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03x10 - The Election

Posted: 03/12/24 19:27
by bunniefuu
We won't get more than six seats
if we continue like this.

And we want more.

Under Kruse, the Moderates are betraying
everything they once stood for.

That is why I founded
the New Democrats.

Someone has to fight for those principles
since you won't.

- Torben...
- Yes?

Time to wake up.

Don't touch me.

Why don't you come home?

I love you.

- Ever been on that?
- No.

It sails right past your work.

It's getting to be a habit.

Emma, my daughter.

Would The Freedom Party
ever join a government?

It is quite possible that the
Freedom Party would join the government.

What is happening?

- Where is the set?
- I got rid of it, Alex.

I didn't like it.

Now he's getting angry.

It's irresponsible...

No more so than voting for Nyborg
out of pity

without knowing what you'll get.


- What is it?
- It's a lump. It's, uh...

It's another tumor.

"Nearly all men
can withstand adversity,

but if you want to test a man's
character, give him power."

Election day. The polling stations
are being prepared across Denmark.

Around four million Danes
have the chance to vote.

How many will exercise that right?
We just don't know yet.

Thousands of officials
are getting the ballots ready

before schools, community centers
and town halls open their doors.

Is Denmark going to
get a new government?

Hello, Jeremy Welsh.

- Aren't you having anything?
- Of course.

I'm a bit on edge.

It's election day, so...

And I am putting yogurt in my tea.
I am bonkers today. Ignore me.

The latest polls

give the Moderates 12 seats
and the New Democrats 7.

The numbers changed.

Not enough.

Yeah. I am still here.

You crushed Kruse.
Surely you're making inroads...

I can't just change
the time frame. It's totally unheard of.

You'll back Thorsen, right?

Right now we need enough seats
to get influence.

I'll get ready so
we can go to polling station.

Is Jeremy coming?

No... the media will be there
so it will just be us, okay?

- Mom, your earring.
- What?

- You forgot one earring.
- Thanks.

It's not what we planned.

- Breast surgery department.
- This is Birgitte Nyborg.

I phoned earlier for Mogens Winther.

About a new lump in my breast.

Mogens Winther is in surgery.
I'll ask him to call you after.


- Problems at work?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, you'll have to sort it out.

But not today. Not in the middle
of all of this.

Today my bloody bridge can wait.

What news?

No news.

The doctor is still in surgery.

They'll give him the message
when he gets out

and he will call me right away,
I hope, and...

I'll call you.

- Mom, are you ready?
- I am coming.

I'm right here.


Kasper Juul,
former spin doctor for Birgitte Nyborg,

we all saw Jacob Kruse's unfortunate
outburst at the debate last night.

Why isn't it reflected in the polls?

The polls we are reading now
were conducted before the panel debate.

But Kruse's outburst is
in all the papers this morning.

My guess is it will be reflected
in the result.

We can't do any more now.
It's up to the voters.

You can have a good breakfast for once.

So what do you say?

- Soft-boiled?
- Hard-boiled.


My daughter came home last night.

Oh. Okay. Um...

Have you seen my...

She knows about you, okay?

Take a deep breath.
And come and have some breakfast.

- Okay?
- Yes.

The big question is red or blue?

Political commentators
say it's probably Thorsen's last stand.

TV1 will be following the election
live from Borgen.

Torben, you have not been cooperating.

And last night
you went against a direct order.

Alex Hjort recommends that we
terminate your contract forthwith.

You will be paid a year's salary
in return for non-disclosure.

Do you hear me?

Please clear your desk immediately
and leave your computer behind.

Torben, didn't you tell TV2 "no" to
having their man in the control room?

I've been fired.

You what?

I'll get back to you.

Listen, please, I have an
important announcement.

Unfortunately, Torben Friis has been
dismissed without notice.

I can't go into the details right now.

- It is election day.
- Yes. I know it's bad timing.

Torben left us no choice.

But luckily you're professionals...

What are your hopes?

For a high turnout of people voting.

And a good result
for the New Democrats.

- Do you want her back as an MP?
- If I were 18 I'd vote for her.

Thank you.

You can't be serious.

No! You can't campaign there!

Not right next to
the polling station!

- The youth chairman.
- We don't want a scandal today!

- Were these party gobstoppers your idea?
- Yes, they are surprisingly good.

An old man handing them out to
innocent children in the square!

Give me a break! Jon refused to hand
them out because they're not organic.

You don't want to look like a pedophile.
We need to move 150,000 votes.

I need to stay out of jail!

We'll take it as it comes.

- Can you take that?
- Sure.

Hi, Nadia, Jon has just been on
breakfast TV and now he's on R1.



I'll tell her. Thanks. Bye.

I had to go home for
a change of clothing.

That was not okay.

I am too old to have
to explain it to my kids

why the person
I am making eggs for has left.

Is the problem me
having grown-up kids?


That I am...

20 years older than you? Is it?


You realize we are being totally modern?

I come from Randers.

Oh, that explains it.

Søren, it's not that...

I don't think...

I am tremendously fond of you.


But it's election time
and everything is crazy.

It's more than that.

Isn't it?

I'm sorry.

Okay... we've had the conversation.

No need to avoid me next time.

Keep it pithy. Sound bites.
We need headlines...

About the party leader panel...

TV2 want their man in the OB unit.


We always produce the panel
when the results are in.

But now TV2 want their man in.
We'll have two voices in our ears.

It's absurd.

Didn't Torben say no?

He tried.

You'll have me and Pia in your ear.
We'll back you up.


You in the control room?
You are not a journalist.

No, but I do know about TV.

That is why I am here.

Let's forget about that.

And it'll be mainly Pia's show,
so no worries.

So you'll let TV2 in?

It's great idea.

It'll give us the chance
to end earlier than TV2.

You cannot be serious.

- I am quite serious.
- Not for f*cking real.

Leave it for now.

End before the panel is over?

You wouldn't understand.

I was reporting news
when you were still at daycare.

Oh, did you?
All the statistics show

that people watch the
party leaders for first 15 minutes.

Then they quit.

If TV1 signs off while
there are still lots of viewers

we'll win the election in terms
of the number of viewers.

Do you understand
or should I say it again?

That's it for now.

Hello? No, it's just a staff issue.

- I can't direct with Alex there.
- I can't have two voices in my ear.

We can't let a non-journalist decide
when to end the program.

Nice to know
your flirting with him is over.

Call me a traitor.
I played squash with him. That's all.

Something's got to be done.

Who can do anything
on election day?

We can.

Excuse us...

Hi, Anders. This won't take a minute.

We simply do not see how you can
sack Torben Friis on election day.

We don't dispute your right
to dismiss him, but the timing.

But to remove the captain and
not care who is in the control room!

If Alex Hjort is to take the helm,

a man with absolutely
no experience on the job,

we will not be held responsible.

And it will be without us.

Have you voted? I hope you'll
make the time. It's important.

- Hi! Can I have your autograph?
- Of course.

- What if I don't vote for you?
- What matters is that you vote.


Just a moment.

I've got to answer this. Don't move!


- It's Dr. Winther.
- I found another lump.

You've got to see me today.

- I can fit you in at 1:00 o'clock.
- Thank you.

I am quite sure
this will be nothing.

Tumors don't just grow
in a matter of days.

I don't know.
I may just not have noticed.

But you were treated until a week ago.
The doctors would have seen something.

They don't really know either, do they?

That's the problem with cancer.
No one knows how it works.

It just hits randomly. It's not evil.

Or unfair. It's just...

Tough luck, so...

Deal with it. Hope, pray. Do whatever.
My doctors have been great.

I was fine. I really thought...

That I was out of it. That I was...

Out in the clear and then...

I am back where I started.

Why do I even bother to hope or...

- Pray or anything.
- Sweetheart, you're not making any sense.

Of course I am not making any sense.
This doesn't make any sense.

That's what I can't bloody stand.
It's so...

I've strived all my life to do something
that has meaning.

To make sense of it so that...

To make things important and valuable

and meaningful.
But in the end it's just meaningless.

It's just a big hole and I can't...
It's tearing me apart...

Stop the car!




That's not a lump.

- But I can feel it!
- No.

It's just lymphatic fluid
around the surgical scar

in connection with radiation therapy.

- Mogens, it's a lump!
- No, Birgitte, it's fluid.

But I can feel it!!

What are you doing?

Removing what
you think is a lump...


Have a feel.

- It's gone.
- Yes. Your treatment is over.

You've had a shock. It's election day.
Your nerves are jangling.

Try to take things easy,
just for the next couple of hours.

And remember to breathe!

That's right.

Right down into your tummy.


- Treat yourself.
- Yes.

Spend time with
someone you love.

Thank you.

It was not a tumor.
It was a liquid. And he...

Just took it out
with a syringe, so it's...

It's all gone. I am fine.

I'm really sorry I...

That you had to see
me like that in the taxi.

Oh, please. Don't think anything of that.

- So you are completely safe?
- Yes.

- Oh, God. That is such good news.
- Yes.

Oh, my God!

I have never been in love with Pia.

I haven't.

I was attracted to her, yes. But...

She just thought I was fantastic
when not many others thought so.

I always thought you were fantastic.
But you were never there.

No. I wasn't.

I admit that I'm the one
who's screwed everything up.

I am sorry.

But I miss you.

All I want is to be with you

and the kids.

I know I don't in any way deserve it.

I just want my wife back again.

- Go on, answer it.
- Let's just go home.



Yes? Bye.

That was TV1's chief executive.

"Ulrik and Hanne will quit
if you don't do election night."

God, how typical.

There is always something
more important than us two.

I think we should go home.

I miss you.

Run along, for God's sake!

It's election day!


Hi, kids, great to see you.

Hi, Mommy!

Ghastly kids!

This is Katrine.
This is Jeremy.

Hi, Jeremy.

We've blown up
at least a thousand.

Yeah? Well done!

And the day's first exit poll...

Exit polls.

It may not reflect the final result.

The Liberals are stable but
Labour have fallen back slightly.

The New Democrats
have made slight gains

and may win eight or nine seats.

But the Moderates
are stable on 10 or 11 seats.


But this may change.
Voters are more undecided than ever.

300,000 Danes may switch
allegiances during the day.


Old boy!

We were just beginning to realize
how much we need you.

- I know we can be annoying.
- Yes.

You can be.

But right now let's make good TV.

A quick briefing. Pia? Where are we?

We are ready to leave for Borgen
but we're still getting hassle from TV2.

- Here he is again.
- Let me.

Torben Friis speaking. I'll be brief.
You and I will have a clear agreement.

One man alone will be calling
the sh*ts tonight, and his name...

Yes, exactly. See you.


Shall we?

All the candidates are out and about.
I am about to vote for Jon.

It's important he gets in.

Shh. Katrine, you mustn't tell me that!

Turn off your phone
and do your civic duty and vote.

Okay, bye.

Into the cage we go.

There we go.


And now we fold it...

There we go.

- Shall I help?
- Yes.



Jacob Kruse's outburst

towards Birgitte Nyborg
in the party leader debate

and criticism of the Moderates'
economic policy

seems to be swaying core Moderate votes

according to the latest exit polls
conducted by TV1.

This afternoon the distribution
of seats has started shifting.

The Liberals still lead,
but Solidarity are gaining,

while the New Democrats
are making headway

and the Moderates are losing ground.

Good evening. I hope you made it
to the polling station in time.


- The polling stations have closed.
- Off we go.

Let's go, kids.

The polling stations have closed

and the first results will be ready
in a couple of minutes...

Let me take your coats.

- Hi!
- How are we doing?

Quite a long way from real influence.

- Here we go, sexy.
- Do you like it?

The first constituencies
are reporting in now.

They confirm the trend set
by the very first exit polls.

The Moderates are losing out
to the New Democrats.

Five minutes until
the first arrivals at Borgen.

- Okay, I'll just pop out for a sec.
- Great.

Great to have you back, Torben.

Thank you.

I've been wanting
to tell you for a while...


I think you're fantastic.

But the time with the two of us
was a real mess. I am sorry.


It's over between us, Pia.

I love my wife and children.

I am sorry if I made
you think otherwise.

I meant it more in professional terms that

it was good you were back.

Word is going round
that Alex Hjort has quit.

- What?
- He is very welcome to.

Simon, can you hear me?

We're waiting.

Hanne, your scarf is crooked.

We'll have the complete
results in ten minutes.

And even here the New Democrats
have made gains

and it looks as if they'll win 12 seats.

- How many do you need?
- For decisive influence?

We are only one seat short.

- We don't know how it'll end.
- It'll end well!

It will.

It's looking good.
We are in double figures, damn it!

Well done!

We may just end up
with the deciding vote.

If we do, my greatest ambition
is a new government.

- What does Denmark need?
- A new government!

Politics must reclaim the center.

The Freedom Party should be excluded

and we need to be included.
Cheers for us!


Over to Christiansborg where
Svend Åge Saltum has just arrived.

You've lost two seats.

There's nothing useful for me to add.

But you can't get rid of us that easily.


We almost have the full results.

The Liberals have had
a really good election.

The big winners are Birgitte Nyborg
and the New Democrats

with 13 seats.

- Oh!
- Hey!

Well done everyone!

You've smashed the Moderates.
You own the center.

Look at the blocs.

Work this out.
Solidarity have made huge gains.

The Moderates have had the worst result
in their history and only win five seats.

Thorsen wants to meet
and so does Hesselboe.

We're going to get some crazy offers.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, it's fantastic,
it's just really, really complicated.

We have five taxis downstairs.

Get ready to go.

It's really impossible

to see who the winners are.
We've gone up...

It's going to be a long night.

But very good news. Very good news.

Don't worry, I'll tidy up. Leave it.

Would you like to come with me?

Are you sure?

Would you?


What a cliffhanger. What kind of
parliament are we going to get, Torben?

One that will find it hard
to ignore Birgitte Nyborg.

Neither bloc has a majority without
the center parties.

The New Democrats are
the biggest center party now.

We're outside Christiansborg
so I'll have to run,

- Say hi from me.
- Magnus says hi.

We have to time it for the journalists.

Oh. Yeah.

Great. Bye.

Who is on the steps right now?


The boring Green guy,
what's his name...

Okay, pull forward.

Sorry, Carsten...

- Are you the one who decides?
- No, the electorate does that.

- Who will you back?
- It's too early to say.

But a vote for us
is a vote for change.

Did you have dinner together?

Yes, we did as a matter of fact.

It's teeming with people
at the entrance. A chaotic scene.

Birgitte has arrived with her partner,

the celebrated English architect
Jeremy Welsh and her two kids.

Behind her we see ex TV1 presenter
and now party press officer

Katrine Fønsmark.

Birgitte Nyborg looks triumphant.

20 minutes to go until
the party leader panel.

When I look at all of you
I am so proud of you.

From beginning as an idea
hatched by a handful of people,

we now, thanks to you,
have won 13 seats in Parliament.


And now thanks to you we
have won 13 seats in Parliament.

Congratulations, everybody.

Cheers! Congratulations, everybody.


Denmark needs a credible,
dynamic government...

- Ah. Here comes TV2.
- Hi, Pia.

- Hi. Nice to see you.
- Have you lot been good?

Brilliant. Haven't we?
And we're getting better and better.

- We'll beat you in the ratings.
- So you say every time.

Hi! And well done!

Thank you very much.

- Nice to meet you.
- Jeremy.

I've heard a lot of good things about you.

Thank you.

- Heard a lot of good things about you too.
- Okay.

I just gotta make a call.

So are you...

officially an item?

- Yes.
- It's weird seeing you arrive.

With Jeremy and the kids.
I had to get used to it.

And I think I am now.

He seems... okay.


- Shall we see to the animals?
- Yeah.

He's asleep!

Go home to bed.

Come, darling.

- See you, Mom.
- See you.

- Fix us a new government, will you?
- I'll do my best.

Come, darling.


With me is former special advisor
Kasper Juul. Kasper...

- A very muddy situation?
- Absolutely.

- My take is...
- We have to interrupt you...

Simon is ready with Nedergaard.

Sorry, but Simon Bech
is with Benedikte Nedergaard.

Sorry, you know what it's like.
Can I get back to you?

Are the youngsters
breathing down your neck?

Yes, of course,
and so they should.


They don't know
what loyalty means.


To them, politics is
a step up the career ladder.

You lot are not a hair better.

- Some of us are, surely.
- Kasper...

- You begin as journalists...
- Right.

You spend all your waking hours
getting exposés on politicians.


Then you become spin doctors

and spend all your time fooling
your former friends and journalists.

And it's hard to believe...

but two minutes later
you're journalists again.

And yet you still have the audacity

to ask us where the cynicism comes from.

I wish I could have got that on TV.


you look like a man
who misses the circus ring.


Being part of it...

is different than just yapping about
the mischief we get up to in there.

You never know
when it's your last election.

- What's Benedikte doing in there?
- She's on instead of Svend Åge.

Ready to go on air.
Dorte on camera four in five seconds.

Four, three, two, one. And Dorte.

Denmark has voted.
And here they sit.

The party leaders of the new parliament.

Let's talk to one of the major players.

Lars Hesselboe, are you going
to remain prime minister?

Yes, if you ask the electorate.

The Liberals are the biggest party

and we have had a splendid election,
so yes.

Hans Christian Thorsen,
who is our next prime minister?

The electorate has given
a majority to the opposition

of which the New Democrats were
part and of which I am the leader.

And the woman in the middle.
Congratulations on the result.

Many thanks.

You hold the deciding vote.
Who is our next PM?

It is too early to say.

You know what the two men
next to you stand for.

It can't be that difficult.

It's one of the most complex
distributions of seats ever.

The trick will be to form a
government that can stay the course.

The Moderates have had
the worst election in their history.

You only have five seats left.

Jacob Kruse,
where does your party stand?

Yeah, we just have to get
our legs back under us,

figure out what happened,

make the best of things,

and move on.

So... if Thorsen is to form a government
he won't be able to ignore

Anne Sophie Lindenkrone and Solidarity.

Can you work
with Birgitte Nyborg at all?

- Is Nyborg willing to work with us?
- That's actually a good question.

What do you say to that?

There's nobody we won't talk to.

One of the changes
that leaps out at us

is that it is not Svend Åge Saltum
who's here for the Freedom party

but you, Benedikte Nedergaard.

Svend Åge is exhausted.
He asked me to represent him.

- The little liar!
- Look! Saltum's singing!

This is fantastic television.

The party is by no means over.

You can see everything
from despondency to euphoria.

But there's an intense desire
to resolve the question

of who's to be PM.
Tonight will see the answer.

Hesselboe has started negotiations.

Word is that the Freedom Party
want to be in government.


- What about Labour?
- Thorsen had a poor election.

If he can't form a government,
Pernille Madsen will topple him.

Hi, Birgitte!

- Congratulations!
- And to you!

Hi, Birgitte.

- Pernille is here as deputy chair.
- Of course.

I thought we should chalk the lines

and see who'll lead the talks
during the negotiations.

I am delighted that
you've decided to stand with us.

My party and I have major issues
with the economics

of your "Our Denmark" plan.

I can't start by ditching
our election manifesto.

In the long term we can discuss it.
But nothing is sacred.

We'll have to discuss it before
we can discuss who's to be PM.

I'll have to stop you there.

We can't allow cuts to corporation tax

or a growth rate dictated
by some central bank.

- Easy now...
- We are not going to give way.

- Is that non-negotiable?
- Yes.

So... our similarities are
greater than our differences.

- Now for Hesselboe.
- Yvonne is there but not Benedikte.

Which is food for thought.

But the Freedom Party
may have approached Labour.

No combination is being left unturned.
Everyone wants to find a solution.

I have convinced Hesselboe that talks
with Thorsen are going well.

They seemed to buy that,
so you can go for broke.


- Good to see you.
- Likewise.


Yvonne and I have just been
discussing the situation.

We are not naive enough to think

that you will support a government
with the Freedom Party in cabinet.

I envisage a coalition

with the Liberals, the New Right,

the Moderates,

and you.

And of course there will be several
senior cabinet posts for you.

I am not interested in
talking cabinet posts right now

but in discussing the content
of the new government's platform.

- That will take time to discuss.
- Of course.

We can already say that we can't
support your cuts in public spending.

We can no longer afford
welfare as we know it.

We can't afford the tax cuts

you promised the electorate.

Unless you are willing
to seek a consensus

it will be hard for us
to form a government.

It may be more pragmatic
to negotiate with you from case to case.

To sign agreements with you
but allow you to stand on the outside.

There is also a third option.

That you make concessions.

Yes. That is what I have heard.

Okay. But call me
when you have any news.

That's fine. Bye.


- it's a bit of a hornet's nest.
- Yes.

- I think I'll...
- Yes.

Take care.

Okay, what have we got?
Thorsen, stymied.

The Labour Party facing a faction w*r.
And Solidarity overplayed their hand.

- They won't overturn a red government.
- Until they do.

A government with their backing
will be economically irresponsible.

The markets don't always react
negatively to red governments.

The alternative is a blue bloc
that is far too cocky.

- with a leader I have fought against.
- We are not backing a blue government.

But we can't have Thorsen without
Lindenkrone. We won't have a majority.

- Listen to Birgitte.
- I am. We choose both sides.


We form a government with Thorsen
and do our economics with the right.

It's New Democrats policy
to maximize our influence.

Not at any price, Jon.

We need a stable government,
not short-term solutions.

Even if they look better on paper.

Hesselboe is putting together
a majority without us.

What? Impossible!

I am old enough to remember 1978

when the Liberals teamed up with Labour.

So, yes, they can form
a majority without us.

- We can't not use our seats!
- It's tactics.

It's got to be.

"There may be other combinations.
Meet me in the gallery."


Hans Christian.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

Or good night.

I know this is an odd place to meet,
but I have my reasons.


- This meeting is confidential.
- Of course.

It's no secret that we see eye to eye
on quite a few matters.

But reaching agreement was tricky
under Svend Åge's leadership.

But you're taking over? Congrats.

A modern Freedom Party
under Benedikte,

I can work with this.

But the Freedom Party's values?

Many disagreements were
because of Svend Åge's language.

I can promise we won't require
more restrictions on refugees.

Let's focus on areas where we can meet.

Social policy, business policy.

We are talking the Labour Party,
the Freedom Party, the Greens,

and hopefully your own party, Birgitte.

After all, we are all interested in
a change of government, aren't we?

A showdown with
the curse of bloc politics.

And here we suddenly stand
with a historic chance

to form a majority government
and bring the left and right together.

I hope you understand the gravity

inherent in our proposal.

Desperate times
require courageous solutions.

A government spanning the center.

And with this need
for action and stability,

we are willing to

discuss whether the post of prime minister

should be placed in your hands, Birgitte.

They offered me prime minister.

- Who has?
- Thorsen.

Impossible! It is his sole ambition!

Pernille wants to topple him.

It's his last resort.

To remain chairman
by offering me the job of PM.

A government consisting
of the Labour Party, the Greens, us,

and Benedikte Nedergaard.

A majority government with me
as PM with only 13 seats, Bent.

Has anyone the right to take power
with so few seats?

The electorate didn't vote
to have me as their PM.

And we said right from the start

that we wanted to deprive
the Freedom Party of any power.

What are my options?

I'd hoped for a government under Thorsen.

But it's unrealistic
if it relies on Solidarity.

Give the job to Hesselboe?

Can I push him to where I want him?

Finally, the big issue:
who can form a majority?

I can if I accept this offer.

When have you seen me happiest of all?

When you were prime minister.

And I can be PM again.

This time for a majority government.

It's an historic opportunity.

Government decisions can
be implemented the next day.

I don't have to ask anyone.

Do you realize what I would
be able to achieve?

I have the power. Now.

Do I have the power?

We need to hang on for the talks.

- He's not.
- He is.

- He's not.
- He is.

- He no longer has a lighter.
- Look!

Okay. Agreed.

Mmm. It's a deal.



- Torben?
- Yeah?

Yuck! Thanks everyone for
a great evening. Well done.

Dan and Pia, super cool. Beautiful.

Hanne and Ulrik, you did it.

My ass has been be saved by
an old women's libber and a...

sorry, a metrosexual media darling.
That's what you are, isn't it?

Well done, thank you all.
It was great. Really great.

There is more good news.

"Head of programming
Alex Hjort to leave TV1."


We'll see how that goes.

Drive safely.

Hi, darling.


Are we getting you back again?

Be careful what you wish for.

- Lovely to see you.
- You too.

- He'll be out in a moment.
- Thanks.

They have offered me
the prime ministership.

With 13 seats.

Much is offered at this hour.

But I think we should form
a stable, credible government

with you at its head.

Based on certain conditions.


I'm listening.

We form a government across the center.

With the Liberals, New Right,
and the New Democrats.

The Moderates are too devastated
and need to find their footing again.

We must aim for a responsible
economic policy.

You know what we want.

Broad-based agreements,
the necessary welfare reforms,

a green backbone
to our policy for industry.

A certain easing of restrictions
on immigration.

That's quite a mouthful.

I can enable you to count to 90, Lars.

Where do you see yourself,

hypothetically speaking?

Where you'd prefer me to be.
Outside the country.

As foreign minister.

You've got audacity, eh?

We both know it'll be tricky
to form a government.

But I need to know if you think
we can see eye to eye.

Or you'll become prime minister.

That possibility exists.

I am sure we can see eye to eye.

The electorate will like that.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I really don't care how old you are.

I suppose I'd given up believing...

in anything.

Probably an occupational hazard.

I think I want this.

It terrifies me, too.

Good morning.

So, does Denmark have a new government?


And we're in it.

Uh, Hesselboe will remain prime minister.

Oh, dear.

Did he have to be?

I think I did
what was best for my country.

And what did your country do for you?

I'll probably be Foreign Minister.


You got the best gig in government.


Breakfast in bed or...

No, that's okay. But thanks...

Do I do this to you two too?
Surely not? I mean...

I don't know. Sometimes perhaps.

Good morning...


Do you mind passing me that?

There is some in this one.

- Milk?
- Please.

- Thanks for your efforts.
- Well played.

You're welcome. It's been a pleasure.

Great meeting you.

Hi, Torben.


I was just saying my goodbyes.

I am moving on.

But it's been fun.



Next time you want some fun,

go to the fair.

I am pushing for Erik for Justice,
Jon for Finance and Economic Affairs,

and me for Foreign Minister.

It is a pretty decent place to work.

It's my second home.

BORGEN is a work of fiction
inspired by real events.

The series references historical figures

and events in Danish politics
prior to 1982.