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02x08 - What is Lost Inwardly Must Be Gained Outwardly Part II

Posted: 03/12/24 19:17
by bunniefuu
I think we should try
to stop the w*r in Kharun.

- You're going to need my help.
- Laura has had an anxiety att*ck.

- You should put her on medication.
- You must keep taking the pills.

If you stop, you may suffer
a serious relapse.

What is your engagement in Kharun?

A potential DKK 5 billion deal
to build oil refineries.

Government troops are said
to commit massacres -

- in order to clear areas
for Western oil companies.

President Al-Jahwar has agreed
to meet with you in their capital soon.

- Great, Birgitte!
- Will you stay here with the kids?

Peace talks will be held
in Copenhagen.

Did you take your pill?
I want you to take it now, Laura.

- We just want you to get well.
- Sure.

"Take up the white man's burden
The savage wars of peace

Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease." - Kipling

- Okay!
- I won't be home the next few days.

Great, a good night's sleep
without groping hands.

- Any complaints?
- No.

- Coffee?
- Please.

- How come you're so grumpy?
- It's 4:30 a.m. I'm tired.

- When are the delegations due?
- At 10.

But the Foreign Ministry boys have
been working on it the past few days.

How did you manage to suspend the
arrest warrant for Omar Al-Jahwar?

Who wants to know?
My girlfriend or the reporter?

- Both.
- In that case I don't know.

- Will you land the peace agreement?
- We've got a chance.

If you and your colleagues
will back off and let us work.

- I will, if you answer our questions.
- Okay, then.

How did you manage to suspend the
arrest warrant for Omar Al-Jahwar?

Crikey, it's 4:30 already,
and my cab's waiting. So that's that.

- You're up early.
- I couldn't sleep.

- So she woke me up.
- You were playing games.

Anne's staying over the next few
days, because I'm going to be busy.

- Fine.
- Is it fine with you, Magnus?

- Sure.
- Hi, Anne.

- Thanks for coming this early.
- No problem.

- Hi, Kasper.
- Who wants to help me make pizza?

- Me!
- See you in the Hall of Mirrors.

I made coffee, and there's
some money in the brown envelope.


Please remind Laura
to take her pill in the morning.


- Did you take your pill?
- No, but I'll do it now.

- What time is it, Magnus?
- 6:30, time for the news.

And for me to brush my teeth
and get dressed.

Negotiations will take place
in several venues.

The Foreign Ministry will hold the
talks with the government officials.

The presidents are expected to meet
with the PM at the PM's Office.

And the main players: Jakob Lokoya
came into power in 2010 -

- when South Kharun voted
in favour of independence.

President Al-Jahwar of North Kharun
was wanted by the Hague Tribunal -

- for atrocities committed
against the South Kharunese people.

The international arrest warrant has,
however, been suspended.

It's too early for all these names.

Unless you have twins with colic,
you have no complaints. Get a grip.

- What are you doing?
- What do you mean?

You didn't take your pill.

That's none of your business.

If you tell Mum and Dad,
I'll never speak to you again.

Episode 18

What Is Lost Inwardly
Must Be Won Outwardly - Part Two

We're dividing the negotiations
into three groups:

The Oil Group, the Sarifan Group
and the Green River Group.

Representatives of the African Union,
the UN and the EU are observers.

Some reporters are attacking Denmark
for negotiating with Al-Jahwar.

Technically, he's not a w*r criminal
as the case has been reopened.

The international arrest warrant
has been suspended temporarily.

Good work. I presume we have you
to thank for that legal subtlety.

Al-Jahwar is due shortly. Amir and I
are going to greet him with Niels-Erik.

We'll have coffee next door,
while we wait for South Kharun.

North Kharun insisted
on arriving first.

Is everyone clear on the agenda?

Let's get cracking.
Good luck.

It is a great honour to be here.

But don't get your hopes up.
Lokoya may very well let you down.

Yes, thank you.
We had a very pleasant flight.

The oil city of Orisia is under att*ck.
The South has att*cked the North.

Jakob Lokoya had better have
a good explanation. Damn it!

I need them as background stills for
a nasty story on the News at 8:30pm.

- I need them to be brutal.
- Amnesty gave me these last month.


Hey, stop.
Go back. Further.

There. Zoom in on that guy there.

- Katrine, take a look at this.
- What?

Isn't that Niels Mikkelsen?
Who's that with him?

Mohammed Azzez.
Al-Jahwar's most notorious general -

- behind the m*rder of thousands
of civilians. He led the m*ssacre.

Katrine, we're on in 15.

Fighting has erupted on the border
between North and South Kharun.

- It's been confirmed?
- Not yet. Get going.

Torben, remember Niels Mikkelsen,
the guy Katrine and I interviewed?

Look, we're on in 14 minutes.
Let's go, Katrine.

Hey, gorgeous. You're off work?

No, I'm on in a minute.
Any comments from the PM?

- I hoped it was my girlfriend calling.
- It is. Does Nyborg want to comment?

Why is she on the phone?

- On what?
- South Kharun att*cked the North.

- Katrine!
- I don't know anything about that.

- We know Al-Jahwar left the Office.
- We're on now.

You're breaking up.
Talk to you later.

We're on in five.
Four... two, one and action.

This is TV1 News
with breaking news.

Before the peace talks even
got started, they broke down.

Ten minutes after his arrival,
Al-Jahwar left the negotiations.

Allegedly because of news
that South Kharun att*cked Orisia.

This Kharun's most important oil city
is expected -

- to be the bone of contention.

We'll have them draw up a proposal.

The South Kharunese delegation
is going to draw up a proposal -

- but we can't guarantee
that negotiations will be reopened.

- Any news from the North?
- They're still in Copenhagen.

But they thr*aten to leave
unless the South pulls out of Orisia.

They won't negotiate face to face
with the South. Not in the same room.

Amir, it's your job to keep the North
in Denmark for as long as possible.

Tell them we'll try to get
the South to leave Orisia.

Great picture, I must say.
It's really good... for sure.

But what's important right now is the
stranded peace talks.

Are you aware of that?

Mohammed Azzez is
a North Kharunese general -

- and a w*r criminal wanted
for atrocities committed in Kharun.

And there he is with Niels Mikkelsen,
Crohne's man in Kharun.

They're in a massacred village. Yet he
denied any knowledge of massacres.

Sometimes I get just
a little bit tired, you know?

- You know this is a good story.
- It's a great story.

But it demands three weeks of
research, and we don't have the time.

Save it for after the peace talks.
And that, by the way, is an order. Out.

Torben speaking. Hi, Mum.

- I didn't catch that last bit he said.
- Get your coat.

We'd like to talk to Niels Mikkelsen.

- Have you got an appointment?
- No.

- You need to make an appointment.
- We understand.

- We need to talk to him.
- Let me take it from here.

I didn't expect to see you again.
To what do I owe the honour?

We came across this photo
of you and Mohammed Azzez.

In that case I'd better invite you in.

That's a day I'll never forget. Dead
bodies all over the place. Horrendous.

- How may I help you?
- What are you doing with Azzez?

You denied any knowledge
of these things.

There had been fighting in one
of the areas we passed through.

- I had nothing to do with it.
- But this was before the w*r.

These massacres come from
clearing villages for oil exploration.

You know more than me. I'd be happy
to tell you more about my travels -

- but I'm pressed for time now. I may
have more pictures of me and Azzez.

- Can we meet later tonight?
- We can wait right now, if...

I have a very important meeting
with some heavy investors.

How about 9 p.m. At the paper?

- Sure.
- Good.

- Thanks.
- Bye.

Sanne, we're in for a long night.
Get Crohne for me on the phone.

He promised to support me, and
he may have to keep his word now.

I'll draw up a press release then.
In case we fail.

- Joachim Crohne is on the line.
- Thanks.

Good evening, Mr. Crohne.

Didn't we say 9 p. M?

- I think he's a no go.
- f*ck!

He had a landline, too.

- Mikkelsen residence.
- TV1 News calling for Mr. Mikkelsen.

- I'm afraid he's away.
- But we had an appointment with him.

- When will he be back?
- I can't say. Goodbye.

Katrine, we did all we could. We can't
go around arresting people, can we?

No, but this proves
he's got something to hide.

Businessmen like him
prefer to lie low.

If two annoying b*tches start
calling his connections -

- that could make his life
very difficult.

I feel just like one of those b*tches.

aborted peace negotiations

sh*t sh*t sh*t!

- See you tomorrow.
- Good night.

Don't sleep here, Sanne.

No coffee?

Sorry. None left.

- Bent's got some herbal tea.
- Great.

How's the press release
coming along?

Cheer up.
It's not over yet.

Good evening, Mr. Crohne.

Sure. I'll be waiting. See you.

Crohne has come across
some very interesting information.

At 2:30 in the morning?

As you know, my corporation does
a lot of business in China.

I got these papers from
a Chinese government official.

40 Chinese att*ck helicopters are
heading for North Kharun's capital.

When they arrive, North Kharun will
win the w*r in just a few weeks.

- Is the North preparing for w*r?
- It looks like it.

You didn't get this from me.

This explains everything. I wondered
why the North was so cantankerous.

The Chinese ambassador will
be here in an hour.

How are we going to use this?

Give it to the media. Let the world
know peace depends on China.

- We need to put pressure on them.
- That's quite a gamble.

- But it's worth the risk.
- Let me warn the South.

- Or else they'll feel ambushed.
- Fine.

We need to make the North stay here.
You see to that, Amir.

I'd better get the Chinese on board.

Okay, keep us posted. Great.

- Bye.
- What did Amir say?

Al-Jahwar isn't thrilled about
the helicopter deal hitting the news.

- Of course. And the South?
- Preparing for w*r.

We've got 12 hours
to make the ship turn around.

The Chinese ambassador is here.

You're entitled to be angry at China
for delivering m*llitary hardware now.

Denmark can't afford to be angry
at China. They're almost 1.5 billion.

We can't make demands.
I can only ask for help... humbly.

- What are you doing?
- Getting some water.

- Why did you unplug everything?
- None of your business.

Did you tell Mum about the pills?

But how come
you do all this weird stuff?

What am I doing, Magnus?

- You...
- You want to tell Mum about it?

- Let's call her.
- Don't, Laura.

She won't be asleep.
I'll call her.

Sure you don't want to talk to her?

- I won't tell.
- Okay.

Go to bed then.
Go on.

- Hello.
- You called.

- Why aren't you in bed?
- Magnus had a nightmare.

- Where's Anne?
- I didn't want to wake her.

How sweet of you.
Put Magnus on then.

No. Magnus went back to sleep.

Okay. Give him a kiss from me,
okay, sweetie?

- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.

- Did you take your pills?
- Sure.

- I'm a little tired now, Mum.
- I can hear that.

I really miss you. Sleep tight.

Good night.

Look at this photo Robert from De
Telegraaf in the Netherlands sent me.

Robert says Telegraaf knows him
by the name of Theo Van De Cloe -

- a man who works in the oil industry.
Again, villages have been cleared.

Government troops use oil exploration
as an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

- Still just rumours, mind you.
- I keep hearing the same thing.

Rumours galore. Very little proof.

- Who the hell is he?
- A very skilled businessman.

It's 5:30 a.m.
Don't you need to get to makeup?

Sure. Sleep is for old people.

Things aren't looking good for Nyborg.
That'll teach her.

- It's spot on.
- It's chauvinist.

- Hey, Nyborg screwed up.
- Katrine's right.

A male PM would be applauded.
A female PM gets slaughtered.

- Sharp analysis, bra burners. Thanks.
- You're welcome.

Any news on those helicopters?

I have a m*llitary expert coming in
to tell us about the ZHI-10.

- Good. Any comments from China?
- No.

The BBC is monitoring the ship live.
We're trying to link to their feed.

Great. Katrine, good work
on the morning show.

- You seemed sharp and rested.
- Thank you.

Anything else you'd like to say to me?

- I think you're the best boss.
- Very funny.

No, have the two of you got anything
you want to share with us?

- Not at all.
- Let me know when that link is up.

Sure thing.

Good morning.

Did you talk to the Chinese?

Al-Jahwar and his staff have now
officially left the negotiations.

- So that's it?
- Yes.

South Kharun heard about it and
don't want to stay a minute longer.

- You gave it your all.
- God damn it!

That's it?

Breaking news on BBC right now.

It's a live feed.
I think the Chinese stopped their ship. we speak, is changing its
course and possibly heading south.

- Yes?
- Beijing is on the line.

Thank you.

Kasper, round up the negotiators
in the Hall of Mirrors.

Mr. Lokoya, I have some great news.

I'm very impressed by your work
these past days.

You deserve a big hand.

On a more serious note; an hour ago
both presidents threatened to leave -

- and end negotiations.
They didn't though.

China stopped the ship with the
helicopters and gave us 36 hours.

So, both the North and the South
are back at the negotiating table.

I know you're missed by your families
and tired, too -

- but I'm going to ask you to
hang in there just a little bit longer.

Let's finish what we started
and show the world -

- that when a bunch of crazy Danes
set their mind to something -

- they accomplish it.
Good luck, people.

Can I quote you on that?

How about "a source close
to the Kharunese oil industry"?

Thanks anyway. Bye.

Mikkelsen has got a lot
on his conscience.

False identity, corruption.

He said Mikkelsen must have known
his methods would entail massacres.

- But you can't quote them. Right?
- Still, the story is coming together.

How would you pitch this story
in one minute?

Niels Mikkelsen,
Dutch alias, Van De Cloe...

No, I'd start with his bribery
of Kharunese officials.

- Sources talk of huge amounts.
- "Sources"?

- Let's fight for this story, Hanne.
- But we aren't getting anywhere.

Torben's right. We don't have
a thing. Just a gut feeling.

A few tiny pieces,
but not a shred of evidence.


We don't.

Let's give it to Documentary,
and let me have some wine.

- Coming?
- Yes.

Wait. True, we have no evidence.
We have a hell of a lot of rumours.

- Mikkelsen residence.
- Fønsmark, TV1 News.

He's away.

Please tell him we're doing
a documentary on him.

The theme is corruption and
the violation of international law.

- Would he like to comment on that?
- I can't help you.

Do tell him to watch it. The working
title is "Merchant of Death".


I can't teach you
any more tricks.

Katrine speaking.
Hello, Niels Mikkelsen.

- Any progress?
- I'm very optimistic.

- I look forward to this state dinner.
- Are negotiations on standby?

No. A lot of hard-working people are
working around the clock for this.

Good evening.

While I wine and dine the
alpha males, you close some deals.

If we exert ourselves, we can close
Green River within the hour.

We only have tonight, so do your best.


Please have a seat.

First, I want to know if you intend
to do a documentary on me.

Yes. It's turning into quite a story.

Doing business in Kharun
is extremely complicated.

I am not personally involved
in any of the activities you imply.

So go on air and explain what you're
doing next to a wanted w*r criminal -

- surrounded by dead bodies
in a b*rned-down village.

I've done nothing wrong.
My living is based on my integrity -

- and my network isn't fond
of my being hounded by reporters.

So I've decided to hand you a story -

- of immediate importance
to the peace talks -

- if you promise to back off.

- What story?
- I'm not going tell you beforehand.

First I want your guarantee
that you're going to forget me.

If there's anything in the story,
we'll consider backing off.

If not, we're going to continue.

I've drawn up an agreement -

- in which you promise not
to bother me personally anymore -

- if you're given this information.

Katrine Fønsmark is outside.

- Has she got a camera with her?
- No.

- Hey, gorgeous.
- Hi.

I'm here to tell you that we've come
across information proving -

- that North Kharun has cheated the
South out of 10% of the oil revenues.

The North has been stealing
up to $1 billion a year from the South.

We'd like a comment from the PM
when we run the story in the morning.

- And if we don't believe you?
- I'm not here to blackmail you.

If your information is correct,
it will wreck the negotiations.

- Yes.
- But?

But nothing. Look...

We're reporters.
We can't just ignore a story like that.

- Come and have a look.
- At what?

This is the heart.

This is where I've spent
the last couple of days.

We closed the Green River Group
13 minutes ago.

So now 3.6 million Kharunese
get to choose -

- whether they want to belong
to the North or the South.

We expect to close the Sarifan Group
within the next ten minutes.

And feedback from the Oil Group
indicates great progress.

And while all these people
struggle to close a deal -

- the two presidents are meeting face
to face for the first time in 2 years.

The people who once fought
each other with machetes -

- are now negotiating
in the finest democratic tradition -

- how to distribute land and oil.

Sarifan is settled.

Well done. Bravo!

You're witnessing a small miracle.

We've still got Oil to go.

Tell me,
if you go through with the story.

We can't ask people
to stay here in vain.

We must get back to the Office.
We have a major problem.

I don't want to run the story.

What? Excuse me,
but did we just trade places?

You always accuse me
of lacking journalistic integrity.

- This is a f*cking good story.
- Thousands of lives are at stake.

- Is it worth it?
- You've lost me now.

Torben speaking.

Good evening.

Of course. Okay. Goodbye.

That was the PM.

Thank you for coming.
Kasper just briefed me.

Please explain the facts to me.

We have no doubt
these figures are true.

North Kharun has cheated the South
out of $7-8 billion the past 5 years.

Who else knows about this?

Apart from us gathered here,
only our source and North Kharun.

Please don't run the story. If you do,
the peace negotiations will collapse.

Then China will deliver
40 att*ck helicopters to North Kharun.

North Kharun will
arm the helicopters -

- and two weeks later we'll see
the outbreak of a w*r we can't stop.

This will lead to
streams of refugees -

- hunger and epidemics
similar to those in Ethiopia.

With all due respect, this domino
effect is hardly our responsibility.

We just broadcast truthful
and objective news. That's all we do.

And I commend you for that.

It's your right to run the story.

Still, I ask you to reconsider.

We're close to reaching
a peace agreement.

Excuse me, but I think... Yes?

- Will this meeting stay between us?
- I guarantee it.

We agree not to run the story,
if you land the peace agreement.

Should w*r break out again,
we'll run it.

- Here you are.
- Thank you.

We have copies in full, of course.

I very much appreciate your help.

Good night.

- A cup of tea?
- Yes.

Why is this unplugged?

I don't know.

- Anne speaking.
- Good morning. This is Birgitte.

- We're fine. I'll put Laura on.
- Hi, Mum.

Hi, sweetie.
I didn't come home last night -

- but I think we'll be finished today,
so I'll see you tonight.

- Did you take your pill?
- Not yet.

Dr. Iversen said not to take it
on an empty stomach.

You have an excellent memory.
How's Magnus?

He's fine...
But we were just leaving for school.

Okay. Put him on.

- Hi, Mum.
- Hi, sweetie. How are you?

- Mum...
- Yes.

- Nothing. See you later.
- You bet. Bye.

- Birgitte...
- Good morning.

Lokoya is ready to sign
the peace agreement.

Congratulations on
a fantastic achievement, Bent.

I'm sorry, but Al-Jahwar wants
to reopen the oil negotiations.

They demand a larger piece
of the oil in Orisia.

How serious is this?
Sounds like last-minute blackmail.

I can't get him to budge.

I'm in debt to you, Hanne.
Even though the story didn't pan out.

I really do admire your work.
Just thought you should know.

Let me begin by thanking you
for all your hard work.

I wish I could think of a more
original opening line, but I can't.

The bottom line is
that you worked really hard.

I look at many of you
with pride and awe.

Amir, despite everything
we've been through -

- you came running
when I asked you to come on board.

You're a skilled politician.

Still, I was amazed to see the
unwavering precision and elegance -

- with which
you led such delicate negotiations.

Thank you, Amir.

Bent Sejrø, where's he hiding?

Bent Sejrø,
my mentor, my old friend.

My worst critic
and my biggest role model.

Thank you for joining us
on this journey and for staying on -

- even when I was worried
about your health.

From now on I promise to say only:
"Shut up and take your pills."

We're on CNN.

The Danish effort to stop the w*r
between North and South Kharun -

- has managed
to secure an agreement.

Birgitte, something's up at home.

- Where is she?
- She locked herself in the bathroom.

Laura, I'm home now, at last.
Please open the door, sweetie.

Magnus just told me
she hasn't been taking her pills.

Magnus, why the devil
didn't you tell me?

How long has she been off them?

Laura! Laura!

I'm going
to kick down the door, sweetie.

Laura, Laura...

Hey, sweetie. Look at me, sweetie.

Laura! Laura, look at me.

Hey! Hey, Laura!
Look at me, Laura.

Anne, call an ambulance.
Come here, sweetie. Breathe.

- Birgitte, where is she?
- In some ward.

We've sedated her.

Reactions can be severe,
if you go off your medicine abruptly.

Many girls like Laura go off them
secretly to prove they're in control.

Your daughter is seriously ill.

You will need
to make great changes in your lives.

I'll be right back.

I'm sorry.

Hey, gorgeous, I'm on my way home,
and I can't wait -

- to kiss and caress you
all over your body. See you.

Benny, leave it there for a while.

Bye for now.

- Aren't you going home?
- I am.

I just need to sit here for a while.

Will your god mind us
grabbing a brandy?

Depends on how good the brandy is.

After hours of work, the parties
finally agreed on the ceasefire-

- and both presidents signed it.

Torben Friis, political analyst -

- what a turbulent couple of days.
Any closing remarks?

This is a great victory
for Birgitte Nyborg.

For once, we can be proud
of our PM here in little Denmark.