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01x01 - Decency in the Middle

Posted: 03/12/24 18:47
by bunniefuu
"A prince ought to have
no other aim or thought,

than w*r and its rules and discipline."

[woman on TV] Hanne Holm, you've been
at Christiansborg for many years.

Looking at our two political opponents,

Lars Hesselboe from the Liberals and
Michael Laugesen from the Worker's Party,

what's the game three days before
the general election?

It's like a game of chess.

The endgame in the election
is about making the world appear simple.

Stick to a few talking points,
and make your opponent look like an idiot.


No. We don't want to talk about the EU.
It's an electoral loser.

Who do you think
will be the next prime minister?

Laugesen or Hesselboe?

It looks like it could be
the opposition leader Michael Laugesen.

Based on what?

He has been the one with the initiative
in the election campaign.

He's the challenger.

Hesselboe seeks
to preserve the status quo.

But I feel like the Danish people
want something new. A change.

Even if they don't know to what.

That Laugesen looks more like a salesman
than a politician. [laughs]

Do you collect autographs?

No, it's my daughter.

- She's obsessed with them.
- Shouldn't she get Birgitte Nyborg's?

- It's mostly real celebrities.
- [man chuckles]

You know, like,
movie stars and rock stars.

- Is everything ready?
- Yes. You're on in eight minutes.

They'll ask why you're voting
for Laugesen,

and you tell them
how cool the opposition is.

- Look up.
- [clears throat]

Make sure you can't see
that she hasn't slept for 14 days.

I think she looks great.

[man speaking English] You are moving
toward the critical phase of the election.

Right now, everything depends
on keeping a straight face.

As we see it, you're still ahead when
it comes to controlling the Danish media.

[man 2 speaking English]
You must not appear passive.

It is important to seem forceful
in the final rounds of an election.

[speaks Danish] For goodness sake, Lars.

[speaking English] Sorry. It's just a new
Danish headline declaring my defeat.

We'd better prove them wrong.

Let's get back to what
we were talking about before.

We have some examples.

- [speaking Danish] Still taking these?
- We are in an election campaign.

I didn't even think you had a heart.

- Hi.
- Good morning.

- We'll do it out here.
- Right.

With Borgen in the background.

And you'll only ask
about the asylum seekers, okay?


As always, the middle is the battleground
in Danish politics,

and most of all,
the alliance with the Moderates

has helped the opposition
and Michael Laugesen move forward.

So we have invited
the chairman of the Moderates,

Birgitte Nyborg Christensen.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.


No, it's just business as usual.

- Yes.
- We need to confront old patterns...

[man] A bit bigger, Katrine, three.

The world is a different place...

- Which channel is Christiansborg?
- [man] Number four.

Ready, two. Two, two-sh*t four?

- On four?
- [man] One is on.

Get her shoulder, three, good.

Looking good, guys.


- Is that live from Christiansborg?
- [woman] Yes.

[man] Three is on.

Can we cue that up?

[man] Christiansborg, can you prepare?

- We're behind schedule.
- We'll just cut four short segments.

Can we cue it up?

Katrine, we have a statement
from Michael Laugesen.

We'd like Birgitte Nyborg's view.

But at 11 a.m.,
she's at Lundtofte Gymnasium

with some flunky from the Worker's Party.

Overby! Yes, exactly.

She'll wipe the floor with him. [laughs]

But are you sure you agree
with your alliance partner's vision

for the Denmark you envision?

Well, that's the basis
for our electoral partnership.

I'd like your comment on an interview
we've just done

with Michael Laugesen at Christiansborg.

Many Danes are worried
about the number of asylum seekers

who've come here
after the w*r in Iraq, for example.

And I'd like to say first that the vast
majority will be repatriated.

Second, that they will be detained
in asylum centers

and not released into Danish society.

- [man] And the ones with work permits?
- What the hell?

[Michael] One thing is for sure.

They should not steal jobs from the Danes.

It would be lunacy to cause
unemployment issues because of fugitives,

who are already a burden to society.

[man] So, can they work? Yes or no?

- No, they can't work.
- [man] Thank you.

[Katrine] Birgitte Nyborg, isn't Laugesen
reneging on your deal here?

- This could be out of context.
- The segment has not been edited.

He's just answering the question.

- [Birgitte] There are so many...
- Push her, Katrine.

We are talking about immigration,

which is a central issue for you
and the Moderates.

So, if Laugesen is breaking his promise,

will you still support him
as prime minister?

Yes. Of course we can. Yes.

We'll have to see just what
Laugesen actually meant...

Deflect! Change the subject! Deflect!

Your ally is welching on your deal.

Can you still support him? Yes or no?


No, I can't.

If this is the Worker's Party's policy,
we can no longer support Michael Laugesen.

[Katrine] Thank you, Birgitte Nyborg.

This is amazing!
New policy three days before the election.

[Katrine] The scandal of the TD5
railway trains continues...

[theme music playing]




[speaking English] Excuse me, madam.

Could I possibly be of any assistance?

[speaks English] f*ck off.

[man speaking English] You own
all the major topics of this election.

You own welfare. You own tax reform.

- You own being tough on immigration.
- [cell phone chimes]

Let us assume that the strategy
of the Labor Party in the final days...

[man 2 speaking English] Excuse me,
I've just received a text message.

"The Moderate Party no longer
supports the opposition leader

after his rather harsh remarks
on immigration in Denmark."

[speaking Danish] g*dd*mn it!

[speaking Danish]
It was in the news a minute ago.

Birgitte Nyborg has
disowned Michael Laugesen.

- It seems you are in luck, Prime Minister.
- [cell phone rings]

[speaks English] Just a second.

- [speaking Danish] Yes.
- [woman speaking Danish] Lars.

They are crazy. I've bought some things,
but they won't let me leave.

- Honey, this is a bad time.
- You have to pay. My card got declined.

I'm not leaving without the bag.

[speaking English] Yes, I'm talking
with my husband right now, g*dd*mn it!

[Lars] Where are you?

Um, Mulberry. Near the Burlington Arcade.

[speaking Danish] This would not happen
if you didn't always leave me, Lars.

- Honey.
- You big assh*le!

Honey, don't you think
you should take a cab to the hotel?

[sobbing] Like hell I will.

I'm not leaving without that bag!

Calm down, honey.

I'm allowed to buy nice things
for myself, right?


[speaking English] The prime minister will
have to leave now. I'll take over.

Could we speed it up a little?

[speaks Danish]
I'll try to catch a flight in a few hours.

[Lars] Right. See you back home.

Stay here, I'll deal with it.

Hi, honey, what's up?

I'm so sick of this place.
I want those things.

[speaks English] Your wife had some
difficulties with her credit card.

[speaks English] Thank you.

- [speaks Danish] Come back another time.
- No!

- Honey, you've spent 70,000 kroner!
- Don't give me that.

I put up with so much sh*t from you!

You could give a little back!

[speaks English] He's a prime minister!

- Would you please...
- [speaks Danish] Why won't you be nice?

[speaks English] Why can't you just
for once be f*cking nice to me?!

- I've forgotten my wallet.
- [speaks Danish] Oh, shut up!


- [woman speaks English] Thank you.
- [Lars] Hmm.

[door opens]

- Did you feel that was good journalism?
- Yeah.

Birgitte Nyborg's spin doctor
is going to kick your ass.

That's part of the job, Ulrik?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Good luck with that.
- Thank you.

You violated our agreement
for the interview.

- What agreement?
- You tell us the questions and angle.

- There used to be free press.
- Oh, shut up.

- You know how this sh*t works.
- We do the news, Kasper. That's it.

When are we going to see each other?

- Soon.
- You never call me anymore.

What are you up to?
Are you seeing anybody?

Is Birgitte Nyborg very angry?

- Of course not, she's professional.
- That was not okay!

You don't conduct an interview like that
three days before an election.

Chase your Cavling Prize another day.

- I'm sorry you feel like that.
- Is there another way?

- We cover the election, not your campaign.
- Right.

[clears throat] You changed policy
on live TV three days before an election.

We need a new strategy meeting.

I have 20 minutes before the townhall
at Lundtofts Gymnasium.

- We'll do it this afternoon at Borgen.
- Yes.

- Is the car ready downstairs?
- Yes.

I'll talk with the news chief now.

That's the last time
Katrine Fønsmark interviews you.

[Birgitte] Good.

Hi, Torben, it's Kasper Juul
from the Moderates.

[man] Why not meet
at the prime minister's office?

There was an unfortunate incident
in London.

- Yes. You forgot this.
- Involving Lisbeth.

Is she on pills again?

She spent 72,000 kroner.
Her credit card got rejected.

I was terrified somebody would see her.

If she hadn't gotten what she wanted,
she'd have gone crazy, so...

I panicked.

I only had my Eurocard
from the Prime Minister's office.

You don't have to tell me
that was unfortunate.

Perhaps you shouldn't have
taken Lisbeth to London.


I'll keep these.
I'll handle it with the office.

You incurred a minor party expense
and didn't have the proper card.

The sum won't be charged for 14 days.

- Are you sure?
- Absolutely. We stick to the plan.

I think the Moderates will call soon

now that Birgitte Nyborg has severed
with the opposition.

She has refused us so far.

She needs new friends.
Besides, we owe her a favor.

She just gave you four more years, Lars.


I'll see you.
I'm staying in town to work.

Cheeky move, changing policy
just before the election.

Birgitte Nyborg is usually a clever girl.

Let's have a serious chat
when the situation is under control.

What do we have to discuss
with the Moderates?

You're looking for someone other than
the Freedom Party to secure a majority.

The Moderates are ready,
but we must talk immigration and taxes.

We need to count to 90 together first.

And right now you are polling for sh*t.

You should gather your party
for a little charm offensive this weekend.

Call me. Good luck!

[engine turns over]

- Yes.
- That interview this morning...

you could have deflected.

Deflected? Isn't that what our party
always does?

Professionals do.

I'll see you, okay?

Your own people will skin you alive.

I don't think so. I just spoke with
Henning Nørgaaard, Gjervig and Lindholm.

They are with you, Birgitte.

Good. I think it would have
ended like this no matter what.

Agree. We've never had a natural affinity
with Laugesen.

Natural? [laughs]

We are not picking teams for softball.

This is about an ally
in a general election.

- Have you seen the latest polls?
- Kasper, politics is more than polls.

- Three days before an election?
- We listen to polls.

They don't dictate our policy.

Birgitte, there is another way.
I know the Liberals want to talk.

The Liberals?

I think we can join the government
and keep the Freedom Party out.

[laughs] A minute ago you were angry about
Birgitte giving up the Worker's Party.

Now you want her with the right wing?

I have to pick up my kid
at a birthday party.

Are you taking this serious, Birgitte?

I don't know if you've noticed me
working 16 hours a day in this campaign.

I won't approach the right wing
until after the election,

or it will confuse voters.

That is the policy of the Moderates,
which I dictate, while I am the chairman.

It's Saturday, five p.m.

The next four hours were promised
to my kids weeks ago.

You have to keep your promises
to your kids, Kasper.

They'll grow up to be voters one day.

[door closes]


[Katrine] I missed you today.

- You look fantastic.
- I cheated. It's from this morning's show.

It was fantastic, Ole.
You should have been there.

How often do politicians shift policy
on live TV?

- It was so crazy.
- Here.

This is for you.

Thank you. What's this?

They told me it's 150 years old.

[Katrine laughs]

- I bought it in London this morning.
- It's cute.

How did you find the time?
Weren't you busy?

I was until the prime minister's wife
swallowed a bunch of pills

and interrupted the meeting.

- I thought we didn't discuss that.
- We don't.

But if so,
there is a lot I'd like to know.

[Ole] Hmm.

I want to be with you all the time.


- But?
- ...I lie to Nina, the kids. It's insane.

I have to choose.

Well, then it's a good thing
there's an election in three days.

I have chosen.

- Is that a parting present?
- No.

I'm leaving Nina.

I want to be with you.

All the time. Officially.

With no bullshit.

Do you understand?


[TV broadcasting]

[cell phone rings]


Are you going
to that skating thing tomorrow?

Yes, it's in Farum.
Dad's driving me, right?

I will, honey.

[girl] I'm going to practice the piano.

Put on headphones
so you don't wake up Magnus.

[girl] Sure.

Hasn't she been playing "Let It Be"
for two months now?


How's it going with that?

[chuckles] I don't think she should count
on having an international career.


You know what, honey?
I feel like you buy dessert too often.

- Okay?
- And pastries for breakfast.

- I know it's for the kids, but I eat it.
- Yes.

You always gain a little weight
during election campaigns, right?

Hey, hey, hey.
Did I ask for that much honesty?

"The beautiful, voluptuous Birgitte Nyborg
in an elegant black dress."

That was in Billed-Bladet from that gala.

- Isn't that okay?
- Ah! Black is slimming.

Black is sophisticated,
it is very, very sexy.

If you're voluptuous in black,
you have a problem.

Honey, this is how I see it:

You get an incredible ass
when you're campaigning.

And I'll just have to live with that

in my own primitive way.

Tell me more.

I can't. You've cut off
the blood flow to my leg.


- You were so funny back in the day.
- [cell phone rings]

- I'm funny as hell.
- No, you've started lagging.

It's from Michael Laugesen.

He invites me for champagne
with the Worker's Party tomorrow.

Okay, when I was a kid,

you couldn't say the Worker's Party
in a sentence with champagne.

Should I say yes?


How tactical do you want to be?

I'm trying to salvage whatever I can,
but it can't look like that.

Then say yes.

Make him retract.

Tell your voters that you prioritize
toppling the government

over jeopardizing the opposition
on a single issue, hmm?

That's a bitter pill to swallow.

Try with some ice cream.

- You are funny, after all. [laughs]
- Funny as hell.

You know Kasper, my ex,
who always figures out everything?

He asked today if I was seeing anyone.

I brushed it aside.
He couldn't tell at all.

I'm getting really good at telling lies.

My mom doesn't even know about you,
but she will eventually.

[laughs] "Hi, Mom. I've got a guy.
He's 13 years older than me

and has a wife and two kids."

I don't think I've ever been this happy.
I just wanted you to know.

[sighs] You are so mean.

If you're sleeping,
you'll get no sex for a month. [kisses]

[chuckles] Ole.



Ole, look at me.

Ole! Ole, talk to me!

Come on, damn it! This isn't funny!

[man] Svend Åge Saltum, your Freedom Party
is happy with Laugesen's statement.

[Svend Åge] Well, it's no secret
that the Worker's Party

needs to connect with its voters,

since more and more of them vote for us.

Are you taking notes, Kasper?

[laughs] Good evening, Svend Åge.

No need, you are crystal clear
in your rhetoric as always.

What exactly do you do, Kasper?

My constituency committee has been asking
if I shouldn't have someone like you,

but you know what?
I'm not exactly sure what you're doing

in exchange for all that money,
you're probably getting.

What's it called again?

Spin doctor, right?

- Yes.
- Who is ill, Kasper?

- [laughs] Oh, excuse me.
- [cell phone rings]


- Kasper Juul.
- [Katrine shuddering] Kasper...

What the hell did people like you do
before the invention of the cell phone?

Katrine, what's going on?

...I think he's dead.

Breathe. What's happening?

I don't know what to do.

He's just lying here.
His eyes are still open.

I've tried everything.

Where are you?

Where are you?
Katrine, tell me where you are,

and I'll come right away.

Bredgade 20, please.

He was just dead all of a sudden.

He must have been ill. I didn't know...


So the guy I couldn't know anything about
was the prime minister's press secretary.

How long have you been going out?

Get your stuff.

Katrine, get your stuff!

Katrine, they can't find your stuff here.

- You'll be fired if they find out.
- I don't care.

No. They'll claim you leaked information
to each other.

- We never did that!
- Just no. All right?

There is a taxi waiting downstairs
that will take you home. I'll handle this.

He has a wife and two kids.
They can't find out.

Many people can't find out.

- We can't just leave him like this!
- Katrine.

Come on, I'll take care of this. Okay?


Come on.
Go downstairs and get in the taxi.

I'll call you later.

You were home, watching TV all night.
You weren't here, understood?

You were never here.

Hurry. [kisses]

Get moving.

[rock music blaring]

[man] Emergency services, good evening.
How can I help?

- Hello.
- [sniffles]

[rock music continues blaring]

[knock on door]

[man] Turn that sh*t down!


[man] Hello!


[pounding on door]

[man] Turn it down, damn it!


[man] Turn it down!




- Am I looking okay?
- [man] Hanne, fix your scarf.

It's a little bit crooked.

Thanks. There is a weird mood in here.

People are in shock.

I've asked the Liberal Party secretary

to come by for a short taped interview
on Ole Dahl.

Let's let Katrine interview him.

Hanne, I have a problem.
I can't reach Katrine.

I've tried text and mail,
but the bitch is gone.

- [scoffs] That is unheard of.
- That's what I wrote in my third email.

- Hi, Hanne, Ulrik here.
- Hi, Ulrik.

Not to criticize,
but Katrine is not always very dependable.

She left early yesterday as well,
so how about I do the interview?

Listen here. One: Did we ask you? No.

Two: If that wasn't criticism,
then what the hell was it?

Three: No, you will not do the interview.

- Katrine will do it. She's a journalist...
- Bite me.

...with a different approach. And four:
That was not to criticize you, Ulrik.

Nicely done, Hanne. He left. Seriously.

- Was that necessary?
- He's always brown-nosing me.

He's a great journalist.

No, he's a dependable employee.
That's very, very different.

He's a mediocre journalist,

who never digs in, because he always...

Could you mute her?
I'm trying to reach Katrine.

Okay, here comes the prime minister.

- [murmuring]
- [camera shutters clicking]

All right. Hello, everyone.

I have a very sad announcement.

My close employee and friend
through the last 11 years here at Borgen,

Ole Dahl, passed away last evening
following a heart att*ck.

There is a general election in two days.

And I would ask you not
to allow this tragic event

to give rise to speculation as
to whether I or the Liberals

can continue campaigning.

That would amount to questioning
the very professionalism

that should be Ole Dahl's legacy.
Thank you.

- Could I talk with you for a moment?
- Sure.

- Good morning.
- [man] Good morning.

What do you predict for the election?

That I step down as party chairman.
Is that realistic enough for you?

[chuckles] What if I told you
that I have obtained information

that would give you a big ministry
in a new administration?

Okay, that sounds weird.
But it does make me curious.

The prime minister pays for private
spending with money from the treasury.

- And who started that little rumor?
- I've seen the evidence.

I've seen receipts for purchases
at Mulberry in London for 71,800 kroner.

Bought with Lars Hesselboe's Eurocard
from his office

and two canceled receipts from his wife's
credit card, rejected for that purchase.

- And where did you see that?
- It's classified.

Do you have them?

I can get them.

We can use them in several ways.

Either we tell Hesselboe about them
and ask what he'll give in return

or we go to the press
and appear morally indignant

- as part of a united opposition.
- The opposition is not united.


we leak it anonymously
and wait for him to resign.

Because he will have to.

- Perhaps it's a misunderstanding.
- It's a fact

that Hesselboe has bought a very
expensive bag and coat for treasury money.

It's also a fact his wife is very unhappy.

- He's stolen from the treasury!
- And you suggest blackmail?

The prime minister just lost
his top adviser.

How dirty do you think I play?

Birgitte, we are going to lose seats.

We are at w*r!

We can't let this slip
through our fingers.

I'd never forgive myself
if this was how I came into office.

Then I doubt you'll ever get into office.

- [door closes]
- [crowd chattering, laughing]

- Lindenkrone!
- [woman] Hi.

Who says you can't be left wing
and hot at the same time?

No idea. But that's not your problem.
You're not left wing.


That was witty!

- Hello.
- Aicha, nice to see you.

There are cold sodas at the bar.

Help yourself. And they are free.

- How lovely, thank you.
- [Michael] It was nice to see you.

Lovely to be here. [chuckles]

Hi, welcome. Nice to see you.
Drinks on the house.

Birgitte, Birgitte, Birgeye.

- Michael.
- I can't stop thinking about you.

- Likewise, Michael.
- That sounds like the start of a romance.

Kasper, nice to see you.
Do you have a minute?

Sure thing.

Help yourself. Drinks are on the house.


♪ Rise to battle for the red banner ♪

♪ In a gray and defiant age... ♪

If you wouldn't mind closing the door.

The songs are the worst thing
about this job.

You must understand I'm pressured
by dinosaurs in parts of the party.

They are a bunch
of petty bourgeois racists

who will sell their votes
to the Freedom Party.

And I can't allow that. Because then
I won't become prime minister.

So I need a bit of elbow room
from the rest of you in the alliance.

I can't really let you elbow past
the agreement we made.

We agreed that asylum seekers
would be allowed to work after six months.

[laughs] Damn it, you're splitting hairs.

They are from banana republics
in civil w*r. They are in shock.

They've seen all kinds of sh*t. They
probably can't even clean a nursing home.

I'm going to ignore that. Michael...

you are breaking a clear political
agreement three days before an election.

I get so thirsty talking about feelings.


I need you to support me
as prime minister.

You've made that very difficult
with your statements.

I'll compensate you.

Two more ministries
than your number of seats entitle.

Anything besides finance
and foreign ministry.

Come on.

Tomorrow we'll have a press conference,
you state your support. How hard is that?

And then I promise you...

I promise that we'll get
a few asylum seekers a job.

Just don't make a big deal out of it.

I see why you are interested
in a marriage of convenience, Michael.

But I'm an old-fashioned girl,
so the answer is no.

We'll talk after the election.


No deal. He wouldn't pull back.

You're making it hard to be your adviser.

You'll probably be free of me soon.


- Yes.
- Don't you recognize me?

- No. [laughs]
- Hornbæk.

Hornbæk, of course!
Do you want some champagne?

- Thanks.
- That's what you need.

[lock clicks]

[husband] You're home early.

I couldn't do it.

[sighs] If we lose one or two seats,
I'll resign at the annual congress.

More than that and I'll resign right away.

Nobody's saying that it won't.

Now it's your turn to work
on your career, isn't it?

I've spent my five years.

- [exhales]
- We have a deal, right?

- I thought you had forgotten that.
- [sighs] Hardly. It was my idea.


I thought it was very modern of me.

Five years working for you, five for me.

Even though you thought it was stupid.

Yes, because...

that deal assumes your career
can be put on hold every five years.

- It's been fine so far.
- We've been lucky.

What if Bill Gates had called me
five years ago and said,

"Do you want to run Microsoft?"

You would just have said no.

Of course.

That would have been
much more dignified

than the Danish people voting you out,
like me in two days.

Am I sensing a plea for some pity sex?

You would have been better
at this than me.

No, because I wouldn't
have been able to reject Laugesen.

- [chattering]
- [pop music playing]


Can I get through? [laughs]


Everyone says nice things
about you, Kasper.

[laughs] They must not know me, then.

[woman] Promise not to go anywhere.

Promise is a big word in this business.

We had a visit from some Cuban communists.

We had to send them outside to smoke.

Do you want to come with?

And smoke a cigaros Havana Cubana.


[Kasper] If I was cynical enough,

I'd snap a picture of you
and sell it to the press, Laugesen.

It totally looks like you are peeing
on Borgen.

If anything is worth peeing on,

it's that naïve idea of the rule
of the people.

The people don't rule a f*cking thing.

A small, privileged group of people
decides what happens in Denmark.

Some business people, media people.

And a few politicians.

And as long as I'm a part of that group...

they can call it rule of the people
or whatever the f*ck they want.

What do you have, Kasper?

An apology on behalf of my chairman

- that it ended in a no deal.
- [glasses clink]

Sometimes the backdoor is open.

She's not fond of the backdoor.

- She's a nice girl, you know.
- [both laugh]

What about you?

Don't you want to work
for the prime minister?

I doubt Lars Hesselboe wants me
to succeed Ole Dahl.

Do you think he is
in office after the election?

- He need not be.
- Need not?

I know something.

I know something
that could make someone prime minister.

If it was used wisely.

I am a wise man, Kasper.

[Torben] Listen up, guys.
I have a sad announcement.

It's about Hanne Holm.

As you know, Hanne Holm has
previously had alcohol problems.

Yesterday, I received an email
telling me Hanne was drinking again.

It was sent from this office
from a public computer.

TV1 cannot allow,
the day before an election,

an alcoholic to moderate
a political debate. That's that.

I have with immediate notice
released Hanne from her contract.

All right? We have an election to cover,
so back to work. And you.

Please step into my office,

because you and I need to talk.

Hey, there.

Where the hell have you been?

- I was sick...
- Sick? Listen here!

Listen! You pick up your phone, all right?
I could fire you for this sh*t!

I just can't lose any more
good employees right now.

[sighs] Listen, Katrine. What I'm about
to say can easily be misunderstood

as a promotion, but it definitely is not.

I want you to moderate
the final debate tonight.

Did you read the speech I wrote
for the final debate tonight?

Your two minutes?

Yes, it looks fine.

Good. And remember
to wear the black suit, right?

It looks good on TV
and makes you look slimmer.

Shall we go over it?

Kasper, I think it looks like
a clever attempt

to salvage
a tactically difficult situation.

That's exactly what it is.

If this is my last time,
I don't want to waste time on tactics.

Do you want me to make
a farewell speech?

If I asked for a speech
about capital punishment,

you'd ask, "For or against?"


My job doesn't require me
to believe in anything.

Then I'll speak to you tonight.



Shouldn't I say that?

You know what?

I've always respected girls
who f*cked their way to the top.

That is a talent, at least.

Being good at f*cking, I mean.

But tattling on people,

who are actually doing their job,

it hits right at the nastiest little
tradition in Denmark for snitching.

And I have no respect for that.

- Hanne, do you think I...
- Drop it.

Who profits here?
Who got to do the final debate?

- Hanne, I would never...
- Let go of me!

The worst part is...

I actually liked you.

That won't work, Mom.

b*at it. Go away, seriously.

Dad, you have to say something.
She's too fat for that skirt.

[husband] Oh, stop it...

- The taxi will be here in five minutes.
- It'll just have to wait!

- [sighs]
- There. [exhales]

If you just push this down...

nobody can tell, right?

- Is this okay?
- [chuckles]

Do you want the truth
or the loving version?

The truth.

Your ass is too big. There are five kilos
between you and that black suit.

All right, the loving version.

The cleaners shrunk the black suit.
They apologize.

- Oh.
- Yeah.


I'll just have to wear the old dress.

It's the only one I can fit in.

It's completely inappropriate
for a party leader debate. Look at it.

[husband] Oh.

You know what, honey?

The other day, me and the kids
were watching you on TV, right?

Afterwards, Magnus asked me...

"Dad, do you think I'll be
as smart as mom when I grow up?"

We are so damn proud of you.
Do you know that?

- Hmm?
- Hmm.

- All right, I need to put this on.
- Yes, put it on.

[husband sighs]

Go on. That's good.

Katrine, you are 29 years old.

And you got the final debate.

So now we'll go over there,

- and you'll steal the show,
- [sighs]

because that's what you do.

But, Kasper, I'm crying all the time,
and I don't know why.

They think it's nerves.

Come on, damn it. It's the final debate.

I'll drive you in the Black Lightning.

- [sighs]
- [laughs] Come on.




[man] Let's check positions again.
One, check focus.

Let's keep an eye on the background
and the audience. Thank you.

- [chattering]
- [Michael] There you go.

Is the panic visible?

You are so damn tasty.

- Have you heard anything out there?
- Well...

The government and Freedom Party seem
on top of it.

Watch out for that guy Laugesen
from the Worker's Party.

He's on edge tonight.
He grabbed my f*cking ass.

That's fine. We'll nail him
for harassment afterwards.

Katrine, give it to me.

About 750,000 might vote differently
than last election.

- Laugesen is chasing the 250,000 middle...
- Yes.

- They are drawing lots for the order.
- Katrine, two minutes.

Katrine, come here.
You're going to do great.

You look stunning.
You are an incredibly talented journalist.

If you don't nail this,
it's my ass, all right?



- The black one was at the cleaners.
- You look great.

Just relax and be yourself.

And stick to the speech.

Could we talk for a minute?

I don't think you should use that now.

Are you crazy?

Ten seconds. Katrine in position.
You look enchanting.

And... four..

three... two...


Ready, three.

- Good evening, welcome...
- [girl] Dad, it's starting!

All right, all right, I'm coming.

- Here you go, honey.
- [boy] Come on.

We are debating this election's
main topics. Plenty to talk about

and at the end of the program,
each leader gets two minutes to talk.

We are tough. The microphone
is switched off after two minutes.

Everyone gets the same,
however difficult it may sound.

Don't look at me like that,
I'll behave tonight.


- That would be a first, Svend Åge.
- [audience laughing]

There's Mom! Hi, Mom!

Dad, that dress is so embarrassing.

Send positive energy to your mom.
Positive energy.

The Liberals' Lars Hesselboe has been
the prime minister for seven years,

Michael Laugesen from the Worker's Party
wants his office.

There has been no shortage
of promises from the two gentlemen,

but on behalf of the women, I'll say that
as with elsewhere, size doesn't matter.

- [audience laughing]
- Welcome to the final debate 2010.

[audience applauding]

[Katrine] This is it, friends.

Now every party leader gets two minutes
to speak.

- First is Anne Sophie Lindenkrone.
- [man clears throat]

- [Katrine] The floor is yours.
- Thank you.

I'm ashamed to be Danish
when I see the selfish Denmark

Hesselboe and friends have shown us
the last seven years.

[man] Katrine,
your intro for Amir Diwan on three.

- Are we sure Diwan is with a "w"?
- Yes. And he's there.

[Diwan] And a vote for us is a vote
for an environmentally,

economically responsible
and healthy Denmark.

Of course Denmark needs armed forces
that are up to date and educated.

[man] Prepare for Hesselboe on three.

[Lars] We also believe the individual's
freedom, initiative and ability to act

is a vital motor for the Danish economy.

[Svend Åge]
Can we still take care of our elders,

while taking care of criminal immigrants
and refugees

who travel 6,000 miles to get here...

[man] Katrine, it's Birgitte Nyborg now,
and she is on three.

And three is on.

- [audience applauding]
- Thank you, Svend Åge Saltum.

The penultimate speaker is Birgitte Nyborg
from the Moderates.

[Birgitte] Thank you.

Well... all of us up here
have become very professional.

We know the questions in advance,
because they are agreed with the media.

- We get polls every hour...
- [Torben] That's not scripted.

Katrine, it's not a prepared speech.

It's pure improvisation.

[Birgitte] And we do all this
because it is so important to be perfect.

Right now, my spin doctor is backstage
and cursing me

for not reading my speech.

And he is upset that I didn't wear
the clothes we agreed on.

But the thing is...

it doesn't fit me these days because
I've put on a little too much weight.

[scattered laughter]

Give me a full frontal sh*t, two.

We need to see the dress, two.
Yes, hold it.

You are on, two.

[Birgitte] I believe we have to admit
when we are wrong

and speak up when there is something
we don't understand or know.

I became a politician

because I once had an opinion
on how to organize the world.

I still do.

I believe...

that we are losing the glue
that holds Denmark together.

I believe, opposite the Freedom Party,

that we already live
in a multi-ethnic society

and that it is meaningless
to discuss how to avoid it.

I believe it is a myth

that we are equal
with equal opportunities.

During the last seven years,
the gap between rich and poor has grown.

And the prime minister will
probably say, "It will be fine.

Everyone forges his own destiny."

But believing that free market forces

is the best w*apon against
social inequality

is like saying cars will stop
global warming on their own.

It is not good enough.

If we are to create
a new Denmark together,

we have to invent a new way
of talking to each other

and a new way of doing politics.

It is possible that words like socialism,
liberalism and solidarity

are words that describe
the world of yesterday, not tomorrow.

The modern world is full of variety,

and our democracy must mirror this
as well.

A vote for the Moderates tomorrow
is a vote for a new Denmark.

Thank you.

[Katrine] Thank you, Birgitte Nyborg.

Holy smokes, Nyborg is on fire tonight.

That's your mom.
You can be proud of her.

[Katrine] Thank you, moving on.

Last man, Michael Laugesen.
Can you top that?

You bet. Thank you.

I have of course written a speech
like everyone else... or most of us.

But I can't make it,

because I today have seen proof of,
what I would call,

the arrogance of power
in the prime minister.

For seven years,
the prime minister has preached

economic austerity for the voters.

But, Lars Hesselboe,

how can you do this
when you apparently

run around and pay private expenses
with treasury money?

- [Lars] What are you talking about?
- This, Lars Hesselboe,

is a receipt that shows
the prime minister

has given his wife presents worth
over 70,000 kroner from the treasury!

Holy sh*t!

Show us the receipt, one. Yes, two.

What the hell is happening?

Go on, I need to check something.

- 70,000 kroner!
- [Katrine] Please, quiet down.

- Don't the rules apply to us all?
- [Katrine] Yes.

The prime minister on three.
Can you do that?

Katrine, let him continue,
even if he runs out of time.

We need a response from Lars Hesselboe.

Thank you.

I don't know what kind of...

receipts Laugesen has, but I can say
that this is not the right place for that.

Is that your signature, Lars Hesselboe?

No, that's enough!

I won't stand here and be accused
of some imagined criminal act.

- You have to answer for your actions.
- Talk with my lawyer.

Yes, and I'm leaving this debate now.

That's like admitting to it!

- Follow him, follow him.
- Three, follow him.

Follow him. All the way out.
Even though it's ugly. Follow him.

[Katrine] Thank you to Laugesen.

- [Michael] He is admitting...
- [Katrine] I'm cutting you off.

The debate is over. Thank you.

This debate ended in a surprising way
it's safe to say.

We'll be back tonight with
a special broadcast covering the debate.

- Thank you and have a great election.
- [man] And two.

We are off, friends. Great job!

Damn! Listen up.

That is damn good television,
boys and girls.

No doubt about it.

[woman] Damn, you were good!

I think my daughter might want
your autograph. Could I have it later?

- Of course.
- Thank you.

[Birgitte] Thank you.

Where did Laugesen get
that information from?

Be at Borgen nine a.m. tomorrow
and clear your desk.


- Have a good day.
- Yes, bye!


[man] Today is when the Danes vote on
who will be in power the next four years

at Christiansborg.

This time, often-reliable polls

are believed to be useless
following yesterday's debate,

which is described as the most chaotic
political debate ever.

Several commentators have said...


I think we would have made a great team.

Drop the emotion.
I'm better at that than you.

My keys...

and your phone.

Computer and the campaign files
are over there.

I agreed with security that you must give
your ID card to me before leaving Borgen.

- Thank you.
- [exhales]

[man] Birgitte!

Leadership in the Worker's Party
has distanced itself from Laugesen.

The unexpected and dramatic end
to yesterday's party leader debate on TV1

has shaken the Worker's Party.

The highly respected former chairman,
Hardy Eriksen,

said on the radio this morning,

that Laugesen's behavior during
the final debate was a disgrace.

"I can no longer support
Michael Laugesen," says Hardy Eriksen.

[turns off TV]

This could...
this could go in any direction.

I think we have to wear
our pinstripes tonight.

[cell phone ringing]





And right off the bat is a surprise,

since the first exit polls suggest
the Moderates might wind up

tonight's big winners
with more than eight seats...

Mom! You've gained eight points!

It's called seats, you dumb-ass.

Hey, don't joke around with this, okay?

- [girl] It's true.
- Yes, Ritzau just announced it.

Okay, fine.

[sighs] I hate it.

I hate it, hate it, hate it.

A moment, Phillip, I am in hell here.

[Phillip] Birgitte.

[clicks tongue]

[huffs] I made the cleaners
buy you a new one.

They shrunk the old one, remember?

- I love you.
- Mmm!

[man] Something is happening. We expect
the chairman for the Worker's Party...

We still await key personalities
in this election,

one of the most surprising in modern time.

- [clamoring]
- Is it me you are waiting for?

Wait a minute.
Somebody has to enter before us.

- [girl] Why?
- Mom needs to be on television too, honey.

[Katrine] The prime minister
and Mrs. Hesselboe have arrived.

Lars Hesselboe,
how do you feel about the results?

I am both shocked and disappointed that
the last 24 hours of misunderstandings

will have such huge
political consequences.

But are they misunderstandings?
Your lawyer has not denied the allegations

concerning your wife's purchases
for over 70,000 kroner.

- There is talk of police involvement.
- The accusations are baseless.

Will you continue as prime minister?

All right.

[crowd clamoring]

Michael Laugesen, do you have a comment...

I've brought clear evidence
which Hesselboe can't refute.

He has stolen from the treasury
and should pay for it. I regret nothing.

[Katrine] Do you think you'll become
prime minister tonight?

I just want to say that my wife
Margit's dress, look at that...

Ten years old,
375 kroner at a department store.


- [clamoring]
- [man] Birgitte!

Here we have one of the election's
biggest winners,

Birgitte Nyborg Christensen
from the Moderates.

- [shouting]
- [Katrine] Birgitte!

Remember this moment, honey.

Have a good evening.

The ascent of the Moderates continues,

ten more seats for Birgitte Nyborg
and her party in the new parliament.

This is insane!
We've gained ten seats, Birgitte!

Damn it, what if they become useless
because Hesselboe has enough?

He has lost 12 seats, he must resign.
The path is clear!

[Birgitte] Thank you.

- We are going to call it a night.
- I want to see the national result.

No, you guys look so tired.
Look at your little brother.

[kisses] Is that okay?

It's fine.
You looked like a statesman tonight.

See you later. Come on, kids. Come on.

[all] Bye!

A great leap forward again.

- Two more seats...
- [cheering]


And we are now ready
with the national result.

It is without a doubt
a landslide election in Denmark.

The election's two big opponents,
Laugesen and Hesselboe,

are also this election's biggest losers.

But the big winner is without a doubt
the Moderates.

Fifteen seats, Bent, fifteen seats.
I can't believe it.

It shouldn't even be possible.
You captured some kind of zeitgeist.

This is the beginning
of something new, Birgitte.

- Now you go in there and thank them.
- [crowd chanting]

And lead them, for they have shown
they want you to lead them.

- Bent, what if I don't know how?
- Then you'll learn it on the fly!

[crowd chanting, cheering]

Thank you!

[chanting] Gitte! Gitte! Gitte!

We've come so far! [chuckles]

[chanting] Gitte! Gitte! Gitte! Gitte...

[man on radio]
Several analysts say that voters

have rejected both the Worker's Party
as well as the Liberals

because of the personal showdown
between Laugesen and Hesselboe.

And that this void has been filled
by Birgitte Nyborg

with a different and personal...

- [crowd cheering]
- Aren't you coming?

Torben is asking for you.
He's about to start his speech.

Be right there.

[Torben] Katrine, you have to come.
I'm praising you to the skies, damn it.

[shudders, sobbing]

[Torben] What's going on?


[Torben] There, there.


Thank you.

- [door opens, closes]
- Hi.

I didn't buy pastries.

They say I'm going to be prime minister.


[theme music playing]