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02x07 - Growing Affection

Posted: 03/12/24 18:31
by bunniefuu
In the end, Tadano never came back to the driving school.

DRIVING SCHOOL Next person, please.

Yes! What happened to him?
Was he unable to continue because he had no money?
I wish he would have at least said goodbye to me.

Next person, please.

Oh, yes! OK, sit down and look at the camera.

Don't smile, please.

Raise your chin a bit.

OK, here we go.

Here's your driver's license.

DRIVER'S LICENSE Why do I look like a criminal?
! RAGE RAGE You've got your driver's license already?
That was fast! Really?
It took me three months.

You were working all the while, though.

You did well.

Isn't that something! Let me see your license.

No way.

But why?
Don't you have one?
No, I don't.

It's something like this The pictures they take at the driver's license center aren't, well You mean it came out ugly?
Idiot! Don't say "ugly!" It's OK, Haida.

Yeah, that's true.

It ended up looking like a mug shot.

Never mind that.

Most licenses end up looking that way.

You can fix it when you renew it.

You just have a three
-year wait.

It's like a three
-year sentence, then.

Anai, will you shut up! I'm stuck with this mug shot, but at least I've got my license.

As long as I have this the world is mine!
-This is so much fun!
-This is so much fun! Nice weather! Nice mountains! Nice water! Awful picture! I'm behind bars! Pipe down.

Calm down.

You're not kids.


Washimi doesn't seem very happy to be here.

That's not true.

Look! She's tapping her tail.

That means she's enjoying this.

The body doesn't lie.


You caught on to that?
Washimi and I are old friends, after all.

What are you talking about?

-Nothing! What a great trip.


-Thank you, Retsuko.

-Thank you, Retsuko.

A singles party?
You two went together?
Her profile was full of lies, though.

She lied about her age! I can't believe you did that.

But, Retsuko, I thought you hated arranged meetings?
Did you mom talk you into it?
Well, that's kind of true.

But I've been thinking that marriage might be the right option for me.

On Appreciation Day, I met Kabae's family.

Surrounded by her children and kind husband, Kabae looked so happy.

I realized that being needed by your family is a form of happiness.

I want to be needed by someone, too! Washimi, let's go together next time.

No way.

No more parties for me.

Come on, let's go! Please, I beg you! Washimi?
I'm going to sleep now.

Isn't it freezing out there?
You'll catch a cold.

Marriage is nothing to aspire to.

You get hitched and then fall out of love before you know it.

Do you want to live your life lying to yourself?
What's got into you?
I'm saying that selfish aspirations hurt you in the end.

What's wrong with having a dream?
And who are you to preach?
You can't know that until you get married, right?
I did, actually.

I know what it's like.

You do?

I was married for all of four months.

How did I not know this?
I never told you.

You should have! Aren't we friends?
I didn't feel the need to.

Then why tell me now?
Don't get offended.

I doubt marriage would suit you, Gori.

I'm not deluding myself concerning that.

But are you really one to talk?
Wasn't your marriage a mistake?
What are you talking about?
After the divorce, I was finally able to understand myself.

I look back on it as a learning experience.

OK, I'll rephrase that.

I'm not interested in the lectures of a "proud divorcée!" What are you getting at?
I'm saying that I'm sick of your anecdotal "advice.

" Hey, hey, hey! Let's not spoil a perfectly good vacation! See?
Look! Look at this! Look at this! You're too old to play the "cool girl.

" It was just giving you advice, nothing more.

We've spent years hanging out together Why you fretting That we're not birds of a feather You know, your old act is getting stale Better pack it up quick Before I kick your tail My turn You cry at the drop of a hat Your emotional IQ is not all that You pinning all your hopes Onto a fairy tale When it's clear to everybody That you're doomed to fail

You wanna say that again?


If you had listened, I wouldn't have to.

Wait, stop! I'm sure we can figure this out Shut up! Not your fight, new girl Right! Thanks for the advice.

You're welcome.

That was such a fun trip to the hot spring! Let's do this again next year! Is anyone hungry?
What would you like to eat?
Washimi, I've got a favor to ask.

I'd like to host a meeting next week.

Could you squeeze an hour for this into my schedule?
Very well.

Who are you meeting with?
The president of an AI venture.

His pitch was great, so I'd like to meet him.

I want you to be there, too, Washimi.

I understand.


This is about AI software, then.

What's your opinion as our Marketing Manager?
I think it would be necessary to measure its efficiency first.

I see.

But this is somewhat of an unusual offer.

Rather than become their client, they're asking us to help train the AI in a joint research project.

The implementation cost is on them! Still, you get what you pay for.

Anyhow, the director will be here next week.

As our site manager, you should also be there, Gori.

OK, I understand.


Do you think I'm cut out for marriage?
Retsuko, are you getting married?
No, no, that's not what I meant! Some of my acquaintances got into a fight after arguing about marriage.

I wonder if some people just aren't right for it Yeah, I guess.

At first, I wasn't at all cut out for marriage.

You see, I've always been a blabbermouth, ever since I was very young.

While on dates, I'd talk and talk, the whole time, and that pushed my dates to breaking point.

People called me the "God of Destruction.

" I can imagine I was afraid that I'd never get married, so, one day, I tried to stop talking.

Wasn't that really difficult?
It sure was! After sealing my mouth shut for three weeks, my body turned purple.

That night, I rushed to the hospital.

-"You're suffocating"
-said the doctor.

So I took all the words I'd accumulated and dumped them on that doctor.

He smiled all the way through and listened to me.

The doctor on duty that day became my husband.

I realized, with him, I can be myself.

With him, I don't have to let go of my dreams.

Now I feel really blessed.

So whether you're right for marriage doesn't matter.

It takes two to make a marriage work, after all.

I wonder if I'll ever meet someone like that.

Of course you will, as long as you keep being yourself.

By the way, who was it that got into an argument?
Tell me, tell me! And here we see her being herself.

I realized, with him, I can be myself.

"With him"?

No, no, you shouldn't! Don't let him pop up in your mind! He's officially jobless, remember?
Be realistic about marriage.

Yeah, you're absolutely right, Mom! We have to be realistic! Do you think Prince Charming will just show up one day?
Of course not! I'm not a kid anymore.


No way, no way! You shouldn't think about him! If he's jobless, you can always provide for him, right?
Kabae No way, no way! Kabae never said that! Don't create false memories like that.

I should have asked for his number.

Sir, fifteen minutes have passed.

Please wake up.

Fifteen minutes have passed.

Please wake up.

You have a meeting with Chararyman's CEO at one o'clock.

We'll be arriving in five minutes.

Never heard of it.

A two
-minute summary Oh, wait a second.

Did you choose that company?
Yes, I did.

From all of the company samples, a comparison of scale, last year's results, stock ENI

That's a bad habit of yours.

Please point out the problem.

At times like this, only answer what you're asked.

Nobody likes excessive explanations.

So, you chose it?
I did.

Then I won't complain.

Believing you is my job.