.

What's been holding me back?

Vin, I'm planning on a new life,
away from all this.

Stealing cars and tiny horses,
really, Dylan? That your career?

You're gonna move away, just gonna
piss off!I am. I have to.

I'm worried about him.

If we leave, when we leave...

Who... who's gonna look after him?

OK, so... depending on the size
of your nipple,

you might have to
squeeze the end slightly

to direct the milk
into t'baby's mouth.

Thank you.

Will breast-feeding hurt my wife?

It can be painful for some women,
especially in the first few weeks.

And are there lotions or creams
that can help,

with the cracking of the nipple?

Yeah, you can get
over-the-counter nipple cream.

And that won't harm baby?
No, no, it's perfectly safe.


For some women, especially
in those first few weeks...

Er, scenario... erm, sorry.

You have a question?
If my wife is sleeping

and Daddy's downstairs
on the bottle, with the baby,

is there any nipple confusion there,
for the baby going from nip to bot?

Well, that's a very good question,

and we will come on to
nipple confusion.

If we could do an example quickly...

If you don't mind
passing me the, erm...

Right, so...

It's soft,
it's comforting and it's warm.

Well, the real one is,
but obviously this is knitted wool.

We go to the bottle.

This is a different scenario...
Don't put that in your mouth!

OK. This is plastic,
baby doesn't like it...

Sit down!

It's anatomy. It's basic training.

He isn't the father of my baby.

He takes forever this man.

Where have you been, you dickhead?


Are you f*cking serious, like?

Get this on a rag.
My God!

Over its hooter, down it goes.
It's the same...

It's a very firm no!

Then it's a very firm, I'm not
coming then.Alright! Alright!

It will work.

Be careful now, lads, don't be
breathing any of that shit in.

If you f*cking pass out 'ere,
this where I'll leave you.

We're not going back to hospital
like last time!

Remember that. When you nearly died.

You both went yellow. I still think
this is a shit idea.Calm down now.

Have a lovely little
Shetland sleep now.

MUSIC: "Insane In The Brain"
by Cypress Hill

Told you.
Just get him in the f*cking van.

Mind his mane.
He said mane like silk.

It's like a snapped tow rope.

Poor f*cking thing.
Well in.

That was easier than last time.
It would have to be.

You nearly f*cking died.

I don't like the look of it.
Come on.It's got a mean face.

He doesn't
look at his best right now.

He had a session
on chloroform, with these dickheads.

He's hung over!
Give him a chance.

It looks like my Uncle Norris.

And he used to show his bunions
to people on buses.Listen to me.

You asked for a black pony.
Shetland, there it is, as requested.

He's a good lad.

Yeah, fine.
Did you get the Lowry minge info?

Oh. Good man.

Go on..

There's a bit of a problem.
Course there f*cking is.

Jesus wept!

Call me genius.
I have a plan and I've got a way in.

Art restorers.
Art restorers?

As in people that restore art.

A specialist crew.

Now... There's a restoration team

coming to the Lowry Institute
next Wednesday.

They're doing work on some
of the paintings in the basement.

Access is by finger scan only.

And Geraldine is letting them in...

Turns out the pervy Lowrys
are located

in a specially
constructed airtight room.


So I say, you lot turn up early
with fake IDs.

Bag up the minge paintings.

Make an exit
to the underground carpark.

Where the van is waiting
to make an hasty escape.

The real restorers will
turn up on time

and Geraldine will realise
something is amiss.

She'll call the cops.

But by then you'll have tipped
them off about the monkey fucker.

Listen. Gallery's expecting three
restorers. We're gonna replace 'em.

That's gotta be me,
Ashley and our Tom down there.

I've roped in Adyan as the getaway.
Now, I need you...

Outside with
Carol and Sugar, alright?

That's in case the f*cking
restorers, real ones, arrive.

Sugar, I need you
pulling like a big scene.

Labour, go into labour,
scream and shout and all that.

Why me?Cos you're the one
that's bloody pregnant.

I can't do that.
You can, just like an orgasm.

In my experience they are
one and the same, visually.

You are a perverted
piece of shit, aren't you?

She's getting it.Hang on, why are
me and Meena inside the building?

Keeping watch in case
any staff go down unexpected.

Do you know what I mean? No?

Now, Davey, Donna,
I need you at Manolito's,

get him out of that maze house

so we can sneak in the stolen art.
No problem.

If it means that twisted
fucker gets sent away...

Oh, hang on a second, Donna...
It's an excellent plan, Vincent.

But those minge paintings I would
very much like to see myself.

As you know,
I am a connoisseur of the erotic.

I will come along, Vincent,
as a restorer.

You mean on the job?Very much so.
Little bit of excitement.

Be like the good old days
with our Barry.

Can take my spot so,
cos I've got, er,

obligations with my fake ball
and chain over there in the corner.

They're expecting three.

f*cking know that.
I will be the supervisor

who's come along to make sure
that the job's done properly.

I want to see
those Lowry lady parts, Vincent.

So you get me a toolbox.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Can do, yeah.


♪ ROSE ROYCE: Car Wash

♪ Ooh ooh

♪ You might not ever get rich

♪ But let me tell ya,
it's better than diggin' a ditch

♪ There ain't no tellin'
who you might meet

♪ A movie star or maybe
even an Indian chief... ♪

Here he is. Hiya, fella.

Right. Listen we are from Cuddlipps,
art restorers.

No, don't look at that.

We're here to see Geraldine Thorpe.
Is she kicking about?

I'll call her for you.
Good lad.Have you come far today?

Not really.
Stoke.Stoke. Lovely.

It's neither lovely nor unlovely.

It's just
a post-industrial conurbation

that's struggled to find its purpose
since it's pottery heyday.

Yeah. I'll just call her for you.

Me and our Barry used to go swinging
in Stoke.Golly.

Voicemail. I have a feeling she's
still be in the management meeting.

What's the odds
on you doing me a massive favour?

Nip into that meeting,
see if she'll finish a bit early.

OK. Just for you.
Just this once, all right?

OK.You're an angel, man.

OK.I swear to God, man.Lovely lad.
Lovely lad.Can I get a coffee?

What you doing?

Locking the car, Erin.
And you're gonna take the keys.

It's the f*cking getaway car.

Ash, honestly,
what is going on wi' your brain?

I don't want to be
eyes and ears, Erin,

and pretend to be interested
in boring paintings.

My wife's having a baby.
Right, get in.

Nothing like a crisp sandwich, like.
It's the best food in the world.

Just look at that.
There's just no love in that.

He was amazing, wasn't he?

I mean, look at the detail there.
Oh, yeah.

What? That's awful. It looks like
something a four-year-old could do.

It's better than anything
you'd come up with.

Oh, better than anything
I'd come up with f*ck!

Hey, look. "It doesn't take brains
to be an artist, just feelings."

Shit at dogs, mind.

Shit. They're here.

Who?The real team.
f*ck!They're f*cking early.

Make your own. I'm having none of it.
Don't you want it?

She tried to give me spaghetti roll
as if that's a thing.
Do you want it?No.I'll have it.

ERIN: 'They're in a blue van.
They're early.'Who's early?

The real restorers!

f*ck, shit. Sugar, get your f*cking
shopping. They're here early.

f*cking blue van. Blue van.

Blue van.
Here, here.

Here she is.
She a bloody vision, isn't she?

Hello, gentlemen.
A little earlier than advertised.

Yeah, we made good
on the bloody traffic.

Er, do you wanna show us the gear?
We've got a lot to do.

I know you're busy.Yes, definitely.
I was only expecting three of you.

I'm the supervisor.

Here to crack the whip.

Follow me.
Nice one

Oh! Argh!

Oh, God! I fell over!

I've taken a
fall! I've dropped all my shopping!

They haven't even noticed.

Pregnant woman, help!

Is she all right?Help us,
all of you. We need to get her up.

Make a bit of noise. Moan.

Oh, my baby! My poor unborn child!

Don't overdo it.
Shall we call an ambulance?

No, no, no need.
We just need to get her up.

Come on, all of you! Help us, please!

Oh, this bloomin' machine.

Slightest bit of moisture
on your finger and it doesn't scan.

I tend to have very sweaty fingers.

I said to the director,

"This finger business is useless."

He just laughed and said, "Oh,
Geraldine, I'll finger you." Hm.

Oh, success.

Are you OK, love?I think I'm OK.
I mean, I'm still in lots of pain,

but I didn't land on the bump,
so I probably just need a little...

Have a little rest.
Sit down.Just have a little...

Are you OK, darling?

Yeah, yeah, no,
I just had a...funny...

Arh! Oh, shit. Carol...

Do you know her?Loosely.
Oh! My waters have broken

Oh, my God, my baby's coming!

Hm. Convincing.

This is our glorious dungeon.

But instead of ghosts and ghouls,
we have works of the finest art.

JIM: 'The perv paintings,
they're in B7.'

Er, Geraldine.
Hm?Sorry, dude.

Do you mind if we have a look in B7?
No, no, no, B6 first.

They more traditional Lowrys.

B7 is his um...

..lesser seen work.

As a Lowry connoisseur,
I would be honoured...

Yeah...if you would show us
these ones first.

Go on!
Go on.Yeah, yeah, go on!

Come on then.

There they are.

Shall I er, reveal them?

If you would, I'll be made up.
I'm excited for this.Fantastic.

Here we go.

f*cking hell.


Outstanding.It's a lot to take on
board.Weird.A lot going on.

OK.Yeah.Now they're very...

I'm gonna say imaginative.
Oh, aren't they?

A little...away
from his more familiar terrain.

I'd say... I mean that's...

f*cking bellend.
It's massive, innit?

It's too big.


I think they're wonderful.

So erotic. They shouldn't be hidden
down here, they should be up there,

out and proud,
alongside his matchstick work.

I agree. But, alas,
not everyone feels the same.

It's a crying shame.
It is really.

Well, I tell you, while were here,

we may as well give these minges
a quick wipe down.

Well, I'll let you get on with it.
You've got a lot to get through.

Thanks for your help, Geraldine.
Go on.

Great job, great job.

Thank you very much. Ha-ha!

Right, lads.

Let's bag 'em!

Get rags from your van and find
water.She needs the hospital.

No, no, no, I used to be a nurse,
so I can deliver this baby.

Carol, you were a nurse in a porno!

Well, I did deliver one baby this
year.We can drive her, in our van.

No, not necessary.
Yes, yes, necessary. Very necessary.

They can take her in their van,
Carol.Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Good idea.
But we're gonna need all of you.

OK? All of you. Come on.
Oh, f*ck!OK. It's OK.

Oh, God.
It's the police. The police.

They could be going anywhere, Erin.

Ash, there's a robbery going on
and there's sirens.

Where else would they be heading?
f*ck. Ring Vinnie.Cardi.

Cardi.It's Sugar,
S-she's having the baby.

Oh, God. Sugar's having the baby.

She's having the baby now.I need
to be at the birth.Wait, no.Ash!

And the p-police are coming.

f*cking hell.
Ssh!You lot...

What are you um...

Now, I know what this looks like.
It doesn't look good.

It doesn't look good.Um...
But there is a very good reason...

What the
f*ck?! Dude, what are you doing?!

Tie her legs.No, No, don't...
Shut the f*ck up and tie her legs.

What the f*ck are you playing at?
Are you mental?

Listen, Davey.
She's a nice lady, she -

Shut the f*ck up!
Do you want her shouting?

What you doing?
Leave her.

f*ck! Listen, I'm taking this out.
Please don't scream.

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
We'll get it all back. Promise.

Eh? I'm sorry, I'm f*cking sorry.
Davey, you f*cking arsehole.

What the f*ck is wrong...
f*cking thing.

Arh! What the f*ck
is wrong with you, Davey?

Oi, you're out of order.
That's a nice lady, that.

Look, that nice lady was about
to f*ck up this whole operation.

We don't f*cking hurt people.
That's not what we do.

We don't work like that, man.
Shut the f*ck up.

Just hang on. Hang on.

We can't stop, Vincent!

Stop. It's f*cking Meena.
Will you shut up?

What's going on?Police. There's
sirens. Get the f*ck out of there.

Police. Police.What?Shit.
We need to get out of here now.

Where are you going?
Take the f*cking stairs!Oh, my God.

I am not going back to prison,

No MacDonaghs
are gonna go to prison.

No, but...
Toodle pip.No, no, no.

Don't f*cking leave me here man.
Shit, dude.

Oh, my God.


f*ck my life!

Course there's no f*cking reception.

Christ on a f*cking bike.
Ooh, shit.

Vin! Vin!
Oh! Arh!

Sugar's having the baby!
Eh?She's having the baby.

Is she doing a good job?
No, she's really having the baby.

Really?She's gone into labour.
Oh, my f*cking God.

Get the little one,
get the little one.


♪ HOLE: Celebrity Skin

We're gonna be all right.

Oh, shit.


Oh, shit.
Maybe they're not for us.

Oh, f*ck.

♪ THE BLACK KEYS: Howlin' For You


It's OK.


It's all right.

f*ck it!

Vin, Vin, Vin, Vin.

Vin! Shit. Arh.

It's all right.
Shit.It's all right.

It's not all right.No, we'll
get rid of him. I can lose him.How?

Vinnie, please.It's all right,
sweetheart.Shit, still there.


f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.
Vin. Vinnie.

Vinnie, they're gaining on us.
They're n-They are.

They're not, sweetheart.

They're f*cking gaining on us.
They're catching us up, Vin.

They're not, sweetheart.
Vin. Vin.

It's all right. Calm down.

Shit. f*ck!
It's all right, love.

I'll get us out of it.
It's all right.

Oh, my God.

Come on!

f*ck. f*ck!

We've got to get off the road.This
is a shortcut. I know a shortcut.

It's fabulous.

f*cking hell
Piece of piss

Not a piece of piss
As per the usual, got away with it.

Just. Just.

f*cking lunatic.
Have a little bit of faith.

Whoo.All right.
See what I mean? Scot free.

Oh, f*ck me!

Oh, f*ck me.
Are you all right?

I think I've hurt my arm.
f*cking hell.

Can you get out on your side?
No, I'm wedged.

Yeah.Are you?
I think I'm wedged too, yeah.f*ck.

Right, now...
we need to get the belts off.

Try and use your weight.
Can you manage? I'll do yours.

Think so. No! Don't do mine.

You do yours and I'll do mine.

One, two, three?
Yeah.One, two, three.

Are you all right, sweet?

Are you through?Yeah,
I've got through.Through?Yeah.

There's enough space. You all right?

I'm so sorry.

Come on!
I can't do it.

Mine's wedged an' all.f*ck.
It's stuck.Yeah, we are.

f*cking hell.

We'll have to call someone. Do you
know where we are?Not really.No?

I'll drop a pin on me phone,
won't I?

Oh, my God. I can smell petrol.Eh?

I can smell petrol.
Vin, we're in a f*cking crashed car!

I can smell petrol. We're gonna
blow up, aren't we?Calm down.

HELP!Sweetheart, oi, oi -

I'm having a panic attack.
Stop. Sweetheart, look at me.

Just for a minute. Oi.
I can't get out, Vin.Oi.

Calm the f*ck down.
Listen to me now.

When have I ever let anything happen
to you?You don't get that choice.

I do.No.I f*cking do.
We've been in worse situations

and always got away with it,
haven't we?Yeah, so far.

One day your luck's gonna run out.
Gonna get yourself f*cking k*lled.

Oh, f*ck.

Today might be the day.It's not
today, is it?How do you know?

You haven't got some guardian angel
looking out for you.

Look what happened to Dylan.
Oh, for God's sake. f*ck sake.

Dylan is fine, I know he is.How do
you know? Why hasn't he come back?

Why hasn't he been in contact
with us, even on the f*cking sly?

Do you know how many times
I've had to lie to Tyler?

Tell him that he's happy
and he's gone away somewhere.

I can't I tell him that Uncle Dylan
got snatched in the night

and we haven't seen him since,
can I?

No, not that, obviously.
f*cking hell.Exactly.

I mean,'s not my fate, Vin.

I'm not gonna wait for you
to have a f*cking car crash.

I'm gonna get a f*cking phone call

and someone's gonna tell me
your guardian angel let you down.

Or you've been finished off
by McCann, the MacDonaghs, Manolito.

f*ck sake. Is that the only thing
that's keeping you here?

No, of course it's not.
Course it's not.

But all those things
that I wanted when I as younger...

..all those things I thought
I would have done by now.

I love you, Vin.

You're amazing with Tyler.

And you're loving, you're loyal,
but...Just...stop a minute.

Do you know there's nothing more...
there's nothing more I wanna do

than give you a love
in this f*cking crashed car.

Because I do love you, you know.
I'm in love with you, madly.

And I get f*cking lonely, you know.

I know I do it to myself. I just
can't bear how bloody lonely I get.

Can't be normal.

I just can't be what people need.

It's f*cking horrible. I can't be
what people need from a person.

So frustrating all the time.

So it just...
f*cking consumes me,

the moods and that, and I just
don't wanna give it to anyone.

Cos when you love someone
you only want 'em to be happy.

You know?

And if...if letting you go...

..if that means you will be happy,
that's what I wanna do.

I wanna let you go.

I let you go.

And you need to let me go too.

I love you.

♪ CILLA BLACK: You're My World

No, don't go too fast.

The wheels go spinning.Ash!
Sugar, can you -Ash! f*ck off!

♪ You're every move I make

♪ Other eyes see the stars

♪ Up in the skies

♪ But for me they shine...


♪ For the sun above...


Oh, God.


Oh, my...

♪ With your hand

♪ Resting in mine...

Hiya, son.

I just thought I'd give you a call.

He looks like JJ!

And maybe a bit like me?


He's here.

Come on then, give us the details.

She's massive, Tom.No, that's um...
that's too much information.

DYLAN: 'Vin?

'I'm sorry
I've not been in touch erm...

'Listen, Manolito knows...'

He knows that you know about him.

And he f*cking....
He scared me, man.

He told me to run. Told me things
would happen to Tyler and Erin.

'And I believed him.'

I hate myself for it but I thought
maybe it's my chance to start again.

'A new life.'

Cos back there I...

..I f*cked it.

I f*cked it all up.
I really miss you, dude. careful, all right?

I love you, man.

I love you.

Oh, my God!


SUGAR: Who's this?

You OK, Tommo?

Are you all right?

A situation has arisen
with Vincent O'Neill.

What kind of situation?

Don't worry,
it's nothing I cannot handle.

Do whatever you need to do.

♪ I've got so much trouble in my mind

♪ I've got so much trouble in my mind

♪ I've got so much trouble in my mind

♪ I've got so much trouble in my mind

♪ Give me the strength to carry on

♪ Give me the strength
to carry on... ♪